
What does it mean when a guy says a girl is easy? - Quora

What does it mean when a guy says a girl is easy? - Quora


When someone is easy, they are

  • easy to approach
  • easy to talk to
  • easy to believe
  • easy to seduce, to persuade them to have sex (Urban Slang, not my perspective)
  • easy to get hurt

Someone is easy when any or all of the above is true in their case.

It means they are a combination of being soft and vulnerable and are to yet realize that they need to stay away from those who take advantage, instead of making them strong.


It basically means he had his way with her and since she didnt reciprocate to his feelings he is trying to put her down socially. What I would suggest is trying to get to know the girl more rather than judging a book by it's cover .


In our language it simply means that you can get the girl in bed by buttering her up a little.

When a guy says a girl is easy it means it is very easy to convince her for sex.

This is the Universal definition of this word in dating language.


Tbh not what you think…

Guys will manipulate any girl they feel they can…

you don’t have to be easy or hard…

saying someone is easy is a neg at their self esteem even the strongest/ well intact women can fall at a dent a narcissist man tries to put in her “shield”…

usually narcissist say this…

because healthy men don’t think this way…

you’re not easy if you chose to be vulnerable…

and they took advantage of that…

you’re not easy because they tried to sleep with you and they got what they wanted and now they decide they don’t want you anymore…

it’s a tactic to make you insecure…

usually by sick men…


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It may mean differently for different people, it may mean:

1.when it's easy to get her to bed.

2. She is an awesome easy going personality.

3. She is carefree.

Yup that's it.


As a rule of thumb, a guy never values and cherishes anything that came easy to him.

Nothing. It is not within our nature to appreciate anything we didn’t have to earn, and win over.

Keep that in mind as you’re dating.

“Hard to get” isn’t just a thing. It’s reality.

The difference is that you want to be naturally hard to get. You want to be so busy with the things you love that you have little time for dating, so that when you do, the guy has to figure out how to fit your schedule, and not the other way around.

Enjoy your family, school, friends, hobbies, and never reschedule one thing because of a date you want to go on. Let him break his head if he wants to date you.

It’s a hard mental shift, but it’s necessary if you want to develop any time of serious relationship.


Wonderful answers already submitted .Let me pen down my perspective too

I believe girls are not that much difficult and yes they can also go easy ,a way more easy

  1. If she finds you don't have your school lunch box and shares her favourite sandwich without giving a second thought yeah they give first thought always :))
  2. If she finds no one in her class done home work/those never ending engieenring assignment/practical files except her although accepts punishment and stands on bench just to accompany her friends.@adit patel remember OS punishment :))
  3. If she finds you struggling to get auto /bus to reach college/office she stops by you and offers a ride on one condition “"drive tu karega han “ (you will have to drive)
  4. If she finds you having crush on any of her friends then game over she will definitely find reasons to arrange small treats and to your surprise brings your crush to attend the same :) I just missed that smile :))
  5. If she finds you going through breakup or worst phase in your relationship she will understand all your unspoken words and will be there always with you and will try her best not to speak anything :)) I know how difficult it is :((
  6. If she finds you are ignoring her I tell you guys she just can't go easy on this you will definitely gonna have a punch on your face :))

The list may go a bit longer but I guess these points conveyed my thoughts

She” can be anyone here:your very close friend, your first cousin, your neighbour who shared childhood memories with you and last but not the least your bubbly,mischievous,crancky but very loving and caring Sister.

I am reading many things on quora these days about girls vs boys,men vs women,recent one is new leave rules during those girls days being trolled on social media.

can't we try to just be a HUMAN!!!!

Be grateful to what we are and what we have !

Both are equally important, equally strong

Please Give a Thought.


We mean that girls who:

(picture collected from Google)

  • are not necessarily the prettiest
  • are not necessarily popular
  • shows up in lectures without any makeup
  • are nerds
  • doesn’t use Facebook/ Instagram/ Snapchat
  • doesn’t go to frats/ parties
  • stays in the library until closing hours
  • always takes one of the first seats in the lecture hall
  • majors in math/ computer science/ engineering physics
  • wears very simple clothes

are still very attractive.

Edit: Honestly, every human being irrespective of looks, is beautiful, if they have a beautiful heart and soul.


It’s up to each and every guy: some label girls as “easy” very liberally, while others don’t.

In your case, that guy obviously thinks that if a girl kissed someone, she’d easily kiss someone else, too - and he’s not necessarily very wrong. Some girls in a party environment tend to get high on emotions and mostly alcohol - and somewhat drop their standards and guard and can go for different guys in one night. He was probably hoping you were one of those types of girls.

An easy girl is a girl who has no standards and would make out and have sex with just about any guy who’d want to.

But I seriously doubt you’re someone like that, from the comment of your question.

Basically, if you get intimately involved only with guys that you really, truly like and hit it off with - then you’re in no danger of being “easy”.

Since there are so many different opinions on this, you’ll never do right by everyone. Almost every guy will always consider you differently, because they have their own perceptions of how things are. So don’t care too much how a random guy perceives you - as long as you know yourself that you’re not easy.



I can speak from my own experience and I will say the number one thing is self-esteem.

When I was 4, my mother left because of drugs and decided to stay out on the streets. This is the woman my dad chose and they decided to make me. My father should of never been a dad. He had a daughter previously with another woman and my sister had stability and a family unit at her house and she turned out fine. My mom even put credit cards in her name and ran them up and didn’t pay them. My sister’s mom never took it out on me and was always kind to me.

Anyways, my dad had multiple girlfriends after that an

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It’s more than 11 years and we are still friends.

A girl who used to accompany me in bus everyday during the course of the journey to college.

A girl who got 100 marks in mathematics in Class 12.

A girl who is another brown girl, not as per fair standards.

A girl who got her department changed from Electrical to Computer Science through hard work.

A girl whose parents never allowed her to keep mobile phone during college days.

A girl who was skilled and top ranker in her branch.

A girl who keeps great bonding with most of the boys.

A girl who never complained about her life.

A girl who was first among us to be placed in one of the IT giants.

A girl who was forced by her parents to pursue Masters even after getting job, yet she cracked IIT in one attempt.

A girl who hides everything behind her insane laugh.

A girl who is now working in major corporate with an awesome package, at least twice of my package. Sigh. :P

A girl who once advised this idiot person, ‘if you are not feeling good, leave now.’

A girl who is the only girl who never forgets to call on this idiot’s birthday. It’s 11 years and still counting.

A girl who is happily married now with one of the coolest person. :)

Did I mention that she is a good orator and an amazing dancer.

Hey girls, do read the above points once again. Is there anything special?

Simplicity lies in your collective effort during the course of journey, which is termed as LIFE.

The way you care, you laugh, you work, you love, and you tease differentiates you. You are making difference in yours and others life.

For a simple guy like me, simple things matter.

Once she was simple and she continued her journey.

She is still simple but more than attractive now.

She is beautiful.

Keep smiling. :)

I think it’s curious that you think these are the two options.

First of all, there is no universal statement about dating that applies to all guys. But since I am a guy, I’ll answer the hypothetical as if I were single and interested in dating. (I’m happily and faithfully involved with my wife for twenty two years, and married for sixteen, so it will require some imagination on my part.)

I appreciate people who honestly represent how they think and feel.

The idea that a woman who respects herself couldn’t initiate a sexual relationship (even aggressively) with a man is hopelessly Puritanical and sexist. If that’s the kind of relationship she wants, then I see nothing with her expressing that desire. Similarly, if she desires to take the relationship slower, I see nothing wrong with that either.

Furthermore, I don’t see anything particularly virtuous in feigning disinterest in someone whom she is actually interested in. It is hard enough sometimes to understand people who are clear and open about their emotions. To pretend that they are different than they actually are makes relationships more difficult.

I’d rather people be honest. I judge people more by whether they are honest than the degree to which they are looking for a sexual relationship.


I think that over time we've placed expectation on women and how they are.

I think that some think chatty, friendly and overall extrovert women are easy since they just seem to enjoy pleasing people.

More closed off, shy or overall introvert women seem to be named as mysterious and harder to get.

I'm not sure why, but this is just a pattern I've picked up over the few years I've been alive.

Hope this helps :))


Who, me? I have never seen an easy woman. No one is easy, surely you must know that by now. After all, you have mastered the art of reading. So stop reading things in people, women, which are not there.

I do NOT think of any woman as being easy. What is your definition based on anyway?

  • You want to have sex with her and she likes you enough to agree to your proposal, then she is labeled an easy slut by you and your cronies
  • She doesn’t want to be intimate with you at this moment and now she’s an uptight bitch to you and your friends

Women just can’t do it right, can they? The mighty lords of creatio

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A person who is easy is someone with zero boundaries . Anyone can get their number OR call them at anytime , anyone can be at their crib and all in their business, anyone can have sex with them without having to earn them (not talking about money) said person has no boundaries with their time and who and when they can be available. the term "easy" is referring to being easily accessible. No one has to earn anything about you . There is nothing to uncover or levels a person has to reach in order to get certain things .

Which is not a good plce to be and is usually a reflection of ones self esteem. As adults i do believe people literally can do what they want and it no one's business however for every action there are consequences and outcomes that might come from that . So as long as your ready for that . Be as "easy" as you like . Or on the other hand you can make it to where every single person you interract with cant get certain shit.

idk about any other girl . But id hate to walk in a room of guys and all of them could say i sucked their http://d.ck , cooked for them, invited them to my house , they could call me at 12 am and id answer, i gave them access to all my emotions, i pulled up whenever time they said. Ect . AND THEY DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO EARN IT. or at the very least impress me in any kind of way. Dont be so accessible to everyone you meet period . Dont be easy.


Easy (adjective; informal; derogatory) - [of a woman] very receptive to sexual advances.

What normally comes to mind is a really hot, sexy woman with all the curves in the right places.

Signs of a easy girl:

  1. Sexually promiscuous.
  2. Loves flaunting her body by wearing scantily or sexy clothes, leaving nothing to the imagination.
  3. Flirts with any guy.
  4. Enjoys one night stands.
  5. Sleeps around with any guy.
  6. Has sex before a date, or without any date.
  7. Really easy to get her into bed, even on the first date.
  8. Goes out with any guy who is rich, and drives a sports car.
  9. Willing to be a sugar baby.
  10. Has a large social ci
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This is my wifey.
A simple village farmer who lives in the village of Ubon Ratchathani.

Until the day she met me,
- she had never travelled in an airplane,
- never used any make up other than talcum powder (I have told her there is no need), and
- she didn’t even know what a blackhead on the nose was (and that it could be removed)

And after marriage, she wasn’t even aware that…
She could eat anything without my permission
- She could ask me for anything without being afraid
- She could ask me money to buy her a brand new dress costing USD $1.50

In fact, one day, as I was sitting down at my workstation, she walked up to me shivering. She had just been to the 7–11 store and when she came back - she looked like something was seriously wrong.

She looked at me & immediately she joined her palms and knelt down next to my chair, bowed her head and started to say “Sorry”. Fearing the worst, I lifted her up, made her sit next to me, embraced her and asked her what had happened. I was really worried - maybe she hit someone, killed someone when driving or injured herself.

She then informed me that she lost 1000 Baht (around USD $30) and had no idea where she lost it. And now she was afraid that I would shout at her or worse - beat her.

Well - for those who know me, would know what I did…

To me this childlike innocence, this fragile soul and this simplicity is absolutely beautiful. Many a times I feel I am taking care of an innocent child who has only faced a tough situation in life and hardships.

This simplicity my dear friends is what I find absolutely attractive.

Loy Machedo


That would depend on whether or not you’re an easy lay… want to know if a man really likes you? Don’t put out. If that’s all he wants he’ll be gone in less than a month. If he keeps on spending time with you, three…four..five months later… yeah he likes you.

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