What do Iranians think about the new Israeli TV series “Tehran”?
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AmirAli Dabouei ·
Lives in IranUpdated 2y
I’ve watched only 4 episodes ’cause I couldn’t continue anymore. I just personally hate propaganda-series because it only refers to a biased view of a political situation.
If we let go of the untrue (not totally untrue tho!) story (5/10 to the story) the next thing I hated the most was the scenes. The places they went to weren’t as much as they think an Iranian vibe place. You can’t make a scene look Iranian by putting random signs with Persian/English translation and An unknown Persian music for the background. (4/10 to Iranian vibe).
I must say the characters were a little better, not their storyline nor their dialogues, They just looked Iranian, oh yes I forgot, They are Iranian. Good choice of actors (7/10 to characters).
There are a lot of things wrong with that show (which is not the director’s fault tbh, it’s hard to portray a country you’ve never ever been or lived and trying to make a series about it so you usually portray what media and your government implies).
Look, the series wasn’t that bad overall, the only thing that made it bad was its stupid biased story of how Israel sees Iran, which it’s not true in most cases, still as I said, I think the movies/series that a country makes about their rival (in this case Israel, Iran) don’t worth watching. Literally, I wouldn’t watch an Iranian movie about Israel either because They wanna show how they look at Israel, and they want to put that idea into our head whether that idea is true or not.
There are many (many!) good shows you can watch, don’t waste your time with politics, especially politics in art, the only thing politics can give to people is a strong strong headache.
EDIT: Iranians are absolutely some mal-adaptive perfectionists when it comes to Iran’s portrait in foreign movies, so that’s a criterion too. let me clarify; “Tehran” would be an exciting and interesting series to watch, but only if you’re not an Iranian ;)
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George Uman
Interesting point of view. Thanks for your answer!
I have to say that from an Israeli point of view, the series was really void of politics. The general population of Israel has nothing against Iranians, and nothing agains Iran - just a LOT against the iranian government and how it talks about Israel.
The way I see it, the only axiom assumed by the israeli side is “Isarel wants to attack the iranian nuclear reactor”, which may very well be true, who knows. Starting from that point of view, I really loved the series.
Actually, I would be very interested to see how Iranian TV would portray Israel, personally.
Thanks again for the answer!
You wouldn’t like it to be honest. There’s a lot of restrictions when you want to make a movie about Iran’s nemesis in Iran and The story may not be as the director and the screenwriter wanted to be. They can’t make their honest opinion about Israel in Iran. so it’s gonna be even more biased
Just like Iranians would say they got nothing against people of Israel but their extremist government. That's pretty much a custom all over the world.
Amir, can you recommend on a tv show that has an accurate representation of secular, modern Iran?
Just as heads-up, my uncle us to work in Iran in the 70’s and had a lot of very interesting stories, which spike my interest.
Thank you.
Alon, here's an American with an Italian passport who visited Iran and did one of the best vlogs on YouTube:
It's really interesting
I don’t think such a tv show exists! Even iranian tv series are unrealistic, maybe some movies like movies by asghar farhadi show a more realistic view on iran and its people
It’s mostly ridiculous. The only thing they have gotten right about Iran is this stupid thing, which they show time by time:
I am surprised to see how “Tehran” shows IRGC forces as intelligent nationalists and devoted people. What the hell Israel? These are your sworn enemies!
Then we are faced with stupid students/demonstrators who obviously lack any common sense and most of them are drug dealers/abusers and want to blow any governmental building. Their demonstrations are about pure nonsense matters and their plans are by far the most stupid plans one can use to oppose a government.
I can tell y
… (more)I love it, not because it is realistic in all regards, but because in the last episode “ spoiler ALERT” Tamar chooses Milad over her superiors.
She chose humanity as did Iranian agent when he spared her father. We also see the human side of the Iranian agent, merciless and diligent in the execution of his duties to the country, but still couldn’t cross the line and kill an innocent old man.( Tamar’s father )
It would be nice if everyone was like Milad and Tamar ❤️
I don’t hate Israel or Israelis, or Jews, in fact most Iranians don’t. We do, for the most part, dislike Israel’s current leadership and policies(Many Israelis feel the same way about the Iranian government, for good reason). Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians are seen as oppressive and imperialistic by most Iranians, and that’s confounded by how the media portrays it to us. Israel has also been quick to threaten attacks and describe Iran as a terrorist state, going as far as comparing our leaders to Nazis. None of this helps to build Iranian’s faith in Israel.
On the other hand when it
… (more)I’m quite surprised by the intensely negative reactions here since Iran outwits Israel in the series. I was actually surprised that Israel ran a series where they lose to Iran.
The show reflects their utter lack of understanding of Iranian, or for that matter any Muslim, societies or cultures.
They see many young Iranians venting out their frustration on the Shi'ite republic on social media and somehow assume that Iranians would be willing to destroy their country to get back at their government. Big LOLs
For one, a lot of Iranians support the regime. The voter turnout in national elections is higher than in many developed Western countries, if that doesn't suggest at least a level of acceptance of the regime then what does?
Secondly, Iranians irrespective of ideology have no trust toward nay nation in the Middle East. The secularists may not be bashing Israel day in and out like the Shi'ite revolution defenders and basijis, but they damn well won't react kindly to Israeli jets bombing nuclear facilities or even military posts anywhere inside Iran. They too have families and friends living in Iran, many of whom may belong to the opposite end of the ideological spectrum. For such differences you expect them to betray their homeland? You can bribe a handful of weak souls, you don't expect the streets to support ant such act of aggression.
Another thing — the diaspora in America does not represent Iranians in Iran. It's like comparing Indians in the UK with the general Indian population, wouldn't their cultures and mentality be world's apart?
I as an Iranian, try to reflect a mixture of love and hate of Israel between people and government view.
In the answer, I will try to be neutral. Therefore I do not protect any side or idea on the answer.
I will put view of government on first. because it effects on peoples’ mind enormosuly. And please read each line carefully until end of the answer. you need to read all lines to understand what Iranians think about.
1- View of government:
When I am talking about government I mean everybody works as politician in Iran and republicans who are fans of the government. and The government means Islami
… (more)I am not an Israeli (or Jewish), but I have had been in contact with Israelies many times both here in the US and also back when I was in the US Army and training with Israeli elite units, i am not sure if you will be surprised or not - but the majority of Israelies don’t see the Iranian people as a threat, the Israelies believe that if the government in Iran was a different one then things would be different, some Israelies are also aware of that the Iranian people don't have a problem with Israel and the only part in Iran that wants the destruction of Israel is the Iranian radical government.
All in all, one Israeli also told me personally that in his opinion the Iranian (“Persian” as he described) are very intelligent people, and if disregarding their radical government - Iran could be a modern country once again like it was many years ago
I’ve watched the first three episodes. I suppose it’s a step up from “Not Without My Daughter” and all the other vicious bile Israeli producers and their good friends in Hollywood have subjected us to for the past 40 years. It seems to me folks in Israel finally noticed the majority of Iranians are not represented by the government there, and at worst are disinterested in the current conflict, and that Israeli film-makers have been alienating an entire population with the shitty depiction of Iranians and their ancestors in movies such as “300” and the other two-dimensional “us versus them” tales they feed the American public (and make no mistake, the target audience isn’t Israelis, it’s their American benefactors who must be kept in a constant state of fear, hatred, and contempt where Iran is concerned).
Up to this series, the message of virtually all movies or television shows where Israeli or Jewish-American producers held sway (which, let’s face it, is virtually every product of the US entertainment industry) had been that Iranian men are all oafish barbaric terrorists who when not beating their wives, march up and down the street all day yelling “Death to America” and then blow shit up. The few sympathetic Iranian characters in these shows are either women or Jewish (often both, e.g. in Black List).
I’m one of those Iranians who actually held a positive view of Israel for many years until the constant barrage of anti-Iranian b.s. coming out of Hollywood and Israel (look up Golan-Globus productions or Cannon Films and their lovely movies depicting Iranians like “Not Without My Daughter” or the “Delta Force” franchise), not to mention Netanyahu’s constant lying and hyperbole portraying Iran as Nazi Germany.
I suppose with “Tehran”, the Israelis finally realized you can catch more flies with honey than with hate propaganda.
As an Iranian , it is funny because none of the Iranian characters looked or sounded Iranian except those who were real Iranian actors. As an Iranian you can tell from a mile away if someone is Iranian or not. itanjans have certain way of expressions and body movements that none of the non Iranian actors have.
As an Israeli I feel like we're missing a great opportunity for mutual development.
The Iranians has a lot to offer to the world and we're missing all of it just because of a few ego maniacs bastards who ruined everything just for their advanterus dreams.
I hope the people of Iran will find peace and fix the Jihadists brainwashing teaching they are currently being opposed on.
Because Iran is run by stupid theocratic lunatics.
Some time ago, smart countries with oil realized the petrodollars will stop coming in one day and their opulent kingdom will go back to being huts in the sand unless they diversify their economies.
The UAE is a prime example. It turned Dubai into the London of Arabia in two decades. Now the UAE gets most of its money from rich country stuff like finance and technology; only 25% of GDP comes from oil.
The UAE has tons of money but lacks expertise in business, science and technology; but Israel has those things aplenty. Seizing the opportunity, the UAE got rid of the whole “Death to Israel!” nonsense and established diplomatic relations last year.
Now Israel and the UAE are collaborating on space stuff, and Emirati money is flowing into Israeli startups.
Iran could follow in the footsteps of several of its neighbors and recognize Israel as well. That would put it on a good path toward re-establishing links with the West and getting much needed investment from abroad into its moribund economy.
But Iran is run by stupid theocratic lunatics, so we’re stuck with war…
That they give the best presents.
Seriously, my qalamkari and book on Iran make me so happy.
What I know is…
There are incredible people there, waiting to be our friends.
Thanks for the A2A Jacob. I like that the question specifies “least-worse”, because that’s the truth of it. I personally haven’t seen a single product of the American entertainment industry that wasn’t laughable in its depiction of Iranians, even on those rare occasions when the creators tried hard not to be overtly insulting.
The bar is set so low that The House of Sand and Fog is the closest Hollywood ever came to not outright demonizing modern Iranians (although Kingsley and Aghdashloo’s characters were far from thoroughly sympathetic), and Prince of Persia is the only depiction of ancient Iranians I can think of that didn’t portray them as oafish fly-infested savages come to enslave the noble West.
Also neither movie mentioned “terrorist” even once, which is, in itself, miraculous.
In the latter movie, however, the movie-makers apparently just couldn’t help themselves, so they threw in that line about the “illiterate Persian hordes”. I’m assuming they didn’t want the audience to confuse Persians with valiant and sophisticated Spartans and Romans.
I don’t want to keep ranting about this, so I’ll stop here, but let me end by saying it’s interesting the American media and entertainment industry has made “Iranian” synonymous with “terrorist” despite not a single act of terrorism by any Iranian, Iranian-American, or anyone of Iranian origin in the US, and that they have made “Persian” synonymous with “slave-mongering barbarian hordes” when it’s a fact of history the ancient Persians were neither slavers, nor barbarians, and certainly not a horde, seeing as they pretty much innovated the concept of the federal government with a professional and disciplined military.
If I was a cynic, I would say the US media and entertainment industry is the most sophisticated and powerful propaganda machine in history.
Thank goodness I’m not a cynic, and that most folks, especially in America, are so well-read and knowledgable about history, geography, and different cultures, that their opinions of particular countries couldn’t possibly be influenced by mere celluloid ;-)
Israeli TV Spy Thriller ‘Tehran’ Flouts Stereotypes About Iran
More Israeli propaganda from the city of Hollywood where nothing is “free”
My wife, whom I love deeply, a former IDF intelligence officer in her own right, is half Iranian.
Making my children - whom I'm crazy about - 1/4 Iranian.
Her mother, a Jewish Iranian was born in the beautiful city of Isfahan, Iran, in 1947, and later migrated with her family to Israel.
No - we do not see the Iranian people as our foes.
Nor the Lebanese, or the Syrians, or the Palestinians.
We see the ayatollahs as our foes.
Iran's dictatorial leaders are my enemy, here's why:

(Quora admins - these are not memes but translations of quotes, thanks)
Most Israelis know, that the average Iranian couldn't care less about Israel, but rather wants to have a good job, a good life, good education for his/her children, health and a future.
Since the Ayatollahs don't know how to give him/her that,
they try to side-wind the issue with the above hateful drivel.
I met many Iranians, Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians, and don't remember not getting along with them personally.
Hope this answers your question.
Clarification Edit:
So we are clear on this, calling out Iran's leadership on it's support of terrorism is something I do often.
Is it true that the unifying factor of the Hamas and Hezbollah is the destruction of the Jewish state rather than improving their own lives?
I also take the Iran's nuclear goals as a serious threat, that needs to be dealt with - mainly because I listen to the Ayatollah:
Noam Kaiser's answer to Iranian Nuclear Threat & Potential Israeli Attack: Why does it SEEM like Israel really wants to go to war with Iran?
Yes some Israelis who disrespect Netanyahu and think he is Sheldon Adelson's puppet , like I do:
How do Israelis perceive Netanyahu's poor relationship with the Obama administration?
Still agree Iran's leadership is a danger to Israel and the mid east.
That - again - does not mean we have ill intentions to the Iranian people.
Here was a long history of a REPRESSED and ABUSED Jewish minority. Even today Jews in Iran dare not speak out for fear of what the government will do. They toe the line and say what the government tells them to say or face the consequences! Jews can’t even travel outside of Iran as a family- effectively they can only travel when the family they left behind are hostages to them coming back and subject to reprisals if they do not come back or say the wrong thing while outsider of Iran!
So Iran has no problem with Jews they can oppress and subjugate, what they do have a problem with is Jews that are free and do not behave as they expect subjugated Jews to behave! They have a problem with a Jewish country where Jews are free without having their rights curtailed and forced to be inferior dhimmi they can lord it over. It’s no surprise Iran keeps threatening to destroy Israel: Israel represents everything they hate, free Jews with full rights that are not being subjugated!
Thanks for the Question.
There are two parts to your question.
- Why does the Iranian regime hate Israel?
- Do the majority of Iranian share the regimes sentiment?
I think the question in itself is flawed, because there is much more to politics than just a love or hate relationship.
I don’t believe the Iranian government truly hates Israel, I think they using Israel as a pawn in their political game. A repressive regime like the Islamic Republic, need something to rally the people. In the beginning it was the promises of a better life, then it was religion, and luckily for them Saddam Hussein launched
… (more)Unfortunately not.
Not because I’m not interested in them, but because of the timezone difference.
We usually watch TV in the US around dinner time, 7 to 9 PM. That’d be about 3 to 5 AM in Iran time, and the programs are not very appealing at that time.
I didn't see the movie, but I don't believe that this movie would be free from bias and propaganda.Although I personally like Israel and Israelis, I do not think that the film they made is far from insulting the Iranians, tell me if I'm wrong.
Most Iranians should not ever do this, as there is a section in the passport that states “The holder of this passport is not permitted to travel to occupied Palestine.” If you do enter Israel, then return to Iran and they find out, you probably will be sent to Evin or another prison. Of course, Israel knows about this, so instead of stamping an Iranian passport, they usually stamp a separate paper and don’t keep a record so Iran can’t find out about the travel. Israel does not have a law that I know of to stop an Iranian from getting a visa, however with the tension between the two, it is very difficult to do so, with one exception.
Israel does allow any Jew to enter and immigrate if they so choose, and Iran has historically and to this day had a Jewish minority in Shiraz. if you are an Iranian Jew, then you can travel to Israel freely, and they will know not to stamp your passport so you can return. However it is unsafe to return to Iran after visiting Israel if they found out you traveled through intelligence or any other means. I would advise against this travel unless you are a Jew and don’t intend on returning to Iran under the current regime. If you are an Iranian living abroad, fell free to travel, there’s nothing stopping you.
Jewish propaganda
Funny how these very same NY producers can’t ever seem to drive 10 minutes to Crown Heights and Williamsburg and portray the misogyny and rampant sexism of the Jewish community
Muslims brown and black people are an easy target for them.
It’s their home and they should feel safe there. Persian Jewish communities have existed for over 2400 years.
I do worry about their safety, living under a theocracy.
Hopefully, Iran will stabilize to a secular society that reflects their incredible people better.
I hope that a secular Iran and Israel will make peace so both sides can visit each other.
My cousin went on a year and a half trip to India, China, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.
By far she loved New Zealand best. both in terms of places and people. She stayed for several months, getting a job in a local place, and toured both islands from one end to the other.
She said that if she could have a choice, New Zealand would be where she’d like to live, next to Israel.
Hmmm, perhaps because of the population density, big buildings and stuff.
My family for example comes from a small Turkish village and so we don’t like very big cities that much, just because of the sheer busyness. We’d rather be in smaller cities.
But that’s personal and I question what you said.
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