
엽문 (영화) - 위키백과, Ip Man (film)

엽문 (영화) - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

엽문 (영화)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

葉問/The Legend Of Ip Man
홍금보(액션 감독)
이케우치 히로유키
시부야 텐마
음악카와이 켄지
제작사골든 하베스트 컴퍼니
베이징 성시화레이 영화 투자 및 관리
만다린 영화 배급
베이징 스타라이트 국제미디어
프로트페리티 픽처스
상하이 영화 그룹
타임 안타에우스 미디어 그룹
배급사홍콩 만다린 영화 배급
대한민국 CJ 엔터테인먼트
  • 2008년 12월 19일(홍콩)
  • 2009년 4월 16일(대한민국)

엽문》(葉問)은 2008년에 홍콩에서 제작된 액션 드라마 영화이다. 이소룡의 사부이며 영춘권의 대가로 알려진 실존 인물 엽문의 일대기를 다루었다. 견자단이 엽문 역을 맡았고, 슝다이린이 그의 아내 역을 맡았다. 홍콩 금상장 작품상과 무술 감독상을 수상했다.

이소룡의 스승이자 영춘권의 대가였던 엽문(葉問)의 1930년대 불산(佛山)에서의 삶을 주로 다룬 영화이다. 엽문은 홍가권의 황비홍, 미종권의 곽원갑팔극권의 이서문 등과 함께 근대 중국 무술계를 이끌던 실존인물이다. 그의 제자 이소룡은 후일 절권도라는 독특한 무술을 창시하게 되는데 이 무술은 엽문에게서 배운 영춘권을 바탕으로 하고 있다.


혁명과 전란 등으로 피폐했던 20세기 초반, 근대 중국의 광동 불산(佛山)은 중국 남파무술의 주요 발원지로써 무(武)를 숭상하는 풍조가 있었고, 많은 무술들이 교류하는 집합장이 되어, 무술의 고향이라 알려지게 되었다.

때는 1935년, 중국 광동성 불산에는 엽문이라는 영춘권의 고수가 살고 있었다. 그는 항상 집안에서든 밖에서든 무술 밖에 모르는 사나이였다. 불산 내에서 그의 무술 실력과 명성을 모르는 이가 없고, 이 소문은 불산을 넘어서까지 널리 퍼져 그의 집은 중국 각지에서 그와 대련하기 위해 찾아오는 사람들로 들끓었다.

그러던 1937년 7월 7일노구교 사변이 일어나고 일본군의 공습이 시작되어 마침내 중일전쟁으로 발전하게 되는데 이에 불산 역시 큰 피해를 입어 각지가 황폐해지고 굶어죽는 사람들이 늘어나기 시작했다. 청년 고수 '엽문'은 생계를 위해 무술 수련을 중단하고, 막노동판을 전전한다. 그러던 어느 날, 엽문은 중국 무술가들이 일본군에 의해 처참히 죽임을 당하는 것을 보고 큰 충격을 받는다.

그리고 그는 마침내 자신이 중국 인민의 단결을 위해, 그리고 항일투쟁을 위해 어떤 길을 걸어가야 할지 깨닫는다.


한국판 성우진(KBS)[편집]

기타 정보[편집]

  • 영화 엽문은 실존인물인 엽문을 다룬 영화이지만 대부분의 스토리는 픽션이다.
  • 견자단은 엽위신 감독과 함께 《살파랑》, 《용호문》, 《도화선》에 이어 이 작품으로 4번째 작업을 하였다.
  • 제작자 황백명과 견자단은 이 영화의 흥행에 고무되어 2009년 7월부터 속편 《엽문 2》를 크랭크인 하여 2010년 4월에 개봉하였다.

수상 경력[편집]

외부 링크[편집](영어) 엽문 - 인터넷 영화 데이터베이스

イップ・マン 序章

입맨 서장

출처 : 무료 백과 사전 "Wikipedia (Wikipedia)"
입맨 서장
제목 표기
늑대Yè Wèn
粤語拼音Jip6 Man6
영제Ip Man
각종 정보
감독윌슨 입
각본에드몬드 원
제작레이몬드 원
출연자도니 엔 사이먼
이케우치 히로유키
음악카와이 겐지
촬영오 심푸이
액션 지도사모 한 김포
배급페이스 투 페이스/리베로
공개중화 인민 공화국의 국기 2008년 12월 12일 2008년 12월 19일 2011년 2월 19일
홍콩의 국기
일본의 국기
제작국홍콩의 국기 홍콩 중국 대륙
중화 인민 공화국의 국기
흥행 소득$22,108,789
다음 작품입맨 엽문
템플릿 보기

이프 맨 서장』(이프 맨 조초, 원제: 엽문 , 영제: Ip Man )은 2008년 제작의 중국 홍콩 합작 영화. 윌슨 입 감독, 주연은 도니 옌 , 사이먼 얌 이케우치 히로유키 , 린 홍 등. 실재의 무술가· 엽문을 주인공으로 한 액션 · 쿵푸 영화 휴먼 드라마. 제28회 홍콩전영금상장 의 최우수 작품상 수상.

일본에서는 2010년 10월 제23회 도쿄국제영화제 에서 첫 공개됐다. 2011년 2월 12일, 본작의 정식 속편인 '이프맨 엽문'의 신주쿠 무사시노  에서의 관객 동원이 5000명을 돌파했기 때문에, 동극장에서 2월 19일에 일반 공개되었다 [1] .

이 작품의 히트를 계기로, 나중에 몇 개의 입맨 영화나 TV 드라마가 만들어졌다.

스토리 편집 ]

1935년 광동성 불산시 는 수많은 도장이 처마를 이어가는 중국 무술 마을이었다. 여기에 또 한 명 새로운 도장을 여는 자가 있었다. 태산무술관의 주인, 황당은 불산 최강이라고 불리는 영춘권 의 엽문 무명을 높이려고 하지만 가볍게 다룬다. 숨도 흐트러지지 않는 엽문에 결코 만남의 내용을 구외하지 않는 것을 염두에 두고, 황당은 잎문저를 뒤로 했다.

그러나 후일 차관에 나간 엽문은, 가게 주인의 무치림이 절벽과의 만남에 대해 언급하는 것에 놀란다. 숲의 남동생, 사고원이 연을 튀겨 놀고 있었을 때, 우연히 잎 문저의 벽에 올라 일부 시종을 보고 있어, 만나는 모습을 꼬리 지느러미를 붙여 불어 듣고 있었던 것이다. 이 이야기는 바로 귀의 귀에 들어가 화난 암석은 차관에 탑승해 사를 묻는데, 여기서 엽문과 다시 상대. 숲이 나뉘어져 두 사람의 만남은 사사의 만들기 이야기라고 주장하고, 소란은 맞았다. 이 후 일부 시종을 보고 있던 경찰 이준이 권총을 뽑아 무술은 시대 늦다고 설교하지만 엽문에 실린더를 한 손으로 떼어내 침묵한다.

경기도 좋고 평화로운 불산시였지만 어느 날 북부에서 가나야마 找라고 자칭하는 권법가가 온다. 김은 도장주들을 잇달아 깨고 더 이상 불산에 적은 없다고 호언하지만 엽문의 존재를 알려져 저택에 탔다. 집이 도장 취급되는 것을 즐겁게 생각하지 않는 아내의 앞도 있어, 「나와 승부하지 않아도 도장은 열 수 있는, 좋은 장소를 찾아내야만 하면 된다」라고 대전을 거부하는 엽문이었지만, 금 는 도발을 반복한다. 아내는 마비를 자르고 잎문에 "가구를 끊지 않는 것"를 조건으로 싸우는 것을 허용한다. 드디어 대전이 되었지만, 금은 엽문의 적이 아니었다. '북파무술이 남파무술에 졌다'는 돈이었지만, 엽문은 승패를 나누는 것은 유파가 아니라 본인의 실력이라고 촉구했다.

불산은 다시 평화를 되찾았지만, 1938년 10월, 불산은 일본군 에 점령되어 잎문저는 사령부로 사용되게 되었다. 일가는 아바라 가게로 이사해, 사용인도 없어져, 그 날의 음식에도 사소한 생활을 강요당했다. 아내는 병에 쓰러져 엽문은 흙방 일로 호구를 넘어가게 되지만, 이 현장에서 숲과 재회한다. 그러나 구교를 따뜻하게 하고 있으면 일본군의 병사가 현장에 나타났다. 놀랍게도 일본 병사의 통역은 한때 경찰이었던 리에서 가라데 를 찾고 있다고 한다. 동포를 파는 리를 경멸하는 엽문이나 숲이었지만, 경기에 이기면 쌀 한 봉지를 받을 수 있다고 들으면 숲은 태도를 바꾸고 제지하는 엽문을 여소로 경기에 지원한다. 숲과 다른 지원자들이 도장에 도착해 보니, 암벽이 조수에게 승리하고 쌀을 손에 들고 끌어올리는 곳을 만났다. 자신도 가라테의 고단자인 미우라 장군은, 암벽의 승리에 자극받았는지 스스로 도장에 서, 3명을 상대로 조수를 실시한다고 선언. 숲과 다른 2명이 미우라와 만나지만 실력차는 역연, 숲 이외의 2명은 일찍 패배를 인정한다. 그러나 하야시는 한화 보답하려고 경기를 속행해, 미우라의 걷어차기로 절명한다.

다음날 숲의 모습이 보이지 않는 것을 어지럽히는 엽문은 다시 온 이에 소재를 찾아가지만 응답을 얻지 못하고 가라테와의 조수에게 스스로 지원한다. 엽문들이 도장에 도착하자 전날과 마찬가지로 암벽이 승리하여 쌀을 얻은 곳이었다. 하지만 암석은 3명과 동시에 싸우고 싶다고 한다. 전날의 의취 돌려주었지만 황은 패배해, 사토 주임에 의해 생명까지 빼앗긴다. 엽문은 하야시도 이곳에서 살해당한 일을 직감하고 10명을 상대로 조수를 제출하고 승리를 거둔다. 갑자기 연습생들을 제지하면서, 쌀을 10봉을 주고, 또 싸움에 온다고 하는 미우라였지만, 엽문은 쌀목표에 온 것은 아니다, 다시 오지 않는다고 대답한다. 미우라는 또 엽문에 이름을 묻지만, 엽문은 단지 중국인 중 한 명이라고 대답했다. 그러나 통역의 리는 엽문의 대답을 제대로 전하지 않고, 또 온다, 이름은 엽문이라고 전했다.

한편 그 무렵, 엽문의 친구인 슈시미즈미는 면공장을 조업하고 있었지만, 산적이 된 김들에게 협박되고 있었다. 늘어난 수하 중에는 다관에서 튀어나온 이후 행방 모르던 사의 모습도 있었다. 김들에게 폭행을 당한 주는 엽문에게 호신을 위한 무술의 필요성을 호소하고 무술사범으로 맞이하게 된다. 드디어 평온한 나날을 되찾았는지 보인 엽문이지만, 집에 다시 리가 나타난다. 미우라가 엽문과의 맞대기를 원하고 있다는 이야기였지만, 함께 나타난 사토가 아들에게 총을 찔러 아내에게 식가를 움직였기 때문에 엽문은 순간에 공격해, 사토와 호위의 병사를 기절 하자. 때를 똑같이 해서 김일미가 다시 면공장을 덮치지만, 엽문에서 영춘권을 배운 직원들의 저항에 맞는다. 장은 난전의 모양이었지만, 엽문이 달려 참전하면 형세는 역전, 마지막에는 창술로 압도해, 쫓아냈다. 엽문은 떠나려고 하는 사를 불러, 산적에 하담하고 있는 것에 대해 묻지만, 사는 다시 열어 듣는 귀를 가지지 않는다. 엽문이 숲에서 부탁받은 상자를 건네려고 하지만 사사는 거절한다. 형과 비교되고 싶지 않다고 분노하는 사지만, 형의 죽음을 말할 수 있으면 태도를 바꾼다. 사에게 상자를 건네주고, 자신이 진행하는 길을 결정하는 것은 자신이라고 말해 떠나는 엽문. 상자 안에는, 서두에서 그가 날려버린 연이, 죽은 형의 손으로 정중하게 접혀 들어가 있었다.

궁지를 잘라낸 면공장이었지만, 김일미가 되풀이에 엽문의 소재를 통보했기 때문에 일본군에 포위된다. 미우라는 엽문의 반항은 죽을 자격이 있지만, 군의 격투기 사범이 되면 생명을 돕는다고 한다. 그러나 엽문은 거절하고, 자신의 무술을 알고 싶다면 자신과 싸워 보라고 제안. 이윽고 불산의 마을 중에서, 시민과 병사에 둘러싸여, 「문화 교류」의 이름하에 하문과 미우라의 경기가 개최되게 되었다. 초반은 미우라의 호쾌한 기술에 어울리는 엽문이었지만, 점차 능숙한 손길로 미우라를 농락하고, 마지막은 미우라를 무대의 구석의 기둥에 쫓아 멸다 치고, 훌륭하게 승리한다. 엽문의 승리에 관중은 큰 갈채, 엽문 콜이 울리는 가운데, 관중을 바라보는 엽문. 그러나, 그런 가운데, 의지에서도 엽문을 지고 싶은 사토에 의해, 엽문은 배후로부터 쏘아 버린다.

출연 편집 ]

역명배우일본어 취체
입맨 (엽문)도니 옌 (현자단)오츠카 요시타다
조 청춘 (주청천)사이먼 야무 (임달화)우야마 시게루
미우라이케우치 히로유키
윈신(장영성)린 홍 (곰 삼림)히나마츠 아유미
이치우(李釗)램 카톤 (하야시가동)카와시마 득애
캠상차우(가나야마 找)루이스 팬 (樊少皇)시무라 치유키
콘유우(周光耀)정가성야마자키 켄타로
춘(엽준)이자와고다 에리
램(무치림)釋行宇가와모토 쿠니히로
尹沙憙 (사를 근, 근원 원)황마타 남미야케 타카히로
류사匠 (황사 사)チェ・チフイ(陳之輝)카토 료오
사토시부야 텐마
후위데니스 토 (모리 우항)
청룡무관관주토니 리안 (梁小熊)
충의무관관주류메이 테츠
무슨 사야주간

직원 편집 ]

  • 자막 번역 : 제방 요코
  • 갈아 번역: 히사후라 히토시
  • 발매원: 일활
  • 판매원: 해피넷
  • 제공: 염야 기업 전영 공작실

설명 편집 ]

엽문 은 전시중 일본군 에게 저택을 빼앗겨 [2] , 차녀를 영양실조로 잃고 있다. 일중전쟁 및 다시 공산당군에 재산을 몰수된 국공내전 이후 홍콩 으로 망명한 인물로, 극중에서는 일본군과의 대결 자세가 이야기의 주간을 차지하고 있다. "한 명의 무술가가 일본인 가라테가와 일기 토벌을 연기한다"라는 클라이맥스까지의 작극이, 엽문의 문하생인 블루스 리의 주연한 「드래곤 분노의 철권」(홍콩, 1972년)과 비상 와 비슷합니다.

일본에서 발매된 '이프맨 서장' '이프 맨 엽문 '의 블루레이 트윈팩 [3] 에 수록된 특전 영상 인터뷰에 따르면, 주연의 도니 옌은 이 역을 연기하기 위해 조금이라도 본인 의 모습을 닮으려고 10㎞의 감량을 감행. 처음부터 영춘 주먹의 연습을 거듭 『엠프레스/운명의 전투』나 『화피 아야카시의 사랑』의 촬영으로 숙박하고 있던 호텔의 방에 목인 참을 들고 크랭크 인까지의 9 달 동안 그 습득에 힘썼다. 단기간에 목인 백팔식을 비롯한 영춘권의 기본을 체득한 것에 대해 감독 윌슨 입은 “아들의 엽준씨(엽문의 장남, 현·세계 영춘 총회 주석)에도 절찬 나는 그에게 공부의 기초가 있기 때문에 "라고 말했다. 그와 함께 액션 감독을 도니 옌이 아니라 사모 한킨포에 의뢰한 것에 대해, 도니에게 역할을 전임시키기 위한 것이었다고 하며, 과거 몇번이나 영춘권을 그린 작품을 연출해 온 사모· 한은 당연한 선택이며 "그는 각 등장인물의 움직임에 성격을 반영시켜 역할을 만들어 줬다"고 감사를 말하고 있다.

작중의 액션에 대해 도니 옌은 시간이 지남에 따라 현저하게 변화한 영춘권이기 때문에 본작에서는 엽문이 지도한 시대의 영춘권의 재현을 고집했다고 말해, 가장 고생한 장면으로서 「가라데 도장」을 들었다. "이것이 '드래곤 분노의 철권'이라면 분노를 폭발시켜 막이 닫히지만, 비슷한 상황에만 엽문이 진진 으로 된다. 그는 분노를 가슴에 안고 있지만 무엇보다 살아 가족에게 돌아가야 하는 그런 마음의 갈등도 동시에 표현해야 했다. 그 때문에 세세한 움직임에 신경을 쓰고, 원컷마다 지금의 표정으로 좋았는지 어떤지 토론하면서 진행해 갔다고 한다. 「자신은 공부 영화에는 고집이 있다. 단지 액션이 아니라 무술의 문화와 공부의 정신을 관객에게 전하고 싶었어」.

그리고 인터뷰의 끝에는 메시지로 이렇게 마무리되고 있다. "진정한 공부 영화는 우리 중국인에게만 만들 수 있는 것, 귀중한 문화유산이라고도 할 수 있습니다. 그것을 자신은 한 배우로서 후세에 계승하고 싶다. 우리는 다양한 문제가 일어나는 사회에서 많은 어려움을 극복 해야 합니다. 이것은 어려움을 극복하는 강한 인간을 그린 가치 있는 작품이라고 생각합니다.”

에피소드 편집 ]

  • 미우라 역의 이케우치 히로유키 는 본격적인 액션은 첫 도전이며, 촬영 1개월 전부터 사모 한킨포의 근원에서 특훈을 실시하고 있다 [4] . 또한 가라데의 달인 역으로 출연하고 있지만, 본인의 특기는 유도 이다. 또 이번 작품의 미우라상에는 단지 악역이 아니라 무술을 통한 캐릭터가 나오도록 감독과의 논의 속에서 제안한 것이 반영되었다. .
  • 액션 촬영으로 이케우치는 온몸에 상처와 헛소리가 끊이지 않고, 나중에 가벼운 뇌진탕도 일으켰다고 진단으로 알았다. 단신 촬영에 참가했지만, 만약 매니저가 있으면 촬영을 중단시켰을 것이라고 기자회견에서 웃으며 이야기하고 있다 [6] .
  • 이 작품의 삭제 장면에는 램 판지가 연기한 일본어 통역 리 치우가 입맨과 미우라와의 경기 후 휩쓸린 중국인 관객에 의해 린치되는 장면이 있다. 이것은 중국 대륙에서의 TV 드라마와 영화의 모든 것을 관리하는 국가 신문 출판 광파 전영 전시(라디오·영화·TV) 총국 의 사전 검열에 의해 삭제하도록 지시되었다 [7] .
  • 패션쇼에 출연하는 모델로 이번 작품이 여배우 데뷔가 된 아내 역의 린  . 프리미어 때 그녀가 키가 크다는 것을 걱정할까라고 기자로부터 도니 옌에 대해 질문이 있었다. 그는 “내 아내도 나보다 키가 크다! 사실 엽문의 부인도 그보다 키가 크다. 감독은 의도를 가지고 키가 큰 여배우를 찾았어. "그러나 더 중요한 것은 품격의 높이와 회의 깊이. 그 점에서 그녀는 잘 알고 있다고 생각해 . " 의 웃음을 초대했다 [8] .
  • 제4회 베이징국제영화제에 참석한 미국 영화감독 올리버 스톤 은 취재에 대해 “중국영화의 대표는 더 이상 쿵푸영화가 되어서는 안 된다”고 말하면서도, 실은 가장 좋아하는 영화로서 이 '이프· 맨 서장을 들고 있다 [9] .
  • 배우 로버트 다우니 주니어 는 자신이 영춘권을 배우고 있는 것부터 에이전트를 통해 로스에 있던 도니 옌을 식사에 초대하고 있다. 시간이 맞지 않아 그 제안은 실현되지 않았지만, 귀국 후 본인과 직접 전화로 교환했을 때, 그는 영화 '이프 맨'이 몹시 좋아한다고 말했다고 한다[10 ] .
  • '펜싱 올림픽 챔피언 투어'에서 방문한 런던 올림픽, 리오데자네이루 올림픽 펜싱 금메달 리스트 아론 실 라기 (헝가리)는 고속철도에서 본 본작을 좋아했다. 불산에 있는 기념관 하문당을 방문했을 때 하문과 도니 옌에 관해 많은 질문을 한 그는 거기서 캠상차우와의 액션 장면을 재현해 보여주었던 관광객을 크게 끓였다고 보도 되고 있다 [11] [12] .


Ip Man (film)
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ip Man
In a black background, the top of the poster states, "The celebrated Kung Fu master of Bruce Lee." Below is a portrait of Donnie Yen with his head staring down, while his hands are forming a martial arts pose. The words "Ip Man" are coloured in red in both Cantonese and English dialect. The pronunciation of the name (eep ‧ mun) is shown in brackets below the English title.
Hong Kong theatrical release poster
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese葉問
Directed byWilson Yip
Written byEdmond Wong
Chan Tai-lee
Produced byRaymond Wong
StarringDonnie Yen
Simon Yam
Lynn Hung
Gordon Lam
Fan Siu-wong
Xing Yu
Chen Zhihui
Hiroyuki Ikeuchi
Tenma Shibuya
CinematographyO Sing-Pui
Edited byCheung Ka-fai
Music byKenji Kawai
Distributed byMandarin Films
Release date
  • 18 December 2008
Running time
108 minutes
Hong Kong[1]
LanguagesChinese (dialect: Cantonese
Box officeUS$22,108,789

Ip Man (Chinese: 叶问 / 葉問) is a 2008 Hong Kong biographical martial arts film based on the life of Ip Man, a grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun and teacher of Bruce Lee. The film focuses on events in Ip's life that supposedly took place in the city of Foshan during the Sino-Japanese War. The film was directed by Wilson Yip, and stars Donnie Yen as Ip Man, with martial arts choreography by Sammo Hung. The supporting cast includes Simon YamLynn HungLam Ka-tungXing YuHiroyuki Ikeuchi, and Tenma Shibuya. The film was a co-production between China and Hong Kong, and was the last film to be distributed by Mandarin Films.

Ip Man is the first film in the Ip Man film series. It premiered in Beijing on 10 December 2008, and was released theatrically in Hong Kong on 19 December 2008, receiving widespread acclaim from critics and audiences. Before the film's release, Raymond Wong announced that there would be a sequel; a second installment titled Ip Man 2, was released in April 2010, a third installment titled Ip Man 3 was released in 2015, and Ip Man 4: The Finale was released in 2019.[3] Ip Man grossed more than US$22 million worldwide, despite not being released in North America and most of Europe. Following its success, the film was nominated for 12 Hong Kong Film Awards, winning awards for Best Film and Best Action Choreography.


In 1935, Foshan is a hub of Southern Chinese martial arts, where the various schools' students compete against each other. Ip Man, the most skilled martial artist in town, maintains a low profile while building a reputation for skill through friendly, closed-door competitions with other masters. One day, a local troublemaker named Yuan loses his kite, which lands in a tree in the Ip family's backyard. While retrieving it, Yuan witnesses Ip defeating fellow kung fu master Liu in a sparring match. Although Ip and Liu had agreed that the news of who won would remain a secret, Yuan spreads the story around town, inadvertently embarrassing Liu. Yuan's brother Lin, a restaurant owner and disciple of Liu, publicly shames Yuan as he tries to arrange a rematch between Liu and Ip, and Yuan runs away from home.

During the Second Sino-Japanese War, Ip and his family are forced to move into a decrepit apartment after the Imperial Japanese Army confiscates their house for use as a military headquarters. Running out of valuables to sell for food, Ip gets a job at a coal mine in 1938 alongside Lin, who hopes to reconcile with his brother but has failed to track him down. General Miura, a Japanese Karate master, sets up an arena where Chinese martial artists can challenge his military trainees for a bag of rice. Former police officer Li Zhao, now an interpreter for the Japanese, visits the mine to recruit anyone willing to fight. Ip declines, but Lin agrees to participate. Lin and two other fighters face Miura, but Miura defeats them soundly, and kills Lin when he refuses to surrender. Ip, worried about Lin's disappearance, decides to participate in the fights.

At the arena, Ip witnesses Master Liu be overwhelmed by three karatekas. To the horror of the Chinese bystanders, including Ip, Liu takes some rice despite his loss, and is shot in the head by Miura's sadistic second-in-command, Colonel Sato. Realizing that Lin is dead, the rage-filled Ip demands to fight 10 karatekas, to the bewilderment of Miura and Li, and Sato's amusement. To the shock of all present, he brutally defeats all 10 opponents, winning the respect of Miura, who asks Ip to return and inquires his identity. Ip says that he is just a Chinese man, but Li gives his full name instead. Afterwards, Ip chastises Li for knowingly putting his countrymen in danger.

Jin Shanzhao, a highly skilled Northern Chinese martial arts master who once defeated all the masters in Foshan except Ip, now leads a bandit gang and harasses the workers at a cotton mill run by Ip's friend Chow Ching-chuen. Ip agrees to train the workers in Wing Chun for self-defense. When the gang returns, the workers are able to stall them long enough for Ip to arrive and defeat Jin and Yuan, now a part of the gang. After running Jin's gang out of Foshan, Ip confronts Yuan and informs him of his brother's death, giving him a small tin that belonged to Lin. An emotional Yuan opens the tin and finds his kite inside; this motivates him to abandon the gang.

When Ip does not return to the arena, Miura beats Li and sends Sato to find him. After overpowering Sato and his soldiers at the apartment, Ip and his family flee and hide in Li's house. The Japanese learn about the cotton mill and take the workers hostage. Despite Li's warnings, Ip surrenders himself to the Japanese while begging Chow to take his wife and son to Hong Kong for their safety. Miura asks Ip to train the Japanese soldiers in Chinese martial arts, but Ip refuses and challenges Miura to a match. Though Sato insists on executing Ip, Miura accepts the challenge to uphold his honor and crush the Chinese spirit. Secretly, Sato threatens Ip with death if the General does not win.

With the people of Foshan watching, Ip defeats Miura after a long and hard fight. Looking over the cheering crowd and seeing his wife and son, Ip is shot in the shoulder by Sato. As the crowd overwhelms the Japanese soldiers, Li manages to kill Sato with his own gun. Ip is spirited away by Chow amid the chaos and manages to escape with his family to Hong Kong. A closing montage and captions reveal that Ip spent the rest of his life working to spread the teachings of Wing Chun, establishing a school and training several students, including Bruce Lee.


  • Donnie Yen as Ip Man, the son of a wealthy family and Foshan's only practitioner of the martial art form known as Wing Chun.[4]
  • Lynn Hung as Cheung Wing-sing, Ip Man's wife.[4]
  • Hiroyuki Ikeuchi as General Miura (Japanese: 陸軍大将 三浦, Rikugun-Taishō Miura/三浦将军Sānpǔ jiāngjūn), a Japanese general and Karate expert, who is eager to assert the dominance of his native traditions over those of the Chinese.[4]
  • Tenma Shibuya as Colonel Sato (Japanese: 陸軍大佐 佐藤, Rikugun-Taisa Satō/佐藤上校Zuǒténg shàngxiào), a sadistic, cruel Japanese colonel and Miura's second in-command.
  • Gordon Lam as Li Chiu (simplified Chinese李钊traditional Chinese李釗pinyinLǐ Zhào), a police officer and Ip Man's acquaintance. He becomes a translator for the Japanese officers when they occupy Foshan despite being labeled a traitor by his neighbors.[4]
  • Fan Siu-wong as Jin Shanzhao (金山找Jīn Shānzhǎo), an aggressive northern martial artist who comes to Foshan to challenge other masters, hoping to set up a school and climb out of poverty. When the Japanese invade, he forms a gang of bandits and is eventually chased out of Foshan by Ip Man.[4]
  • Simon Yam as Chow Ching-chuen (周清泉Zhōu Qīngquán), a businessman and Ip Man's acquaintance who borrows money from him to set up a cotton mill.[4]
  • Xing Yu as Lin (武痴林Wǔchī Lín), the first son of a restaurant owner in Foshan, a gifted martial artist and Ip Man's closest friend.[4]
  • Wong You-nam as Yuan, the second son of a restaurant owner in Foshan who causes a lot of trouble and often fights with his brother.[4]
  • Calvin Cheng as Chow Kong-yiu, the son of the cotton mill owner, who is interested in learning kung fu from Ip Man.[4]
  • Chen Zhihui as Master Liu (廖师傅廖師傅Liào Shīfù), a martial arts master of Foshan who turns to prizefighting when the Japanese invade to support himself. Sato kills him when he tries to claim a reward despite forfeiting a match.[4]


We wanted to do this movie because Ip Man was a man who inspired the world and society as a whole. He was a man who believed in certain morals and principles, and we want to use this movie as a platform to convey those values to the audience. For me, that was the most important part of making this movie.

—Director Wilson Yip on making Ip Man[5]

The idea of an Ip Man biopic originated in 1998 when Jeffrey Lau and Corey Yuen discussed the idea of making a film based on Bruce Lee's martial arts master. However, Paragon Films Ltd, the studio producing the proposed film, closed and the project was abandoned.[6] Producer Raymond Wong decided to develop his own Ip Man film with full consent from Ip's sons, and had filmmakers head to Foshan to research Ip's life. Ip Chun, Ip Man's eldest son, along with martial arts master Leo Au-yeung, Jun Gao, and several other Wing Chun practitioners served as technical consultants for the film. Principal photography for Ip Man began in March 2008 and ended in August; filming took place in Shanghai, which was used to architecturally recreate Foshan. During filming, conflicts arose between the producers of Ip Man and filmmaker Wong Kar-wai over the film's working title. Wong, who had been developing his own Ip Man biopic, clashed with the producers after learning that their film would be titled Grandmaster Ip Man (Chinese一代宗師葉問), which was too similar to the title of Wong's film, The Grandmaster.

Ip Man is the first film based on the life of Ip Man. It also marks the fourth film collaboration between director Wilson Yip[4] and actor Donnie Yen.[4] The two also reunite with co-star Simon Yam after 2005's SPL: Sha Po Lang. The screenplay for Ip Man was written by Edmond Wong,[4] the son of film producer Raymond Wong.[4] Wong was the screenwriter of Yip and Yen's second collaboration, 2006's Dragon Tiger Gate. Ip Man's eldest son, Ip Chun, his student Leo Au-yeung,[7] and Changquan gold medalist To Yu-hang served as technical consultants for the film, providing advice on the film's story and martial arts choreography. The music for the film was provided by veteran Japanese composer Kenji Kawai, who also served as a composer on the 2006 film, Dragon Tiger Gate which featured Wilson Yip and Donnie Yen as director and actor respectively.[8]


The film was originally conceived in 1998 when Jeffrey Lau and Corey Yuen first thought of the idea of making a film based on Ip Man's life. Donnie Yen signed onto the project, hoping to star as Ip, with Stephen Chow co-starring as Bruce Lee. Yen had signed the contract and received part of the acting fee. However, the studio producing the film closed, and the project was abandoned.[6]

In December 2007, plans to make a new Ip Man film were announced with the filmmakers researching Ip's life in Foshan. Producer Raymond Wong stated that the film would take on a similar look and feel to SPL: Sha Po Lang.[9] On 26 February 2008, a press conference for the film was held in Foshan, where it was announced that Wilson Yip would be directing the film, while Yen would appear in the leading role as Ip. Lynn HungLam Ka-tungSimon Yam were announced to be appearing in supporting roles, while Sammo Hung would serve as the film's martial arts choreographer.[10] Casting director Zhang Yan Bin spent three months casting actors in various roles for the film. He had completed casting during principal photography in March 2008.[11]


Principal photography for Ip Man began in March 2008, and was completed by the end of August. A majority of the film focuses on events surrounding Ip Man that took place in Foshan in the 1930s and 1940s during the Sino-Japanese War. Since the buildings in modern-day Foshan are architecturally different from the ones of the film's period, the filmmakers decided to shoot the film in Shanghai.[10][12]

Filming first took place in a storeroom in the industrial district of Shanghai. Having difficulties scouting a cotton factory suitable for shooting, set designers decided to recreate one in the style of the 1930s. They spent weeks transforming an abandoned storeroom into the Zhen Hua Cotton Mill Factory, a 1930s cotton mill factory founded by Ip's friend Chow Ching-chuen (played in the film by Simon Yam) during the Sino-Japanese War. It was where Ip Man first taught Wing Chun openly to the public.[13]

Production designer Kenneth Mak included Western elements in his design, since Foshan, in earlier years, was a unique place where Chinese and Western cultures converged. Pillars were made to resemble English lampposts, and Western lighting, chairs, and tableware were also used. To convey the culture and feel of the time, the buildings were made to look obsolete and worn out. Apart from historical references, Mak also created a glass house which was used in a scene in the film.[13]

Stunts and choreography[edit]

...his biggest achievement lies in playing a true historical figure, unlike fictitious characters he had been doing in the past...he'd have to try his best to understand the thoughts of Yip Man, to be him, and to fit in within the past.

—Director Wilson Yip on Donnie Yen being cast as Ip Man[10]

The martial arts choreography was designed by Sammo Hung and veteran fight and stunt coordinator Tony Leung Siu-hung. Hung had previously collaborated with Wilson Yip and Donnie Yen as an actor in the 2005 film SPL: Sha Po Lang.[14] He was hired as the choreographer mainly because of his experience on the 1978 film Warriors Two and 1982's The Prodigal Son, both of which involved Wing Chun.[5] When asked how he would work with Yen to direct the action scenes, Hung replied matter-of-factly, "With my mouth."[10]

Yen described the role as the most emotionally and mentally difficult in his career.[5] He spent months preparing for the role by going on a strict diet which consisted of eating one meal a day, training in Wing Chun, and learning more about Ip Man through his two sons. This was all in the hopes of portraying an erudite and cultured Ip Man, as well as bringing out the special traits of Wing Chun.[15] Yen even went as far as to stay in character after filming, wearing his costume and changing his voice and movement patterns.[5] While rehearsing a fight scene, Yen was reportedly injured when an axe wielder accidentally slashed the side of his left eye.[16] Yen also had a masseur on set as he could not raise his right shoulder due to an injury.[12]

Japanese actor Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, who holds a black belt in Judo, found it "difficult" working under Hung's command. In one scene, he suffered a mild concussion after receiving four consecutive blows from celebrated fight co-ordinator Edward 'Sweco' Chan.[17] Hung later praised Yen and Ikeuchi's performances in the film, even though Ikeuchi was not trained in Chinese martial arts and was not given a lot of complex moves.[12]

Film title controversy[edit]

Ip Man's original title was controversial. It was disputed when film director Wong Kar-wai announced plans to make his own Ip Man film with Tony Leung Chiu-wai while filming 2046. Wong had planned his own Ip Man biopic titled The Great Master (一代宗师), with Leung playing the role of Ip. Wong's film, however, had been in development hell, having been announced several years earlier. Producer Raymond Wong wanted to name his film Grandmaster Yip Man, which bore a resemblance to the title Wong Kar-wai wanted to use for his film.[18]

To settle the dispute, Raymond Wong publicly retracted the film title, stating "Actually, all along, we have called our film Ip Man, but our mainland investors said that Yip Man was a great master of his times, so we changed our title to Grandmaster Yip Man out of respect for him."[19] In a 2008 interview, Raymond Wong revealed that The Great Master was in development.[20] Wong Kar-wai's Ip Man film, titled The Grandmaster, was released on 8 January 2013 in China.


Ip Man premiered in Beijing, China on 10 December 2008, only two days prior to its release in China.[21][22] The film was later released in Malaysia, Singapore, and New Zealand on 18 December 2008, one day prior to its release date in Hong Kong.[23]

The film was released in the United Kingdom on 2 October 2009.[24] In 2010, Mandarin Films sold North American distribution rights for the film to distributor Well Go USA.[25]


Prior to its theatrical release in China, Ip Man held a test screening in Beijing on 4 December 2008. The film was highly praised, based on survey sheets returned by the audience. Donnie Yen's portrayal of Ip Man was repeatedly hailed as the year's best performance. High praise was also given to the film's co-stars, Fan Siu-wongLam Ka-tung, and Lynn Hung.[26] Ip Man also received positive reactions from film critics. Salon's Andrew O'Hehir deemed Ip Man a "well-paced and satisfying piece of Chinese-nationalist pulp," referring to the film's heavy anti-Japanese sentiment.[27]

Derek Elley of Variety Magazine wrote in his review, "Yen, who's taking on real star charisma in middle age, is aces as Ip, with a simple dignity that exactly mirrors the movie's own and a gracefulness in combat that's very different from his trademark whiplash style."[28] Malaysian film critic Lim Chang Moh of The Malay Mail awarded the film three stars out of four, writing that the film was "nicely balanced with great martial arts action and an engaging narrative."[29] Lim later placed the film at number six in his list of "Top Ten Movies of 2008."[30] Jen Ogilvie of Fortean Times wrote, "what carries Ip Man is its dramatic charge: it is the story's entanglement in the real horrors of Japanese occupation that pulls the viewer in and builds tension into the fight scenes."[31]

The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported that 86% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 28 reviews, with an average rating of 6.6/10. The site's critics consensus reads, "At once beholden to the established conventions of the genre and delightfully subversive of them, Ip Man is one of the most exciting – and refreshingly character-driven – martial arts films in years."[32] At Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 59 out of 100 based on 9 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews".[33]

Fact and fiction[edit]

The film was never meant to be a true biographical film to Ip Man's life, but to broadly touch on the elements from his life. Most of the central turns of the plot are there only for the purpose of making a movie more exciting, including the scenes depicting duels between Ip Man and the Japanese, including Consul General Miura Yoshiaki (三浦義秋), as well as Ip Man encountering hardship during the Second Sino-Japanese War.[34]

Ip Man's eldest son, Ip Chun, would have preferred the film to be shot on location in Foshan and noted the mansion was grander than the original one.[35]

Box office[edit]

Ip Man grossed ¥14,948,157 (US$2,188,982) on its opening weekend in China.[36] The film's revenues increased in the second week by 86.1%, grossing ¥27,812,224 (US$4,073,201) to retain second place at the box office.[37] The film experienced a small decrease in revenue in its third weekend, dropping 10.5% to ¥24,889,189 ($3,645,112), though remaining in second place.[38] Ip Man continued to decrease in revenue, grossing ¥19,956,454 (US$2,922,695) in its fourth week while staying in second place.[39] After six weeks of theatrical release, Ip Man grossed a total of ¥93,740,529 (US$13,728,640).[40] The film was China's 13th highest-grossing film of 2008.[41][failed verification]

During its opening weekend in Hong Kong, Ip Man came in first place at the box office, grossing HK$4.5 million (US$579,715).[42] In its second week, Ip Man moved to second place, while grossing HK$6,156,765 (US$789,303) with a 36.2% increase in revenue.[43] The film continued to decrease in revenue in its third week, grossing HK$3,494,366 ($447,981), while staying in second place at the box office.[44] Ip Man moved to third place in its fourth week, grossing HK$2,075,250 ($266,055).[45] After seven weeks of theatrical release in Hong Kong, Ip Man had grossed HK$25,581,958.69 (US$3,300,847) domestically.[46] The film ranks as the 8th highest-grossing film in Hong Kong of 2008.[47] In total, the film had grossed $22,108,789 worldwide, despite not being released in North America and most of Europe.[48]

Home media[edit]

Ip Man was released on DVD and Blu-ray formats on 13 February 2009. Releases include single-disc[49] and two-disc special-edition formats.[50] Features for the special edition include deleted scenes, a making-of featurette, a theatrical trailer, interviews with director Wilson Yip and actor Donnie Yen and featurettes on both Ip Man and Wing Chun martial arts. Ip Man was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on 27 July 2010.[51] A 3-disc Deluxe Collector's Edition was released in China, but only contains Mandarin-dubbed soundtracks and no English subtitles.[52]

In the United Kingdom, Ip Man was 2011's seventh best-selling foreign-language film on physical home video formats, and the second best-selling Chinese film (below Ip Man 2).[53]


List of Accolades
Award / Film FestivalCategoryRecipient(s)Result
Beijing College Student Film FestivalBest ActorDonnie YenWon
Favorite DirectorWilson YipWon
2009 Fantasia Festival[54]Technical AchievementWon
Best Asian FilmWilson Yip
2nd Place
Most Energetic FilmWilson Yip
2nd Place
46th Golden Horse Film Awards[55]Best Action ChoreographySammo Hung, Tony Leung Siu-hungWon
28th Hong Kong Film Awards[56]Best FilmWon
Best DirectorWilson YipNominated
Best ActorDonnie YenNominated
Best Supporting ActorLam Ka-tungNominated
Best Supporting ActorFan Siu-wongNominated
Best CinematographyO Sing-puiNominated
Best Film EditingCheung Ka-faiNominated
Best Art DirectionKenneth MakNominated
Best Action ChoreographySammo Hung, Tony Leung Siu-hungWon
Best Sound DesignKinson TsangNominated
Best Visual EffectsHenri WongNominated
Best Original ScoreKenji KawaiNominated
Huabiao Film AwardsOutstanding Abroad ActorDonnie YenWon
Outstanding Co-production FilmWon
Shanghai Film Critics AwardsFilm of MeritWon
Sitges - Catalan International Film FestivalOrient Express AwardWilson YipWon
2nd Iron Elephant Awards[57]Best PictureWon
Best Action ChoreographySammo Hung, Tony Leung Siu-hungWon
Best ActorDonnie YenWon


Ip Man is the first film in a tetralogy. Donnie Yen reprised the lead role in the sequel Ip Man 2, the second feature film based on the life of Ip Man. The film focuses on Ip's movements in Hong Kong as he attempts to propagate his discipline of Wing Chun martial arts; at the end it also briefly introduces a young Bruce Lee prior to becoming one of Ip's most famed disciples. Ip Man 2 was released theatrically in Hong Kong in late April 2010. Lynn Hung and Fan Siu-wong reprise their supporting roles, while martial arts choreographer Sammo Hung appears as a master of Hung Ga martial arts.

Yen expressed his lack of interest in making a third film, feeling that, "Ip Man 2 will incontrovertibly become a classic, bettering the first."[58] Yen later stated that after Ip Man 2, he would no longer be involved in a film based on Ip's life.[59] While both Donnie Yen and Raymond Wong were not keen on making a third Ip Man film, director Wilson Yip expressed interest in making one that would focus on the relationship between Ip and Bruce Lee. While Ip Man 2 very briefly shows Lee as a child, Yip hoped to find a suitable actor to portray Lee as an adult for the third installment.[60]

In January 2014, Variety reported that Ip Man 3 would begin shooting in 2015 with Donnie Yen reprising his role as Ip Man and Wilson Yip returning to direct. The film was initially scheduled for a late 2015 release,[61][62] but eventually it was released in early 2016.

Ip Man 4 was released in 2019. Yen again plays the lead role, with Yip as director and Kwok-Kwan Chan as Bruce Lee.[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "Ip Man (2008)"British Film Institute. Archived from the original on 19 May 2018. Retrieved 29 August 2018.
  2. ^ "Ip Man (2008) Movie". movies.shut.net. Archived from the original on 30 April 2012. Retrieved 5 August 2011.
  3. Jump up to:a b Ip Man 4, retrieved 16 December 2018
  4. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n "The Cast"Mandarin Films Distribution Co. Ltd. Archived from the original on 19 May 2019. Retrieved 16 August 2013.
  5. Jump up to:a b c d Cheang, Michael (16 December 2008). "Donnie Yen takes on the role of his life"The Star (Malaysia). Retrieved 2 December 2009.
  6. Jump up to:a b "Kaleidoscope -> Chinese Kungfu"kaleidoscope.cultural-china.com. Archived from the original on 28 August 2011. Retrieved 26 August 201110 years back, Jeff Lau teamed up with Corey Yuen to bring the story of Yip Man on the screen, with Donnie Yen as Yip Man and Stephen Chow as Bruce Lee. Donnie Yen had signed the contract and received part of the acting fee. However, the studio folded resulting in the project being abandoned.
  7. ^ Au Yeung, Leo. "YIP MAN MOVIE". chinesekungfu.co.uk. Retrieved 17 May 2010.
  8. ^ "Release 2008". kenjikawai.com. 16 December 2008. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  9. ^ "Legend of Yip Man Cast Announced - Wu-Jing.org"Wu-Jing.org. Archived from the original on 25 May 2009. Retrieved 7 January 2010《叶问传》 Legend of Yip Man, produced by Mandarin Films, will begin production in late February 2008. Wilson Yip is directing, with the main production behind SPL being involved as well. Apart from Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung will also be joining the cast. And for maximum impact, they'll be performing their own stunts in this action oriented feature. Ngai Sing and a few martial artists are also being considered. Raymond Wong says that they are gathering information on the life of Yip Man, and have even been to Hall of Yip Man in Foshan as part of the research. The movie has full support from Yip Man's son, who's agreed to be the consultant. Raymond Wong says that the film will take on a similar look and feel as SPL.
  10. Jump up to:a b c d "Yip Man is No More A Legend; Production Begins in March - Wu-Jing.org". Archived from the original on 30 December 2009. Retrieved 7 January 2010.
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  12. Jump up to:a b c "It's a Wrap For Ip Man - Wu-Jing.org". Archived from the original on 13 May 2009. Retrieved 7 January 2010.
  13. Jump up to:a b "ipman » 拍攝過程 About the Shooting". ipman-movie.com. Archived from the original on 12 April 2009. Retrieved 18 July 2013.
  14. ^ "Martial Arts Director Sammo Hung Has a Cameo in Ip Man". Archived from the original on 11 January 2010. Retrieved 7 January 2010.
  15. ^ "Grandmaster Yip Man Plot Revealed at Shanghai Press Conference - Wu-Jing.org". 14 July 2008. Archived from the original on 10 May 2008. Retrieved 8 January 2008.
  16. ^ "Donnie Yen Got A Slash Near His Eye on the Set of 'Yip Man' - Wu-Jing.org". 26 March 2008. Archived from the original on 12 July 2010. Retrieved 7 January 2010When at a promotional event on March 25, Donnie Yen was wearing sunglasses. It turns out that there was a gash on the area around Donnie Yen's left eye, "When rehearsing an action scene in Yip Man whereby I fight against a group of people, an axe wielder accidentally slashed the side near my left eye. Blood was gushing out."
  17. ^ "Hiroyuki Ikeuchi Challenges Donnie Yen in Ip Man - Wu-Jing.org". 14 July 2008. Archived from the original on 17 July 2008. Retrieved 8 January 2008.
  18. ^ "Mandarin Film Plans Yip Man Film - Wu-Jing.org". 16 October 2007. Archived from the original on 9 March 2008. Retrieved 8 January 2008.
  19. ^ "Y Ip Man Stripped of Grandmaster Status? - Wu-Jing.org". wu-jing.org. 12 June 2008. Archived from the original on 23 February 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  20. ^ "Ip Man 2 May Still Focus on... Ip Man - Wu-Jing.org". wu-jing.org. 12 June 2008. Archived from the original on 25 February 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
  21. ^ "Man' is coming!". china.org.cn. Retrieved 7 October 2012.
  22. ^ "Ip Man". in.com. Archived from the original on 31 July 2012. Retrieved 7 October 2012.
  23. ^ "GSCMOVIES.COM.MY". Archived from the original on 30 April 2009. Retrieved 10 February 2010.
  24. ^ "24Framespersecond.net – IP MAN gets U.K theatrical release". 27 August 2009. Archived from the original on 26 June 2010. Retrieved 10 February 2010We were expecting Donnie Yen's Ip Man – the biopic of the life of Bruce Lee's martial arts teacher – to be heading straight to DVD in the U.K, but it seems they have other ideas. Ip Man (released by Showbox Entertainment) will be opening the film first, in selected UK cinemas on October 2nd.
  25. ^ Pollard, Mark (24 March 2010). "Well Go USA acquires 'Ip Man' films « Kung Fu Cinema"Kung Fu Cinema. Archived from the original on 26 March 2010. Retrieved 8 April 2010.
  26. ^ "Positive Responses at Ip Man Test Screening - Wu-Jing.org". Wu-Jing.org. 5 December 2008. Archived from the original on 28 April 2009. Retrieved 10 February 2010Test screening for Ip Man was held in Beijing on Dec 4. Based on the survey sheets returned by the audience, it's an unanimous recommendation. Donnie Yen's portrayal of Yip Man was billed as the year's best performance. Donnie Yen has acquitted himself well as a great master, besting his two other works this year. High marks were also given to Fan Siu-wong, Lam Ka-tung, and Lynn Hung. The first half of the film is filled with more laidback, humorous moments, amply showing Ip Man's kungfu. The second half is thoughtful, stirring and nationalistic, amply showing Ip Man's grandmaster spirit. As a traditional kungfu film, Ip Man's martial arts scenes were awarded 8 to 9 out of 10 by 85% of the audience, while full marks were given by the rest.
  27. ^ O'Hehir, Andrew (25 June 2009). "Exit the dragon - Beyond the Multiplex - Salon.com"Salon.com. Archived from the original on 7 May 2010.
  28. ^ Elley, Derek (20 January 2009). "Ip Man Review – Read Variety's Analysis of the Movie Ip Man"Variety. Retrieved 22 May 2010.
  29. ^ Lim, Chang Moh (25 December 2008). "@ The Movies With Lim Chang Moh". Retrieved 22 May 2010.
  30. ^ Lim, Chang Moh (31 December 2008). "@ The Movies With Lim Chang Moh". Retrieved 22 May 2010.
  31. ^ Ogilve, Jen (September 2009). "Ip Man"Fortean Times. Retrieved 10 February 2010.
  32. ^ "Ip Man (2010)"Rotten TomatoesFandango. Retrieved 25 August 2019.
  33. ^ "Ip Man Reviews"MetacriticCBS Interactive. Retrieved 25 August 2019.
  34. ^ "Ip Man (2008) review". Film4. 2008. Archived from the original on 16 February 2011. Retrieved 2 September 2010.
  35. ^ "Donnie Yen Has Had Enough of Ip Man - Wu-Jing.org"Guangzhou Daily. 8 March 2010. Archived from the original on 11 March 2010. Retrieved 8 April 2010Yip Chun says, "No matter how well-received Ip Man was, there were areas that could have been better. For example, the film was obviously set in Foshan, yet it was not shot on location on the actual place. Neither was the mansion like the original. Hence, we have The Legend is Born: Ip Man shot in Foshan, showing Foshan as it is meant to be."
  36. ^ "China Box Office, December 8–14, 2008"Box Office MojoIMDb. Retrieved 18 May 2010.
  37. ^ "China Box Office, December 15–21, 2008"Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved 18 May 2010.
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  45. ^ "Hong Kong Box Office, January 8–11, 2009"Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved 25 May 2010.
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  47. ^ "2008 Hong Kong Yearly Box Office Results"Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved 26 May 2010.
  48. ^ "Ip Man (2008)"Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Archived from the original on 8 July 2011. Retrieved 21 May 2010.
  49. ^ "YESASIA: Ip Man (DVD) (Hong Kong Version) DVD – Donnie Yen, Gordon Lam, Universe Laser (HK) – Hong Kong Movies & Videos – Free Shipping – North America Site"YesAsia.com. YESASIA.COM LTD. Retrieved 21 May 2010.
  50. ^ "YESASIA: Ip Man (DVD) (2-Disc Special Edition) (Hong Kong Version) DVD – Donnie Yen, Gordon Lam, Universe Laser (HK) – Hong Kong Movies & Videos – Free Shipping"YesAsia.com. YESASIA.COM LTD. Retrieved 21 May 2010.
  51. ^ Riviello, Alex (27 April 2010). "DONNIE YEN'S IP MAN COMES TO THE USA"CHUD.com. Infinity. Archived from the original on 29 April 2010. Retrieved 20 May 2010.
  52. ^ "Ip Man hardcover Collector's Edition". gouduo.com. Archived from the original on 24 November 2011. Retrieved 17 August 2013.
  53. ^ "BFI Statistical Yearbook 2012" (PDF)British Film Institute (BFI). 2012. p. 116. Retrieved 21 April 2022.
  54. ^ Brown, Tom. "Fantasia Audience Award Winners Announced". twitchfilm.com. Archived from the original on 18 October 2012. Retrieved 5 August 2011.
  55. ^ "46th Golden Horse Awards". lovehkfilm.com. Retrieved 5 August 2011.
  56. ^ "Welcome to the 29th Hong Kong Film Awards"Hong Kong Film Award. Hong Kong Film Award Association, Ltd. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 4 June 2010.
  57. ^ 第二届铁象大赏 甄子丹章子怡雨中领奖(图) (in Chinese). xinmin.cn. Retrieved 5 August 2011.
  58. ^ "Ip Man 2: Sammo Hung Vs Donnie Yen Round 2 - Wu-Jing.org"wu-jing.org. 30 October 2009. Archived from the original on 9 March 2010. Retrieved 1 March 2010.
  59. ^ "Donnie Yen Has Had Enough of Ip Man - Wu-Jing.org"wu-jing.org. 8 March 2010. Archived from the original on 11 March 2010. Retrieved 29 March 2010.
  60. ^ "Will Jay Chou Play Bruce Lee in Ip Man 3?". theblackboxoffice.com. Archived from the original on 11 February 2012. Retrieved 5 August 2011.
  61. ^ "Ip Man 3 Coming Up"Blu-ray.com. Retrieved 25 March 2015.
  62. ^ Patrick Frater (23 March 2014). "Pegasus Rides in With 'Z Storm,' 'Ip Man 3'"Variety. Retrieved 25 March 2015.

External links[edit]

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