(3) Tae-Hwan Kwak
Who is Professor Tae-Hwan Kwak?
Dr. Tae-Hwan Kwak, currently Chair-Professor at Kyungnam University (Seoul, Korea), Professor Emeritus at Eastern Kentucky University, USA, former President of KINU (Korea Institute for National Unification), a think tank for the South Korean government, former Director of IFES(the Institute for Far Eastern Studies), Kyungnam University, Seoul, Korea, is a specialist on Northeast Asian affairs, inter-Korean relations and Korean peace and unification issues. He taught international relations and East Asian politics over thirty years in 1969-1999 at Eastern Kentucky University. He received his B.A. degree in English from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, his M.A. in International Relations from Clark University, and his Ph.D. in International Relations from Claremont Graduate University in 1969.
Dr. Kwak is a recipient of Global Peace Foundation's 2012 Innovative Scholarship for Peace Award.
Dr. Kwak is the author of
- In Search for Peace and Unification on the Korean Peninsula (1986) and
- The Korean Peninsula in World Politics (1999, in Korean).
He is editor and co-editor of 31 books, including
- One Korea: Visions of Korean Unification (Routeledge, forthcoming, 2016),
- North Korea and Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia (Ashgate, 2014),
- Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (Ashgate: Hampshire, England, 2010);
- North Korea’s Foreign Policy under Kim Jong Il: New Perspectives (Ashgate: Hampshire, England, 2009);
- North Korea’s Second Nuclear Crisis and Northeast Asian Security (Ashgate: Hampshire, England, 2007),
- The United States and the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century (Ashgate: Hampshire, England, 2006),
- Korean Peace Process and the Four Powers (Ashgate: Hampshire, England, 2003),
- Korea in the 21st Century (Nova Science Publishers, 2001),
- The Major Powers of Northeast Asia: Seeking Peace and Security (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1996),
- The Four Powers and Korean Unification Strategies (1997),
- The U.S.-ROK Alliance in Transition (1996),
- U.S.-Korean Relations, 1882-1982(1982),
- The Two Koreas in World Politics (1983), and
- Korean Reunification: New Perspectives and Approaches(1984),
- The Foreign Relations of North Korean(1986),
- Forty Years of Korea-U.S. Relations, 1948-1988(1990), and
- The Korean-American Community: Present and Future(1991).
Dr. Kwak has contributed chapters to more than 50 books, and has published more than 200 articles on problems of Korean unification and four major powers' foreign policies toward the Korean peninsula. His work has appeared in academic journals in the U.S., Germany, China, Russia, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Great Britain, and Korea.
Dr. Kwak was an editor-in-chief of International Journal of Korean Unification Studies in 1999-2000 (in English) and an editor-in-chief of Asian Perspective in 1995-1999 (in English). He served as consulting editor of Korea & World Affairs in 1979-1981. He also served as a member of editorial board of The Journal of East Asian Affairs in 1981-82. He was an editorial board member of Asian Perspective, Pacific Focus, Journal of Economics and International Relations, and Korea Journal of International Studies. He is an advisory board member of Pacific Focus, a SSCI academic journal.
He served as Vice President of the Association of Korean Political Science in North America (AKPSNA) in 1983-85. He served as president of Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA) in 1988-1990. Dr. Kwak also served President of the Korean Association of University Institute for Unification Studies in Korea in 1996-1997. He appeared on various mass media such as KBS, MBC, KTV, EBS, and CBS radio as a consultant, commentator and guest speaker. He served as a standing committee member of The Presidential Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification, ROK, over 20 years, and he served as chairman of the board of directors and president of the Inter-Korean Peace Projects and Medical Support Center (KPMC), a NGO group in Seoul, Korea. He served as senior vice president of the Northeast Asian Community Studies Institute, Seoul, Korea. He is now Chairman, Institute for Korean Peninsula Future Strategies (Seoul, Korea). He is also Chairman of the Korean Peninsula Unification Council through Neutralization, Seoul, Korea.
Dr. Kwak was a regular columnist for Local Self-Government (monthly magazine, jibanjachi in Korean) in 2003-2006 and freelance for daily Korean newspapers, monthly magazines, and Internet in Korea and USA.
곽태환교수는 누구인가?
<郭台煥 박사 프로필>
郭台煥 박사(1938년 대구출생), 韓半島의 國際政治, 外交政策, 통일정책 專門家로서, 경북高(38回), 한국외국어대 영어과 학사 (1961), 미국 Clark University 국제관계학 석사 및 Claremont 대학원 대학교 국제관계학 박사학위(1969)를 취득하였음. 미국 Eastern Kentucky University 정치학과 국제정치학 교수(1969-1999); 경남대 극동문제연구소 소장(1995-1999); 통일연구원 원장(1999-2000)․통일문제연구협의회 공동의장 겸 운영의장 (1999-2000); 제2의 건국 범 국민추진위원회 상임위원역임. 그리고 민주평화통일 자문회의 상임위원 [정책외교분과위원회 (2001-2005)]. 현재 미국 Eastern Kentucky University 명예교수. 서울에서 시민단체에도 적극적으로 참여하여 (사단법인)백범정신 실천겨레연합 상임공동대표, 시민사회아카데미 남북포럼 상임대표, 금강산 사랑연대 공동대표, 금강산 사랑운동본부 고문, (사)남북평화사업의료지원본부 이사장겸 상임대표 역임.
곽태환교수는 2012년도 글로벌평화재단(Global Peace Foundation)이 수여하는 혁신학술연구분야에 평화상을 수상함.
현재 서울에서 경남대 석좌교수,북한대학원 대학교 초빙교수,한반도미래전략연구원 이사장, (사) 동북아공동체연구회 수석부회장역임, 현 (사)동북아 공동체 연구재단 상임고문, 영세 중립통일협의회이사장과 통일전략연구협의회 (Los Angeles) 회장으로 통일연구와 건전한 통일운동에 적극적으로 참여하고 있음. 지방자치(월간) 고정 칼럼니스트 (2003-2006) 및 일간신문(경향, 중앙, 서울, 미주 중앙일보와 미주한국일보 등)과 영문월간지 (Vantage Point 와 Diplomacy), 인터넷 신문 통일뉴스 등 자유기고자. 평생동안 한반도통일문제를 연구하고 정책건의와 통일운동의 이론을 제시함.
郭台煥 교수는 31권의 저서와 편저자 이며 200편 이상의 학술논문을 남북한관계, 한반도 통일과 四强의 對한반도 정책에 관하여 출판하였음. 주요 저서: 국제정치 속의 한반도: 평화와 통일구상 (1999). In Search for Peace and Unification on the Korean Peninsula (韓半島 平和와 統一의 摸索1986, 영문). 번역서로는 K.J Holsti, International Politics: A Framewrok for Analysis, 4th Ed., 國際政治學: 分析의 틀(博英社, 1990)이 있음.
영문책 편저/공동편저(Editor & Co-editor): One Korea: Visions of Korean Unification (Routeledge, forthcoming, 2016), North Korea and Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia (Ashgate, 2014), Peace-Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (한반도 평화체제구축과 동북아안보협력, Ashgate, England, 2010); North Korea’s Foreign Policy under Kim Jong Il: New Perspectives (김정일 북한의 외교정책: 새로운 시각, Ashgate, England, 2009) ; North Korea’s Second Nuclear Crisis and Northeast Asia Security (제2 북핵위기와 동북아 안보, Ashgate, England, 2007), The United States and the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century (21세기 미국과 한반도, Ashgate, England, 2006), The Korean Peace Process and The Four Powers (4강과 한반도 평화프로세스, Ashgate, England, 2003),Korea in the 21st Century (21세기한반도, Nova Science Publishers, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2001), The Major Powers in Northeast Asia: Seeking Peace and Security (東北아시아와 강대국, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1996) The U.S.-ROK Alliance in Transition (한미동맹, 1996), 한.미관계 (U.S.-Korean Relations, 1882-1982), 世界政治속의 두개의 코리아 (The Two Koreas in World Politics), 韓半島 統一: 새로운 視角과 接近 (Korean Reunification: New Perspectives and Approaches), 北韓의 對外政策 (The Foreign Relations of North Korea: New Perspectives), 1990年代 東北아시아 安保와 平和 (Northeast Asian Security & Peace Toward the 1990s, 1988), 在美교포문제(Koreans in North America, 1988), 韓美關係 40년의 재조명 (Korea-U.S. Relations, 1948-1988, 1989)(國.英文)과 在美 韓人社會 (The Korean-American Community, 1991)(國文.英文), 등31권이 있음.
영문 학술지[Social Science Citation Index(SSCI)]인 Korean Journal of Defense Analyses, Pacific Focus, Asian Perspective, Korea Observer (이상SSCI 등재지) 그리고 International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, East Asian Review, The Journal of East Asian Affairs, Vantage Point and Diplomacy 에 영문논문 다수 게재.
기타: 한국정치학회(명예이사), 한국국제정치학회(명예이사), 북한연구학회와 한국세계지역학회 등 평생회원이고, 미국정치학회 및 미국 국제정치학회의 정회원임. 北美州 韓國人 政治學會 부회장(1983-85),北美 韓國人 大學敎授協會 제 1부회장(1987-88), 同 協會 회장(1989-90) 역임.
韓半島 統一문제, 4强의 對한반도 정책, 北韓 核문제, 軍縮문제, 國民안보의식 강화 문제 等을 연구과제로서 學術 논문집 발표하였고, KBS, CBS, MBC, EBS, KTV 출연 및 美國, 日本, 영국, 러시아, 유럽, 카나다, 동남아, 멕시코, 중국, 동구 학술회의 참석하였고, 한반도 문제를 주제로 한국, 중국, 홍콩, 대만, 일본, 태국, 유럽등에서 강연 해 왔으며, 특히 1990년대 경남대 극동문제연구소 소장 겸 정치학 교수로 한국여권을 갖고 정치학자로 첫 번째 북한 초청방문(1998. 6월6일-16일) 10일간 북측의 전문가와 학술토론과 평양, 남포, 금강산, 모향산, 개성, 판문점 등 방문한 이후 현재까지 평양, 개성, 금강산등 23여 차례 북한방문 등 각종 國際 學術회의 및 세미나에 참석하여 다수論文 발표하였음.
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