
‘N.Korea hopes to avoid tragic fate that befell disarmed Iraq & Libya’ — RT Op-Edge

‘N.Korea hopes to avoid tragic fate that befell disarmed Iraq & Libya’ — RT Op-Edge

RT:  Do you think the US is right to impose this 'Double Freeze' solution put forward by Russia and China?
John Bosnitch: I think that a normal fair-minded person would ask why the US is opposed to that solution in honesty. The US already has intercontinental ballistic missiles pointed not only at North Korea but at dozens of countries around the world. When North Korea says that it wants to exercise a policy of “peace through strength” – that is not a translation from the original Korean – that it is the original talk coming out of Washington some fifty years ago. When North Korea is just copying Washington’s policy of peace through strength, I find it very difficult to understand the US response.

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