(1) Quakers Aust

Jacqueline S
Admin · 18 July at 10:48
Dear Friends, I have had an inquiry through our website, from a seeker who has some experience with Friends, asking "whether Quakers do Christian meditation and what is their experience of overlap/clash/match/mismatch ".
Could you offer your responses which I would be glad to forward on to this person, for his consideration? You can also email me at secetary@quakersaustralia.info if you would rather, or if you have a lengthy reply. Thank you Friends. I look forward to hearing of your thoughts.
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1Peri Coleman

Andrew Brion I don't find myself knowledgeable enough to respond adequately to this, but if perchance they are from Victoria they may be interested in our upcoming 'Spirit in Spring' series on Saturday afternoons. In particular the session on 22 September "Experiment in the Light - a Quaker Meditation" (as developed by Rex Ambler) may be enlightening in this regard. Also, perhaps, the session on 27 October "Experiencing the Mystical in our daily lives"?
For more information see https://www.quakersaustralia.info/.../victo.../spirit-spring and the links on that page.Manage

Spirit in Spring | Australia Yearly Meeting
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Andrew Brion This is a flyer showing the whole program - https://www.quakersaustralia.info/.../SpiritInSpring...Manage
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Andrew Brion And for 'Experiment with Light' see Rex Ambler's http://www.experiment-with-light.org.uk/whatisewl14.pdfManage
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Ward LeeWard and 1 other joined Quakers Australia within the last two weeks. Give them a warm welcome to your community! It's slightly off-topic but I practice Transcendental Meditation and find it a good way to start Meeting for Worship in order to centre myself and wait in silence.Manage
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Gerard Guiton I think the person may be referring to "Centring Prayer", and the movement of the same name led principally by the Cistercians, notably Thomas Keating: see YouTube but also <https://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/.../centering-prayer>. A friend of mine (a fellow Pendle Hiller) Paulette Meier, a Cincinnati Friend, conducts workshops with Cynthia Bourgeault: while Cynthia talks about centring prayer, Paulette introduces her wonderful songs/chants based on quotes by the early Quakers. Spiritual directors use her CD a lot in Australia. The person can buy the CD (well worth it) from Paulette's website, Lessonsongs at: <http://www.paulettemeier.com/spiritual-wisdom.html>. Hope this helps.

Centering Prayer | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.
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Peri Coleman I am not sure what the last section of the query relates to, but as to Christian meditation and Quakers, maybe the seeker would be interested in reading “A Testament of Devotion” by Thomas Kelly?Manage
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Elly Hull as I understand it, traditional Christian Meditation is a little bit different to what we do, in that like many meditation communities, they use a mantra. It's used silently, so it's quite compatible with our style of worship. one of our Friends in Blue Mountains is very involved with ACM https://www.facebook.com/groups/1496422100374038/?multi_permalinks=2234968226519418¬if_id=1531949345525502¬if_t=group_activity&ref=notifManage
Australian Christian Meditation Community

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Alison Irving Hi Jacque, I do Christian meditation through the Worldwide Community of Christian Meditation (WCCM). There are groups all over the world. It fits fine with Quakerism. The difference with centering prayer is that most people use a mantra, but as they say the mantra silently, no one knows if they are using it or not. There’s a group in Castle Hill, one in Hornsby and plenty moreManage
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Kerry O'Regan My Catholic sister-in-law belongs to Christian Meditation group. I gather they usually start with someone reading a passage from the Bible or some other inspirational text, then sit in reflective silence together. Not quite the same as a Quaker meeting for worship, but certainly with common elements.
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Jacqueline SchultzeJacqueline and 1 other manage the membership, moderators, settings and posts for Quakers Australia. Thank you all. I am grateful for your replies, and have now passed these along to our Inquirer friend.
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