
Basics for studying Zainichi society 2: Newspapers in early postwar

Basics for studying Zainichi society 2: Newspapers in early postwar


Dec 19, 2022

2 min read

Basics for studying Zainichi society 2: Newspapers in early postwar

Updated: Feb 25

Right after August 15, 1945, Koreans living in Japan started publishing hundreds of periodicals. Read Kobayashi Sōmei's book for the rough sketch of the Korean media. This is a classic and informative read.

The most basic thing to know is the names of 解放新聞 and 朝鮮新報. The leftist newspapers had a genealogy as follows. I hear our interviewees talking about 解放新聞 and 朝鮮新報 a lot. Leftist cadres often read 解放新聞 out loud in Korean neighborhoods (or slums) in various places because many were illiterate. Chongryon gatherings (among members, cadres, and at workplaces) also had a regular activity of 朝鮮新報 reading and discussion. The newspaper, as an official newspaper of Chongryon, still continues today.

民衆新聞 1945.10.10~

ウリ新聞 1946. 8.15~ (民衆新聞 and 大衆新聞 merged; two issues only)

解放新聞 1946. 9.1~

朝鮮民報 1957.1.1~

朝鮮新報 1961.1~ (became daily 1961.9)

Non-leftist newspapers:

朝鮮国際新聞 1946.5~

国際タイムス 1946. (probably around) 6~1948.12


The genealogy of Mindan newspapers (not sure of the phases):







I actually find 統一朝鮮新聞 fascinating but it requires a bit of contextualization. Wait for another post on zainichi groups of different orientations.

In Kansai:

朝鮮新報(merger of four smaller newspapers) 1946.6~; not related to the leftist 朝鮮新報 above. Some editors and writers were leftists, but the owner was a profit-seeking businessman. There were clashes between opposing camps in the company.

新世界新聞 originally published only in Japanese by the owner of 朝鮮新報; the Korean version started by renaming 朝鮮新報, 1948.7~circa. 1992.

新朝鮮新報 1949.5~ (opposing 新世界新聞 taking over 朝鮮新報) unclear when it stopped publishing.

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