[규장각 한국학 세미나] <위안부 문제의 재조명: 성병과 대동아공영권>
- 발표 날자가 지난 주 8월 25일인데, 바빠서 잊어버렸다.
- 발표는 영어로이고 발표자가 Gao Ming이라고 되어있는데 누굴까? 이름이 한국인이 아니라 중국계인 것 같다.
- 밑의 개요를 보면 적어도 한일관계나 한국내에서의 정치적인 운동에 영향을 주는 시각이 아니라 객관적인 이해를 위한 연구인 것 같다.
- <위안부 문제>를 <제국만들기>와 <전염병 통제>와의 관계에서의 새로운 시각에서 본다고 한다.
Topic: Re-examining the “Comfort Women” Issues: Disease and the Greater Co-prosperity Sphere, 1937 – 1946
Presenter: Gao Ming (Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies)
Moderator: John DiMoia (Seoul National University)
Discussants: Aya Homei (The University of Manchester), Sara Kang (Harvard University)
Time: August 25th (Wednesday) 10:00AM~12:00PM
Venue: ZOOM,
This project seeks new perspectives on the relationship between empire-building, “comfort women”, and infectious diseases control.
I show how these connections help reinforce and generate an organic yet symbiotic relationship among imperial soldiers, “comfort women”, and the population at Japanese home island.
This project thus provides an innovative reassessment of relations among Japanese soldiers, venereal disease, comfort women stations, and the new order of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere with implications that extend beyond the particular East Asian context, revealing how imperial practices shape the dynamics of interactions between gaichi (other territories of the Japanese Empire) and naichi (mainland Japan).
In the broader backdrop of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, a Population Policy plan formed part of the basic structure of the new era of future Asian order under Japanese leadership.
Fundamentally, the interplay between contagious disease control and population health of the Japanese race at large offers a clue to the explanation of “comfort women” station system and its vast expansion in the first half of 1940s.
The ambitious Population Policy plan, furthermore, galvanized myriad imperial organs and military officers from both home island and abroad into action and they individually framed their own regulation and measures in line with an imperial mission to produce healthy, high-quality, and exemplary offspring for the sake of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Insu Bae