
The West Bank: Last Week Tonight J Oliver [2] Comments

I hope this show never loses its backbone, it’s one of the few outlets of real journalism.
For real. Coffeezilla legit, too.
Agreed, for me Some More News as well
There are some in other languages, too. But they all feel the pressure. It’s a disgrace that this is an entertainment show, and not on major news…
I was just thinking this. This show keeps me sane in the world of ragebait and bullshit.
 @BellaJoASMR  You say this but yet he was still featuring andrew tate monday. And the overwhelming majority of comment on that video was criticizing andrew's presence , yet yesterday, there was no comment commentary, gee what a surprise...
That's funny. This show always has an agenda that it pushes
Has no backbone because he’s been pro-Hamas
But isn't it sad, when you say that about a satire show?
As a Palestinian who legally immigrated to American 17 years ago.. I never thought I’d see this on American TV.. it made me cry and reminded me of all of my childhood trauma living under the occupation in the west bank.. THANK you for speaking up and to your team for gathering all this info and showing it in 30 mins.
You have me in tears. I'm happy you made it to the U.S. but also my deepest condolences to anyone you or your fellow countrymen have lost through this clear genoc1de. I have called my representatives here to tell them to call for the UN to stop vetoing resolutions condemning Israel's actions as war crimes. I have written a couple letters telling different depts of government to stop sending money to Israel. I don't know much more I can do but hope
sending you so much love
I'm so sorry,Dear. This situation should not be happening. Every person should be allowed to live in peace. 💛
We have only gotten one side to this story for too long.
Greetings from Ireland .. BDS apartheid Israel .. Free Palestine!
Why did you leave your home just after it was given back to you in 2005?
We leave here for 3500 years, and we are the occupiers?
How did you legally immigrate, what does that mean?
Whenever I hear an Israeli say "Nobody was using this land" I have to stop and determine if they meant literally nobody, or "Some Palestinians were here, but they don't count as people."
Israeli settlers living literally above Palestinians and throwing things down on them is such a blunt visual metaphor for apartheid if you read it in a book you'd critique it for being to on the nose.
WOW. THANK YOU. As a palestinian citizen in the west bank, every second of this was like pulling the deepest scars out of my soul. I literally felt lighter after watching this.
Crazy to think some of the best journalism in the USA has been done by a British Comedian on a late night show. Major respect to John Oliver.
Democracy Now is an excellent news source. Their YouTube channel has multiple videos every day.
He’s a modern day court jester speaking truth to power.
Even more crazy that he adopted an antisemitic stance during this very political period.
He's just collecting the journalism of others and packaging it in an entertaining way to make it less utterly depressing. His writers and researchers do a great job, but that journalism is already done by the outlets that are quoted in this piece (such as Vice news). I think it's important to remember that.
 @cherylcampbell9369  I agree. Democracy now is great! I was watching it earlier.
There's something full circle about it 😂🇬🇧🇺🇸
 @PoseidonDiver  booohooo snivel, snivel
It is good that they showed that video of the Is.raeli soldier and it is very lucky that Pale.stinian managed to catch it on camera. People need to understand that that is what slaverly looks like. It's the same way tur.ks treated greeks for generations and still do to the few minorities left that still live under tur.kish rule. Most greeks can understand what palestin.ians are going through.
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That clip of Israeli settlers living above Palestinians and throwing their stuff down looks straight out of some dystopian novel holy shit
Probably designed that way
“Holy shit” is correct.
I’ve been to Hebron and walked through those segregated streets. It’s horrifying. The checkpoints to get in are humiliating too.
That is truly disgusting and shameful. The situation is a dreadful dilemma, but Israelis behaving that way is just wrong.
Imagine after getting treated like that your whole life getting called teror.rist and N.zi
I spoke to a lady in hebron who miscarried twice after being assaulted by settlers. Her husband died when tear gas gave sent him into cardiac arrest, and the ambulance could not get through the checkpoint
I was listening to an interview with John Oliver today where he was saying he doesn’t see himself as a journalist. For me, journalism is shining the light of truth wherever it is dark. You’re sprung John Oliver. Journalism of the finest kind.
As a German citizen who takes the phrase "Never again" very seriously (in the second interpretation), I'm appalled by what the Israeli government uses that phrase for. It has bugged me for years now that every bit of criticism against Netanjahu has been deemed antisemitic. A position that not only the Israeli government supports, but many Germans, too. And let me be clear on that: No, it isn't! On the other hand, what Netanjahu's government does is anti-human. We have far too many people over here that think they are on the right side of history when they blindly support Israel's actions, no matter what.
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In this era of media, it means a lot that John Oliver and HBO put this episode out. Thank you for having the courage to say what so few in your position are willing to say.
John Oliver, watching this episode drove me close to tears. You are THE ONLY journalist/comedian/presenter on TV who actually says the truth. You are courageous and just amazing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting out this message of the Palestinian plight to the world. Please don't ever stop!
One of the most important episodes you've ever done John. Never stop doing shat you're doing. Always reveal the ugly truths about your own country and government, and always make a stand and fight for truth, justice, and morality.
"You stole my house." "If not me, someone else." How about no one steal her home?
This show exhibited more backbone than whole of mainstream media in USA & elsewhere. Hats off john oliver 👏.
When a “comedy” show actually has more backbone than actual news. The tone has always been balanced in all the fight ways. Thanks to John Oliver and HBO for letting the truth be out there.
This was extremely well done. Wow. I cannot believe I’m catching it so late in the game. Kudos to the whole team of John Oliver Tonight! 👏👏👏
If that settler felt comfortable throwing something at the guy during the middle of an interview on CAMERA, imagine what they do off camera
Oh my goodness, “I thought apartheid only produced one type of musk” might be the greatest line I’ve heard this month.
Who ever wrote that joke needs a raise. The delivery was also perfect
It's only the first of August.... so not a particularly high bar,, Nice trick 😉
 @Offline219 John Oliver's delivery is always so top notch haha and also coupled with the seriousness behind his subject always. Amazing show!
Can somebody explain the joke, please? I understand the "musk"-to-smell connection, but I do not get the Musk-to-apartheid connection.
He’s South African.
That was pure gold
How are these guys a US Ally?
Finally!!! This episode brought me to tears. As a Palestinian-American who was born and raised in the States, I grew up thinking the 'radical' Palestinians were always provoking the 'peaceful' Israelis. I am ashamed to say I was embarrassed to even say I was Palestinian to all my American friends. The media had me believing that the oppressed were the oppressors. The media had me believing that my people were terr.orists. When I moved to Palestine and saw with my own eyes the reality of the situation, my mind was blown by the injustice. I just wanted to scream to the world 'what you are seeing on the news is a lie!!' Thank you from the bottom of my heart to John Oliver and his team for being the voice of the oppressed.
“Building on stolen land is an inherently political act; it is also, by the way, copyright infringement.” Absolutely incredible.
Principled journalism. A rare occurence in US media, props to this team for having a spine unlike many.
Idk how they keep letting this man come on national TV and speak these truths. But he’s about the only one on mainstream Western media saying this stuff and the people definitely appreciate it. Salute, John Oliver 🫡
John has some MAJOR BALLS for doing this show 😮 props to him for showing something MANY in his industry would be cancelled so quickly for even whispering about.
I have not watched LWT for about a year. I was surprised to see this produced in the US. I have nothing to add but this needs to be viewed by more people and comments drive the algo.
24:47 That guy did his homework there, when he talks about dignity being non-negotiable, because he was talking to a German delegation. And the first article of the German constituation says 'Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.'
Thank you, John Oliver, for having the courage to speak out when our news media will not.
Whoever participated in writing this episode, please know we love you and you've done an amazing job!
Pleasantly Surprised that a platform like this can actually show what is happening. Thank you
I took a seminar on Native Americans last semester and nearly all of the things John Oliver has talked about seem eerily familiar
John Oliver. You should be proud. You are a man of courage when the world needs it and has so little of it. You should be very proud for making the world a little better.
Thank you for being one of the rare celebrities standing up for humanity, truth, thank you.
”Take the worst things about Hamas, multiply it by 1,000 and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing of Palestinians" ~Gabor Maté, Holocaust survivor
Thank you, John, for having more moral courage and journalistic integrity than any other person in your position. Great job to the whole team. This is why you deserve all the Emmys. Maybe someday the rest of the media outlets will figure out we do actually want the truth.
"It's about dignity. And [...] dignity is something not negotiable. Right?" He had to say that to a delegation from GERMANY, whose constitution literally begins with the words: "Human dignity is untouchable."
A cousin of mine described seeing the women in labor being stuck at the wall being one of the most horrifying things she saw during her time there. I'm glad to see this being discussed on a mainstream platform.
John Oliver educates us in a humorous but critical way. Thank you John and team!
The most sincere, professional source of journalism is a late night comedy show. What a time to be alive.
In a world where all major media has turned a blind eye to these disgraceful human violation, all I can say is thank you for making this piece.
How do you go beyond liking a video? Thank you so much John Oliver and the whole team for having the strength, and dignity to do this.
Actually the best journalism right now. I hope this doesn't cause him problems. Can't believe how everybody is just watching this happen and even try to justify it.
I am crying, as a human, and a Muslim and a Sudanese individual, who has been actively displaced from their home land in December 15th 2023 and is now a refugee I ache from a lot, but the political gaslighting surrounding the situation in Palestine and Sudan is the most painful. Thank you for shedding a light on the truth, May Allah bless you guys and us, guide you and us to see what’s right, and to act on it. Amen
The part where all the settlers are speaking about why they settled, it is quite a realization when most of them spoke with a clear American accent.
I was in the middle east in 2008, which included a few weeks in the West Bank. In that short time I personally saw examples of everything John Oliver talks about in this video. Checkpoints every few miles, sniper towers and forced ghettoization. Gleeful harassment and humiliation of old men and women at gunpoint. Settlers on the hill taking pot shots at Palestinians and their cars and houses (yes, with guns, not merely rocks and beer bottles). A military convoy of about 10 vehicles rolled into town at night, abducted several people and left their family members terrified amd confused. No arrest, no formal charges. Bulldozed houses, denied permits. So glad someone is addressing the elephant in the room re: Israeli ethnic cleansing. The settlements and expansionism absolutely must go. Israel does just fine with its legal territories and could be generating so much more wealth for itself and the world in peaceful relations at least with Egypt and Jordan. Israel could be so much stronger and more secure if it cleaned house of these right wing nut jobs.
Great reporting. I wish the mainstream media would be brave enough to show Americans what we're supporting day in and day out.
Thank you John Oliver. Completely on point. My favorite line: “To be clear, dignity is the absolute beginning of this; what’s required is justice. And the call for that is getting louder.” Over 7 decades of injustice, devastation, & apartheid, supported by the biggest powers that be, has to end.
As a South African, I can confirm that Apartheid has a smell.
Craziest part is the West Bank isn't even where the current "war" is going on. Thank you John Oliver for this ballsy piece
Pieces like this one are why John Oliver, and team, have earned their awards. I appreciate this work so much. You make it "digestible." Again, great work.
Thank John Oliver for having the guts and moral compass to speak up about desperate situation in West Bank and Gaza!
Thank you John Oliver for being one of the few people out there with an acrual backbone.
THANK YOU, MR OLIVER! I mean every bold cap ! Your voice is CRITICAL right now. Thank you for standing for the truth. It’s about HUMAN DIGNITY ! ✊
I can not articulate the respect I have for you guys for putting out this episode in today’s political climate. As someone who’s been involved in this conflict since my early teens, about 15 years now, I feel increasingly isolated with the idea of a peaceful and just future. It pains me a lot to see how hate and backwardness has taken over even the younger generations of Jews and Israelis, which I once saw as the new hope, those who could make a change. So thank you for this, it’s really important.
I love John Oliver and his courage to state the truth, no matter how many people hate to hear it.
It never ceases to amaze me that these comedians are more effective at conveying such crucial information to the ostensibly comatose American public than the supposed serious news media. Well done Mr Oliver.
God bless JO for having the courage and moral integrity to point this out in the detail that he has!
FINALLY....!!!! Thank you John Oliver, thank you. If only more journalists had the courage to speak this truth!
Thank you for having the courage to say what so few in your position are willing to say.
I'm so grateful for John Oliver and Jon Stewart. They are the only news sources out of the U.S. that are willing to discuss Palestine.
Thank you HBO. Thank you John Oliver. This is arguably the most important episode of the entire shows history
I can't believe John covered this and I'm very glad he did. You can see him holding back tears for most of the segment.
Never seen a LWT episode with that few laughters! Thank you, John Oliver, for having the guts to use your platform
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell. How awesome to see a media outlet not afraid to speak the truth - truly awesome. Bravo!!! I don't even know how to express how much respect I have for John Oliver for speaking the truth, in so very much, but especially here. Thank you so much Last Week Tonight, you hold a light in these dark times.
Just to comment that Last Week Tonight still winning an Emmy while still delivering incredible and HONEST news segments like this gem gives me hope.
John made the HBO lawyers work so much (and so rich) that they managed to avoid a nervous breakdown the second John's team let out the words "West Bank". "You know what, John ? Go on. The dragons are our Iron Dome so this one shall pass." They won an Emmy after making a 2020 sign explode. But here, it's real journalism. With more integrity and backbone than most modern media. I applaud it, encourage it. I've been pro-Palestinian since I was 16 years old reading an article about a kid shot by an Israeli soldier with au automatic rifle after the boy had thrown a rock at him. And I think it's the first time an American show teaches me anything about how awful the Palestinian situation is. I hope the Last Week Tonight's team courage can inspire many others to speak up or act !
I can't even put in words how much it means to hear your precise distillation of decades of anguish & struggle. You just don't ever miss the mark. Deep gratitude, here.
from Palestine we thank you John Oliver for your courage of speech
As always the Truth , heartbreaking as it is . Bless you John Oliver
This video is bar none the best possible video to show someone on the fence in regards to the occupation in Palestine, amazing job to the team
I'm from Mexico, not involved at all in the matter, which goes totally unnoticed here.... this episode just brought me to tears. I have no words.
There's no justification for apartheid ever
John Oliver, thank you for finding a creative way to bring forth the truth. And relieve the tension while educating people to the truth! God bless your ministry!!
An Oscar for this man; for his bravery to speak up and style of delivering truthful journalism.
Thank you John Oliver. Unfortunately the people who truly need to see this will not see it because of the algorithms.
I was in the West Bank last year Nov-Dec shortly after the conflict escalated and this is not an exaggeration. There are walls and fences everywhere, so much so it looks more like an internment camp than a home. Went through like 5 checkpoints before I got to where I needed to go. Luckily I was a foreigner so they let us through without hassle after flipping through my passport. However, some of the Palestinians on the bus were not as lucky where some were not allowed through the checkpoint and had to get off the bus and stand in the middle of the road to get a ride back. They are living in an open air prison.
This guy is a legend. Massive respect to Fantastic John
This show is a beacon of truth in a dark corridor of misinformation. I hope it survives forever because this nation freaking needs it.
I don't watch cable anymore so i didn't see this show when it aired. But someone on X posted about it and i had my doubts. I said no way John Oliver will go this far in saying the truth and not lose his job or life. I guess i was wrong. Just wow. This is beyond anything i expected. Thank you John, from my hometown in South East Nigeria.
Never Again means never again for anyone, anywhere, anytime
Bravo for providng a factual account of a very immoral and unbearable political situation. The USA and the UK need to respect the ruling if the ICJ. Love all your segments but this one was very much needed. Thank you John Oliver ❤
I’ll never say a bad word about you, Mr. Oliver. Whatever divide of political opinion we have otherwise, you stood like almost no one in media ever has for the liberation of a people our government conspires to not only oppress but wipe out. You stood for the freedom of others, at great risk to yours. God bless you.
Thank you HBO for breaking the silence. God bless you
As an older guy, this piece is necessary for the young. This goes on since the seventies. Every generation is surprised, how brutal.
Years ago I worked with a Palestinian guy & we became friends. He’d lost count how many times he’d heard from his family & friends still living in the West Bank that their crops had been destroyed by settlers or yet another person had been driven out of their home by them while the IDF stood by & did nothing. Yet as sad & frustrated as he sounded during our chats about what was happening he was never filled with hate. I know he’d hoped to move back to Palestine at some point so as of now I don’t even know if he & his wife & kids are still alive.
It fills my heart with joy reading this comment section ❤ This is what Palestinians have been telling everyone all along and no one wants to listen. And now people finally understand. Thank you so much John Oliver and the team at Last Week Tonight for telling this side of the story, you are true heroes of journalism.
Try using that "If I don't steal it, someone else will" excuse at the grocery store or at someone's home, you'd be in jail by now
Respect. You can proudly claim that you are on right side of history and using your journalism for a good cause.
Thank you and your team for speaking out about this
Corporate control over journalism and news is the downfall of a nation. Thank you John Oliver and team for remaining honest and reporting the news of the world.
Salutes to John Oliver for real journalism when almost everyone is blind or biased
If the place you live in is encircled by a fence, and your movements are controlled by armed personnel, it’s called a prison. What exactly are these people guilty of?
Thank you John 🙏🏼 literally I found myself in tears
TOTAL respect for John for saying it this forcefully. The world can not go on like this…evil will be smashed…let’s see what the PRICE TAG on that going to be.
I am from Europe and know your YouTube channel only since a few months .....I want to thank you with all my heart for what you just have said ! THANK YOU , THANK YOU, THANK YOU ....Nobody has summarized the insult and pain Palestinians have to go through every single day better than you just did ...my deepest respect for your courage .... I will never get over the fact that we , the people , have to watch this genocide, these grave injustices done, and at the same time see our governments supporting it .....
My respect grew for you.... Every time i see the level of injustice against Palestinians i cant sleep in night....
A huge THANK YOU to HBO and John Oliver for speaking the truth on your major platform.
Saving this episode immediately. This moment in time, when he gave a loud voice to those of us in the U.S. who feel like what's going on is so wrong, should be cherished.
‘The ultimate tragedy it isn’t the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people’ John Oliver, thanks for not being silent!
how is this show always on top of their game for a decade continuously
Loved this episode and John's honesty!!! Thank you
John will have to figure out how to make room for another Emmy. What an amazing episode.
John Oliver has exceeded ALL MY EXPECTATIONS with this uncensored segment. Bravo!!!
Huge newfound respect for HBO Max and John Oliver
Thanks John and lwt team. Taking the place so often where main stream media has utterly failed, to inform.
John Oliver and his entire team of show writers are brilliant. They take a topic, do an in-depth analysis and present it so clearly, comically, and eloquently.
A heartfelt thank you for doing this. Much respect to Mr. Oliver and team for taking a risk and reporting the facts.
The whole team of Last Week Tonight deserves another Emmy just for the "Musk" joke. Genius man. Absolutely genius.
Brilliant. In these times of cowardliness, I so respect and appreciate someone speaking the truth. Last Week Tonight does journalism better than all the big networks combined.
"I just want my government to have the moral backbone that's been shown by Ben and F***ing Jerry's!" "That cannot be too much to ask." Here here, John Oliver. Thank you for this incredibly important segment.
There ist more to the dignity thing the guy said to the German diplomats. The very first sentence of the German constitution ist: "The human dignity shall be inviolable." I still love that sentence.
This guy is a national treasure! Where do see such in depth journalism!
Thank you for the video. It has given me more perspective on world events.
Leave it to John Oliver to get you teary-eyed and smiling for 30 mins. Thanks for giving this more visibility and for educating folks on the issue. Today more than ever, never again.
Thank you, John, for shedding light on this issue! I have lived my whole life stateless due to this! It warms my heart to see that the world started to speak fairly about it!
"Not all battles are fought for victory. Some are fought simply to tell the world that someone was there on the battlefield."- Ravish Kumar It was always about Human Dignity.
I never thought this kind of journalism exists on the west. Thank Oliver, keep become decent human being.
Wow! Given how many got canceled for speaking out, I didn’t expect this! Well-done Sir!
I'm in Tennessee. I'm a Palestinian-American who has to thank you. Just. Thank you.
This was one of the best shows you've done, and its importance cannot be overstated.
Props to HBO and John Oliver for this brazen middle finger to AIPAC & Co.
Thank you John Oliver. You have just done what so many others have NOT BEEN ABLE TO DO.
Wow incredible, wasn't expecting this. Actual correct information on american tv without western propaganda. Respect to Oliver and his team!
We from South Africa know and understand what we are seeing here. There is a special name for it.
He really is very courageous to talk about this openly like this.
12:39 I got chills how FAST he answered this question... "Nothing. Die." The frustration in his voice was UNREAL!
There’s a reason why you sir are one of the most iconic journalists of all time! Thank you for speaking out the truth that’s been hidden by the western media since before 1948. Your kind is what keeps me going as a journalist, especially in these tough times. Respect🙏🙏💗
Thank you for speaking up about this 🤲🏻
Not sure why this important video is blocked from being shown in Israel but in true Israeli fashion I used a VPN to watch it.
Thank you, John (and realistically the Last Week Tonight team). It means a lot to be seen by someone as mainstream as you.
I am genuinely surprised this aired. Spent the entire episode holding my breath to hear "but it's all hamas's fault". Kudos to you
The Daily Show really delivered this time. Worthy of an award this episode
I had read an interview withNeta Shoshani., the Israeli film director who made the documentary about the massacre of Der Yassin by israeli forces, she told a story about her grandmother, who had emigrated to Isreal from Europe after the Holocaust . She lived in a tent for awhile and then was brought to a house and told it was now hers. She could see that the dishes were still on the table from the Palestinian family that had been forced to leave their home by israeli forces- Neta's grandmother refused the house saying" I will not do to someone else what was just done to us' - If the people of israel had the integrity and decency of Neta's grandmother- we would have had peace rather than genocide perpetrated by israel.
John. I know you know the balls it took to do what you just did. And trust me, what you just did, is a matter of dignity. You sir, are a forever LEGEND.
Big ups to John and his team for doing this piece. It's in no way going to win him any awards in the West, but I'm sure it's appreciated by those hoping to shed more light on the injustices occurring in the West Bank.
The facts presented by John Oliver are accessible to anyone with a minimum interest in justice and trustworthy information and if John’s position is perceived as rare and brave, that is evidence of the power of the media to create, spread and solidify lies to the point the that they become accepted truths by most people – a strategy the US puts to use very efficiently. To me that shows how crucial the need for media-savvy education is. Thank you, John and team.
As always, thank you John Oliver for bringing these issues to light for thousands of Americans. So glad you’re talking about this.
Advocate for the 2nd definition: "This must never again happen to any people anywhere."
27:46 you guys don't get how much of a Powermove that is. He's talking to a german delegation, the first two sentences in the German Constitution are 'The dignity of man is inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all public authority.' I'm surprised John and his crew didn't pick up on that one
First, thank you to the courageous and true journalist, and to his professional team. A simple ‘thank you’ is not enough. This was a sensitive topic and a monumental effort. Second, a message to the voters: It is your direct and foremost duty to seek the truth about those you support, especially in light of these human rights violations. In the age of the internet, this has never been easier. Do not underestimate the power of your influence—it could be the difference between the life and death of an innocent person. Stop the genocide, and end the inhumane settlement expansions.
As a Jewish person the Israeli government makes me sick, and as an American it’s enraging my tax dollars are given unconditionally to this apartheid regime. May the Palestinian people get the dignity and justice they deserve
It's supposed to be a comedy show, but I'm honestly crying watching this, the absolute injustice those people suffered over the years is incredible, and more incredible is the silence and tolerance of the world 🌎 watching all of this, like those people are not even humans. It's just 😭🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
Was in tears during this comedy. Bravo John 👏, the brave will speak truth to power.
Such a brave John Oliver, with a million times more guts than most journalists!
I appreciate this show so, so much. The guts it takes to bring this issue to light on such a large scale is incredible.
Thank you John. This is your BEST episode ever. Thank you for the truth and for doing what the rest of the cowards, deniers, spin-doctors won't. Thank you for you. You give us hope.
Holy crap, I watched the whole thing and even it’s more incredible than I thought. WOW, I cannot believe Oliver laid out the truth as much as he did. INCREDIBLE!! thank you for your courage sir.
John Oliver deserves an award for his work on this issue. As an American voter who's neither Jewish nor Palestinian, I'm tired of my government misappropriating taxes to fund war crimes. We need young people to run for office and get rid of the old guard.
That Elon Musk joke being the smell of apartheid was 🤌
Thank you John for shining light on the injustice. The state department has been a big problem.
No country has a right to stand on this level of injustice period.
Right on, John. Right on.
Thank you for being on the right side of history, Mr. John Oliver and everyone who is supporting this
I have to say, the statement at 27:48 talking to the German delegation about the need for dignity is quite a good point to make in the presence of Germans, as the very first sentence of the very first article of the German consitution reads "Human dignity shall be inviolable", which was intentionally written to prevent even taking the road towards another genocide (let alone commiting one).
wow. No one has explained the Palestinian plight in the West Bank so clearly as John. Thank you!
Thank you John Oliver. Very enlightening and informative and entertaining too.
I just learned more about this complex international conflict in 30 minutes than I have from actual YEARS of “news” coverage. Once again, LWT knocks it out of the park.
Watching this as a is so heartbreaking. I remember the stories my mom used to tell about the forced removals of people from their homes by the apartheid government in South Africa. What's happening in the West Bank and Gaza is a thousand times worse. Thank you, John Oliver, for doing what CNN, BBC, and all the other news media channels that we once trusted are refusing to do.
"This must never happen again to the Jewish people, and this must not happen again to any people anywhere" SPOT-ON.


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