
Woke - Wikipedia

Woke - Wikipedia

워크 (낱말)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

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2018년 "깨어있어라: 투표해라"라고 적힌 티셔츠를 들고 있는 당시 미국 하원의원 마샤 퍼지.

워크(woke)는 "인종적 편견과 차별에 대한 경계"를 의미하는 형용사로 (직역으로 "깨어있는"이라는 뜻) 영미권, 특히 미국에서 많이 쓰이는 표현이다. 원래는 아프리카계 미국인 사투리 (AAVE)에서 파생되었다.[1][2] 2010년대부터 인종차별성차별LGBT 인권 부정 등 사회적 불평등에 대한 폭넓은 인식을 포괄하게 되었으며 또한 미국의 백인 특권과 노예 배상안과 같은 정체성 정치 및 사회 정의와 관련된 미국 좌파의 일부 아이디어에 대한 약어로 사용된 바 있다.[3][4][5]

깨어있어라 (stay woke)라는 문구는 1930년대부터 아프리카계 미국인 사투리 (AAVE)에 사용되었으며 어떤 경우에는 아프리카계 미국인에게 영향을 미치는 사회적, 정치적 문제에 대한 인식을 의미하기도 했다. 20세기 중반에는 레드 벨리의 작품, 2000년 이후에는 에리카 바두의 작품에서 사용되기도 했다.

워오크라는 용어는 2010년대에 더욱 인기를 얻었고 시간이 지날수록 인종차별의 문제를 넘어 소외된 집단 자체, 특히 젠더 및 정체성과 점점 더 연결되었다. 2014년의 퍼거슨 불온사태 기간에는 Black Lives Matter 운동가들 (아프리카계 미국인에 대한 경찰의 총격 사건에 대한 인식을 의식화하려는 단체)에 의해 대중화되었다. 트위터 흑인들 (Black Twitter)에 의해 용어 워오크가 사용되자 점점 더 많이 백인들에 의해 사용되었고 이는 스스로를 BLM 지지자로 식별하기 위함이었다 (일부 평론가들은 이러한 사용법을 문화적 전유라고 비판했다). 워오크는 밀레니얼 세대와 Z세대 사이에서 인기를 얻었으며 국제적으로 사용이 확산되자 2017년 옥스포드 영어 사전에 추가되었다.

2020년에 와서는 여러 서방 국가의 많은 정치적 우파중도파에서 쓰였으며 다양한 좌파 및 진보 운동과 이데올로기에 대한 멸칭으로 사용되었다. 그 결과, 일부 논평자들은 정체성과 인종과 관련된 진보적 사상을 옹호하는 사람들을 비하한다는 이유로 워오크를 모욕적인 표현이라고 보게 되었다. 이후, 진정한 변화가 아닌 재정적 또는 정치적 편의를 위해 진보적 대의를 주장하는 개인이나 단체(동성애를 옹호하는 소비자의 비위를 맞추기 위해 가게에 무지개기를 거는 행위 등)를 비판하기 위해 워오크-워싱 및 워오크 자본주의와 같은 용어도 탄생했다.


Woke [일어 한역]

출처 : 무료 백과 사전 "Wikipedia (Wikipedia)"
「Stay Woke: Vote」라고 쓰여진 T셔츠 를 나타내는 미국 하원 의원 마시아 퍼지(2018년)

Woke (워크, ˈ oʊ k ] WOHK )는 '깨어난 깨달았다'를 의미하는 'wake'의 과거 형태 에서 온 흑인 영어 (AAVE)에서 유래한 [1] , ' 인종적 편견 과 차별 에 대한 경고를 의미하는 영어 형용사 .


편집 ]

2010년대 이후 성차별 등 사회적 불평등 에 관한 폭넓은 개념이 포함되게 되어, 백인 특권 이나 아프리카계 미국인 에 대한 노예제 의 배상 등, 미국 에서의 정체 정치 나 사회 정의 를 포함한 좌익 사상의 약어 로도 사용되었습니다.

쿠리에 재폰 은, 「woke」를 비판했을 때의 보도로 「깨어」라고 표현하고 있다 [2] . 또, 주장·활동 내용으로부터 비판적인 의미로 폴리티컬·콜렉트니스 의 일본어 약칭인 「폴리콜레」가 동의어로서 사용되는 경우가 많다.

2010년대 중반 이후는 '사회에 대해 높은 의식을 가진다'는 의미에서 표면적인 폴리티컬 콜렉트니스적인 영향을 주는 사람들, 가치관을 밀어붙이는 의식 높은 계라는 부정적인 의미로 사용되도록 되었다. 이런 의미에서 특히 기후변화 대책 을 호소하면서 프라이빗 제트를 타는 더블 스탠다드 연예인 , 기후변화 대책이나 블랙라이브스마터 (BLM) 등의 인종차별 문제에 기부하는 한편 조세 회피 나 가혹한 노동환경 를 유지하고 외국인 노동자를 유입시켜 임금 상승을 억제하고 있는 아마존 등의 기업이 들 수 있으며, 이러한 체제는 'woke 자본주의'라고도 불린다 [3] [4] .

'stay woke'(워크로 가자)라는 문구는 1930년대 까지 흑인 영어로 등장했다. 일부 맥락에서는 아프리카계 미국인 에 영향을 미치는 사회적 및 정치적 문제의 개념을 언급한다. 이 문구는 레드 베리 에 의해 나중에 에리카 바두 에 의해 발성되었다. 2014년 미주리 주 퍼거슨 에서 마이클 브라운 사살 사건이 발생한 후 이 문구는 아프리카계 미국인에 대한 경찰에 의한 총격에 대한 의식을 높이려고 하는 BLM의 활동가에 의해 전파되어 SNS 에서 사용되고 유행했다 [5] . 주로 밀레니얼 세대 와 관련된이 용어는 국제적으로 퍼져 2017 년 옥스포드 영어 사전 에 추가되었습니다.

2020년 까지 일부 서방 국가의 정치 중도파 와 우익 중 일부는 '독점적', '거대함', '성능적', '불성실'으로 간주되는 다양한 진보적인 좌파 운동과 이데올로기 에 대한 모욕 으로, 종종 아이러니 한 방식으로 "woke"라는 용어를 사용했습니다. 또 일부 평론가 들은 "아이덴티티와 인종 을 포함한 정치사상을 추진하는 사람들을 부정적으로 묘사하는 불쾌한 용어"라고 생각하게 됐다. 2021년 까지, woke는 칭칭으로서 거의 독점적으로 사용되게 되었고, 이 말은 경멸적인 맥락에서 가장 현저하게 사용되고 있다 [6] [7] .


편집 ]

북한에서 탈북하고 한국 대학에서 콜롬비아 대학 으로 편입한 인권활동가 박용미 는 콜롬비아 대학으로 퍼지는 워크 문화에는 북한과의 유사성이 보인다고 말했다. 그녀는 학내가 "반서양적인 감정과 집합적 죄책감, 답답한 폴리티컬 콜렉트니스"로 넘쳐났다고 말했고, 예로서 제인 오스틴 의 저서를 좋아한다고 말했을 때 담당자에게 “식민지주의적인 마인드셋의 작가 중 한 명이라고 알고 있다? 그들은 차별주의자로 레이시스트”라고 말했다고 말했다. 그녀는 학내에서는 '사상의 검열'이 만연하고 있어 '사람들은 자발적으로 서로를 검열하고 침묵하게 하고 있다' '모두가 동시에 하나의 이데올로기에 열중'되어 있다고 말하고 있다 [8] .

2019년에는 민주당 버락 오바마 전 대통령도 우려를 표명했다 [9] [10] . 그는 “워크”는 젊은이들 사이에 퍼져나가는 욕망이라고 표현하고 “자신은 결코 타협 하지 않는다는 태도, 자신은 항상 정치적으로 워크라는 추억은 일찍 잊어야 한다”고 말했다 . 캔슬 컬쳐는 「워크」라고 자신을 나타내고 싶기 위해서 일어나고 있다고 하고, 「이런 방식으로 세상을 바꿀 수 없다. 그렇게 마음에 들지 않는 것에 돌을 던지고 있을 뿐이라면 성공에는 그리 멀다」 라고 비판하고 있다. 타인을 철저히 비판하는 현대의 풍조도 비난하고 있다 [11] . 미국 대학은 워크컬쳐의 중심이 되고 있다. 미국에서는 언론의 자유가 억압되고 있어 사회 문제 등 주류로 여겨지고 있는 것과 다른 의견의 표명 자체가 곤란해지고 있어, 학문 분야조차도 아카데미아 본래의 「진실의 추구」라는 존재 이념에 상반된 상태가 되고 있어 사회정의에서 사전에 '올바른 의견'이 마음대로 결정되어 의견의 다양성을 빼앗기고 있다 [9] . 몰리 로버트슨 은 언더그라운드 코믹스 운동 의 중심 인물이었던 로버트 클럼 까지도 '표현이 불쾌하다'는 이유만으로 '취소 대상'으로 되어 철거되거나 그를 칭찬하는 발언이 웃음 씨앗으로 된 것에 경악하고 있다 [10] .

제프 베조스(Jeff Vezos) 와 같은 걸출한 글로벌 기업, 부유층, 엘리트층 등의 상류계급이 기후변화 대책을 위해 국가 정부가 기후변화 대책을 위해 던진 자금과 거의 같은 정도의 거액의 기부를 실시하는 한편 로 조세법의 허점을 교묘하게 이용해 조세 회피하는, BLM, LGBTQ 활동자를 지원하는 한편, 노동자를 가혹한 환경에서 혹사해, 빈곤국의 이민 노동자 수용에 의해 임금 인상을 저지하는 등 공공의 이익을 중시하고 있는 것처럼 보이는 활동은 그들의 경제적 이익을 지키고 심지어 번식하기 위한 책략이며, 그들이 투자·지원을 조건으로 요구를 밀어 넣음으로써 공공의 이익을 실현하는 것은 민주 로 선택되어 국민에 대한 책임을 가지는 정부가 아니게 되어, 결과, 부자층에 의한 금권 정치로 되어 있어 노동자 계급이 인원수가 많은 것을 배경으로 발언권을 가지고 있던 대중참가 정당, 의회, 노동조합, 풀뿌리 종교단체나 시민단체 등 주요 기관은 괴멸하거나 약화되어 발언력을 잃고 [12] 평등과 자유, 시민의 논의를 중시하는 민주주의의 전통은 글로벌 기업 , 부유층, 엘리트층의 목소리에 압도되게 되기 때문에 민주주의가 작동하지 않게 된다고 하는 지적도 있어, 그러한 체제는 「워크 자본주의」라고도 불린다 [13] [4] .

워크 어웨이

편집 ]

한편 'RedPillBlack'과 ' #WokeAway '라는 리버럴파가 woke와의 결별을 주장하는 운동이 퍼지고 있다. 전자의 리더는 흑인 여성의 캔디스 오웬스 , 후자의 리더는 게이 남성의 브랜든 스트라카인 등, woke 주장자가 구제 대상으로 하는 사회적 소수자로부터의 의사표시도 눈에 띈다 [14] .

Get woke, go Broke

편집 ]

미국의 작가 존 링고 의 말이며, 영어권의 나드 세계에서 넷밈이 되고 있는 말에 「Get woke, go broke」가 있다. '깨어나 파산'이라는 의미이며 창조적인 기업이 'woke'적 가치관에 조직적으로 기울어 버리는 것은 작품의 (진정한 의미에서의) 다양성을 잃을 뿐만 아니라 경제 적인 의미에서도 파멸을 가져온다는 것을 설명하고 있으며, 업계의 쇠퇴가 우려되고 있다 요출전 ] .

보수계의 웹 미디어 더 페더러 리스트 영어판 ) [15] 는, woke를 주장하는 사람들은, 엔터테인먼트 작품에 「woke가 아니다」라고 말을 걸 수는 있어도, 그들의 말을 듣고 「수정 되었다'작품 [주1] 의 소비자가 되는 것은 없다고 주장하고 있다. 또한, 그 타이틀은 본래의 팬들에게 떠나, 수익이 하락하고 있다고 주장하고 있다 [19] . 실제로 슈퍼맨 의 아들을 양성애로 설정한 Superman: Son of Kal-El 잡지는 일부로부터 적의가 전해지고 있어 출판사나 작자에게는 살해 예고조차 향해졌다 [20] . 저자 톰 킹 영어판 ) 은 이 잡지가 Going woke and broke (→woke 노선 때문에 잡혔다) 라는 보도에 대해 잡지 제16호가 아마존 의 세일즈 랭킹에서 선두를 차지한 사실을 들어 반론 하고 있다 [21] .

기업이 woke에 주력하는 이유 중 하나로 기업에 대한 투융자에 있어서 환경·사회·기업 통치의 관점에서 기업을 평가·선별하는 'ESG 원칙'이 있다고 하며, 반ESG의 움직임도 존재한다 [22] .


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  1.  KKK와 싸우는 슈퍼맨」 「바이섹셜 로, Woke의 활동을 실시하는 슈퍼맨의 아들」[16] [17] , 「흑인의 배트맨」[18] , 「바이섹슈얼 의 울버린」 등.


편집 ]
  1. https://courrier.jp/columns/254152/ 알아 두고 싶은 영어의 속어 “woke” 는 무슨 뜻?
  2. ↑ “ 탈북 히로인 미국 엘리트교에 퍼지는 “깨어나 문화”에 “북한과 닮았다”라고 고언 ” . courrier japon. 2021년 6월 21일 시점의 오리지널 보다 아카이브. .
  3. “ “100억 달러 기부”와 “조세 회피”의 공존은 올바른가 ”. 동양 경제 온라인 (2023년 5월 16일). 2023년 12월 6일 열람.
  4. b https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/664325 “의식 높은 계” 자본주의가 “임금 UP”을 억제하고 있는 이유 기업이 “SDGs”나 사회 정의에 임하는 진짜 이유
  5. https://front-row.jp/_ct/17170318 【영회화】유행의 속어 「woke」는 어떤 의미? 지난 몇 년 동안 사용 빈도가 급증 한 깊은 이유
  6. ↑ Bacon, Perry Jr. (2021년 3월 17일). “Why Attacking 'Cancel Culture' And 'Woke' People Is Becoming The GOP's New Political Strategy”
  7. ↑ McWhorter, John (2021년 8월 17일). “Opinion | How 'Woke' Became an Insult” . The New York Times
  8. ↑ “ 탈북 히로인 미국 엘리트교에 퍼지는 “깨어나 문화”에 “북한과 닮았다”라고 고언 ” . courrier japon. 2021년 6월 21일 시점의 오리지널 보다 아카이브. .
  9. b “ 하나의 ‘실언’으로 발언의 장소를 빼앗긴다… ‘캔슬 컬처’의 위험한 실태(벤자민 크리처) ”. 현대 비즈니스 (2020년 8월 18일). 2023년 12월 6일 열람.
  10. b “ 오바마도 우려하는 "woke"한 젊은이들의 ‘캔슬컬쳐’ - 사회-뉴스 ”. 주 프리뉴스[주간 플레이보이 뉴스 사이트 ] 브라우징.
  11. ↑ “ 오바마 전 대통령, 인터넷상의 과격한 비판 문화를 비난 “세상은 변하지 않는다” (2019년 11월 1일) ”. 엑사이트 뉴스 (2019년 11월 1일). 2023년 12월 6일 열람.
  12.  마이클 린드 「새로운 계급 투쟁: 대도시 엘리트로부터 민주주의를 지킨다」(동양경제신보사 2022년 ) ISBN 4492444718p.119.
  13. “ “100억 달러 기부”와 “조세 회피”의 공존은 올바른가 ”. 동양 경제 온라인 (2023년 5월 16일). 2023년 12월 6일 열람.
  14. https://synodos.jp/opinion/international/22308/ 워크 어웨이 운동――미국의 리버럴파는 왜 미움받는지
  15. ↑ “ The Federalist as “Medical Journal” in the Time of the Coronavirus ”. The New Yorker (2020년 4월 12일). 2023년 1월 3일에 확인함.
  16. https://www.esquire.com/ko/entertainment/entertainment-news/a37960695/new-superman-bisexual-dc-comics/
  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11308083/DC-Comics-cancels-gay-Superman-book-series-just-18-issues-sales-fall-flat.html
  18. https://hypebeast.com/ko/2020/12/dc-comics-first-black-batman-news
  19. https://thefederalist.com/2021/01/07/what-us-nerd-entertainment-must-learn-from-japanese-comics-and-the-mandalorian/
  20. ↑ “ DC Comics illustrators call police after 'receiving death threats' over Superman's bisexuality ”. Independent (2021년 11월 3일). 2023년 1월 3일에 확인함.
  21. ↑ “ Superman Writer Tom Taylor Debunks Claims Jon Kent's Solo Comic Was 'Canceled' ”. CBR.com (2021년 11월 3일). 2022년 10월 13일에 확인함.
  22. ↑ https://project.nikkeibp.co.jp/ESG/atcl/column/00005/040500337/ 「반ESG」가 새로운 재무 리스크에 월가의 금융 대기업이 직면


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Then-United States Congresswoman Marcia Fudge holding a T-shirt reading "Stay Woke: Vote" in 2018

Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination.[1] 

Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injusticesexism, and denial of LGBT rights

Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left involving identity politics and social justice, such as white privilege and reparations for slavery in the United States.[2][3][4]

The phrase stay woke has been present in AAVE since the 1930s. In some contexts, it referred to an awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans. The phrase was uttered in recordings from the mid-20th century by Lead Belly and, post-millennium, by Erykah Badu.

The term woke gained further popularity in the 2010s. Over time, it became increasingly connected to matters beyond race such as gender and identities perceived as marginalized. During the 2014 Ferguson protests, the phrase was popularized by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists seeking to raise awareness about police shootings of African Americans. After the term was used on Black Twitterwoke was increasingly used by white people, who often used it to signal their support for BLM; some commentators criticized this usage as cultural appropriation. The term became popular with millennials and members of Generation Z. As its use spread internationally, woke was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017.

By 2020, the term became a sarcastic pejorative among many on the political right and some centrists in Western countries, targeting various leftist and progressive movements. Woke was seen as offensive by commentators who felt it disparaged advocates of identity and race-related ideologies. Subsequently, terms like woke-washing and woke capitalism emerged to criticize those using social or political causes for financial or political gain, rather than sincere commitment, a phenomenon often referred to as "performative activism".

Origins and usage

Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa! Let us work towards the one glorious end of a free, redeemed and mighty nation. —Marcus GarveyPhilosophy and Opinions (1923)[3][5][6]

In some varieties of African-American Englishwoke is used in place of woken, the usual past participle form of wake.[7] This has led to the use of woke as an adjective equivalent to awake, which has become mainstream in the United States.[7][8]

While it is not known when being awake was first used as a metaphor for political engagement and activism, one early example in the United States was the paramilitary youth organization the Wide Awakes, which formed in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1860 to support the Republican candidate in the 1860 presidential electionAbraham Lincoln. Local chapters of the group spread rapidly across northern cities in the ensuing months and "triggered massive popular enthusiasm" around the election. The political militancy of the group also alarmed many southerners, who saw in the Wide Awakes confirmation of their fears of northern, Republican political aggression. The support among the Wide Awakes for abolition, as well as the participation of a number of black men in a Wide Awakes parade in Massachusetts, likely contributed to such anxiety.[9][10]

20th century

Folk singer-songwriter Lead Belly used the phrase "stay woke" on a recording of his song "Scottsboro Boys".

Among the earliest uses of the idea of wokeness as a concept for black political consciousness came from Jamaican philosopher and social activist Marcus Garvey,[3] who wrote in 1923, "Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa!"[3][6]

A 1923 collection of aphorisms, ideas, and other writing by Garvey also adopts this metaphor in the following epigram: "Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa! Let us work towards the one glorious end of a free, redeemed and mighty nation. Let Africa be a bright star among the constellation of nations."[6][3]

Black American folk singer-songwriter Huddie Ledbetter, a.k.a. Lead Belly, used the phrase "stay woke" as part of a spoken afterword to a 1938 recording of his song "Scottsboro Boys", which tells the story of nine black teenagers and young men falsely accused of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931. In the recording, Lead Belly says he met with the defendant's lawyer and the young men themselves, and "I advise everybody, be a little careful when they go along through there (Scottsboro) – best stay woke, keep their eyes open."[3][11] Aja Romano writes at Vox that this usage reflects "black Americans' need to be aware of racially motivated threats and the potential dangers of white America."[3]

By the mid-20th century, woke had come to mean 'well-informed' or 'aware',[12] especially in a political or cultural sense.[7] The Oxford English Dictionary traces the earliest such usage to a 1962 New York Times Magazine article titled "If You're Woke You Dig It" by African-American novelist William Melvin Kelley, describing the appropriation of black slang by white beatniks.[7]

Woke had gained more political connotations by 1971 when the play Garvey Lives! by Barry Beckham included the line: "I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, I'm gon' stay woke. And I'm gon help him wake up other black folk."[13][14]

2008–2014: #Staywoke hashtag

Through the late 2000s and early 2010s, woke was used either as a term for literal wakefulness, or as slang for suspicions of infidelity.[3] The latter meaning was used in singer Childish Gambino's 2016 song "Redbone".[15] In the 21st century's first decade, the use of woke encompassed the earlier meaning with an added sense of being "alert to social and/or racial discrimination and injustice".[7]

"Master Teacher", a 2008 song by the American singer Erykah Badu (pictured in 2012) included the term stay woke.

This usage was popularized by soul singer Erykah Badu's 2008 song "Master Teacher",[8][12] via the song's refrain, "I stay woke".[13] Merriam-Webster defines the expression stay woke in Badu's song as meaning, "self-aware, questioning the dominant paradigm and striving for something better"; and, although within the context of the song, it did not yet have a specific connection to justice issues, Merriam-Webster credits the phrase's use in the song with its later connection to these issues.[8][16]

Songwriter Georgia Anne Muldrow, who composed "Master Teacher" in 2005, told Okayplayer news and culture editor Elijah Watson that while she was studying jazz at New York University, she learned the invocation Stay woke from Harlem alto saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin, who used the expression in the meaning of trying to "stay woke" because of tiredness or boredom, "talking about how she was trying to stay up – like literally not pass out". In homage, Muldrow wrote stay woke in marker on a T-shirt, which over time became suggestive of engaging in the process of the search for herself (as distinct from, for example, merely personal productivity).[17]

"#StayWoke" hashtag on a placard during a December 2015 protest in Minneapolis

According to The Economist, as the term woke and the #Staywoke hashtag began to spread online, the term "began to signify a progressive outlook on a host of issues as well as on race".[18] In a tweet mentioning the Russian feminist rock group Pussy Riot, whose members had been imprisoned in 2012,[19][20] Badu wrote: "Truth requires no belief. Stay woke. Watch closely. #FreePussyRiot".[21][22][23] This has been cited by Know Your Meme as one of the first examples of the #Staywoke hashtag.[24]

2014–2015: Black Lives Matter

A 2015 protest in St. Paul by Black Lives Matter supporters against police brutality

Following the shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, the phrase stay woke was used by activists of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to urge awareness of police abuses.[3][25][24] The BET documentary Stay Woke, which covered the movement, aired in May 2016.[26] Within the decade of the 2010s, the word woke (the colloquial, passively voiced past participle of wake) obtained the meaning 'politically and socially aware'[27] among BLM activists.[7][25]

2015–2019: Broadening usage

While the term woke initially pertained to issues of racial prejudice and discrimination impacting African Americans, it came to be used by other activist groups with different causes.[4] While there is no single agreed-upon definition of the term, it came to be primarily associated with ideas that involve identity and race and which are promoted by progressives, such as the notion of white privilege or slavery reparations for African Americans.[28] Vox's Aja Romano writes that woke evolved into a "single-word summation of leftist political ideology, centered on social justice politics and critical race theory".[3] Columnist David Brooks wrote in 2017 that "to be woke is to be radically aware and justifiably paranoid. It is to be cognizant of the rot pervading the power structures."[29] 

Sociologist Marcyliena Morgan contrasts woke with cool in the context of maintaining dignity in the face of social injustice: "While coolness is empty of meaning and interpretation and displays no particular consciousness, woke is explicit and direct regarding injustice, racism, sexism, etc."[2]

The term woke became increasingly common on Black Twitter, the community of African American users of the social media platform Twitter.[15] André Brock, a professor of black digital studies at the Georgia Institute of Technology, suggested that the term proved popular on Twitter because its brevity suited the platform's 140-character limit.[15] According to Charles Pulliam-Moore, the term began crossing over into general internet usage as early as 2015.[30] The phrase stay woke became an Internet meme,[16] with searches for woke on Google surging in 2015.[4]

A woman draped in a rainbow flag and wearing sunglasses, standing with her back to the camera and holding a hand-lettered sign reading, "I [heart symbol] Naps But I Stay Woke"
Protester at a 2018 Women's March event in Missoula, Montana

The term has gained popularity amid an increasing leftward turn on various issues among the American Left; this has partly been a reaction to the right-wing politics of U.S. President Donald Trump, who was elected in 2016, but also to a growing awareness regarding the extent of historical discrimination faced by African Americans.[31] According to Perry Bacon Jr., ideas that have come to be associated with "wokeness" include a rejection of American exceptionalism; a belief that the United States has never been a true democracy; that people of color suffer from systemic and institutional racism; that white Americans experience white privilege; that African Americans deserve reparations for slavery and post-enslavement discrimination; that disparities among racial groups, for instance in certain professions or industries, are automatic evidence of discrimination; that U.S. law enforcement agencies are designed to discriminate against people of color and so should be defundeddisbanded, or heavily reformed; that women suffer from systemic sexism; that individuals should be able to identify with any gender or none; that U.S. capitalism is deeply flawed; and that Trump's election to the presidency was not an aberration but a reflection of the prejudices about people of color held by large parts of the U.S. population.[31] Although increasingly accepted across much of the American Left, many of these ideas were nevertheless unpopular among the U.S. population as a whole and among other, especially more centrist, parts of the Democratic Party.[31]

Cardboard sign at a street demonstration reading "Stay Woke – Bin Off this Bloke" with a picture of Rupert Murdoch
Placard criticising media mogul Rupert Murdoch at an environmentalist protest in Melbourne, Australia in 2020

The term increasingly came to be identified with millennials[15] and members of Generation Z.[32] In May 2016, MTV News identified woke as being among ten words teenagers "should know in 2016".[33][15] The American Dialect Society voted woke the slang word of the year in 2017.[34][35][36] In the same year, the term was included as an entry in Oxford English Dictionary.[37][7] By 2019, the term woke was increasingly being used in an ironic sense, as reflected in the books Woke by comedian Andrew Doyle (using the pen name Titania McGrath) and Anti-Woke by columnist Brendan O'Neill.[38] By 2022, usage of the term had spread beyond the United States, attracting criticism by right-wing political figures in Europe.[39]

2019–present: as a pejorative

By 2019,[40] opponents of progressive social movements were often using the term mockingly or sarcastically,[3][41] implying that "wokeness" was an insincere form of performative activism.[3][42] British journalist Steven Poole comments that the term is used to mock "overrighteous liberalism".[40] In this pejorative sense, woke means "following an intolerant and moralising ideology".[18]

United States

Among American conservatives and some centristswoke has come to be used primarily as an insult.[3][28][42] Members of the Republican Party have been increasingly using the term to criticize members of the Democratic Party, while more centrist Democrats use it against more left-leaning members of their own party; such critics accuse those on their left of using cancel culture to damage the employment prospects of those who are not considered sufficiently woke.[28][43] Perry Bacon Jr. suggests that this "anti-woke posture" is connected to a long-standing promotion of backlash politics by the Republican Party, wherein it promotes white and conservative fear in response to activism by African Americans as well as changing cultural norms.[28][44] Such critics often believe that movements such as Black Lives Matter exaggerate the extent of social problems.[41]

Among the uses by Republicans is the Stop WOKE Act, a law that limits discussion of racism in Florida schools. A program of eliminating books by LGBT and black authors from schools was conducted by the Florida government and by vigilantes calling themselves "woke busters".[45]

Linguist and social critic John McWhorter argues that the history of woke is similar to that of politically correct, another term once used self-descriptively by the left which was appropriated by the right as an insult, in a process similar to the euphemism treadmill.[46] Romano compares woke to canceled as a term for "'political correctness' gone awry" among the American right wing.[3] Attacking the idea of wokeness, along with other ideas such as cancel culture and critical race theory,[47] became a large part of Republican Party electoral strategy. Former President Donald Trump stated in 2021 that the Biden administration was "destroying" the country "with woke", and Republican Missouri senator Josh Hawley used the term to promote his upcoming book by saying the "woke mob" was trying to suppress it.[42]

Woke mind virus

"Woke mind virus", sometimes shortened to "WMV", is a term used to refer to anything which is perceived to be closely connected to wokeness and left-wing politics, with particular emphasis on actions or ideas that encourage the suppression of freedom of speech.[48] Woke mind virus is a neologism which has gained widespread use among politically right leaning or conservative pundits and audiences, most especially in the United States. The term was first majorly popularized when used by Elon Musk on the Twitter website in December 2021.[49][50] Florida governor and former presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has frequently used the term.[51] USA Today said that the term "woke" had been "co-opted by GOP activists".[52]


In India, the term is used as a pejorative by Hindutva activists and Hindu nationalists to refer to the critics of the Hindu nationalist ideology who are deemed as "anti-Hindu" by the Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.[53][54] The term is also synonymous with leftism in news headlines[55] and is commonly used in social media circles by critics of secularism in India.[56]


The term is widely used in Canada as in the United States to describe overly progressive politics.[57] During a debate in 2023 on the Law Society of Alberta's 2020 adoption of a rule which made certain Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training courses on Indigenous Canadian history obligatory, a lawyer from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms wrote an op-ed arguing that the course was a form of "wokeness".[58][59]

Professor Eric Kaufmann in his 2024 book The Great Awokening defined woke as "the making sacred of historically marginalized race, gender, and sex identity groups".[60][61]


The phenomenon le wokisme (sometimes translated 'wokeism'[62]) has also seen use in French politics, particularly since the 2022 French presidential election.[63][64][65][66] Much of the opposition to le wokisme sees it as an American import, incompatible with French values.[62] Then-education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer established an "anti-woke think tank" in opposition to what is perceived as an export from the English-speaking world.[62][67][39] According to French sociologist and political scientist Alain Policar [fr], the term "woke" which originated from African American communities to describe awareness of social injustices, has been used pejoratively by French politicians from the former republican left, the right and the far right to label individuals engaged in anti-racistfeministLGBT, and environmental movements.[68] This derogatory usage gave rise to the noun "wokisme", suggesting a homogeneous political movement propagating an alleged "woke ideology".[69][70]

French philosopher Pierre-Henri Tavoillot characterizes "wokeism" as a corpus of theories revolving around "identitygender and race", with the core principle of "revealing and condemning concealed forms of domination", positing that all aspects of society can be reduced to a "dynamic of oppressor and oppressed", with those oblivious to this notion deemed "complicit", while the "awakened (woke)" advocate for the "abolition (cancel) of anything perceived to sustain such oppression", resulting in practical implementations such as adopting inclusive languagereconfiguring education or deconstructing gender norms.[71]

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, public debate about woke has been driven by media commentary. Popular conservative papers such as the Daily Mail, the Daily Express and The Daily Telegraph commonly publish articles critical of what they term to be "woke". The Mail on Sunday publishes an annual "Woke List" criticising public figures for perceived "virtue signalling".[72] On the right-wing television channel GB News, journalist Andrew Neil presents a regular segment entitled "Wokewatch" which aims to be a counter-voice to "woke warriors".[73]

The term "woke" is often used as a pejorative by conservative figures.[39] Public figures such as Laurence Fox and Piers Morgan frequently speak out against they consider to be "woke".[74][75] During the run-up to the 2024 general election, the governing Conservative Party attracted criticism for attempting to create a culture war based on the woke concept.[76]

In a survey by YouGov, 73% of Britons who used the term said they did so in a disapproving way and 11% in an approving way.[77] The left-wing paper The Guardian, notes that cycling is now considered by some to be "woke".[78]


In Hungary, Hungarian politician Balázs Orbán stated that "we [Hungary] will not give up fighting against woke ideology".[79]

In Switzerland, politicians from and supporters of the right-wing Swiss People's Party criticized Swiss bank UBS for "woke culture".[80]


During the 2022 Australian federal election campaign, both Scott Morrison, then-prime minister and leader of the centre-right Liberal-National Coalition, and Anthony Albanese, the current prime minister and leader of the centre-left Australian Labor Party, insisted they were not "woke".[81] Peter Dutton, current Opposition Leader and leader of the Coalition, has also used the term several times before.[82][83] Members of minor right-wing parties, especially Pauline Hanson's One Nation and the United Australia Party, also frequently use the term.

In New Zealand, former deputy prime minister and leader of the New Zealand First PartyWinston Peters, referred to the government led by Jacinda Ardern and the New Zealand Labour Party as a "woke guilt industry".[84] Then–opposition leader Judith Collins also referred to Ardern as "woke".[85]

At the 2024 Queensland local government elections, "Say NO to WOKE" was registered as a group for the Toowoomba Regional Council. It ran two candidates but did not win any seats.[86]

Reception and legacy

Scholars Michael B. McCormack and Althea Legal-Miller argue that the phrase stay woke echoes Martin Luther King Jr.'s exhortation "to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change".[87][page needed]

In March 2021, Les Echos listed woke among eight words adopted by Generation Z that indicate "un tournant sociétal" ("a societal turning point") in France.[88]


Writer and activist Chloé Valdary has stated that the concept of being woke is a "double-edged sword" that can "alert people to systemic injustice" while also being "an aggressive, performative take on progressive politics that only makes things worse".[3] Social-justice scholars Tehama Lopez Bunyasi and Candis Watts Smith, in their 2019 book Stay Woke: A People's Guide to Making All Black Lives Matter, argue against what they term as "Woker-than-Thou-itis: Striving to be educated around issues of social justice is laudable and moral, but striving to be recognized by others as a woke individual is self-serving and misguided."[89][90][91] Essayist Maya Binyam, writing in The Awl, ironized about a seeming contest among players who "name racism when it appears" or who disparage "folk who are lagging behind".[25][further explanation needed]

Linguist Ben Zimmer writes that, with mainstream currency, the term's "original grounding in African-American political consciousness has been obscured".[13] The Economist states that as the term came to be used more to describe white people active on social media, black activists "criticised the performatively woke for being more concerned with internet point-scoring than systemic change".[18] 

Journalist Amanda Hess says social media accelerated the word's cultural appropriation,[25] writing, "The conundrum is built in. When white people aspire to get points for consciousness, they walk right into the cross hairs between allyship and appropriation."[8][25] Hess describes woke as "the inverse of 'politically correct' ... It means wanting to be considered correct, and wanting everyone to know just how correct you are".[25]

The impact of "woke" sentiment on society has been criticised from various perspectives. In 2018, the British political commentator Andrew Sullivan described the "Great Awokening", describing it as a "cult of social justice on the left, a religion whose followers show the same zeal as any born-again Evangelical [Christian]" and who "punish heresy by banishing sinners from society or coercing them to public demonstrations of shame".[4] In 2021, the British filmmaker and DJ Don Letts suggested that "in a world so woke you can't make a joke", it was difficult for young artists to make protest music without being accused of cultural appropriation.[92]

Woke-washing and woke capitalism

By the mid-2010s, language associated with wokeness had entered the mainstream media and was being used for marketing.[37] Abas Mirzaei, a senior lecturer in branding at Macquarie University, says that the term "has been cynically applied to everything from soft drink to razors".[4] In 2018, African-American journalist Sam Sanders argued that the authentic meaning of woke was being lost to overuse by white liberals and co-option by businesses trying to appear progressive (woke-washing), which would ultimately create a backlash.[38]

The term woke capitalism was coined by writer Ross Douthat for brands that used politically progressive messaging as a substitute for genuine reform.[93] According to The Economist, examples of "woke capitalism" include advertising campaigns designed to appeal to millennials, who often hold more socially liberal views than earlier generations.[94] These campaigns were often perceived by customers as insincere and inauthentic and provoked a backlash summarized by the phrase "get woke, go broke".[4]

Cultural scientists Akane Kanai and Rosalind Gill describe "woke capitalism" as the "dramatically intensifying" trend to include historically marginalized groups (currently primarily in terms of race, gender, and religion) as mascots in advertisement with a message of empowerment to signal progressive values. On the one hand, Kanai and Gill argue that this creates an individualized and depoliticized idea of social justice, reducing it to an increase in self-confidence; on the other hand, the omnipresent visibility in advertising can also amplify a backlash against the equality of precisely these minorities. These would become mascots not only of the companies using them, but of the unchallenged neoliberal economic system with its socially unjust order itself. For the economically weak, the equality of these minorities would thus become indispensable to the maintenance of this economic system; the minorities would be seen responsible for the losses of this system.[95]

See also


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Further reading

  •  The dictionary definition of woke at Wiktionary

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