
For Peace in Korea, No More War Drills! - On the annual US-ROK combined military exercises

234 subscribers
For Peace in Korea, No More War Drills! 2/18/2021 @ 8pm ET Webinar on the 60-plus year history of the costly and provocative annual US-ROK combined military exercises, and why it’s critical to end them to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula. Speakers
  1. Wooksik Cheong, Director of Peace Network (South Korea)
  2. Catherine Killough, Advocacy and Leadership Coordinator of Women Cross DMZ (US)
  3. Jovanni Reyes, Member Coordinator of About Face: Veterans Against War (US)
Moderator: Ann Wright, Retired U.S. Army Colonel, Former US Diplomat, and Coordinator of the Korea Peace Campaign of Veterans For Peace
Sponsoring organizations: Civil Peace Forum; Korea Peace Campaign of Veterans for Peace; Korea Peace Network; Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network; Korean Women’s Movement for Peace; Peace Treaty Now; South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration; Women Cross DMZ; and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

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