(5) FacebookYoung Kim
탈고! 논픽션 '김일성의 아이들'
작년부터 조금씩 써왔던 신간 <김일성의 아이들> 원고를 방금 마무리지었습니다. 처음 생각보다 쓸 내용이 많아져서 책이 5장까지 나왔습니다. 글을 마무리 지으면서 참 많은 생각들이 스쳐갔습니다.
작가에게는 글을 써야 하는 이유가 있을 때가 있습니다. 마음속에서 뭔가 용암처럼 꿈틀거리며 넘쳐날 때가 있는 것이죠. 저에게는 1950년대 동유럽에 살았던 북한 전쟁고아들에 관한 이야기가 그런 것 같습니다.
이미 영화로 나온 이야기를 왜 또 굳이 책으로 쓰려고 하는지 묻는 사람도 있을 것 같습니다. 글쎄요... 책에는 영화에서 담지 못했던 이야기들이 참 많았습니다.
저에게 책과 영화를 가르는 기준은 명확했습니다. '증거'와 '증언', 그걸 입증할 수 없는 이야기들은 모조리 책으로 넘겼습니다. 영화에서만큼은 철저하게 객관적 사실로 입증된 것만을 모으려 했기 때문입니다. 그래야 논란도 피할 수 있을 테니까요.
하지만 버리기엔 너무 아까운 이야기들이 많았습니다. '그럼 책으로 기록을 하자'라는 생각이 들었던 것은 그런 이유였습니다. 벌써 작년 겨울의 일입니다. 저에게 책은 거창한 기록이라기보다는 일상의 작은 기록들이었습니다. 영화를 제작하면서 만났던 많은 사람들과의 추억도 한몫을 했습니다. 힘겨울 때마다 기적처럼 짠하고 나타났던 천사와도 같았던 사람들. 책에는 그런 이야기들을 담았습니다.
마지막 탈고를 하면서 속이 후련할 것 같았는데, 솔직히 마음이 많이 아프네요. 글쎄요. 무슨 이유가 있겠죠.
돌이켜 보면 한 편의 영화를 만드는 과정은 1950년대라는 시간 속으로 북한의 전쟁고아들을 만나러 떠난 여행과도 같았습니다. 어디 숨어 있는지도 모를 정도로 막막했던 그들의 존재를 하나하나 찾아내는 것은 마치 숨바꼭질이라도 하는 기분이 들 정도로 흥미로운 순간들이었습니다.
그 길고 긴 시간 여행이 한 권의 책으로 마무리가 되어가고 있네요. 시작이 있으면 끝이 있고, 만남이 있으면 헤어짐이 있듯이 아이들의 숨겨진 역사와 나의 인연도 언젠가 끝이 있겠죠. 하지만 자연과 생명의 이치에서 죽음은 끝이 아니라 새로운 시작을 위한 준비입니다.
그렇게 계속해서 누군가 이들의 행적을 추적하길 바랍니다. 제가 쓴 책은 그 밑거름이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
제목을 뭐로 할까 고민이 많았는데, 그냥 영화 제목에 '논픽션'을 추가해서 '김일성의 아이들'로 계속 가기로 했습니다. 지금 마지막 편집이 진행 중이고, 대략 11월 말쯤에는 한 권의 책으로 모습을 드러내지 않을까 생각됩니다. 그때까지 많이 응원해주세요.
Ok-kyung Pak
Sejin, I don't know if you have been following this man. He made a documentary film 김일성의 아이들 which has been shown in korea and has been invited by many international documentary film festivals.
Ok-kyung Pak
sent 7 hours ago
I saw the film and was very much touched by what was portrayed in the film about north korea. But his out spoken position turns out to be the opposite ( cruel, dictatorship.. presented by a journalist of 조선일보' supported by the ameriican ambassor Harris) to what i understood from the film, which came as a great surprise! In other words, north korea bashing....
If you have an opportunity, please watch the film or pay attention to the fliw of discourse...
I mistakenly sent a link to the group chat for three of us. The article sent by Park Yuha was for me. You would not know the person in the article. Did you by chance read her book The Comfort Women of the Empire?
Not yet. I am going ti read it now. I was busy preparing for the fellowship application.
Yes, but I haven’t read this article. But it appears to lean toward the “rightwing” , ie against 민족주의
Will read later
Korean wikipedia is useful to check any historical issues.
English wikipedia is linked to Korean, so you can check both
You should instal wikipedia app on your phone, and use it all the time like a dictionary
There is a NK book and TV drama on the NK land reform too.
The drama was good, may be 10 parts
I have the NK book
Thank you.
I will read the wikipedia and install it.
This article is by a man ( on his fb) who made the documentary film (김일성의 아이들) on north korean children sent to eastern europe(poland, rumania...) for temporary adoption during the korean war.
I know
I can see that the author is basically quoting from the book: ????????? ????????? ??????, ?????????. ????????? is a part of a group of authors who wrote a well known rightwing book. Actually, I support a significant part of what they criticize about Korean nationalism.
Korean nationalism is sympathetic to the NK view.

So the film director is more or less rightwing.
May be you were surprised to discover this.
So, what needs to be understood is not about the NK landreform, but the contending perspectives on Korean history.

That is the big picture.
What is the title of the book?
You are going too fast. What do you mean
1) "i support a significant part of what they criticize about korean nationalism"?
2) korean nationalism is sympathetic to the north korean view ( on what)?
If i don't know anything about the north korean land reform, how do i underatand (interprete) the contending perspectives on korean history?
the land reform issue would be one of 100 issues.
It would be good to read a book that discuss the perspectives. The book will discuss major historcal issues. Actually, ????????? is one of the major issues.
Landreform would also be one.
But they are all related.
What is ???????? In your message?
Need to understand the contending perspectives.
Is the NK land reform that is your priority?
to undestand?
Well, then, you read on that alone. But as I said, the film director was quoting from a rightwing book about Kim Ilsung.
May be you read that book yourself.
What is that book - right wing book about kim il sung?
Ah...ok. good. I will read it.
The article that you sent me. Look at the end of the article where I put in bold. https://pan-asian.blogspot.com/2020/07/young-kim.html
I do not have this book in my Aladin bookshelf. But I have several books there on North Korean history that would cover the landreform.
But everybook has some perspective.
Which one in your aladin list ?
I don't see " bold part".
This fellow Young Kim is rather strange.
When I watched the film , i did not have the same understanding as his - north korea abandoned its children.
The second last paragraph: ???????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????? ?????? 17??? ????????? 13?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????. ????????? ???????????????, ???????????????, ?????????, ?????????, ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????'?????????. ('????????? ????????? ??????, ?????????)
I put bold on the book author and title.
where did you watch the film?
He said "abandoned the children"?
Compared with south korean approach of selling the orphans, n. Korea sent children with teachers and made it clear that it is a temporary measre and they will take back the orphans , and they did.
You mean that he said NK abandoned the children?
Some children did not want to go back.
They had difficulty in the beginning to adjust to the new environment , but after a number of years they saw a different system- society.
What did the direct try to say?
Yes. That's the sense he conveyed in his folliwing discussions.
Where can I watch the film?
It is 2am, need to go to sleep.
In the film the director' voice is much more neutral, but started. changing in his discussions
Basically, the director is critical of NK, and also critical of anyone in SK sympathetic to NK.
I gave donnation 15만원, when i read the scenario (advertisement) of the film and i tought his film presents a completely different situation from south kirean foreign adoption. But gradually his statements and media contacts ( 조선일보, 태영오) were turning to a direction that i did not expect.
Because of my donnation, he allowed me to watch with pass word on Vimeo.
But i did not take notes! When i asked to watch for the second time, he did not allow, because i already told him that he is twisting his position from the film.
I see.
He is faced with criticisms from the leftwing in SK
I can see it from his Facebook articles
His article on the NK land reform should be seen from this larger picture.
In general, he would be critical of anything about NK
OK, will talk to you later. Bye.
I did not expect this turn of the event.
His film is neutral and humanitarian perspective. But he seems to be pressured to make his career and his first media contact/ report was 조선일보..
I cannot remember exact wording in 조선일보.
I asked him if that was what the reporter said and if the reporter watched the film. He said yes. And i told him the reporter is twisting the message of the film and we argued and he did not like what i told him.

Good night
thanks. does it need a password?
it costs $21 Australian to watch
I think it is the price of subscription of vimeo on line for one month. It is commercial.
I would be very interested in knowing what you get out of the film, not what he says about the film.
I paid 15만원 not for the film but a donnation.
That is a big donation. I will consider watching it, but a bit expensive to me. The fee is not for month but for two hours.
Today I need to spend some time on something else.
Oh.that's expensive.
I made a big donation because i thought he was praising north korean approach in dealing with the orphans. I wanted to help his perspective to be known, bur it turns out the contrary .
I do not undersrand how and where i went wrong....
When yoy watch, di take notes.
About “going wrong”, that is “understanding” the person’s political and historical perspective.
Yes. ...
Oh, just for me?
No. For everybody. Announced on fb.sent you just now
Oh, ok
But you have to apply. I think
Ok, I will watch it
No use writing to in my facebook wall, need to write to 이재봉. So I sent a message to him for you.
Oh. I sent an email to 조교 최상균 (i think) to register me as indicated in the poster.
I invited you to 개성공단청년아카데미
That is where you get instructions
How do you do it?
I got invited
You are already in.
Check Katalk
Ok. Thank you.
Did you get zoom id and passeword from them?
I just sent 신청서 and 동의서. I was told by email to call 장정령 for zoom with no email. But i think it is not necessary to call her. I have zoom already in my computer.
I did not do anything yet. Many people have zoom already. His/her instruction is for people who do not have it yet.
In addition, she sent me a file for signature. To agree with certain instructions. Print, sign, and take a picture, and send back to her. Hassle.
Yes. !
I have done that.
Oh, already?
Yes. Because it is 10pm here. I should go to sleep soon....

Did you receive zoom id and password? I did not.
Not yet
Ok-kyung forwarded a message
Be careful: I got a message from you or it shown on your wall here.. Please tell all the contacts in your messenger list not to accept friendship request from Andrea Wilson. She is a hacker and has the system connected to your Facebook account. If one of your contacts accepts it, you will also be hacked, so make sure that all your friends know it. Thanks. Forwarded as received. Hold your finger down on the message. At the bottom in the middle it will say forward. Hit that then click on the names of those in your list.
I saw this kind of message before. But better remove Andrea Wilson if you have her.
I don’t have her.
I don't have her.
A friend warned me.
I know this person. What do you have in mind in sending this too me?
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