
김사량(金史良)의 『빛속으로(光の中に)』 - 외국문학연구 - 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 : 논문 - DBpia, 연구를 돕는 똑똑한 학술콘텐츠 플랫폼

김사량(金史良)의 『빛속으로(光の中に)』 - 외국문학연구 - 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 : 논문 - DBpia, 연구를 돕는 똑똑한 학술콘텐츠 플랫폼

김사량(金史良)의 『빛속으로(光の中に)』
일본인에서 조선인으로의 ‘정체성’찾기

To the Light of Kim, Saryang-to Korean from Japanese

한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소외국문학연구외국문학연구 제21호
2005.11287 - 306(20 pages)이용수 764내서재 0

This paper attempts to study the names of the characters and the relations of the identity in Kim, Saryang's To the light. 

I looked into the change of these people, such as ‘I’, Yamada Haruo and Yamada Teijun which appears at the work of the consciousness. I looked into the consciousness change of such casts viewpoint which is Japanese and which is Korean.<BR> ‘I’ was called in this work by a teacher named Minami, the Japanese name. But, in fact, ‘I’ was actually Korean of others. 'I,' who was agonizing from the Japanese name recovers 'I's' own identification, thanks to the student Lee and Haruo. 'I,' finally, changes to Korean from Japanese, calling from teacher Minami to teacher Nam. And Haruo who wandered between Japanese father and Korean mother, not finding his own identity could get away from the dark and finally could come to the road of the light, due to ‘I's' help. Haruo could recognize his own identity and Korean mother's presence, when 'I' accepted the fact that 'I' is a Korean.<BR> Yamada Teijun who is the mother of Haruo can have a good relation with Haruo, due to ‘I’ and mother of Korean Lee. When she told the story of the Haruo in Korean language, she could show her deep sincere heart. It means that there can be found something new not in Japanese but in Korean language or could be achieved the switch of the important recognition. It can be said that all characters in this literary work could find their own identity changing from Japanese into Korean.

#Kim Saryang#To the light#Korean#identity#김사량#『빛속으로』#조선인#정체성
참고문헌 (14)
[학술지(정기간행물)] - / 1979년 / 在日朝鮮人文の世界 scholar logo

[학술지(정기간행물)] - / 2001년5월 / 金史良文の究-その文的生涯と作品世界をめぐって scholar logo

[학술지(정기간행물)] - 金城一紀 / 2001년10월 / レウオリュション No 3 scholar logo

[학술지(정기간행물)] - 김윤식 / 2001년 / 베이징:1945년 초여름 (봄호) scholar logo

[학술지(정기간행물)] - 김응교 / 2002년6월 / 김사량『빛속으로』의 이름, 지기미, 도시유람 scholar logo

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저자의 논문
황봉모 (인천대학교)  전체 이용수 1,258
김사량(金史良)의 『빛속으로(光の中に)』 외 7개

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