
North Korean Ministry – Voice of the Martyrs Korea

North Korean Ministry – Voice of the Martyrs Korea

North Korean Ministry

북한 사역
People think about “North Korea Ministry” as supplying to North Korea what it lacks: food, human rights, and even movies on USB and DVDs. But VOM Korea’s North Korean ministry begins with what North Korea has: one of the strongest churches in the world, growing faster than the South Korean church.

The North Korean church is a church that is willing to endure systematic starvation, persecution, and imprisonment for a God whose name North Korea is determined to erase. This is a church which we would do well to learn from. Voice of the Martyrs has been working together with the underground North Korean church since the beginning of our organization.

When we asked what we could do to help, the underground church didn’t ask for food or freedom. They asked for tools so that they could continue and expand their work of proclaiming the gospel. Since then, we have been supplying these tools through the following projects:

North Korean Full Study Bible

조선어 스터디 성경

VOMK prints and distributes the North Korean dialect “Chosun” Bible. It is a translation with a fascinating history. More importantly, it is often regarded as the most accurate translation of the Bible into any Korean dialect. This Bible comes equipped with easy-to-understand notes about difficult-to-understand words (such as “salvation,” “revelation,” and “sin“) to instruct North Koreans who, due to their circumstances, are unable to receive instruction for their Bible reading. We then distribute these Bibles to North Koreans and North Korean ministries all over the world.
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Balloon Launches

풍선 사역

Every year, VOMK launches approximately 40,000 Bibles into North Korea via balloon. These launches are perfectly legal and we work together with officials in order to make them as safe as possible. GPS tracking and testimony from North Koreans who have defected to South Korea confirm that our balloon-launched Bibles are arriving in North Korea and making the scripture much more widely known there.
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Radio Broadcasts

라디오 방송

Every day, VOMK broadcasts AM, Shortwave, and satellite radio programs into North Korea and surrounding countries. All three programs consist of scripture, discipleship training, dramas, testimonies, Christian music, sermons from early Korean Christians, and important information on enduring persecution, all in the North Korean dialect. These broadcasts are created in partnership with North Korean Christians.
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Ministry Packs

사역 팩

VOMK creates packages of living necessities that can be used for evangelism by North Korean underground Christians and their partners. The contents of these packages vary depending on the recipient, but all contain a device that contains: (1) Hymns in the North Korean dialect, (2) the VOMK reading of the Old Testament, (3) the Faith Comes By Hearing dramatized New Testament and (4) a selection of other discipleship materials designed for Christians living under persecution.
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Discipleship Bases


VOMK operates a number of discipleship bases across Asia, reaching both North Koreans who are new in the gospel and those who are discipling others. Our base leaders support the North Korean underground Christians God miraculously entrusts to us. We also supply resources to the discipleship bases of many other ministries reaching North Koreans.

Women’s Discipleship

여성 제자훈련 사역

Some of the strongest members of the North Korean underground church are women who have been sex-trafficked to Chinese men. VOMK supports these women’s spiritual growth and physical well-being, as well as assisting them in evangelizing their husbands and children so that their homes become house churches instead of places of slavery and self-indulgence.
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Orphan Care

고아 사역

Orphans regularly cross the border between North Korea and China in search of food. VOMK supports these orphans by providing family-based care and discipleship in the manner of the North Korean underground church, rather than the manner of Western-style orphanages.
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North Korean Newcomers

탈북 새신자 맞이

North Koreans who defect to South Korea face serious social challenges. Many are ill. Some are drug addicted. Some end up in prison. Even young North Korean defectors drop out of school far more frequently than their South Korean counterparts. Many North Korean defectors simply stay in their apartments with the window shades closed, afraid to go out, afraid to sleep, depressed over being separated from their families. With its North Korean students, VOM Korea reaches out to all of these groups with the love of Christ. Through this project we meet most of the North Koreans who enter South Korea, including North Koreans who either were underground believers in North Korea or who know such underground believers. We listen and learn from all of the North Korean defectors we meet.
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Underground Technology School

UT 학교

A school for North Korean defectors who want to learn more about the rudiments of the Christian faith. Discipleship in these classes is done according to the practices and methods of the Underground North Korean church, the early Korean church, and the persecuted church around the world.
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Underground University School

UU 학교

A unique school that not only teaches North Korean defectors how to do North Korean ministry, but gives them hands-on experience in the North Korean mission field, reaching North Koreans wherever they are found. Students in this class learn to be missionaries the only way it’s possible to learn to be missionaries—through first-hand mission experience.
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GILBERTSays September 30, 2018 at am 9:36

Please send to me a news for north Korea Christian!

Thank you,

ADMINSays February 19, 2019 at pm 1:58

Dear Gilbert,
We have signed you up for our e-mail update newsletter.

Thank you,
Missionary T.


[…] Eric Foley, spokesman for the Voice of the Martyrs Korea says there’s another side to this story. First, he addresses the rations cut. “If you were to […]


[…] Eric Foley, spokesman for the Voice of the Martyrs Korea says there’s another side to this story. First, he addresses the rations cut. “If you were to […]

BARRY L BROCKSays March 17, 2019 at am 4:04

Please sign me up for your email newsletter. Thank you!

ADMINSays April 09, 2019 at am 10:46

Sure thing, Barry!
We have signed you up.

Thank you,
Missionary T.

AFOLABISays April 18, 2019 at pm 6:26

Hello. I would like to know more about Christians and missions in North Korea. Please include me in your mailing list. Thanks.

ADMINSays June 21, 2019 at pm 4:50

Sure thing, Afolabi, I have added you to do the mailing list.

Thank you,
Missionary T.

레오니Says August 12, 2019 at pm 6:42

I would love to hear more about missionary work in North Korea. God bless you. 복 받으시길 기도합니다.

ADMINSays August 13, 2019 at am 11:05

Great! We have a few options about how to stay updated with VOMK. We have an English-language e-mail newsletter which contains various reliable news articles related to NK selected by our CEO, Rev. Eric Foley. We also have a Korean-language e-mail newsletter. Additionally, we have our Korean-language paper newsletter that we send via mail. The contents of each of these are slightly different, so be sure to sign up for them all, depending on your language capabilities! The sign-up links are below:

English E-mail Newsletter: https://visitor.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001Uea-ywoMgTBh5OO6-ap98wfLJAHL335Z8eyQ8-slFiGgQDXh67ohNNe3JegDdTlW_zaO44V6JyAnWYsGB2O6T68OO–gZFcsRLa2jtrcPzzVt0XRDLfcQ73fzJj_PMrj2VDKuRBgeoC7fJKP3f_i9Oo9wMtINtTwPYp8YNrAIEAStVOy3mryqq8xYITMKkp4WNJm-p2aMikTZD3sPjJJ3UOTjF5wEh4w

Korean Paper and E-mail Newsletters: https://vomkorea.com/en/signup-vomk/

SHIRLEYSays September 21, 2019 at am 6:40

I would love to receive updates and prayer requests as news break from N Korea.
Thank you

ADMINSays September 21, 2019 at pm 5:09

Great, Shirley!
I have added you to the prayer request update e-mail list.

CODY KOHLMANSays February 10, 2020 at pm 9:28

I am a pastor of a reformed baptist church in Texas and would like as much information and news updates on the church in North Korea as I can. So our church can commit to pray for the church and your ministry. Thank you.

VOM STAFFSays February 11, 2020 at pm 4:26

Hi Pastor Cody! Thanks for your note. Please send me (Pastor Tim) an e-mail at tdillmuth@vomkorea.com and I can make sure we get you some more information.

CAROLYN MCELFATRICKSays July 08, 2020 at am 10:42

Just want you to know I am praying for the VOMKorea staff as they face the challenge of having the balloon launches declared illegal and all that involves.

PASTOR TIMSays July 17, 2020 at pm 1:38

Thank you Carolyn! We sense God’s presence through your prayers. ~ Pastor Tim

SHAINA KYLESays August 21, 2020 at pm 12:21

I feel a strong need to send one Bible to someone in North Korea. I don’t have a job and have very little money, but I feel like Jesus wants me to send one Bible. What would I need to do to make this happen? I don’t know why I feel the need to send only ONE Bible, but that is what I feel. God bless y’all.

PASTOR TIMSays August 25, 2020 at pm 3:02

Hi Shaina – it is great to see the Lord working in your heart this way! I’ll send you an e-mail.

JENNIFFER CARVAJALSays August 27, 2020 at pm 12:37

I praise the Lord for your work my brothers and sisters … May He continue blessing you in every way. Best, Jeni

ANDREA SPECKHALSSays October 02, 2020 at am 10:24

I would also love to hear breaking news and prayer requests from North Korea!

PASTOR TIMSays October 10, 2020 at pm 1:59

Do you receive our Prayer Partner E-mail Update? We share news prayer request bi-weekly. I can send you this if you like to receive it.

God Bless ~ Pastor Tim

CHRISTINE GERWINGSays December 15, 2020 at pm 10:44

Pastor Tim, my heart has had North Korea in my prayers for a while now. I pray for the soul of it’s leader that one night Jesus would walk into his dream and he would have an encounter like no other. For the hungry families, the orphanages…freedom of religion. I will donate to your ministry this Christmas Season.

PASTOR TIMSays December 16, 2020 at pm 3:56

Thanks for your note Christine. I’ll send you an e-mail at the address you have listed. Please let me know if you don’t receive any e-mail (you can e-mail me at admin@vomkorea.com). God Bless ~ Pastor Tim

JOE SANDERSSays March 18, 2021 at am 8:18

Pastor Tim, how can I donate financially since I am in the United States? Do you have a link to donate through credit card?

PASTOR TIMSays March 18, 2021 at pm 4:45

Hi Joe! I’ll send you an e-mail. God Bless ~ Pastor Tim

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