
The Vegetarian Plot Summary

The Vegetarian Plot Summary

Chris Jordan
909 subscribers

4,776 views  Jun 7, 2021
Plot Summary for Han Kang's award winning novella, 'The Vegetarian'. 

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🔠 Fancy words I used in the video: 

Triptych - "The Vegetarian by Hang Kang is a triptych, a 3 part story told by 3 different narrators."

Insolence - "Yeong-hye’s family attempt to force feed her a piece of meat, having grown tired of her insolence and rapid weight loss."

Laceration - "Yeong-hye is then put in a hospital facility so that she can recover from both the laceration and her weight loss."

Perplexed - "Mr.Cheong finds her outside the hospital, half naked, seemingly trying to photosynthesise before a crowd of perplexed onlookers."

Sustenance - "She has been found wandering the woods outside the facility on occasion, in order to gain sustenance from the rain."

the vegetarian by hang kang
is a triptych a three-part story told by
three different narrators
none of these narrators are the
protagonist yong-hei
the first is narrated by mr chong her
husband the second by her brother-in-law
and the third and final part of the book
is narrated by her sister
in hey
the first book of the vegetarian begins
in yonghei's home
this section is narrated by mr chong a
businessman who candidly explains how
average he
his wife yong hey and the rest of his
life is
mr chong seems satisfied with this state
of low expectations
until one day his ordinarily meek and
subdued wife
starts to act bizarrely he finds yonghei
in the middle of the night
emptying their fridge and freezer of all
its meaty contents
when questioned about her abnormal
behavior yonghei simply states
that she has had a dream the contents of
this dream are never given to mr chong
but through yonghei's internal monologue
the reader learns that they are filled
with gory details of blood
flesh and violence at first yong hayes
merely provides a moderate amount of
inconvenience or annoyance to mr chong's
however this quickly escalates after she
embarrasses him in front of his boss and
as well as provoking the anger of her
conservative parents and siblings
this part of the book comes to a climax
when yong haye's family
attempt to force feed her a piece of
meat having grown tired of her
insolence and rapid weight loss in
the usually impassive yong hey takes a
knife to her own wrist
thus stunning everyone in to stand still
yong-hae is then put in a hospital
facility so that she can recover
from both the laceration and her weight
despite the efforts of staff and her
family yong hai remains defiant in her
not to eat meat and thus continues on
her journey
of mentally distancing herself from
in the final scene of this section mr
chong finds her outside the hospital
half naked seemingly trying to
before a crowd of perplexed onlookers
the mongolian mark is told from the
perspective of yonghei's brother-in-law
two years later he is married to in hey
young hey sister
and was also present at the dinner party
where yong hai cut herself
we learned that the brother-in-law is a
relatively unsuccessful video artist
supported financially by in hay's
well-run retail business
the second section of the book is named
after the birthmark that many asian
newborn babies possess
that eventually fades with time
after learning from inhe that yonghei's
mongolian mark never faded
the brother-in-law is inspired to make a
new video that features yonghei
completely naked
painted all over with flowers the
avoids informing his wife of this new
project and starts to slowly become more
and more
sexually consumed with his vision to the
detriment of both his marriage
and parental responsibilities
surprisingly the now divorced yonghei
agrees to be in the film
despite the brother-in-law's insistence
that she keep it a secret
yonghe seems attracted by the prospect
of having flowers painted all over her
even when the brother-in-law suggests
that they include a male model
who she is to simulate sex with the male
jay eventually abandons the project
after worrying that the video is
becoming more like pornography
than art leading to the brother-in-law
taking his place
as yonghei's fellow performer
the brother-in-law is now presented with
the exact situation he has pursued all
and proceeds to have sex with yonghei in
front of the watching camera
after falling asleep the brother-in-law
wakes up to the realization
that inhe has visited the studio and
watched the footage of her husband
and sister having sex she accuses her
husband of having lost his mind
due to his desire to mislead a mentally
deranged woman
as well as sleep with her in such a
perverted manner
yonghei who for the most part enjoyed
having the flowers adorning her skin
now realizes that the experience was not
as fulfilling as she would have liked
instead of bringing her closer to nature
the ordeal has reminded her of mankind's
faults as she appears to be suicidal
the authorities arrived to detain both
yonghei and the brother-in-law
the final section of the triptych
largely takes place in a psychiatric
which houses a now emaciated yonghei
it is the turn of inhay to be the
narrator and she too is now separated
from her husband
after his dalliance with yonghei in
section 2.
young haye has continued to avoid
meeting the intervening period between
sections two and three
as well as most other types of food in a
bid to be more like a plant or tree
she has been found wandering the woods
outside the facility on occasion
in order to gain sustenance from the
flaming trees is largely concerned with
inhale reflecting on her sister's
supposed madness
in the face of her own growing doubts
about human society
we learned that yong hey and in hayes
family have disowned her
due to the shame of being associated
with her madness
in addition if young hai continues to
refuse food
she will need to be transferred to a
facility that can intravenously
or force-feed her sustenance
inhabe deliberates about whether or not
society is right to be treating her
sister in this way
although acting in an unusual manner
yonghei's calm and composed explanation
of her desires
portray her in a far more rational
manner than the heavy-handed
and harsh medical staff or judgmental
members of her family
as the book comes to a close inhay is
travelling with yonghei in an ambulance
bound for the new facility
as she looks through the window the
surrounding trees seem
a flame or beast-like leaving the reader
to question whether inhae
will maintain her commitment to human
society and young son
or not

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