
Who started the Korean War? 18 October 2012

Who started the Korean War?
18 October 2012 at 10:50

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Refugee Orphans Near Haengju (Korean civilians pass an M-46 tank), Haengju, Korea. June 9, 1951. With her brother on her back a war weary Korean girl tiredly trudges by a stalled tank at Haengju. (taken by Maj. R.V. Spencer, UAF).

26Vũ Nam Phương, Kil Sang Yoon and 24 others

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Han Eun-Ja http://www.brianwillson.com/history-of-u-s-sabotage-of.../

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History of U.S. Sabotage of Korean Peace and Reunification
History of U.S. Sabotage of Korean Peace and Reunification


Han Eun-Ja http://youtu.be/5PK_lmjpEmU

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기록영화 《조선전쟁의 장본인》 / Documentary "Who triggered off the Korean war"


Han Eun-Ja http://www.worldtribune.com/.../2-of-3-south-korean.../

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2 of 3 South Korean students in survey thought their country started the 1950 war | World Tribune
2 of 3 South Korean students in survey thought their country started the 1950 war | World Tribune


Han Eun-Ja http://vimeo.com/64077154

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The Ghosts of Jeju



Han Eun-Ja https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=512709092130001&set=a.178871195513794.43509.100001727454795&type=1&theater


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Han Eun-Ja On the Role of the UN in the Unending Korean War

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On the Role of the UN in the Unending Korean War
On the Role of the UN in the Unending Korean War

5y · Edited

Han Eun-Ja https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=361540183893075&set=pb.224717657575329.-2207520000.1384093161.&type=3&theater

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Han Eun-Ja http://ongenocide.com/.../the-korean-genocide-part-3.../

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The Korean Genocide Part 3: June 1950 – Who Started It?
The Korean Genocide Part 3: June 1950 – Who Started It?


Han Eun-Ja On 60th anniversary of Korean WarWhat they don’t want you to knowBy Stephen Millies Published Jun 23, 2010 …See more

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What they don’t want you to know
What they don’t want you to know


Han Eun-Ja https://www.facebook.com/.../a.1015.../10152259744859677/...

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Han Eun-Ja OMG! LOOK AT HOW CLOSE NORTH KOREA PUT THEIR COUNTRY NEAR ALL THE US MILITARY BASES!http://koreaunderground.tumblr.com/.../omg-look-at-how...

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Han Eun-Ja North Korea: Who Sank the Cheonan?The sinking of the US submarine was not reportedBy Tanaka Sakai…See more

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North Korea: Who Sank the Cheonan?
North Korea: Who Sank the Cheonan?

Han Eun-Ja From the legacy of the 1% to the Korean War, these five censored books tell damning truths the establishment wants hidden via Breaking The Sethttp://youtu.be/U0czUr2imGY

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Why These 5 Books Are Censored from Your History Class | Interview with Mark Crispin Miller


Han Eun-Ja https://www.facebook.com/.../a.226005.../959530164060615/...


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Han Eun-Ja https://www.facebook.com/MrTimmyDee/posts/10201855894793493

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睡蓮 三つ

19 August 2014

Thanks to Stephen Uliyanov

It's true, that's not even debatable. The Korean People's Republic liberated all of Korea before the US got there. When the US and So...
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Han Eun-Ja 앤서방; South Korea has never had any meaningful sovereignty. It has been a US military colony since the end of WW2 when they denied Koreans, newly liberated from Japanese colonisation, the chance to form their own government. The US cruelly and disastrou…See more


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Han Eun-Ja Bill Hamm; Here's a very informative book that has been kept out of print until recently...
The Hidden History of the Korean War - Forbidden Bookshelf by I. F. StoneJournalistic icon I. F. Stone’s courageous, controversial book both raises and answers troubling questions about this forgotten war; now with a new introduction by Bruce Cumings “Much about the Korean War is still hidden, and much will long remain hidden.http://www.openroadmedia.com/the-hidden-history-of-the...

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The Hidden History of the Korean War - Forbidden Bookshelf by I. F. Stone
The Hidden History of the Korean War - Forbidden Bookshelf by I. F. Stone


Margarita Campoamor Alegre Estados Unidos está obligando a sus "colonias" a seguir su modelo económico, social y político. Lo que resulte de eso será abominable por lo injusto y despreciable... y el orgullo de los pueblos violados puede que sea convulso y violento. No me gustaría que sucediera, pero ellos mandan a nuestros dirigentes... aunque los ciudadanos no quieren.


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See translation · 4y

Han Eun-Ja Nuclear Redux in North KoreaFriday, 08 January 2016
A very important bit of history by Rutgers university professor and Korea historian Suzy Kim. Please read -- North Korea didn't create the nuclear crisis. It was Washington.http://www.truth-out.org/.../34348-nuclear-redux-in-north...

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Nuclear Redux in North Korea
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Han Eun-Ja 2011/01/28
US Ultimately to Blame for Korean Skirmishes in Yellow Sea, Stephen Gowans …See more

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End Sanctions - End Korean War 66년 전, 6.25 한국전쟁

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End Sanctions - End Korean War HOW AND WHY DID THE KOREAN WAR START?Posted on July 1, 2016 by Joseph HancockA magazine of the Theory & Practice of Marxism-Leninism…See more

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DPRK North Korea Connection korea undergroundhttp://koreaunderground.tumblr.com/

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korea underground
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End Sanctions - End Korean Warhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/742872155816682/permalink/861493477287882/

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End Sanctions - End Korean War The 1905 Secret Taft-Katsura Agreement: America's Betrayal Of Koreahttp://dokdo-research.com/temp25.html dokdo-research.com

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The 1905 Secret Taft-Katsura Agreement: America¡¯s Betrayal Of Korea
The 1905 Secret Taft-Katsura Agreement: America¡¯s Betrayal Of Korea

End Sanctions - End Korean War nogunri01-1하얀나비,빨래,병사,흰꽃(자계예술촌레지던시주제작)https://youtu.be/-z5FTfhWwH4이름없는공연 Published on 12 Jul 2016…See more

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End Sanctions - End Korean War nogunri01-2하얀나비,빨래,병사,흰꽃-자계예술촌2016.6.-11예술인 레지던스 주제작https://youtu.be/doxEv86_vIo이름없는공연 Published on 14 Jul 2016…See more

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nogunri01-2하얀나비,빨래,병사,흰꽃-자계예술촌2016.6.-11예술인 레지던스 주제작
nogunri01-2하얀나비,빨래,병사,흰꽃-자계예술촌2016.6.-11예술인 레지던스 주제작


End Sanctions - End Korean War nogunri01 3하얀나비,빨래,병사,흰꽃-노근리쌍굴다리,비내리는 밤,그림자https://youtu.be/DjGhkvwTdCY이름없는공연 Published on 14 Jul 2016…See more

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nogunri01 3하얀나비,빨래,병사,흰꽃-노근리쌍굴다리,비내리는 밤,그림자


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Han Eun-Jahttps://www.facebook.com/DPRK.NorthKoreaConnection/posts/1173430069370745?pnref=story

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DPRK North Korea Connection

23 November 2016 ·

Israeli's knew how to handle this. They shot all the North Korean nuclear scientists they could find. Good riddance."
21 February 2014 at 05:33

End Sanctions - End Korean War Child welfare conferenceBy John Larkin, The National Post, 27 November 1998S. Korea’s recession brings ‘IMF orphans’: Unemployment and divorce have reached record levels.…See more

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End Sanctions - End Korean War bringing Democracy ^_^ oh how we love those poor evil hungry north koreans waiting for us to be freed by us holy saviours from their sticky oily burdenhttp://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/55a/161.html

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2y · Edited

End Sanctions - End Korean War https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php...

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Gary Proctor

28 December 2016

A short list of US "interventions"
A careful examination of U.S. foreign policy history reveals over 400 overt military interventions and over 6000 covert interventions, each one a violation of international law and each an act of war against a sovereign nation.

Here’s a partial list of interventions, with the purpose of effecting “regime change,” attempted or materially supported by the United States—whether primarily by means of overt force (OF), covert operation (CO), or subverted election (SE):
1893 – Hawaii (Liliuokalani; monarchist): success (OF)
1912 – China (Piyu; monarchist): success (OF)
1918 – Panama (Arias; center-right): success (SE)
1919 – Hungary (Kun; communist): success (CO)
1920 – USSR (Lenin; communist): failure (OF)
1924 – Honduras (Carias; nationalist): success (SE)
1945 – Japan (Higashikuni; rightist): success (OF)
1946 – Thailand (Pridi; conservative): success (CO)
1946 – Argentina (Peron; military/centrist): failure (SE)
1947 – France (communist): success (SE)
1947 – Philippines (center-left): success (SE)
1947 – Romania (Gheorghiu-Dej; stalinist): failure (CO)
1948 – Italy (communist): success (SE)
1948 – Colombia (Gaitan; populist/leftist): success (SE)
1948 – Peru (Bustamante; left/centrist): success (CO)
1949 – Syria (Kuwatli; neutralist/Pan-Arabist): success (CO)
1949 – China (Mao; communist): failure (CO)
1950 – Albania (Hoxha; communist): failure (CO)
1951 – Bolivia (Paz; center/neutralist): success (CO)
1951 – DPRK (Kim; stalinist): failure (OF)
1951 – Poland (Cyrankiewicz; stalinist): failure (CO)
1951 – Thailand (Phibun; conservative): success (CO)
1952 – Egypt (Farouk; monarchist): success (CO)
1952 – Cuba (Prio; reform/populist): success (CO)
1952 – Lebanon (left/populist): success: (SE)
1953 – British Guyana (left/populist): success (CO)
1953 – Iran (Mossadegh; liberal nationalist): success (CO)
1953 – Costa Rica (Figueres; reform liberal): failure (CO)
1953 – Philippines (center-left): success (SE)
1954 – Guatemala (Arbenz; liberal nationalist): success (OF)
1955 – Costa Rica (Figueres; reform liberal): failure (CO)
1955 – India (Nehru; neutralist/socialist): failure (CO)
1955 – Argentina (Peron; military/centrist): success (CO)
1955 – China (Zhou; communist): failure (CO)
1955 – Vietnam (Ho; communist): success (SE)
1956 – Hungary (Hegedus; communist): success (CO)
1957 – Egypt (Nasser; military/nationalist): failure (CO)
1957 – Haiti (Sylvain; left/populist): success (CO)
1957 – Syria (Kuwatli; neutralist/Pan-Arabist): failure (CO)
1958 – Japan (left-center): success (SE)
1958 – Chile (leftists): success (SE)
1958 – Iraq (Feisal; monarchist): success (CO)
1958 – Laos (Phouma; nationalist): success (CO)
1958 – Sudan (Sovereignty Council; nationalist): success (CO)
1958 – Lebanon (leftist): success (SE)
1958 – Syria (Kuwatli; neutralist/Pan-Arabist): failure (CO)
1958 – Indonesia (Sukarno; militarist/neutralist): failure (SE)
1959 – Laos (Phouma; nationalist): success (CO)
1959 – Nepal (left-centrist): success (SE)
1959 – Cambodia (Sihanouk; moderate/neutralist): failure (CO)
1959 – Cuba (Castro; socialist/populist): failure (CO-OF)
1960 – Ecuador (Ponce; left/populist): success (CO)
1960 – Laos (Phouma; nationalist): success (CO)
1960 – Iraq (Qassem; rightist /militarist): failure (CO)
1960 – S. Korea (Syngman; rightist): success (CO)
1960 – Turkey (Menderes; liberal): success (CO)
1961 – Haiti (Duvalier; rightist/militarist): success (CO)
1961 – Cuba (Castro; communist): failure (CO)
1961 – Congo (Lumumba; leftist/pan-Africanist): success (CO)
1961 – Dominican Republic (Trujillo; rightwing/military): success (CO)
1962 – Brazil (Goulart; liberal/neutralist): failure (SE)
1962 – Dominican Republic (left/populist): success (SE)
1962 – Indonesia (Sukarno; militarist/neutralist): failure (CO)
1963 – Dominican Republic (Bosch; social democrat): success (CO)
1963 – Honduras (Montes; left/populist): success (CO)
1963 – Iraq (Qassem; militarist/rightist): success (CO)
1963 – S. Vietnam (Diem; rightist): success (CO)
1963 – Cambodia (Sihanouk; moderate/neutralist): failure (CO)
1963 – Guatemala (Ygidoras; rightist/reform): success (CO)
1963 – Ecuador (Velasco; reform militarist): success (CO)
1964 – Guyana (Jagan; populist/reformist): success (CO)
1964 – Bolivia (Paz; centrist/neutralist): success (CO)
1964 – Brazil (Goulart; liberal/neutralist): success (CO)
1964 – Chile (Allende; social democrat/marxist): success (SE)
1965 – Indonesia (Sukarno; militarist/neutralist): success (CO)
1966 – Ghana (Nkrumah; leftist/pan-Africanist): success (CO)
1966 – Bolivia (leftist): success (SE)
1966 – France (de Gaulle; centrist): failure (CO)
1967 – Greece (Papandreou; social democrat): success (CO)
1968 – Iraq (Arif; rightist): success (CO)
1969 – Panama (Torrijos; military/reform populist): failure (CO)
1969 – Libya (Idris; monarchist): success (CO)
1970 – Bolivia (Ovando; reform nationalist): success (CO)
1970 – Cambodia (Sihanouk; moderate/neutralist): success (CO)
1970 – Chile (Allende; social democrat/Marxist): failure (SE)
1971 – Bolivia (Torres; nationalist/neutralist): success (CO)
1971 – Costa Rica (Figueres; reform liberal): failure (CO)
1971 – Liberia (Tubman; rightist): success (CO)
1971 – Turkey (Demirel; center-right): success (CO)
1971 – Uruguay (Frente Amplio; leftist): success (SE)
1972 – El Salvador (leftist): success (SE)
1972 – Australia (Whitlam; liberal/labor): failure (SE)
1973 – Chile (Allende; social democrat/Marxist): success (CO)
1975 – Australia (Whitlam; liberal/labor): success (CO)
1975 – Congo (Mobutu; military/rightist): failure (CO)
1975 – Bangladesh (Mujib; nationalist): success (CO)
1976 – Jamaica (Manley; social democrat): failure (SE)
1976 – Portugal (military/leftist): success (SE)
1976 – Nigeria (Mohammed; military/nationalist): success (CO)
1976 – Thailand (rightist): success (CO)
1976 – Uruguay (Bordaberry; center-right): success (CO)
1977 – Pakistan (Bhutto: center/nationalist): success (CO)
1978 – Dominican Republic (Balaguer; center): success (SE)
1979 – S. Korea (Park; rightist): success (CO)
1979 – Nicaragua (Sandinistas; leftist): failure (CO)
1980 – Bolivia (Siles; centrist/reform): success (CO)
1980 – Iran (Khomeini; Islamic nationalist): failure (CO)
1980 – Italy (leftist): success (SE)
1980 – Liberia (Tolbert; rightist): success (CO)
1980 – Jamaica (Manley; social democrat): success (SE)
1980 – Dominica (Seraphin; leftist): success (SE)
1980 – Turkey (Demirel; center-right): success (CO)
1981 – Seychelles (René; socialist): failure (CO)
1981 – Spain (Suarez; rightist/neutralist): failure (CO)
1981 – Panama (Torrijos; military/reform populist); success (CO)
1981 – Zambia (Kaunda; reform nationalist): failure (CO)
1982 – Mauritius (center-left): failure (SE)
1982 – Spain (Suarez; rightist/neutralist): success (SE)
1982 – Iran (Khomeini; Islamic nationalist): failure (CO)
1982 – Chad (Oueddei; Islamic nationalist): success (CO)
1983 – Mozambique (Machel; socialist): failure (CO)
1983 – Grenada (Bishop; socialist): success (OF)
1984 – Panama (reform/centrist): success (SE)
1984 – Nicaragua (Sandinistas; leftist): failure (SE)
1984 – Surinam (Bouterse; left/reformist/neutralist): success (CO)
1984 – India (Gandhi; nationalist): success (CO)
1986 – Libya (Qaddafi; Islamic nationalist): failure (OF)
1987 – Fiji (Bavrada; liberal): success (CO)
1989 – Panama (Noriega; military/reform populist): success (OF)
1990 – Haiti (Aristide; liberal reform): failure (SE)
1990 – Nicaragua (Ortega; Christian socialist): success (SE)
1991 – Albania (Alia; communist): success (SE)
1991 – Haiti (Aristide; liberal reform): success (CO)
1991 – Iraq (Hussein; military/rightist): failure (OF)
1991 – Bulgaria (communist): success (SE)
1992 – Afghanistan (Najibullah; communist): success (CO)
1993 – Somalia (Aidid; right/militarist): failure (OF)
1993 – Cambodia (Han Sen/CPP; leftist): failure (SE)
1993 – Burundi (Ndadaye; conservative): success (CO)
1993 – Azerbaijan (Elchibey; reformist): success (CO)
1994 – El Salvador (leftist): success (SE)
1994 – Rwanda (Habyarimana; conservative): success (CO)
1994 – Ukraine (Kravchuk; center-left): success (SE)
1995 – Iraq (Hussein; military/rightist): failure (CO)
1996 – Bosnia (Karadzic; centrist): success (CO)
1996 – Russia (Zyuganov; communist): success (SE)
1996 – Congo (Mobutu; military/rightist): success (CO)
1996 – Mongolia (center-left): success (SE)
1998 – Congo (Kabila; rightist/military): success (CO)
1998 – Indonesia (Suharto; military/rightist): success (CO)
1999 – Yugoslavia (Milosevic; left/nationalist): success (SE)
2000 – United States (Gore; conservative): success (SE)
2000 – Ecuador (leftist): success: (CO)
2001 – Afghanistan (Omar; rightist/Islamist): success (OF)
2001 – Belarus (Lukashenko; leftist): failure (SE)
2001 – Nicaragua (Ortega; Christian socialist): success (SE)
2001 – Nepal (Birendra; nationalist/monarchist): success (CO)
2002 – Venezuela (Chavez; reform-populist): failure (CO)
2002 – Bolivia (Morales; leftist/MAS): success (SE)
2002 – Brazil (Lula; center-left): failure (SE)

The following is a partial list of atrocities, massacres, murders, and injuries in recent history for which the largest, most deadly, most deceptive terrorist network the world has ever seen is responsible:
• 3,000,000 Vietnamese murdered over the course of about 30 years of US aggression.
• Well over 300,000 Japanese were massacred when the US raided Tokyo and dropped nuclear bombs on the urban civilian areas of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
• 600,000 civilians were killed in Cambodia by US bombing between 1969 and 1975.
• Over 500,000 people were killed in Laos when America subjected civilians to "secret bombing" from 1964 to 1973, dropping over two million tons of bombs on the country. Over one fourth of the population also became refugees.
• 100,000 people were murdered in South Korea prior to the Korean War by a brutal repression supported by US forces in 1945. This includes between 30,000 and 40,000 killed during the suppression of a peasant revolt on Cheju Island.
• Up to 4,500,000 Koreans were killed from 1951 to 1953 during America's massive slaughter in the Korean War.
• 200,000 were murdered when the Philippines were conquered by American forces. (This took place just over 100 years ago.)
• 23,000 people were slaughtered in Taiwan by US-backed, trained, equipped, and funded forces (Chiang's Nationalist army) during the late 1940s.
• 700,000 Indonesians (mostly landless peasants) were murdered in 1965 when the US armed and supported General Suharto.
• 200,000 were slaughtered in East Timor in 1975 by General Suharto with US support.
• 750,000 civilians were driven from their homes in East Timor by Indonesian forces in 1999 and 10,000 were killed with U.S. support.
• Over 1,700,000 Iraqis have been killed by US bombings and sanctions, mostly women and children.
• Over 1,000,000 lives were lost during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s in which the US used direct force and supported Hussein and Iraq.
• 35,000 Kurds were killed, 3,500 villages were destroyed, and between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 became homeless as a result of aggression by Turkey with US arming and training in the 1990s.
• Over 1,000,000 people were killed in Afghanistan's civil war from 1979 to 1992, in which the US strongly supported the Moujahedeen, the most violent and sadistic of the forces. (This also set the stage for the CIA-backed Taliban to attain power.)
• 45,000 people were killed in South Lebanon since 1982 by Israel, always armed and supported by the US.
• Hundreds of thousands have been killed in Palestine and millions (in both Palestine and Lebanon) were made refugees by US-backed Israel.
• Over 150,000 were killed in Greece when America advised, equipped, and financed violent interventions in the late 1940s and late 1960s.
• Over 75,000 civilians were killed and over one million refugees were created in El Salvador from 1980 to 1994 when the US intensely supported the efforts of a brutal regime and its death squads to eliminate a popular uprising.
• 40,000 civilians were killed by the US-backed National Guard in Nicaragua over the course of almost 50 years.
• 30,000 lives were killed by the US contras in Nicaragua from 1979 to 1989.
• 200,000 Guatemalans were slaughtered from 1960-1990s by a military apparatus trained, armed, funded, and assisted by America.
• Over 35,000 Colombian civilians have been killed during the US-supported Columbian war against left-wing rebels.
• More than 4,000 innocent civilians were killed in Panama during the US invasion in 1989.
• Hundreds of thousands were killed by US direct and indirect interventions in Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and Argentina from the mid 60s through the 80s.
• 50,000 Haitians were killed when the US military destroyed a peasant uprising in 1915.
• Between 4,000 and 5,000 Haitians were killed in the early 1990s by US-established forces.
• Thousands were killed in the Dominican Republic during the 1960s when US and Dominican troops crushed a pro-Bosch rebellion.
• Over 3,000 were killed and countless others injured by US interventions in Cuba.
• Hundreds were killed or injured when the US invaded Grenada in 1983.
• Over 50,000 Somalians were killed between 1978 and 1990 by US-supported Siad Barre.
• Up to 10,000 more Somalians were killed by US troops during America's "humanitarian mission" in 1993.
• In the US-supported Rwandan genocide, an estimated 800,000 people were killed in just 100 days in 1994.
• Over 300,000 were killed and 80,000 were crippled in Angola from a US-supported civil war.
• Tens of thousands were killed and up to 200,000 were tortured in Chad by Hissen Habre with US support during the 1980's.
• 1,500,000 were killed between 1980 and 1988 in southern Africa by the US-armed South Africa.

The Defense Department Base Structure Report for fiscal 2009 reported 716 overseas military bases either owned or leased by the United States and 4,863 domestic and territorial military bases - that does not include the U.S. military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar and all others that are secret. For the 2010 fiscal year, the final size of the Department of Defense's budget was $693 billion, the Department of Homeland Security $53 billion and $80.1 billion was spent on intelligence gathering. The U.S. gives military aid to many countries in the world, the most goes to Israel, $2,775,000,000 in 2010, and next is Egypt, $1,300,000,000 in 2010.

Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To U.S. Interventions -

Timeline of United States military operations - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/…

500 Nations The Story of Indian Americans Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dr_Qqja4RY

500 Nations The Story of Indian Americans Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn2YQCXrLsA

"Between 1776 and 1887, the United States seized over 1.5 billion acres from America's indigenous people by treaty and executive order. Explore how in this interactive map of every Native American land cession during that period."To watch the United States expand across the continent, click the movie icon in the top right. Use the slider below to see how things changed year to year.Click on any area of the map to see who ceded the land and when. Popup boxes contain links to treaty text.Find your home or a different address by clicking the target icon at the top right.Use the "Highlight By Nation" box to find all cessions by the Cherokee, the Sioux, or any other people.Select source maps to see nineteenth-century maps of land cessions."http://invasionofamerica.ehistory.org/

End Sanctions - End Korean War https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155676446054616&set=gm.1134068546690305&type=3&theater

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End Sanctions - End Korean War 4yr ago North Korea Called for a Peace Treaty. United Nations, 21 June 2013Secundus Silent Published on 12 Feb 2017…See more

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4yr ago North Korea Called for a Peace Treaty. United Nations, 21 June 2013


End Sanctions - End Korean War Red- Hunt(빨갱이 사냥)sungbong cho Published on 1 Apr 2012https://youtu.be/PSynIfc_L9Q

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Red- Hunt(빨갱이 사냥)


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Rogue CIA-NIS Agents Staged Murder Of Kim Jong Nam By Yoichi Shimatsu
Rogue CIA-NIS Agents Staged Murder Of Kim Jong Nam By Yoichi Shimatsu


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The Korean War


End Sanctions - End Korean War Report on US crimes in Korea

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End Sanctions - End Korean War https://www.facebook.com/groups/nonavalbase/

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No Naval Base on Jeju!
No Naval Base on Jeju!

End Sanctions - End Korean War https://www.facebook.com/groups/nothaad/

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NO THAAD in South Korea!!

End Sanctions - End Korean War US Sanctions on North Korea Are Not LegalThe Peace Report Published on 8 Jul 2017https://youtu.be/kg3dddDRLLkSee more

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US Sanctions on North Korea Are Not Legal
US Sanctions on North Korea Are Not Legal


Han Eun-Ja Mr Ken K Roh Stresses U S Normalization with N Korea민족TV minjok tv Published on 15 Jul 2017A forum on the Korean Issues of relationship between DPRK and U.S.A was held on July 13,2017 at The International Action Center-Los Angeles. Mr.Kilnam Roh deli…See more

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Mr Ken K Roh Stresses U S Normalization with N Korea - YouTube


Han Eun-Ja "The 216 million tonne Jongju deposit, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double the current global known resource of REE oxides which according to the US Geological Survey is pegged at 110 million tonnes."Ever wonder why the USA is so keen to eliminate the independent government in the North?https://www.facebook.com/JsBookmar.../posts/1949943991994393

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Han Eun-Ja https://www.facebook.com/timand2037/posts/10213755303569765

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Tim Anderson

30 January

Korean War in one minute, the DPRK side. More detail: http://www.uk-songun.com/index.php…

End Sanctions - End Korean War If you invade another country you aren't defending your country
You're attacking people who are defending their country from you.It is embarrassing that I have to explain something so obvious…See more

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Han Eun-Ja Hui Pamela;What's the difference between famine in NK and in Yemen? One is sanction for more than 70years to make their leader give up their program that's would protect their sovereignty and the other is funding an aggressor with weapons to eliminate one generation away.https://www.facebook.com/koh.pam.7/posts/2132288356791537

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Hui Pamela

14 November at 20:14

What's the difference between famine in NK and in Yemen? One is sanction for more than 70years to make their leader give up their program that's would protect their sovereignty and the other is funding an aggressor with weapons to eliminate one generation away.

End Sanctions - End Korean War in reply to a Sad case of Brainwashed Unification church moron trying to tell me what I can or can not do with this page and that I can not talk about korea when I am not korean. thus posting a link of "unification church" = MOONIES
Unification Church…See more

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End Sanctions - End Korean War

18 November at 13:16 ·

in reply to a Sad case of Brainwashed Unification church moron trying to tell me what I can or can not do with this page and that I can not talk about korea whe...
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DPRK North Korea Connection NowThis World 8 NovemberThe world continues to see disturbing acts of ethnic cleansing. Is it time the international community come together to legally define it and make it an international crime?https://www.facebook.com/NowThisWorld/posts/485322171976633

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What Is Ethnic Cleansing?




NowThis World

9 November at 00:30 ·

The world continues to see disturbing acts of ethnic cleansing. Is it time the international community come together to legally define it and make it an international crime?
4d · Edited

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