ACFS holds its 35th Annual National Consultation in Adelaide | CUBADIPLOMATICA
ACFS holds its 35th Annual National Consultation in Adelaide
Each year, the different regional branchs of the Australia Cuba Friendship Society (ACFS) get together to hold an annual balance meeting known as "the National Consultation". In this meeting, which has been developing for more than 30 years, the friends of Cuba review their work as well as the internal functioning of the organization.
On this occasion, the 35th edition of the National Consultation was held on April 7th-8th in Adelaide, capital of South Australia, with the attendance of the Cuban ambassador, José Manuel Galego Montano and a large number of delegates.
During his inaugural speech, the Ambassador assured that the priority of the Cuban Revolution will continue to be overcoming obstacles in profit of the Cuban people, leading by the accumulated historical experience and Fidel´s legacy.
The senior diplomat also read the message sent by the President of ICAP, Fernando González, in which he extended his gratitude for the sustained support provided by ACFS to Cuba during many years in diverse and complicated international scenarios.
The ACSF has promoted initiatives against the blockade, the plans of subversion targeting Cuba and in favor of the returning of the Cuban territory illegally occupied by the United States in Guantanamo.
After Irma Hurricane hit the island last September, ACFS organized fund-raising activities wich results in financial aid sent to Cuba for supporting reconstruction tasks and the assistance for the affected people.
The 35th edition of the National Consultation confirmed that solidarity with Cuba in Australia will continue putting efforts and wills together to stand by Cuba and the Cuban Revolution.
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