A Japanese Initiative for Peace in the Russia-Ukraine War
The Group of Concerned Japanese Historians
Introduction by Gavan McCormack and Mark Selden

May 10, 2022
Volume 20 | Issue 10 | Number 8
Article ID 5705

Source: The Washington Post
24 February is a date destined to be long remembered, the day on which Russia launched war on its neighbor Ukraine in the name of a “Special Military Operation.” Just over a week later the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted by overwhelming majority a special, emergency resolution (ES-11/1) deploring the Russian act as aggression and demanding it desist and withdraw. The invasion and the response by Ukrainian forces under President Zelenskyy, backed by US and NATO support in the form of advanced weaponry, economic, financial and diplomatic backing, has brought the world itself to the brink of World War Three.
In addition to exacerbating the combined economic and covid-19 crises, the Ukraine war now raises the specter of nuclear catastrophe. The future of humanity itself may hinge on moving expeditiously toward a peace agreement. But talks between Russia and Ukraine have collapsed. Huge quantities of war materiel are flowing into Ukraine from the United States, NATO and others. Sanctions, themselves a form of warfare albeit economic, and in possible breach of the international humanitarian law principle forbidding general or indiscriminate collective punishment, disrupt trade flows and threaten poverty or even famine not only to Ukraine but to others including Russia. Countless lives are lost and millions are driven from their homes and forced to become refugees. The consequences are global. As Ramzy Baroud observes, some of the poorest countries of Asia and Africa, including Tunisia, Sri Lanka and Ghana, and numerous others dependent on Russian and Ukrainian grain, face critical wheat and energy shortages as global supply chains are disrupted.
The following peace initiative by Japanese citizens is addressed primarily to Japan, China and India, but its implications are global. It recognizes that the war can only end with a peace agreement guaranteed by major powers and seeks to involve Asian nations bordering on the conflict in the process. In this it evokes earlier attempts in the six-party (South Korea, North Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and the U.S.) talks to address issues of ending the Korean War and dealing with nuclear weapons in the region. That effort, which extended from 2003 to 2009, brought the parties together for substantive negotiations to resolve conflict although it ultimately failed. It showed both the potential for multilateral peace efforts and their difficulty.
Whether India, China and Japan can cooperate to help bring together the two warring parties for meaningful negotiations to end the war is far from clear. Both India and Japan have geopolitical conflicts with China. Yet both are major trade and investment partners with China: As major Asian nations with a heavy geopolitical and economic stake in the outcome of the conflict, and, in contrast to the US and NATO nations with their increasing military commitments to bring about Russian defeat in the war, both individually and collectively these nations could help set the stage for a settlement.
Whether the issue is resolving the longstanding Russia-Ukraine conflict intensified by NATO's expansion towards Russian borders or wider global problems of war and peace, prosperity, global warming and eco-crisis, the only fruitful path surely will be one of negotiated agreements that bring the war to an end and address the conflicts among the parties.
The attached Statement was drawn up in Japan by prominent intellectuals, headed by Tokyo University historian of Russia and Korea, Wada Haruki, in an ad hoc grouping called “The Group of Concerned Japanese Historians,” for publication on 8 May 2022.1
Related Japanese analysis of the Ukraine crisis appeared in a special (Rinji zokan) issue of the monthly journal Sekai, (“Ukuraina shinryaku senso – Sekai chitsujo no kiki,” on 14 April, and several, including Wada, published their analyses of the crisis in the regular (May) issue of Sekai (“Heiwa e no dohyo to kadai,” Sekai, May 2022 pp. 31-92). For Wada’s article, “Ukuraina senso o tomeru tame no teigen,” ibid, pp. 74-79. (Related articles in this issue of the journal are by Shiokawa Nobuaki, Kanehira Shigenori, Higashi Daisaku, Umebayashi Hiromichi, and Nishitani Osamu.) Members of the “Concerned Historians” group visited the Japanese Foreign Ministry and Indian and Russian embassies in Tokyo in April to discuss their proposal but as of 8 May they had not scheduled a meeting with the Chinese embassy or received a formal response to their proposal. The online symposium they conducted on 29 April is accessible (in Japanese only) on YouTube.
The Japanese initiative is reproduced here in the Japanese original and in English, Russian and Korean translations with an initial list of supporters.
Signatures supporting or commenting on the Statement may be sent (in Japanese) to addresses given in
https://peace-between.jimdosite.com/, or (in English) by email to: Gavan.McCormack@anu.edu.au】
The Group of Concerned Japanese Historians
“A Japanese Initiative for Peace in the Russia-Ukraine War,”
Introduction by Gavan McCormack and Mark Selden
https://peace-between.jimdosite.com/ (in Japanese only)
https://apjjf.org/2022/10/McCormack-Selden.html, (in English only)
Concerned Citizens of Japan, South Korea, and the World Call for an Immediate Halt to the Ukraine War
Two months have passed since the Ukraine war began with the Russian invasion. The Russian forces have now concentrated In the Donbass eastern region. There was an optimistic mood over the ceasefire talks in Istanbul as ceasefire conditions were tabled, but once the bodies of citizens of the town of Bucha near Kyiv were found, calls rose criticizing the Russian military for war crimes. The Ukrainian army, seething with rage, redoubled its war effort. Member states in the Ukrainian support group, including especially the United States, vied with each other to supply large advanced weaponry to Ukraine. General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Ukraine war might go on for years.
Some countries appear to want the war to go on until Ukraine is victorious and the Putin government surrenders. However, the more the fighting goes on, the more lives of Ukrainians and Russians will be lost and deep, irreparable damage inflicted on the future of Ukraine and Russia.
Not only this but if the flow of weapons to Ukraine continues to grow, the war might expand beyond Ukraine, escalating and threatening Europe and beyond. Nuclear war becomes a real possibility and sanctions on Russia could bring on famine on a global scale, especially for the poorest countries of Africa.
When war breaks out, the iron rule for restoration of peace is to limit the battle area, accomplish clear cease-fire lines and negotiate to end the war. We call upon the Russian and Ukrainian forces to stop fighting at their present positions and to proceed sincerely to cease-fire negotiations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, after visiting the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, called for a cease fire. We urge the United Nations to continue its sincere efforts to accomplish a cease-fire. From March, Turkey’s efforts to serve as go-between for ceasefire talks bore fruit and also earned respect.
At this critical juncture of European war, the countries of Asia and Africa should take action. We earnestly call on China and India, and neutral large countries such as the Republic of South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the ASEAN countries to call upon the two forces to cease fire and to act as go-betweens in negotiations towards stopping the war.
War must not be allowed to go on. We plead with the Russian government of President Putin and the Ukrainian government of President Zelenskyy to announce to the people of the world their intention of immediate cease fire, to make preparations for cease-fire talks and to turn towards actual cease fire.
Wherever they may be, whatever their status, and in whatever way they are able, the people of the world must raise their voices and call for an immediate cease-fire.
Nothing is more precious than human life. Let there be no more killing or being killed in Ukraine. That is our plea.
Tokyo, May 8 2022
Wada Haruki, Chair, Group of Concerned Japanese Historians, Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo
Okamoto Atsushi, Former editor-in-chief of Sekai Magazine, former President of Iwanami Publishing company
Isezaki Kenji, Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, former Japanese government’s Special Envoy for Demilitarisation of Afganistan
Mori Kazuko, Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
Togo Kazuhiko, Visiting Professor, Shizuoka Kenritsu University, former Ambassador to The Netherlands
Tanaka Yuko, Former Rectress, Hosei University
Ueno Chizuko, Professor emeritus, University of Tokyo
Uchida Tatsuru, Professor emeritus, Kobe Jogakuin University
Uchida Masatoshi, Lawyer
Utsumi Aiko, Professor Emeritus, Keisen Jogakuen University
Asagawa Jiro, Novelist
Ogino Natsuo, Novelist
Yoshioka Shinobu, Writer, Former President of Pen Club, Japan
Fujimoto Wakio, Professor Emeritus, Osaka University, President of Osaka Society of Friendship between Japan and Russia
Haba Kumiko, Professor Emeritus, Aoyama Gakuin University
Ito Takayuki, Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
Jae-Jung, Suh, Professor, International Christian University
Yong-chae, Yi, Professor, Keisen Jogakuen University
Kato Shiro Professor Emeritus, Aichi Kenritsu University
Kano Tadashi ex-Professor, Hosei University
Suzuki Kunio, Co-representative, Group Tokyo for Coalition of Citizens and Opposition Parties
Tomita Takeshi, Professor Emeritus, Seikei University
Toyokawa Koichi, Professor Emeritus, Meiji University
Nagayo Susumu, Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
Nishi Masahiko, Professor Emeritus, Ritsumeikan University
Hirayama Shigeru, Social activist
Yano Hideki, National Network of Declarations of Demilitarized Region
Yoshida Hiroshi, Professor, Okayama University
Republic of Korea
Kwangheon Ko, former CEO of The Hankyoreh Newspaper, Seoul Newspaper, poet
Sekyun Kim, Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University
Joon Hyung Kim, Professor, Handong Global University, former Director of Korea National Diplomatic Academy
Ki Jeong Nam, Professor, Seoul National University
Osho Myeongjin, Buddhist Monk
Sang Kyu Park, Pastor, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Hanshin University
Nak-chung Paik, Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University
Il Baik, Professor, Ulsan College
Hae Sung Suh, Writer
Jaemyung Shim, CEO of Myungfilms
Hee-Jong Woo, Professor, Seoul Naitonal University
Dae Keun Yi, Professor, Woosuk University, former Editor-in-Chief of Kyunghwang Newspaper
Doheum Lee, Professor, Hanyang University
Hae-Young Lee, Professor, Hanshin University, former Vice-president
Jiyoung Chung, Movie director
Taechoon Joung, Singer
Father Se-woong Ham, Chairman of Ahn Jung-guen Memorial Association
Saihwa Hong, Writer, Social Activist
International Support (in formation)
Gregory Clark, former Australian diplomat trained in Chinese and Russian, former president of Tama University, Tokyo
Alexis Dudden, Professor of History, University of Connecticut
Henry Em, Associate Professor, Yonsei University Underwood International College
Harriet Evans, Professor Emerita, Chinese Cultural Studies, University of Westminster; Visiting Professor in Anthropology, LSE
Stephan Feuchtwang, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science
Norma Field, Emeritus Professor of Japanese Literatue, University of Chicago
John Gittings, Former East Asia Editor, The Guardian
Kevin Gray, Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex, UK.
Mel Gurtov, Emeritus Professor, Portland State University, Senior Editor, Asian Perspective
Rebecca E. Karl, Professor of History, New York Universit
Seunghun Lee, Professor of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
C. Douglas Lummis, Emeritus Professor, Tsuda College
Gavan McCormack, Emeritus Professor of Japanese history, Australian National University, Fellow of Australian Academy of Humanities
David McNeill, Professor of English, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Seungsook Moon, Professor of Sociology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
Rachel Murphy, Professor of Chinese Development and Society, University of Oxford, UK
Yunju Nam, Associate Professor of Social Work, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Peter Dale Scott, Emeritus Professor of English, University of California at Berkeley
Mark Selden, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, State University of New York at Binghamton; Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
Frances Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Development Economics, University of Oxford
Zhiqun Zhu, Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Bucknell University, Lewisburg Pennsylvania
浅田次郎 作家
石坂浩一 立教大学元教授
伊勢崎賢治 東京外国語大学教授、元アフガニスタン非武装化日本政府特別代表
伊東孝之 早稲田大学名誉教授
上野千鶴子 東京大学名誉教授
内田樹 神戸女学院大学名誉教授、武道家
内田雅敏 弁護士
内海愛子 恵泉女学園大学名誉教授、梨の木ピース・アカデミー代表
梅林宏道 ピース・デポ顧問
岡本厚 元岩波書店社長、元『世界』編集長
加藤史朗 愛知県立大学名誉教授
加納格 法政大学元教授
桐野夏生 作家、日本ペンクラブ理事長
鈴木国夫 「市民と野党をつなぐ会@東京」共同代表
徐載晶 国際基督教大学教授
田中宏 一橋大学名誉教授
田中優子 元法政大学総長
東郷和彦 静岡県立大学客員教授、元オランダ大使、元外務省欧州局長
富田武 成蹊大学名誉教授
豊川浩一 明治大学名誉教授
長與進 早稲田大学名誉教授
西成彦 立命館大学名誉教授
西谷修 東京外国語大学名誉教授
羽場久美子 青山学院大学名誉教授
平山茂 市民運動家
藤本和貴夫 大阪大学名誉教授、大阪日ソ親善協会理事長
毛里和子 早稲田大学名誉教授
矢野秀喜 無防備地域宣言運動全国ネットワーク
吉岡忍 作家、元日本ペンクラブ理事長
吉田浩 岡山大学准教授
李泳采 恵泉女学園大学教授
和田春樹 東京大学名誉教授、憂慮する日本歴史家の会代表
高光憲 元 ハンギョレ新聞, ソウル新聞 社長, 詩人
金世均 ソウル大学名誉教授
金峻亨 韓東大学敎授, 元 国立外交院 院長
南基正 ソウル大学教授
明盡 和尙
朴祥圭 牧師, 韓神大学理事長
白樂晴 ソウル大学名誉教授
白日 蔚山科学大学教授
徐海誠 作家
沈裁明 明Films代表
禹希宗 ソウル大学教授
李大根 又石大學校教授, 元 京鄕新聞 編集局長
李都欽 漢陽大學校教授
李海榮 韓神大学教授,元韓神大学副総長
鄭智泳 映画監督
鄭泰春 歌手
咸世雄 神父,安重根義士記念事業会理事長
韓貞淑 ソウル大学教授
洪世和 作家,社會運動家
일본, 한국, 그리고 세계의 우려하는 시민은
우크라이나전쟁의 즉시 정전을 호소한다.
2022년 5월 9일
러시아군의 침공으로 우크라이나전쟁이 발발한 지 이미 2개월이 지났다. 러시아군은 목적을 달성했다고 하여, 병력을 수도 키에프 방면에서 철수하여 돈바스 동부에 집중시키고 있다. 이스탄불 정전회담에서는 우크라이나 정전의 조건이 제시되어 낙관적인 분위기가 조성되었다. 그러나 키에프 근교 마을 부차에서 시민의 시신들이 발견되자 러시아군의 전쟁범죄를 비난하는 목소리가 커졌고, 우크라이나군은 분노로 가득 차 다시 새로운 전투에 나서고 있다. 미국을 비롯해 우크라이나 지원에 나선 국가들은 대형 무기와 신예 무기를 경쟁이라도 하듯 대량으로 우크라이나에 보내고 있고, 마크 밀리 미 합동참모본부 의장은 우크라이나전쟁이 앞으로 수 년 동안 계속될 수 있다고 언급하기 시작했다.
일부 국가들은 우크라이나가 승리할 때까지, 푸틴 정부가 항복할 때까지 이 전쟁을 계속하기를 바라는 듯하다. 그러나 전쟁이 길어지면 길어질수록, 더 많은 우크라이나인과 러시아인이 죽게 될 것이며, 우크라이나와 러시아의 장래에 그만큼 회복 불가능한 깊은 상처를 입히게 될 것이다.
그뿐 만이 아니다. 많은 국가들이 러시아에 대한 제재를 지속하고 우크라이나에 대한 무기 원조를 지속적으로 증대시킬 경우, 전쟁이 우크라이나 밖으로 확대되고 악화되어 유럽과 세계의 위기를 초래할 것이다. 나아가 핵전쟁 가능성이 현실화될 것이며, 제재의 영향으로 아프리카 최빈국들은 세계적 규모의 기아를 겪게 될 것이다.
전쟁이 일어나면 전장을 한정하고 신속히 전투를 멈추게 하여 정전교섭에 진지하게 임하게 하는 것이 평화회복의 철칙이다. 우리는 러시아군과 우크라이나군이 현재 상태에서 즉시 전투행위를 중지하고, 정전을 위한 진지한 회담에 나서 줄 것을 거듭 호소한다. 구테레스 유엔 사무총장이 러시아와 우크라이나 대통령을 차례로 만나 정전을 촉구한 바 있다. 유엔은 정전을 위해 앞으로 더욱 진지한 노력을 기울여 주기 바란다. 3월 이후 터키가 정전회담의 중개자로서 보여준 노력은 경탄할 만 하다. 유럽의 전쟁이 결정적인 국면에 이른 현재, 아시아와 아프리카 국가들도 행동에 나서야 할 것이다. 중국과 인도, 남아프리카 연방 등의 중립적 대국, 인도네시아와 베트남 등 아세안 국가들이 전투 중지를 양쪽 군대에 호소하여 정전 교섭을 중개하는 데 참가해 줄 것을 간절히 희망한다.
더 이상의 전쟁 계속은 용납될 수 없다. 푸틴 대통령의 러시아 정부와 젤렌스키 대통령의 우크라이나 정부는 즉시 정전 의사를 세계 시민들 앞에서 분명히 밝히고, 정전회담을 마무리 지어 정전을 실현해 주기를 희망한다.
세계 시민들이 각자 자기 자리에서 저마다의 방법과 능력에 따라, ‘즉시정전’의 목소리를 내어 행동으로 일어날 때가 되었다.
가장 중요한 가치는 생명이다. 우리는 호소한다. 우크라이나에서 더 이상 사람을 죽이지 말라, 죽임을 당하지 말라.
2022년 5월 9일, 도쿄
고광헌 전 한겨레신문, 서울신문 사장, 시인
김세균 서울대학교 명예교수
김준형 한동대학교 교수, 전 국립외교원 원장
남기정 서울대학교 교수
명진 스님
박상규 목사 한신대학교이사장
백낙청 서울대학교 명예교수
백일 울산과학대학교 교수
서해성 작가
심재명 ㈜엠케이픽쳐스 대표
우희종 서울대학교 교수
이대근 우석대학교 교수, 전 경향신문 편집국장
이도흠 동국대학교 교수
이해영 한신대학교 교수, 전 한신대학교 부총장
정지영 영화감독
정태춘 가수
한정숙 서울대학교 교수
함세웅 신부 사회운동가
홍세화 작가 사회운동가
Обеспокоенные граждане Японии, Южной Кореи и других стран мира призывают к немедленному прекращению войны в Украине
Прошло два месяца с тех пор, как с российского вторжения началась война в Украине. Посчитав свои цели достигнутыми, российская армия вывела свои подразделения из окрестностей столицы, Киева, и сосредоточилась в восточном регионе Донбасса. Были оптимистичные настроения относительно переговоров о прекращении огня в Стамбуле, поскольку там были выдвинуты условия прекращения огня. Но как только были найдены тела жителей города Буча и других пригородов Киева, поднялась волна критики российских военных за военные преступления. Украинская армия, кипя от ярости, готовится к новым сражениям. Государства-члены группы поддержки Украины, включая, прежде всего, Соединенные Штаты, соперничают друг с другом за поставку Украине всё большего количества тяжёлого и современного оружия. Генерал Марк А. Милли, председатель Объединенного комитета начальников штабов США, заявил, что война в Украине может продолжаться годами.
Некоторые страны, похоже, хотят, чтобы война продолжалась до тех пор, пока Украина не одержит победу и правительство Путина капитулирует. Однако, чем дольше будут продолжаться боевые действия, тем больше жизней украинцев и россиян будет утрачено, и тем более глубокий и непоправимый ущерб будет нанесёт будущему Украины и России.
Однако этим дело не ограничится. Если многие страны вдобавок к санкциям против России увеличат поставки вооружения в Украину, война может выйти за её пределы и перерасти в европейский и глобальный кризис. Ядерная война становится реальной возможностью, а влияние санкций может привести к голоду мирового масштаба в беднейших странах Африки.
Когда началась война, железным правилом для восстановления мира является ограничение зоны боевых действий, достижение четких линий прекращения огня и проведение переговоров о прекращении вооружённых столкновений. Мы вновь призываем российские и украинские силы прекратить боевые действия на нынешних позициях и по-настоящему перейти к переговорам о прекращении огня. Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутерриш, нанеся визиты президентам России и Украины, призвал их к прекращению огня. Мы призываем Организацию Объединенных Наций продолжать искренние усилия по достижению прекращения огня.
Начиная с марта, Турция прилагает достойные уважения усилия в качестве посредника на переговорах о прекращении огня. В этот критический момент войны в Европе страны Азии и Африки также должны принять меры. Мы искренне надеемся, что такие нейтральные державы, как Китай, Индия и Южно-Африканская Республика, а также государства АСЕАН, такие как Индонезия и Вьетнам и другие страны, присоединятся к посредничеству в переговорах о прекращении огня и призовут обе воюющие стороны прекратить боевые действия.
Нельзя допустить продолжения войны. Мы призываем российское правительство президента Путина и украинское правительство президента Зеленского объявить народам мира о намерении немедленно остановить военные действия, начать переговоры о перемирии и на деле прекратить огонь.
Настало время для людей во всём мире, где бы они ни находились, найти силы и способ, чтобы поднять свой голос и призвать к немедленному прекращению огня.
Нет ничего более ценного, чем человеческая жизнь. Пусть в Украине больше не убиваются люди и не убивают людей. Это наш призыв и наша мольба.
9 мая 2022 г.
Асада Дзиро, Писатель
Исизака Коити, Бывший профессор Университета Рикке
Исэдзаки Кэндзи, Профессор Токийского университета иностранных языков, бывший
спецпредставитель японского правительства по вопросам разоружения в Афганистане)
Ито Такаюки, Зслуженный профессор Университета Васэда
Уэно Тидзуко, Заслуженный профессор Токийского университета
Утида Тацуру, Заслуженный профессор Университета Кобе Дзогакуин
Утида Масатоси, Защитник
Уцуми Аико, Заслуженный профессор Университета Кэисен Джогакуэн, ректор Насиноки
Peace Academy
Умэбаяси Хиромити, Особый советник, Peace Depot
Окамото Ацуси, Бывший президент издательства Иванами, бывший главный редактор
журнала Сэкай («Мир»))
Като Сиро, Заслуженный профессор Университета Аити Кэнрицу
Кано Тадаси, Бывший профессор Университета Хосэй
Кирино Нацуо, Писатель
Cyдзуки Кунио, Со-представитель, Коалиция Токио для граждан и оппозиционных партий
Со Чжае-чжонг, Профессор, International Christian University
Tанака Хироси, Заслуженный профессор Университета Хитоцубаси
Танака Юко, Бывший президент Университета Хосэй
Того Кадзухико, Приглашённый профессор Университета префектуры Сидзуока, бывший
Посол Японии в Нидерландах, бывший директор Европейского департамента МИД
Томита Такэси, Заслуженный профессор Университета Сэйкэй
Тоёкава Коити, Профессор Университета Мэйдзи
Нагаё Сусуму, Заслуженный профессор Университета Васэда
Ниси Масахико, Заслуженный профессор Университета Рицумэйкан
Ниситани Осаму, Заслуженный профессор Токийского университета иностранных языков)
Хаба Кумико, Заслуженный профессор Университета Аояма Гакуин)
Хираяма Сигэру, Общественный деятель
Фудзимото Вакио, Бывший ректор Осакского университета экономики и юриспруденции
Мори Кадзуко, Заслуженный профессор Университета Васэда)
Яно Хидеки, Национальный сеть движения за Декларацию региона невоенной защиты
Ли Ен-чае, Профессор Университета Кэисэн Дзогакуэн
Ёсиока Синобу, Писатель, Бывший президент Пэн-клуба Японии
Ёсида Хироси, Доцент Университета Окаяма
Вада Харуки, Председатель группы обеспокоенных японских историков, заслуженный
профессор Токийского университета
Южная Корея
Ко Гванг-хон Бывший президент газет «Хангиорэ» и «Сеул Симмун», поэт
Ким Сэ-гюн, Заслуженный профессор Сеульского университета
Ким Чжун-хенг, Профессор Хандонг Уинверситета, Бывший президент Государственной
дипломтической академии
Нам Ки-чжонг, Профессор Сеульского университета
Мен Чжин, Буддиский священик
Пак Санг-гю, Протестантский пастор, Председатель Совета Хансин университета
Паек Нак-чонг, Заслуженный профессор Сеульского университета
Паек Ир, Профессор Урсан Кагаку университа
Со Хае-сонг, Писатель
Сим Чжае-менг, Представитель Мюнг Фильмс
У Хи-чонг, Профессор Сеульского университета
Ли Дае-геун, Профессор Усок университета, Бывший главного редактора Кенхян Симбун
Ли До-хеум, Профессор Ханян университета
Хэён Ли, Профессор Университета Хансин
Чжен Чи-енг,Кинорежиссер
Чжен Тае-чжун, Певец
Хам Сэ-ун, Католийческий отец, Президент Общества по поувековачению
памяти Героя Ан Джунгын
Хан Джонг-сук, Профессор Сеульского университета
Хом Сэ-хва, Писатель, общественныйдеятель
For an earlier Statement (in French, Russian, Spanish as well as English and Japanese) by the newly-formed “Association of Concerned Japanese Historians,” see “What should Japan do to stop the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible?” 15 March 2022.
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