
Sending Bibles to North Korea - NKNews Podcast Ep.139 | NK News - North Korea News

Sending Bibles to North Korea - NKNews Podcast Ep.139 | NK News - North Korea News

Pastor Eric Foley and colleagues at a balloon launch in 2015 / Voice of the Martyrs Korea

Sending Bibles to North Korea - NKNews Podcast Ep.139

Eric Foley discusses the challenges Voice of the Martyrs Korea faces from South Korea's crackdown on balloon launches

00:0028 Jul 2020 Last updated at 02:40


Humanitarian balloon launches into North Korea have become a divisive issue in recent months. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, harshly condemned leafleting balloon launches while Seoul moved to stop them in hopes of returning to the days of heightened inter-Korean diplomacy.

But as Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOMK) CEO Eric Foley explains in this NK News podcast episode, not all launches are the same — nor are all groups and individuals who send humanitarian goods, aid or religious items similarly motivated.

In this episode, Eric Foley discusses his organization’s efforts to send bibles into North Korea. He also talks about the underground Christian community in North Korea, punishments for Christianity in the DPRK and the possible legal challenges VOMK may face due to South Korea’s sudden crackdown on leafleting activities.

You can find Eric Foley’s book, “These are the generations,” here. You can also find an article he wrote in 2018 for NK News mentioned in this podcast interview here.

About the podcast: The North Korea News Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted exclusively by NK News, covering all things DPRK: from news to extended interviews with leading experts and analysts in the field and insight from our very own journalists.

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