
In North Korea: First Eye-Witness Report

In North Korea: First Eye-Witness Report

Anna Louise Strong

In North Korea: First Eye-Witness Report

Source: Pamphlet
Written: 1949
Published: Soviet Russia Today, New York: 1949 (1)
Online Version: Anna Louise Strong Reference Archive, March 2006
Transcription/HTML: Brian Reid 


1. Anna Louise Strong, writer, lecturer and world traveller, was the first correspondent to report from North Korea and the only American correspondent to travel extensively through that country interviewing people in all walks of life. This booklet is based on her observations there. Miss Strong has achieved international eminence as a correspondent for her reports from the major capitals of the world and her coverage of some of the most historic events of our times. Among her many books are The Soviets Expected ItPeoples of the USSR, and I Saw the New Poland. Her latest, just published, is Tomorrow's China.

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