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Noam ChomskyNoam Chomsky
Edward W. SaidEdward W. Said
Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians Kindle Edition
by Noam Chomsky (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars (114)
Part of: Chomsky Perspectives (13 books)
With an extended new preface by the author.
'One of the most important intellectuals alive' Independent
One of Noam Chomsky’s most important and renowned works, Fateful Triangle is a devastating indictment of American and Israeli foreign policy which covers a sustained period of Middle East history from the formation of the State of Israeli to the Oslo Peace Accords. With a foreword by the late Edward Said, this powerful book belongs in the hands of anyone who wants a deep understanding of Israel and its relationship to Western power.
Part of series
Chomsky Perspectives
Print length
778 pages
Product description
"Fateful Triangle may be the most ambitious book ever attempted on the conflict between Zionism and the Palestinians viewed as centrally involving the United States. It is a dogged expose of human corruption, greed, and intellectual dishonesty. It is also a great and important book, which must be read by anyone concerned with public affairs."
--Edward Said, from the foreword
"A devastating collection of charges aimed at Israeli and American policies that affect the Palestinian Arabs negatively."
--Library Journal
"Brilliant and Unscrupulous."
"A major, timely and devastating analysis of one of the great tragedies."
--Fred Halliday, Tribune
--The Jewish Quarterly
"One of the definitive works on the Israeli Palestinian conflict."
--Amy Goodman
About the Author
Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. A member of the American Academy of Science, he has published widely in both linguistics and current affairs. His books include At War with Asia, Towards a New Cold War, Fateful Triangle: The U. S., Israel and the Palestinians, Necessary Illusions, Hegemony or Survival, Deterring Democracy, Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy and Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.
Edward W. Said was University Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Society of Literature and of Kings College Cambridge, his celebrated works include Orientalism, The End of the Peace Process, Power, Politics and Culture, and the memoir Out of Place. He is also the editor, with Christopher Hitchens, of Blaming the Victims, published by Verso. He died in September 2003.
Product details
Publisher : Pluto Press (20 September 2016)
Language : English
File size : 1485 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 778 pagesBest Sellers Rank: 313,239 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)398 in Middle Eastern History (Kindle Store)
547 in History of Israel & Palestine
151,643 in Textbooks & Study GuidesCustomer Reviews:
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars (114)
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Saba and Ramy-chan
3.0 out of 5 stars The content is not bad, but it is difficult to understand .
Reviewed in Japan on 12 June 2011
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Overall, there are many descriptions that seem to criticize others,
It contains a lot of irony, sarcasm, and rhetorical expressions.
It's a pretty difficult book to understand,
The author's argument itself contains many important points, and I managed to read it all the way to the end.
Aside from the emotional writing, this is 5 star content.
(Although there are many digressions, each chapter is structured with three levels of headings, so there is no need to worry about losing track of the overall flow.)
The book is based on the premise that in the mid-1970s the PLO hoped for peaceful coexistence with Israel.
This premise is treated almost like an axiom that does not need to be proven.
There is no mention of the discussions at the PNC or the reaction of the PLO to this major shift,
It's unfortunate that I'm not convinced on this point.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Difficult read but worth the effort
Reviewed in Canada on 15 December 2021
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Noam is one of piercing intellects of our current times and this book does not disappoint. This is a masterful work that categorically challenges the American narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is dense, complex, and filled with jargon that is likely to be unfamiliar to most readers.
For the first 200 pages, I used my phone to reference locations, people, and definitions.
The book really could use a map with the locations that Noam references...seems like an obvious win.
This book is more like a textbook than a book in a lot of ways but is well worth the effort.
One person found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars History of the Palestine-Israel issue.
Reviewed in France on 29 February 2024
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Historical facts on the Israeli-Palestinian issue written by Noam Chomsky, an American Jew.
What Bat
5.0 out of 5 stars One of the best books on the Middle East
Reviewed in the United States on 7 September 2010
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Ever since September 11th, I have considered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict perhaps the most important foreign policy issue in the world. I essentially collect books on the issue, ranging from Chomsky, Finkelstein and Benny Morris to Alan Dershowitz, Joan Peters, those who have worked in the Israeli government, like Abba Eban, Shimon Peres, Moshe Dayan, etc. Of all those writers, Professor Noam Chomsky is the most prolific, meticulous, detailed and most importantly, accurate.
I have gotten into literally hundreds of debates on issue, with all of them ending in the same two ways. Either,
a) I'm an anti-Semite who just HATES Jewish people, or
b) The religious argument, that "God gave the land to the Jews, therefore, no matter what you say, my God is right and you're wrong".
Professor Chomsky pretty much refutes Argument A to death. It's extremely weak and by either saying those who criticize Israel as being either "anti-Semitic" or being a "self-hating Jew" is like calling someone racist because they don't believe in affirmative action, or anti-Germanic because they may not have supported the Nazi régime. It's a way to have all their bases covered. If those who criticize Israel are anti-Semitic, they would make them vehemently anti-Arabic.
Chomsky also points out that those "defending" Israel are actually putting Israel I more danger by supporting such policies. Israel would be much, much safer if they would simply adhere to international law and the various UN Security Resolutions and General Assembly Resolutions calling for an end to occupying territory and implementing a two-state solution, giving the Gaza Strip and West Bank genuine, true independence.
The book is also full of history, such as the cause of the 1973 war, the 1979 Camp David Accords, the very founding of the Israeli state, etc.
I couldn't put the book down. It's about 400 + pages and I finished it in 2 or 3 days.
45 people found this helpful
sandra yvonne yehya
5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable and at the same time full of thoughtful facts based firmly on evidence.,
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 August 2024
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As above, enjoyable read with every page filled with source-based facts.
Anthony J. Geha Yuja
5.0 out of 5 stars Israel's State Terror in Palestine and Lebanon
Reviewed in the United States on 14 January 2002
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This is one of the most disturbing and compelling indictments of Israel's apartheid policies and terror tactics (supported by the US Government) not only against its captive overpowered palestinian victims in the occupied teritories but also against Lebanon its peaceful and once prosperous neighbour to the north.
Thoroughly documented with evidence and facts particularly about Israel's 1982 invasion and military occupation of Lebanon which caused the death of more than 20000 people mostly civilians, produced the Sabra and Chatila massacre and which lasted for 18 years. Most of Chomsky's sources are authoritative and honest israeli and american government, military and media representatives.
Noam Chomsky is a brave and honourable jewish/american academic, in the best tradition of the jewish people, who believes in human rights and has the courage to say the hidden historical truth as it is, contrary to its constant travesty witnessed on a daily basis in the western mainstream media.
Regretfully, most of this media is now owned/controlled by a few conglomerates and dominated/manipulated by the pro-israel, pro-war lobbies who will go to any length to distort history and facts hollywood style in favor of Israel's version of events, i.e transforming the victim into the aggressor and vice versa!
A must reading for anyone interested in learning the true story of what has been happening in the Holy Lands and why .
219 people found this helpful
Frank Reibold
4.0 out of 5 stars Broad presentation
Reviewed in Germany on 3 March 2006
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This book offers a broad presentation of the Middle East conflict.
Using historical documents and the relevant UN resolutions, the author traces the history of the Middle East conflict since the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The descriptions are very detailed and focus in particular on the controversial interpretation of the UN resolutions regarding the call for Israel to withdraw from (the) occupied territories.
The strategic cooperation between the USA and Israel runs like a thread through the book. This also explains why both countries interpret UN resolutions differently than the rest of the world. There can be no peace without pressure from the USA on the conflicting parties. To do this, however, the USA must fundamentally reorganize its Middle East policy so that the impression of one-sided support for the Israeli position disappears.
This book provides a broad outline of the Middle East conflict.
The author traces the history of the Middle East conflict by means of historical documents and relevant UN resolutions since the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The presentations are very detailed and deal in particular with the controversial interpretation of the UN resolutions concerning the invitation to Israel to withdraw from (the) occupied territories.
The U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation runs like a red thread through the book. This also explains why both countries interpret UN resolutions differently from the rest of the world. Without pressure from the US on the parties to the conflict, there can be no peace. To do this, however, the US must reorganize its Middle East policy so that the impression of unilateral support for the Israeli position disappears.
From other countries
Noreen A. Thompsen
5.0 out of 5 stars Chomsky is a master at explaining the history of US complicity in a sham "peace process"
Reviewed in the United States on 9 December 2012
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Excellent history of the "conflict" and just as timely today as it was in 1983. The patterns of agression are the same (provoke then claim "defense" when they (Israel) unleash their far superior weaponry on a largely civilian, mostly 1948 Palestinian refugee population). He also rightly recognizes that the real goal in the attacks on Lebanon was to neutralize the possibility of the emergence of a more moderate Palestinian Authority which would then set the stage for a real autonomous two state solution. Chomsky either had a crystal ball, membership in the "Psychic Friends Network" or made one heck of an educated guess that the "peace process" was a sham and the Israeli government's goal all along has been annexation of the assets of the occupied territories without the bother of having to offer equal rights and justice to the pesky Palestinians who reside there. If more Americans read this book there would be a groundswell of demand that our government revise it's foreign policy in the region and use the annual $3.1 billion (Israel) and $1.5 billion (Egypt) spent on foreign military aid for domestic or humanitarian purposes or to help avert the "fiscal cliff".
32 people found this helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Chomsky's magnum opus on Israel-Palestine is as relevant now as it was when it was first published
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 26 July 2018
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Chomsky provides his usual insight into the Israel-Palestine conflict by examining the historical record and comparing it to the stories commonly heard in the western media. His scathing indictment of Israel, Sharon, Begin and the US helps to show how events in the conflict are distorted and important facts ignored. the book pulls no punches and provides innumerable examples of Israeli atrocities and western apologies for them. It is not for the faint-hearted and the book will likely leave the reader angry and frustrated about the crimes committed by Israel and supported by the US and its allies, and the lack of justice or even knowledge of them.
The book shows the extent of Palestinian persecution and discusses the likelihood of greater repression in the future, something which we have seen several times since its publication. While the places and names may change, the events follow a similar pattern, most recently with Israel’s new “nation-state law”
The book goes into incredible detail and provides an incredibly tragic amount of examples of Israel’s racist policy of exploitation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians with such depth and breadth as to dismiss any doubt regarding the truth of the world “most moral” army.
While the book provides a very limited history before 1948, it provides one of the most in-depth accounts of the period 1967-1983 and shows Israel and the US’ increasingly brazen defiance of Much of the world. In particular, it discusses the 1982 Lebanon war and how poorly it was discussed and handled in the west. He also provides an excellent example of how criticism of Israeli policy is often considered anti-semitic in order to silence dissent.
after Reading this one could also consult Chomsky’s other books; Gaza in crisis and On Palestine for a more updated view on the situation
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W. Shane Schmidt
5.0 out of 5 stars American especially should read this book
Reviewed in the United States on 20 August 2001
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If you are comfortable with American foreign policy in the Middle East, this book offers a great opportunity to test your comfort. For some the most difficult part about reading something like this will be clearing their head of decades of US-Israeli bias in America's press and popular culture. Remind yourself that it really is ok to consider opposing views and then see for yourself if you still like the way the United States coddles and manipulates Israel's violent self-interest for its own gains.
You will find excellent resources for further study and consideration, including updated discussion covering recent developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Sources are plentiful. Regardless of where you ultimately land on this debate, the book is well-documented and useful.
195 people found this helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars A fact-loaded polemic.
Reviewed in the United States on 18 October 2019
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A classic Chomsky polemic, loaded with facts carefully selected to make the point that Israel is an aggressive, racist state, as indeed it is.
16 people found this helpful
Dr. Vishnu
5.0 out of 5 stars Must read
Reviewed in the United States on 28 August 2014
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WOW. So revealing. A must read for anyone trying to understand the whys and hows of the current situation in Israel and the persecution/annihilation of the Palestinians.
5 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Will it ever end
Reviewed in the United States on 16 April 2016
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Terrifying look at the senseless violence in the middle East.
5 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United States on 18 May 2015
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Rather long, but very worthwhile.
2 people found this helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Book review
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 April 2023
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The book is big and therefore the typos are very small. I have sight problems, I think it could be advised when you are going to buy a book.
4.0 out of 5 stars Noam is right
Reviewed in the United States on 17 April 2014
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Noam Chomsky deserves a lot of credit for all the work and findings that he has shared and communicated related to US Foreign policy in the Middle East. I often find myself agreeing with his writing and interviews.
9 people found this helpful
J. Davis
3.0 out of 5 stars Get recent edition
Reviewed in the United States on 16 February 2015
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I generally agree with Chomsky on the Palestinian-Israeli (not always) on this issue, but this version of Fateful Triangle is a little outdated. It is primarily focused on the 1982 Lebanon War.
I just noticed that a new edition of this book will be released in a week. I suggest getting that one instead.
11 people found this helpful
Megan A
5.0 out of 5 stars A must read for anyone interested in learning about the roots of the Middle East conflict.
Reviewed in the United States on 10 October 2014
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One of the most important books about the Middle East.
6 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United States on 11 January 2015
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must read to better understand the middle eastern turmoil
2 people found this helpful
Book Worm
4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting
Reviewed in the United States on 10 March 2007
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It was very interesting to read such a different perspective on the middle east. I would read another book by Norm Chomsky
2 people found this helpful
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