
Calculated Nationalism in Contemp S Korea: Gil-Soo Han 2023 Open Access

Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea: Movements for Political and Economic Democratization in the 21st Century — Monash University
Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea: Movements for Political and Economic Democratization in the 21st Century
Gil-Soo Han

Communications & Media Studies
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review



Nationalism in a nation-state reflects its emergent structural, cultural, and personal properties at a given time. In the politico-historical context of South Korea and the globe, the fruits of the 1968 Revolution in France could not reach Korean society under its military regime and exploitative economic structure. This continued to frustrate the grassroots and especially social actors in South Korea, which eventually brought about the June Struggle in 1987 and the 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution. 

Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea sketches 
Korean grassroots’ perception of their nation-state, national identities, and what they desire regarding the future direction of their nation-state. 
The grassroots have openly spoken out about their frustrations through political rallies and media. 
This book attempts to reflect the minds of Korean progressives regarding, in particular, 
  • the forcibly recruited Japanese military “comfort women,” 
  • Abe’s trade provocation against South Korea in 2019, 
  • reunification, 
  • the 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution, 
  • National Flag-carriers’ struggles, and 
  • bullying at work.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAmsterdam The Netherlands
PublisherAmsterdam University Press
Number of pages307
ISBN (Electronic)9789048553563
ISBN (Print)9789463723657
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2023

현대 한국에서의 계산된 민족주의: 21세기 정치 및 경제 민주화를 위한 운동


민족국가의 민족주의는 주어진 시간에 부상하는 구조적, 문화적, 개인적 속성을 반영합니다. 한국과 세계의 정치-역사적 맥락에서 1968년 프랑스 혁명의 성과는 군사 정권과 착취적 경제 구조 하의 한국 사회에 도달할 수 없었습니다. 이는 한국의 기초 계층과 특히 사회적 행위자들을 좌절시켰고, 결국 1987년 6월 항쟁과 2016-2017년 촛불 혁명을 초래했습니다. 

현대 한국에서의 <계산된 민족주의>는 한국 만초들이 국가, 국가 정체성, 그리고 국가 국가의 미래 방향에 대해 바라는 바에 대한 인식을 개략적으로 보여줍니다. 

민초들은 정치 집회와 미디어를 통해 좌절에 대해 공개적으로 말했습니다. 
이 책은 특히 
  • 강제로 끌려온 일본군 '위안부' 문제와 
  • 2019년 아베의 한국에 대한 무역 도발, 
  • 통일, 
  • 2016~2017년 촛불 혁명, 
  • 국기 게양자들의 투쟁, 
  • 직장 내 괴롭힘 등에 대한 
<한국 진보주의자들의 생각을 반영>하고자 합니다.

원어 영어
출판 장소암스테르담 네덜란드
발행자암스테르담 대학 출판부
페이지 수307

게시 상태게시됨 - 2023년

계산된 민족주의민족주의풀뿌리 운동현대 한국미디어 분석정치 운동재통일일본군 '위안부'비판적 현실주의직장 괴롭힘촛불혁명국기 운반선향수에 젖은 민족주의자들'노 아베' 운동접지 이론 방법형태발생학적 관점

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Open Access Published by Amsterdam University Press 2023

Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea
Movements for Political and Economic Democratization in the 21st Century
Gil-Soo Han
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About this book

Nationalism in a nation-state reflects its emergent structural, cultural, and personal properties at a given time. In the politico-historical context of South Korea and the globe, the fruits of the 1968 Revolution in France could not reach Korean society under its military regime and exploitative economic structure. This continued to frustrate the grassroots and especially social actors in South Korea, which eventually brought about the June Struggle in 1987 and the 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution. Calculated Nationalism in Contemporary South Korea sketches Korean grassroots’ perception of their nation-state, national identities, and what they desire regarding the future direction of their nation-state. The grassroots have openly spoken out about their frustrations through political rallies and media. This book attempts to reflect the minds of Korean progressives regarding, in particular, the forcibly recruited Japanese military “comfort women,” Abe’s trade provocation against South Korea in 2019, reunification, the 2016–2017 Candlelight Revolution, National Flag-carriers’ struggles, and bullying at work.

Author / Editor information

Han Gil-Soo :

Gil-Soo Han is a Professor of Communications and Media Studies, Monash University, Australia. His areas of research interest include media, religion, health, ethnicities, and nationalism. His recent publications include Funeral Rites in Contemporary Korea (2018, Springer), Nouveau-riche Nationalism and Multiculturalism in Korea (2015, Routledge).

Topics Political Science
Political Science, other
Social Sciences

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