
Traveling through North Korea | DW Documentary

Traveling through North Korea | DW Documentary
56,529 views•Jul 10, 2020





DW Documentary
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This documentary provides a rare glimpse of change in the notoriously closed country. Filmmakers Gregor Möllers and Anne Lewald discretely shot the video on trips to North Korea in 2013 and 2017, when they were not allowed autonomy or spontaneity.

Despite the fact that their itinerary was arranged for them in advance and guides chaperoned them everywhere, the two Berliners found a way to register their impressions. They depict a city lacking authenticity, a country longing for reunification and a people shaped by Juche beliefs and socialist propaganda. In a society steeped in obfuscation and spectacle, where deception is necessary for perception and expression, the filmmakers were forced to play a double role, secretly recording without permission while also genuinely relating to their hosts. By blending travelogue and espionage, A Postcard from Pyongyang captures what happens when you rely solely on what you see, not what you’re told, and reveals a reality Kim Jong-Un’s regime doesn’t want foreigners to see.


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Oudumbar Rajput
Oudumbar Rajput
1 day ago
I think the identities of North Koreans who interacted with DW should not have revealed irrespective of their opinions rearding the regime.


Neptune Vibe
Neptune Vibe
1 day ago
"In South Korea they care about money.. In North Korea we care about leader.. his money!"


1 day ago
I feel bad if any of these people get in trouble for unknowing being recorded.


Alex M
Alex M
1 day ago
"Don't point at the statue" he says, pointing at the statue.


1 day ago
Even covid19 is afraid to enter north korea


Hussain Mirahmadi
Hussain Mirahmadi
1 day ago
31:15 / here also the walls are filled with ads , but since the only company they advertise is "the state" there is no need for naming and text .


Daniel Justin
Daniel Justin
21 hours ago
I'm not being rude or anything. But I think you should censor someone's face when they talk about something that is have nothing to do with the government's system.

Keep it in mind, they have a horrible system in their prison. Where the next 3 generations will be punished severely by forced labor regardless if their next 3 generations are innocent.


1 day ago
You have put all those people at risk


Jupiter Cyclops
Jupiter Cyclops
1 day ago
An old American saying -"believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see"


1 day ago
The shots are pretty amazing considering the circumstances they were taken in.


Ker Karraje
Ker Karraje
1 day ago
I was quite skeptical at the beginning of the video, assuming this would be another western propaganda flix but it turned out to be quite good and objective. Well done!


Seii Kim
Seii Kim
1 day ago
As South Korean, it gives me the hope that I could also visit there, someday.


1 day ago
you know . I was wondering what happen to all the flowers on the Statues go. after use them lol


Chuck Hall
Chuck Hall
1 day ago
Very impressed that you were able to run the marathon while holding a camera, and after your accident on the escalator.


Amadu Conate
Amadu Conate
1 day ago
These DW Documentaries are getting so addictive


DW Documentary

21 hours ago
7:16 "We wanted to leave the country in one piece."

The difference here is, unlike the people you recklessly filmed UNCENSORED, you can leave.


Moto Hyun
Moto Hyun
1 day ago
19 :15 )
Tour guide , she is speaks
Very good English
Who. Would thing that she"a from hard line
People's Republic korea.🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼


Ag Me
Ag Me
1 day ago
I mean it mustn’t be that bad to live in Pyongyang, if you live there you are are probably privileged and have a nice life working for the government lol


Nancy Hobson
Nancy Hobson
1 day ago
Yes, amazing documentary considering the conditions in which it was filmed.


Musik Siro
Musik Siro
1 day ago
And i thought i watched every NK Documentary XD


1 day ago
North Korea is Socialist in name only, or it "identifies" as Socialist. The actual structure of their government and economy, say otherwise. North Korea would be better described as a form of "State Capitalism" with a Totalitarian government structure.

A Nation claiming to be Socialist without having workers control production and any democratic systems in place, is making a false claim. Continuing to say countries like North Korea, Russia, East Germany, or China are Socialist or Communist, is a pre 1980's way of thinking. The fall of the Iron Curtain/Wall in 1989 opened the eyes of many Economists and Political theorists, once they were able to analyze the alleged "Socialist systems" east of the wall . I would think the gentlemen making this documentary would know this already, having a Germanic background. 

Hell....I could walk on all "fours" and say I'm a dog, but it doesn't make it true.


Ka Re
Ka Re
1 day ago
They shouldn't ask guides provocative questions. It's putting them at great risk.


J R's Place
J R's Place
1 day ago
Wow, That's pretty gutsy risking getting caught and spending the rest of your lives in a North Korean prison. You do realize that's considered spying?


Susan Ananda
Susan Ananda
1 day ago
Any red light district in Pyongyang?


Kennito De Van Gavani
Kennito De Van Gavani
1 day ago
Nice Documentary...
Being in NK even scare me in my own Dream...
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


23 hours ago
"They depict a city lacking authenticity" - my gawd. understatement. everything i've ever seen (admittedly on-line videos rather than having been there) screams phony.


Pop Goes Theology
Pop Goes Theology
1 day ago (edited)
This is DW's second full-length documentary on North Korea in 4 months . Do you guys over at DW know something that the other networks don't?


Gail Francisco
Gail Francisco
21 hours ago (edited)
I am concerned about every North Korean you filmed, and the guides, they may be interrogated, and their families affected. It's interesting, but think about the number of North Koreans you have put at risk. It would have been better to have the journalists anonymous and any conversations with North Koreans hidden and voice disguised. I understand you both took great risk doing this. And with the provocative questions to try and get them to tell their opinion about the truth....risking the North Korean's lives. I recommend either deleting this video or re-editing to take out your names...you are lists there and it will be easy for their govt to look up the guides.


Jupiter Cyclops
Jupiter Cyclops
1 day ago
After watching this, i have a strange desire to sell everything i own and move my fam to north korea so we can serve the great leader kim jan une.


Your Mom's Tits
Your Mom's Tits
1 day ago
1:52 is the theme of princess Mononoke , by studio Ghibli and licensed time to time by Disney.
Japanese film used to advertise Korea.

Ariel Valentine
Ariel Valentine
1 day ago
why's the Princess Mononoke theme playing???


Pics Reviews
Pics Reviews
1 day ago
38.47 leave her hand otherwise Kim Jong will kill you 😂😂😂😂


Evaristo Abrahao
Evaristo Abrahao
13 hours ago
18:40 I used to think there was just one chubby person in NK.


1 day ago
I like when journalists ask North Koreans selfincriminating questions on video the communist party will probably watch..... good job DW you sent people to camps


Ag Me
Ag Me
1 day ago
Kim should really hire new architects, perhaps send them to study in china or something lol


Wolfs Rain
Wolfs Rain
1 day ago
Me gained nuther 5 pounds last week tehehe - Kim Un


Tarek Eldomiaty
Tarek Eldomiaty
18 hours ago
I would hope that in one day we can reach a consensus to nominate DW channel to Nobel prize for peace...they have been doing enourmous and dedicated efforts to increase public awareness. This is the only significant factor every nation needs to improve the quality of our life, so we live in peace and, eventually, prosperity... may I have your support, please...


Michael O'halloran
Michael O'halloran
1 day ago
Nothing new here.Are so many docs out there DW wpuld like the whole world to be like this.Everybody in lock step.Ypu can feel the admiration in the film

Pavel Sychra
Pavel Sychra
1 day ago
First of all, thank you for the video and the comparison, it was great!

Second - North Korea, you have nothing to hide away! You have unique way of doing things and I respect it. It shows what a single mind can do with people and in a way, it is scary. But it is amazing as well, all to contribute to a common goal and a presentation what it can achieve. Yes, you are closed to us most of the time, but I really hope one day you will open to us and will view the outside world as well. I hope you will see us as another nation, not as an enemy, or a country that would want to destroy you, but as a world that can contribute and show what we all can do together. It was one of those videos that did show totally different mentality, which in a way, is really nice and enriching. I do hope you will join us one day, the rest of the world, in common peace.


6 hours ago
22:05 Maybe we can outsource the Olympic opening ceremony to North Korea, they seem to be well practiced :-)


Conrad Kenneth
Conrad Kenneth
1 day ago
Greetings from the international space station!


Werther's Original
Werther's Original
15 hours ago
You may have felt you were bringing up valid points by showing the flaws in their thinking, but in reality, the only thing you accomplished was getting people just trying to get by, in a lot of trouble.


1 day ago
I haven't hear any person saying something good about North Korea .
But there can be something good 
Agreed or not

David S Cameron
David S Cameron
1 day ago
Quite a trip, why you feel the need to hoodwink another people to offer up this faintly ridiculous piece of reportage is anyone's guess, I'm plumbing for your condescension of another state...

Ag Me
Ag Me
1 day ago
Everything is so depressing. The subway specially! It reminds me of cheap old 70s buildings in my country.


1 day ago
32:12 lol he sharted on the escalator 🤣🤣


Dan Gustavo
Dan Gustavo
1 day ago
How on earth can you secretly film people in a place like North Korea, and then show their faces? Please tell us you thought about this! You are responsible if any of these people get killed or "disappear"


Frank Kopp
Frank Kopp
1 day ago
T-shirt Dutch tweet about your experiences with that Fujitsu Siemens computers and grateful for you guys have fun with it.

16 hours ago
I'm obsessed with documentaries about North Korea. 
I've watched almost every single one on YouTube.


Ruggero Todesco
Ruggero Todesco
15 hours ago
I agree with many other comments on the possible problems that filmed guides can occur. I hope they stay safe after the NK police have seen this video. Anyway could you tell me which device you were using to not be seen recording? Thank you


1 day ago (edited)
lol the music at 2:04 sounds kinda like its from xia piao piao

1 day ago
Isn’t it the world’s safest place today

Rocko Seyie
Rocko Seyie
1 day ago
Was an ardent fan of DW.But this?...Learn to pronounce Pyongyang!!..

natalie storm
natalie storm
1 day ago
I think the country is really pretty


Gerald Miller
Gerald Miller
21 hours ago
The North Korean minders are like talking to Trump cult members and their enablers.


Lisa S
Lisa S
1 day ago
I thought this would be new. Meh

Werther's Original
Werther's Original
15 hours ago (edited)
Are We Wrong?
Yes, yes you are. 🤣

1 day ago (edited)
Looks like East Germany in the late 80-ties hahaha, that includes telling on each other and writing reports from 8:00 as well as receiving humanitarian aid.


Crystal Ma
Crystal Ma
25 minutes ago
Very well film with lot of interesting image & the life style of N. Korea. Can imagine how challenging to film. Enjoying this video with my dinner. 🧡

DW Documentary

Matt Gibbs
Matt Gibbs
4 hours ago
If I never hear 아리랑, or 반갑습니다 ever again I'd be happy, I swear that's the only two songs allowed in DPRK.

Sasmita Ayya
Sasmita Ayya
7 hours ago
Just imagine how hardly to make this film with strictly regulations in North Korea. You must be so brave too to publish this documentary. Two thumbs up

18 hours ago
I stopped watchin this at two minutes 13. I get worried about what it feels like for the world to have constant US ships surveying it's borders without giveing anything back. The people who are american see it as justified to police the world.. These countires that are or were british too try the same thing. I remember a song from public enemy of where if they have found you with something so you've got something. US democracy and UK democracy is grating on my mind. Some sort of labour controler of london made sure that the hideous police force had stop and searching  to the extent of where they wanted something they could find it after. These people from Hong Kong should worry also. They may find that they are recieved on red carpets but when they dare to anything on them that the UK state feels this is unaceptable they may be locked up and in reality deported as many of the disenters do in the UK.

For people who have got citizenship here there is some security in the fact that if we were to be locked up it would be in a country that we know. Some of those though that organise policing in the UK are bullying people to a sad extent. There are many honourbale operations within the police forces whithin the UK that need to leave this police force bracket because they are completely essential to lives in the UK. Other parts of this insitution are hateful For example none of the judges as far as I know are elected. Like the queen they cannot serve, but it is others who have to serve them. Furthermore when it comes to even having what is called the 'rule of law' people need to self fund as opposed to the idea that the state is saying you have done wrong; surely the state must allow for people to prove their innocence as opposed to the state saying we will prove you are guilty and the person on the far end of the stick not being able to pay for a defence. The UK will get a shake up I promise you but for all these britishers who have to defend themselves I feel really sad.

Sachin, UK


علي حاتم
علي حاتم
1 day ago
شكرا DW😍🤩



Dothe Delima
Dothe Delima
8 hours ago
I wonder what will happen to the poor girl talking about Juche if N.Korea sees this video. Care to think about that?


Jake Bennett
Jake Bennett
1 day ago (edited)
? Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see....

Laura González
Laura González
10 hours ago
Apart from an ad every 5-6min, this is a great documentary!

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