Journalism ( features) | Fragkiska Megaloudi
Journalism ( features) | Fragkiska Megaloudi
Fragkiska Megaloudi
Humanitarian journalist
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Journalism ( features)
Since 2010, I have been reporting on the Greek financial crisis including the alarming increase of drug use and the rise of HIV in Greece, police brutality, privatization of public assets, the lamentable conditions of migrant workers in Greece, the rise of poverty and the collapse of the Greek middle class.
However my work is not limited to the Greek crisis. I have extensively reported on the humanitarian and political situation in DPRK (North Korea), on the peace process in Northern Uganda after the end of the LRA insurgency, on the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria and the on going humanitarian crisis as well as in development and humanitarian issues out of South East Asia.
I have been reporting (features) for Al Jazeera, Spiegel, Huffington Post UK, DEVEX, IRIN Asia, IRIN West Africa
My main publications can be found below. Links of my work for the humanitarian news agency IRIN can be found on the section Humanitarian Journalism (in this site).
The Hidden Side of Sanctions against North Korea
The Dirty Politics Behind the Syrian Conflict
The aid conundrum in Northeast Nigeria
In North Korea, people “are still malnourished but better fed”
In Pyongyang, walking a fine line between politics and aid
(exclusive analysis on the aid landscape in North Korea)
The forgotten pocket of Syria’s refugee crisis
Boko Haram survivors suffer from fear and stigma
Surviving and escaping Boko Haram’s terror
No reprieve for Syrian Refugees stranded in Greece
Transforming the world’s most isolated nation
Greece: Politics, anarchy and a hunger striker
North Korea: Sanctions, luxury and aid
Austerity and Addiction in Athens
Finanzkrise in Griechenland: Die verratene Mittelschicht (Financial crisis in Greece: the betrayed Middle Class)
The ‘unwanted migrants’: EU’s failed migration policies
A hand in the water is not like a hand in the fire
A General, a”nap” and an execution: How the Media report on North Korea
A foreigner in North Korea: An account of my two years living in Pyongyang
Hunger striker Kostas Sakkas: When justice is blind
When water is for sale: What water privatization really means
Crossing into the unknown: The plight of migrants in the fields of Greece
Growing police brutality in Greece: the hidden face of the crisis
Rising death in the streets of Athens: The human toll of the Greek tragedy
Gay people living in fear in Greece
NEOS KOSMOS Greek-Australian media (Melbourne)
The Voice of Europe: What We Know About North Korea
The Voice of Europe: What We Know About North Korea
In this collaboration between the Real News Network and ThePressProject, Fragiska Megaloudi examines the effects of Western sanctions on North Korea and the shaping of discourse about the East Asian nation
The Voice of Europe: What We Know About North Korea
January 25, 2016
The Voice of Europe: What We Know About North Korea
In this collaboration between the Real News Network and ThePressProject, Fragiska Megaloudi examines the effects of Western sanctions on North Korea and the shaping of discourse about the East Asian nation
To get such a meaning across it would be necessary to be explicit. It was a clumsy way to end what was frankly a rather inept interview.
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Dinos Charalampidis GabrielWhite • 9 months ago
"Business is above politiics", Fragkiska wrote. I would rather add: "and politics are above ethics". That's how it works in capitalism.
Fragkiska Megaloudi GabrielWhite • a year ago
Mr White we probably interpret in a different way the last phrase of the host journalist. To my view what he said, confirms what I pointed out in the interview. Business is above politics. When business and corporations get inside a country then the international community can easily forget human rights violations, totalitarian regimes, dictators and so on. Things "resolve themselves" in that sense. We have seen it happening in so many countries. The latest example is Myanmar -it used to be a "rogue" state until it opened up to western interests and investors. Even the IMF opened up an office there. Since then, we forget the on going violations against the ethnic minority of the Rohinga or against the Kachin people. Myanmar is just an example. Do we ever talk about the oppressive regimes of central Asian nations (ex soviet union states)? We do not. Do we openly criticize the Saudis that have one of the worst records of human rights violations? This is what it means -to my view- the last phrase. I am sorry you found the interview inept.
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