
정혜경 논문

KCI 후보
일제 말기 조선인 군노무자의 실태 및 귀환A Study on the Korean Military Employees in the Late Colonial Period


약어 : 독립운동사연구

2003, vol.20, pp. 3-92 (90 pages)

UCI : G704-001260.2003.20..006

발행기관 : 한국독립운동사연구소
연구분야 :
인문학 >
鄭惠瓊 1

이 논문은 한국연구재단 지원과제의 연구결과물입니다. [KRM 바로가기]
[2002년 인문사회분야지원한국근현대] 해방후 해외한인의 귀환문제 연구

KCI 후보
해방 이후 강제연행 생존자의 사회적응과정A Study of the Social Adaptation of the People Who Was Mobilized by Force to Japan, in Korea


2004, vol., no.29, pp. 60-90 (31 pages)

UCI : G704-001258.2004..29.004

발행기관 : 한국근현대사학회
연구분야 :
인문학 >
鄭惠瓊 1

이 논문은 한국연구재단 지원과제의 연구결과물입니다. [KRM 바로가기]
[2002년 인문사회분야지원한국근현대] 해방후 해외한인의 귀환문제 연구

KCI 후보
기억에서 역사로 : 일제 말기 일본제철(주)에 끌려간 조선인 노동자From Memory to History: concerning on the Korean workers mobilized for Ilbon Jecheol(Japanese Steel) Co.


약어 : 민족운동사연구

2004, vol.41, pp. 264-302 (39 pages)

UCI : G704-000827.2004.41..001

발행기관 : 한국민족운동사학회
연구분야 :
인문학 >
정혜경 1


KCI 등재

The Forcible Drafting of Koreans during the Final Phase of Colonial Rule and the Formation of the Korean Community in Japan

Korea Journal

2004, vol.44, no.4, pp. 30-59 (30 pages)

UCI : G704-000482.2004.44.4.002

발행기관 : 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원

연구분야 : 인문학 > 한국어와문학

정혜경 1

1전 한국정신문화연구원

이 논문은 한국연구재단 지원과제의 연구결과물입니다. [KRM 바로가기]

[2002년 인문사회분야지원한국근현대] 해방후 해외한인의 귀환문제 연구


In this paper, I examine the influence of the forcible drafting of Koreans on the formation of the Korean community in Japan dating from the late Japanese colonial period. Until Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule on 15 August 1945, approximately 2 million Koreans remained in Japan, or 10% of the total Korean population at that time. Some migrated to Japan in search of work, while others were forcibly mobilized for the Japanese governments policy of increasing and supporting the labor force during the Japanese war of aggression. Ninety thousand people were taken to Japan by force. After Japans surrender, most Koreans were able to return to their homeland in accordance with the repatriation policies of the GHQ that controlled Japan indirectly after the war. 1.5 million Koreans returned to Korea between August 1945 and August 1948. The reason the entire population of Koreans in Japan could not return was because the GHQ had acquiesced to the Japanese governments demand to postpone repatriation in favor of restoring the domestic economy. Accordingly, the GHQ strictly limited the amount of material possessions and property that Koreans could take back with them. Thus, for those Koreans with sizeable holdings, Koreans married to Japanese, or those who had settled down in Japan with their Korean family, the decision to leave Japan was not an easy one. Their descendants, the so-called second, third and fourth generation Korean-Japanese, have continued to shape the Korean community in Japan.


Korean residents in Japan, forcible drafting, mobilization policy, repatriation, Chongryun, Mindan

KCI 등재

조선총독부의 노무동원 관련 행정조직 및 기능분석

The Administration of the General Governor on the Issue of Labor Mobilization


약어 : 민족운동사연구

2008, vol., no.54, pp. 213-270 (58 pages)

UCI : G704-000827.2008..54.001

발행기관 : 한국민족운동사학회

연구분야 : 인문학 > 역사학

정혜경 1



조선총독부, 노무동원, 행정조직, 공문서, 노무계, 송출과정

General Governor, Labor and Work Mobilization, Administrative procedure of Labor and Work Mobilization, official documents, Nomugye:Work department, process of the mobilization labor

KCI 등재
1944年에 日本 本土로 ‘轉換配置’된 사할린(樺太)의 朝鮮人 鑛夫Korean Miners Transferred from Karafuto to Japan in 1944


2008, vol., no.14, pp. 5-73 (69 pages)

UCI : G704-001592.2008..14.004

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회
연구분야 :
복합학 >
정혜경 1



本稿は、1944年8月、日本の閣議決定により、樺太から日本本土に「転換配置」された朝鮮人鉱夫について、その背景と過程、労働実態、帰還過程等を、転換配置の各段階別に比較・検討したものである。本稿を通じて明らかになったのは以下の如くである。 第一に、転換配置の背景である。日本は、人的・物的資源の統制及び運用に関する法的根拠のもとで、1942年頃から転換配置を行なった。1944年、炭鉱労働力を樺太から本土へと移動させたことも、労働力の全体的な再配置の一環として行なわれたものであった。樺太朝鮮人鉱夫の‘転換配置’は、1944年8月11日の閣議決定「樺太及釧路ニ於ケル炭鉱勤労者、資材等ノ急速転換ノ件」による。この措置によって休鉱・廃鉱にされた炭鉱は、採炭規模も大きく炭質も優れていた。しかし、日本政府の財政問題や輸送問題のために、樺太北西部の炭鉱は休鉱・廃鉱に追い込まれ、その労働力は日本本土へと転換配置に付された。 第二に、転換配置の過程である。閣議決定によって、1944年9月、樺太で稼動中であった26ヶ所の炭鉱の内、西海岸炭田の14ヶ所がリストラになり、労働力と生産資材が緊急に本土へ配置された。朝鮮人たちは、1944年の8月19日から三日間にかけて通知を受取り、8月25日から9月16日の間に本土へ入港した。彼らは4県の総26ヶ所の炭鉱に転換配置された。作業場配置の原則は、同一系列の会社であった。ところが、配置の過程で若干の変更があった。当初、3,022名が徴用令に呼ばれたが、実際に作業場についたのは3,191名だった。転換配置された地域も変更されたりした。 第三に、転換配置が生んだ悲劇である。急に行なわれた転換配置は、当局の懐柔と監視、そして統制のなかで進められた。朝鮮人鉱夫は、樺太でも労働環境が劣悪であったが、本土に配置された作業場はさらに劣悪で事故死も頻繁であった。しかし、最大の後遺症は、家族との生き別れであった。転換配置された朝鮮人労務者は、多くの場合、家族を樺太に残していた。家族たちは後に合流できると約束されたが、守られなかった。戦争が終わった後、樺太に残された家族たちがまず向き合ったのは生活苦であった。その二番目は民族的・社会的差別であった。そして三番目は家庭の解体がもたらした後遺症である。大黒柱である家長の不在で欠損家族の幼少年期を迎えなければならず、それによる社会的差別とアイデンティティの混乱も経験しなければならなかった。 第四に、転換配置された朝鮮人の帰還とそれからくる後遺症である。解放を迎えた朝鮮人労務者は、残された家族を迎えに家長が日本から樺太へと再び舞い戻ったりすることもあった。しかし、大半は日本からそのまま故郷へと帰還を果たしてしまい、一生家族との再会を果たせなかったり、或はその後何十年を経てようやく再会できたりした。多くの朝鮮人が家族がいる樺太ではなく、故郷への帰還を決心したのは、第一に、当時の状況が樺太への帰還を許せなかったこと、第二に、樺太状況に関する情報が不足したことが挙げられる。 樺太に戻れた少数の朝鮮人も、労働の後遺症から、帰還後まもなく死亡した場合も多かった。韓国に帰還した場合でも、家族との再会は果たせなかった。樺太の朝鮮人炭鉱労務者に行なった‘転換配置’は、朝鮮人の労働力を搾取しただけではなく、解放後新たな家族離散の悲劇をも生んだのである。

This study deals with Korean miners who were transferred from Karafuto to mainland Japan in accordance with the decision of the Japanese cabinet in August, 1944. In this paper, I examined the background and the process of the transference, their labor conditions in Karafuto and Japan, and their postwar return and wrote them according to the chronological order. First, the background of transference of labor forces. The transference was based on the laws, which were all related with control and management of human and material resources. It was the decision of the cabinet, on 11th August, 1944, ‘On Instant Transference of the Mine laborers and Materials in Karafuto and Kushiro’ that the Korean miners in Karafuto were rapidly deployed to the mainland Japan. This accompanied with abandonment of the big mines of Karafuto with high quality coal, the main reason of which was financial difficulties of the Japanese government and the transportation problems. Secondly, the process of transference of Korean laborers. They were unexpectedly informed of the deployment for only 3 days from August 19th. And the 14 mines out of 26 located in the west coast district were abandoned. The deployment was supposed to take place in the associated companies but, in the process, the location of transference were altered in many cases. In total, 3,191 Koreans were transferred. Thirdly, the aftereffect of the transference. Korean miners went through the sudden transference under surveillance and pressure of the Japanese authority. Their labor conditions got worse after the transference, even causing several accidental deaths. However, the biggest aftereffect during the transference was that the miners had to part with families. Most of them left family in Karafuto, believing the promise that Japanese would also take their family members to Japan, which never came true. Families left in Karafuto suffered mostly from family breakdowns as well as hardships in everyday lives and the national and social discrimination. As for children, the fact that their fathers did not live with them brought them with more discrimination and identity confusion. Fourthly, problems on their returning to Korea after the liberation. Although some of them could return to Sakhalin, most of them returned to Korea, ending up in parting with their families. The reasons that they came to Korea instead of Sakhalin were the insecure conditions in Sakhalin back then and their lack of information of what to do. In many cases, Koreans who returned to Sakhalin died early deaths because of the aftereffects of severe labor and hardships while most Koreans who returned to Korea were destined to never see their family again. Transference of Korean laborers at the end of the war was meant more effective exploitation of labors but resulted in tragedy of partings which continued for more than four decades and could not be cured of.

This study deals with Korean miners who were transferred from Karafuto to mainland Japan in accordance with the decision of the Japanese cabinet in August, 1944. In this paper, I examined the background and the process of the transference, their labor conditions in Karafuto and Japan, and their postwar return and wrote them according to the chronological order. First, the background of transference of labor forces. The transference was based on the laws, which were all related with control and management of human and material resources. It was the decision of the cabinet, on 11th August, 1944, ‘On Instant Transference of the Mine laborers and Materials in Karafuto and Kushiro’ that the Korean miners in Karafuto were rapidly deployed to the mainland Japan. This accompanied with abandonment of the big mines of Karafuto with high quality coal, the main reason of which was financial difficulties of the Japanese government and the transportation problems. Secondly, the process of transference of Korean laborers. They were unexpectedly informed of the deployment for only 3 days from August 19th. And the 14 mines out of 26 located in the west coast district were abandoned. The deployment was supposed to take place in the associated companies but, in the process, the location of transference were altered in many cases. In total, 3,191 Koreans were transferred. Thirdly, the aftereffect of the transference. Korean miners went through the sudden transference under surveillance and pressure of the Japanese authority. Their labor conditions got worse after the transference, even causing several accidental deaths. However, the biggest aftereffect during the transference was that the miners had to part with families. Most of them left family in Karafuto, believing the promise tha
t Japanese would also take their family members to Japan, which never came true. Families left in Karafuto suffered mostly from family breakdowns as well as hardships in everyday lives and the national and social discrimination. As for children, the fact that their fathers did not live with them brought them with more discrimination and identity confusion. Fourthly, problems on their returning to Korea after the liberation. Although some of them could return to Sakhalin, most of them returned to Korea, ending up in parting with their families. The reasons that they came to Korea instead of Sakhalin were the insecure conditions in Sakhalin back then and their lack of information of what to do. In many cases, Koreans who returned to Sakhalin died early deaths because of the aftereffects of severe labor and hardships while most Koreans who returned to Korea were destined to never see their family again. Transference of Korean laborers at the end of the war was meant more effective exploitation of labors but resulted in tragedy of partings which continued for more than four decades and could not be cured of.

KCI 등재
국민징용령과 조선인 인력동원의 성격 : 노무자와 군속의 틀을 넘어서
A New Approach to the Application of the Colonial Japanese Regulation of the Requisition in Korea

약어 : 민족운동사연구

2008, vol., no.56, pp. 189-238 (50 pages)

UCI : G704-000827.2008..56.004  

발행기관 : 한국민족운동사학회

이 기관으로 동향 분석
이 기관 일반 현황
연구분야 : 인문학 > 역사학
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1

KCI 등재
식민지시기 조선 거주 일본인들의 조선농촌진흥교육 -특수사례를 중심으로-
Education for Chosenese Rural Development by Japanese Residents in Chosen during the Colonial Period -Through the Special Case-

약어 : 민족운동사연구

2011, vol., no.67, pp. 295-340 (46 pages)

UCI : G704-000827.2011..67.001  

발행기관 : 한국민족운동사학회

연구분야 : 인문학 > 역사학
정혜경 1

조선 거주 일본인들은 대부분 본국에서 경제적 어려움을 해결하거나 성공을 위해 조선 땅을 밟았다. 이들에게 조선은 경제적인 성공이나 관료로서 안정된 생활을 제공하는 기회의 땅이었다. 일본인들은 조선 땅에서 안락한 삶을 구가하면서, 근대문명인으로서 타자인식도 견지했다. 근대문명인의 입장을 취한 일본인들에게 조선은 ‘미개와 야만’의 땅이기도 했다. 이들은 ‘근대문명론’에 입각해 외지를 경멸했고, 조선인들의 고유한 관습과 생활풍습은 부정의 대상이었다.
조선총독부 당국과 일본인들이 이런 인식을 공유하고 있었으므로 조선농촌의 진흥문제는 관심 밖이었다. 특히 경성 등 도시 거주자에게는 상상할 수 없는 문제였다. 그들에게 경성은 ‘노동과 농사가 조선인의 몫’임을 의심한 적 없는 곳이었다. 조선이란 오직 일본의 국책수행을 위해, 전쟁물자동원을 위해 필요한 정책의 수행대상지였다. 그러므로 조선농촌진흥이란, 정책 목표를 수행해야 하는 정책담당자나 특정한 교육을 받고 남다른 소신을 가진 소수 구도자에게만 해당되는 문제였다.
그러나 이들의 조선농촌진흥해결방안은 식민지 경제구조의 모순을 해결하는 것이 아니라 농민 스스로 갱생으로써 당국의 정책 방향 및 의도와 정확히 일치했다. 이 점은 잡지 『조선과 만주』 기사에서도 동일했다.
그렇다면 이들은 무엇 때문에 활동했는가. 충실한 국책의 수행 과정이었다. 이들이 준수했던 국책은 일본 우익사상의 하나인 농본주의에 토대를 두고 있으며, 천황제를 굳건히 하기 위한 사상이었다. 토지가 없어 경제적으로 곤궁했던 일본 농민들에게 조선과 만주에 삶의 터전을 마련해줌으로써 일본 제국을 안정시키고, 농업과 군사의 두 가지 목적을 관철하는 방안을 실천하는 사상이었다. 이들에게 조선은 식민통치 및 국책의 대상일 뿐이었다.
본문에서 언급한 이들의 사례는 매우 특이하고 드문 사례이다. 이들은 당국의 정책 방향 및 내용을 학교가 아닌 농촌부업과 농장을 통해 실천했는데 그 홍보효과는 당국의 기대 이상이었다. 그들 스스로 농가갱생과 중견인물양성에 대한 교육적 효과를 성공적 사례로 자평하고 있었다. 그러므로 당국의 정책 홍보 효과 극대화에 기여했다.
그렇다면 실제 교육적 효과는 어떻게 평가할 수 있을까. 이 사례는 시정의 성과로 의미가 있을 뿐이다. 강동군에서 일어난 양계는 1932년에 널리 알려져 전국에서 양계 붐이 일기 시작했다. 이러한 성공의 여파가 전조선적으로 미쳤다면, 조선농촌문제는 모두 해결되었을 것이다. 그러나 현실은 그렇지 못했다. 조선에서 소비할 수 있는 달걀의 양은 제한적이었고, 양계는 쉽지 않은 농촌 부업의 하나로서 모범 사례의 하나일 뿐이다. 야나기사와 농장의 농민교육도 마찬가지이다. 매년 30명의 농민훈련생 가운데 당국의 의도가 성공한 인물은 소수이고, 녹기연맹의 농장 훈련생은 더욱 소수인데다가 절반은 일본인들이었다. 이들 몇몇 조선인 훈련생들이 갱생에 성공을 했다 해도, 다른 조선 청년들에게 미치는 영향은 대단히 제한적이었다. 또한 1940년대 전쟁의 한복판, 광폭한 인력 공출供出 속에서 농촌갱생은 더 이상 의미가 없었다.

Most of the Japanese Residents in Chosen(朝鮮居住日本人) came to the Chosen(朝鮮) for wealth and honor. For them, the Chosen was the Land of Opportunities which could provide a successful career as an official or an entrepreneur. They hold on to the Thought of The Others(他者認識) as a modern civilized people in a comfortable life. Considering themselves as modern civilized people, Japanese treated the Chosen as the Land of the Uncivilization and the Barbarism. They denied the Chosenese’s unique customs and despised the Chosen as the External Land(外地) under the theory of the Modern Civilizaton.
Since the Government General of Chosen(朝鮮總督府) and Japanese residents in Chosen shared such a viewpoint, the Chosenese Rural Development(朝鮮農村振興) stayed out of their eyes. Especially, it was not a concern of urbanites such as Kyungsung(京城). They never doubted that physical labor and farm work were the Chosenese’s share of work. For them, Chosen was only the region for the National Policy(國策) and mobilization of war materials. Therefore, the Chosenese Rural Development was a concern of only a few people, such as government officials who carried out the policy objective and seekers who got the specific education and had the extraordinary belief.
But their way of Chosenese Rural Development was not solving the contradiction of colonial economic structure but just self-rehabilitation of Chosenese farmers. It coincided the policy of the Government General of Chosen authority. A magazine The Chosen and Manchuria(『朝鮮及滿洲』) expressed the same point of view.
Then, what made them to act like that? It was only a process to carry out the National Policy faithfully. The National Policy which they followed was the Idea to strengthen the Emperor System(天皇制) and one of the ideologies of Japanese Right Wing(日本右翼思想) based on the Physiocracy(農本主義). It was an Idea that tried to accomplish the two goals, Agriculture and Military. It aimed to stabilize the Empire of Japan by providing a livelihood at Chosen and Manchuria to Japanese farmers who were in economic difficulties in their motherland, Japan. For them, Chosen was only a subject of their National Policy and colonial ruling.
Cases of this study were very unique and unusual. They practiced the Authority’s policies not in school but in farms and through the Farming Sideline(農村副業). Promotion effects were beyond the Authority’s expectation. By their own evaluation, the Rural Rehabilitation(農村更生) and the Leading Figures Training(中堅人物養成) were successful cases. So, it contributed the maximization of the Authority’s promotion effects. Then, how could we estimate real effects of the Education?This case had the meaning only the outcome of government(施政). The Poultry at Kangdong County(江東郡) in 1932 gave rise to the Poultry Boom all over the country. If the aftermath of this success influenced the entire Chosen, the problems of the Chosen Rural could be solved. But it never happened. The consumption of egg in Chosen was limited and the Poultry was only a role model of the Farming Sideline(農村副業). The example of the Farmer Education(農民敎育) which carried out in the Yanagisawa Farm(柳澤農場) was the same. Only a few people among the 30’s Farmer Trainees successfully followed the Autyority’s wayin every year. Moreover, trainees of Ryokki Renmei’s(綠旗聯盟) Farm were fewer and a half of them were Japanese. Although the some of Chosenese Trainees succeeded in the Rehabilitation, their influence to other young Chosenese was very limited. Also, it was not meaningful anymore to carry out the Rural Rehabilitation(農村更生) under the crazy and violent Mobilization of Men(人力動員) in 1940’s during the Second World War.

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KCI 등재
아시아太平洋戰爭에 動員된 朝鮮人勞務者의 經驗과 敍事
Experience and Description from the Korean labor mobilized in the Asia-Pacific War

2011, vol., no.20, pp. 245-278 (34 pages)

UCI : G704-001592.2011..20.003  

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회

연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구
정혜경 1

1931年満州で始まった日本のアジア太平洋戦争は日本の帝国(本土, 植民地, 占領地域など) 全域の人的·物的資源を動員した総動員戦争であった。4千万人に至る東アジアと太平洋の民衆が戦争に巻き込まれ、食糧と鉱物から塩と医薬品に至るまですべての物資が動員された。このすべての事は国家総動員法と国民徴用領など関係法令によって遂行された日本国家権力による公式的な行為であった。年間人員 800万名余(慰安婦除外)が帝国全域(朝鮮半島, 中国, サハリン, 日本, 東南アジア, 太平洋)に動員され、朝鮮半島で戦争遂行のための物資生産作業場、鉄道と道路、軍需施設物など関連作業場は7千余個所に達する。戦争に動員されない朝鮮の民衆たちは様々な供出品目を満たさなければならなかった。動員主観者(総督府管理、区長など)は動員のための政策遂行及び宣伝を担当した。結局、日本のアジア太平洋戦争と言うのは朝鮮半島のすべての民衆たちが経験した共通の歴史であると同時に彼らが初めて経験した近代戦争である総動員戦争であっt。しかしこれらの経験は植民地の歴史の中で記録(口述)と敍事へつながりにくかった。20世紀を支配した‘植民地民だったから当然味わう痛み’であったという社会的共感は彼らの口を防ぐ役目をした。1965年韓日協定締結以後、政治的に自分たちの権利を要求できなかった雰囲気も一助した。21世紀に入って政府次元の調査が始まって、地域社会次元の研究が進行され、関心は高くなったが生存者に接することが難しくなったという問題が発生した。日本のアジア太平洋戦争に動員された被害の経験は民族問題と階級問題を包括している。したがって、彼らの経験を発話につながるようにするためには経験の特性に対する社会的な理解が必要である。現在、研究者たちに彼らの経験を伝えられる経験当事者は非常に少ない。家族は当事者の経験を理解できないとか共有する部分がほとんどない。なので、現在やるべきことは熱情的な口述採録ではなく、今まで収集した資料に対する悩みと省察である。アジア太平洋戦争に動員された労務者たちの経験を発話につなげ、敍事化する理由は何か。これに対する悩みの過程と自ら得た解答が今後の敍事化方向及び研究方法に重要な指針になるであろう。そのためにこの文では第一に強制動員被害者(アジア太平洋戦争に動員された朝鮮人労務者)らが経験した経験の特性を土台で発話が持つ意味及び特性を見て、第二に敍事化及び研究方向を提示した。研究方向は三である。第一、帝国史観点で理解する必要がある。アジア太平洋戦争を植民地朝鮮の青年だけではなく東アジア民衆が一緒に経験した総動員戦争の経験として接近する必要がある。第二, 戦時体制期を韓国戦争など韓国現代史と連携した統合的な観点の研究である。そのためには地域事例研究が望ましい。特定地域の社会経済的実態(人口変化、強制動員現況、所在地作業場リスト、産業実態)に基づいて強制動員の経験者たちが以後地域社会で生活しながら経験した韓国現代史を見る研究である。第三、口述を中心に多様な資料を活用する研究である。文献資料は勿論、映像物(映画、ドラマなど)と写真など非文献資料、新聞と雑誌などメディア資料を総体的に活用する研究方法が必要である。

The Asia-Pacific War began in 1931 in Manchurian incident which was the war of the human general mobilization to bring the resources to the whole area of the Japanese empire (including the mainland, colony, occupation area). There are 40 million people from East Asia and the Pacific were drawn into a war, and all the supply of goods was mobilized including food, mineral, salt and medical supplies. It was the official transaction by the power of the state of Japan to perform by the legislation of the General Mobilization and laws and the command for the regulation of the requisition.

Over 8 million(exclude the comfort women) are mobilized in the whole empire(the Korean Peninsula, China, Sakhalin, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific) by yearly. And there are over 7,000 workshops and places in Korea which are relevant to the war to produce goods, railroad, road, and munitionsfacilities. Peoples who have not been drawn into a war and workplaces still had to offer the various items. The supervisor of the mobilization(including governor-general’s office management, the head of a ward) was in charge of the conducting the policy for the mobilization and promulgate. The Asia-Pacific War is the primal experience to Koreans as a modern warfare and also the war of the general mobilization as a common history to everyone which had been through together in Korean peninsula.

However, it was difficult to keep records during this period of the colony. Because of the bond of sympathy developed between people of the 20th century so people naturally thought this is unavoidable pain and it stopped people’s mouth. And also the atmosphere of this period was not able to demand their rights so it contributes to the agreement after the conclusion politically on 1965 KoreaJapan treaty. Turn into the 21st century the government has begun the study and thereis a rising interest on studying community dimension which was in progress however running against a stump with contact to survivors.

The experience of damage mobilized in the Asia-Pacific War contains a racial problem and the issue of classes. Therefore, the social understanding for the characteristic of the experience is necessary to lead to utterance their experiences. There are very few people who can transmission of their experiences to people. Even the families of the experienced could not understand or share the experiences of them. What we should focus on now is the documentswhich we collected for the past few year rather than oral transcription. Why we keep asking people to give testimony of their experiences and take records as it come? This is because it will become the guideline for the direction and study methods thru the process of getting an answer. Therefore I would like to focus on the meanings and characters of the utterance firstly and the next is proposing the description and way of study. The way of study needed are three.
First, need to understand from the viewpointof the empire. It needsto approach from a standpoint that experience of the general mobilization war that not only for the Korean but also for the East Asia people in the Asia-PacificWar.
Secondly, it is the study of the integrated point of view that cooperated with Korean contemporary history including the Korean War in 1950-1953. It is desired for a case-study for this study. This is a study to watch the Korean contemporary history that people experienced while people forced to mobilization to live a life based on the socioeconomic state(i.e. population change, the current states of forced mobilization workshops and workplaces, and industry situation) of the particular area afterward in a community.
It is a study to utilize a variety of documents mainly on the third as an oral statement. Documentsas well as media references (including a movie, the drama) and the media document like the non-documents including the photographs, newspapers and the magazines generally is necessary.

KCI 등재
일제말기 제주도 군사시설공사에 전환배치된조선인 광부의 경험 세계-한반도 내 강제동원 피해에 대한 인식과 배경을 중심으로-
Experience of a Korean Miner who was transferred to the construction site of a military facility on Jeju Island during the late Japanese colonial period -Focused on the perception and background of the forced mobilization damage experienced on the Korean Peninsula-
日帝末期済州島の軍事施設建設に 配置転換された朝鮮人鉱夫の経験の世界 -韓半島内強制動員被害に対する認識と背景を中心に-

2018, vol., no.35, pp. 5-67 (63 pages)

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2018.35.5

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회

연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구
정혜경 1

日本はアジア太平洋戦争を遂行するために労務者の勤務地を転換する措置 を断行した。これについては南サハリンおよび日本において実施された配置転換 に関する研究がある。本稿は朝鮮半島内で強制動員された後済州島に配置 転換された鉱夫と鉱山勤務者の面談記録を分析したものである。本稿で取り 扱った面談記録は音声資料ではなく出版物(輪読を経た編集本)であったため敍 事分析の代わりに発話の背景や経験の特徴などを分析した。具体的には話し 手の 「発話の背景、意図」を重視する口述史研究方法を用いた。 これを通じて彼らが朝鮮半島の鉱山で得た認識、済州島への配置転換から 帰還に至るまでの時期における認識の変化、そして強制動員被害についての 認識等を追跡した。その結果、大きく分けて五つの特徴が見られた。 第一、日本と南サハリンにおいて実施された配置転換とは異なる様相を呈し たことが確認できた。日本と南サハリンにおける配置転換は炭鉱と同一職種に おいて行われたが、本稿で取り上げた配置転換は異質の職種間において行わ れたことが確認できた。第二、鉱山に勤務した当時はそれが強制動員だと分か らなかった鉱夫や鉱山勤務者が配置転換の際にはそれが強制動員だと明確に認識したことである。第三、当時の朝鮮半島の民衆が国外動員と兵力動員を どう思っていたのかが窺えたことである。兵力動員や国外動員(徴用)のことを当 時の朝鮮の青年たちが日常に恐れていたことがわかった。第四、本稿の対象 だった4名の鉱夫と朝鮮半島内強制動員の被害者との間の共通した認識と違い がわかった。第五、鉱夫たちは制服=国家権力だという認識をはっきりと示した ことがわかった。 本稿を進めるなかで対馬の軍事施設建設に配置転換された鉱夫たちをも取り 上げるべくことがわかった。さらに今朝鮮半島に点在するアジア太平洋戦争遺 跡(8300個所)とこれに強制動員された人たちとの相互関連性を究明すべきであ ることをもわかった。今後の課題だ。

Japan has taken measures to transform its workforce to conduct the Asia-Pacific war. Currently, studies have been conducted on transfer measures in Japan and the Sakhalin region.
The paper analyzed four interviews of miners and mine workers who were mobilized on the Korean Peninsula and transferred back to Jeju Island. In this paper I analyzed the background of the oral speaker’s interview and the characteristics of his experience. I used the oral history study methodology to analyze data.
Through the analysis process, I looked at the perception experienced in the mine of the Korean Peninsula by the conversationalists, the change in perception from the time the Jeju Island switchover to the return process, and the damage from forced mobilization. The analysis revealed five things.
First, I could see different aspects of transfer performed in Japan and Sakhalin. The paper confirmed cases of different professions, compared with the previous work of Japan and Sakhalin made up of the same kind at coal mines. Second, we could see a change in the way the miners and mine workers, who were not aware of the coercion at the time of their work in the mine, clearly recognize it after the transfer. Third, it was apparent that the Korean people at that time were nervous about being mobilized to areas outside the Korean Peninsula or conscripted. Fourth, we were able to identify the differences and commonalities between the four miners under analysis and the general perception of victims of labor movement on the Korean Peninsula. Fifth, the miners were able to clarify the perception that uniform is the power of the nation.
I would like to use this article to identify and propose two future research needs. The first is the need for research by miners who were transferred to the Construction Site of Tsusima Military Facilities in Japan.
The second is a study that recognizes the interconnection between the remaining Asia-Pacific war remains on the Korean Peninsula (8300 places).


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KCI 후보
국내 강제연행 연구, 미래를 위한 제언
A Proposal for the Furture of the Study on the Forced Mobilization

2004, vol., no.7, pp. 47-82 (36 pages)

UCI : G704-001592.2004..7.001

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회

연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1


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KCI 후보
日帝末期 强制動員 犧牲者 遺骸問題의 本質과 解決을 위한 提言
The Disposition of the Forcefully-Mobilized Korean Labors' Mortal Body in Japan

2005, vol., no.8, pp. 193-223 (31 pages)

UCI : G704-001592.2005..8.005

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회

연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1

강제동원희생자, 유골
the victims of the forceful mobilization, mortal body

KCI 후보
일제말기 조선인 강제연행. 강제노동에 관한 기록사료 ― 수집 및 활용 방안을 중심으로 ―The Matter of Collecting and Studying of the Archives Concerning the Forced Mobilization and Labor of the Korean People by Japan in the Colonial Period


약어 : SARIM

2005, vol., no.24, pp. 1-42 (42 pages)

UCI : G704-001587.2005..24.014

발행기관 : 수선사학회
연구분야 :
인문학 >
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1

HOME > 논문 > 논문상세
KCI 등재
日帝末期 慶北지역 出身 强制動員 勞務者들의 抵抗
A Study of Korean Protests Against Obligatory Labor Mobilization of Japanese Authorities -A Case Study of Keyonsang-bukdo Province, 1943~1944-

2013, vol., no.25, pp. 79-136 (58 pages)

UCI : G704-001592.2013..25.006  

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회

연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1
1대일항쟁기 강제동원피해조사 및 국외강제동원희생자 등 지원위원회


During the Asian-Pacific War, that had triggered japanese empire, a great many koreans experienced a significant obligatory mobilization of labor and materials. The korean peninsula was the very site where the most war laborers was mobilized in japanese empire other than japanese island. It was nearly impossible for the laborers to protest against japanese mobilization policy, but they did not take totally an obedient and submissive attitude, they did protest and struggle against mobilization. The evaluation of protest should be made taking into account real influences on the mobilization policy. but there are not so much studies about this point. This paper tried analysis on 143 cases in Keyonsang-bukdo province according to characteristics and pattern of protesters.
We can find quite a few comments on protester’s activities refusing to be war laborers in publications made by authorities. The reason for that is the japanese government-general of korea had no administrative system to mobilize korean labors by legal force, and it made an effort not to stimulate the labor draftees and their family. In spite of that, the japanese authorities took strict actions to sentence the offenders who had refused labor mobilization to the maximum penalty.
In this paper, it is impossible to study all types of cases about protest against mobilization. But we can understand the general situation in Keyonsang-bukdo province. Despite of the limitation of cases, we can find some distinct characteristics of protests made in Keyonsang-bukdo province. First, the protests of koreans was aggressive. The reason why the protests showed intensity is related to the political state of the region. Keyonsang-bukdo province showed the lowest growth rate of population in the early 1940’s, but the rate of war labor mobilization was the highest in korea. Second, most of the aggressive protests were made during the last stage of the japanese rule(1943~1944), when japanese authorities in korea intensified social control due to repeated defeat in all over the battlefield, getting ready for an Armageddon in japanese island.

노무동원(労務動員, labor mobilization), 아시아태평양전쟁(アジア太平洋戦争, Asian-pacific War), 경북(慶尙北道, Keyonsang- bukdo province), 일제말기(日帝末期, the last stage of the japanese rule), 저항(抵抗, protest)

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KCI 등재
일제말기 조선인노무자 공탁금 자료의 미시적 분석
A Micro-Analysis of Documents of the Japanese Official Deposit Related to Unpaid Wages of Korean Workers Mobilized in Japan

2014, vol., no.45, pp. 147-195 (49 pages)

UCI : G704-002002.2014..45.002  

발행기관 : 동북아역사재단

연구분야 : 인문학 > 역사학
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1
1대일항쟁기 강제동원피해조사 및 국외강제동원희생자 등 지원위원회

대일과거청산 작업은 인적 피해와 물적 피해가 모두 해당된다. 이 가운데 물적 피해는 임금 등 기업이 지불하지 않은 임금을 비롯해 저금이나 공채 등 다양하다.
기업이 지불하지 않은 미불금은 일본 패전 직후 당사자에게 지급하지 않고 일본정부가 공탁한 채 현재 까지 지급하지 않고 있다. 이 돈의 지급 책임과 관련해서는 1965년 한일청구권의 ‘개인 청구권 소멸 여부’를 둘러싼 법적·정치적 공방이 계속되고 있다. 이러한 공방과 무관하게 한국정부는 2007년 특별법을 제정해 2008년부터 일정한 비율로 피해당사자들에게 지급하고 있다.
일제말기 조선인노무자공탁금과 관련한 자료는 현재 3건으로 알려져 있다. 3건의 자료는 모두 일본정부가 작성한 자료이지만, 수록 내용과 성격은 차이를 보이고 있다. 먼저 수록 형태를 보면, 2건은 개인명부가 수록되지 않은 자료(조사표, 총괄표)이고, 1건(한국정부가 일본정부로부터 인수한 자료)은 개인 명부가 첨부된 자료이다. 수록 내용 자체도 동일한 작업장에서 수록 자료 3건이 각기 차이를 보이는 등 불분명한 부분이 적지 않다.
그간 조선인노무자공탁금자료는 정부가 피해당사자에게 미수금을 지급하는 귀중한 자료로서 의미가 있었다. 그러나 조선인노무자공탁금자료는 학계에서는 환영받는 자료가 아니었다. 이를 위해 이미 조선인노무자공탁금자료를 포함한 명부 자료 전반에 대해 발표한 바와 같이, 이 자료도 명부자료 분석 방법론에 의해 연구를 진행할 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 자료 자체에 대한 실체 파악이 선행되어야 한다.
2013년 7월말 현재 공개된 조선인노무자 공탁금 자료 3건의 미시적 분석을 통해 자료의 현황과 성격을 살펴본 결과, 이들 자료는 완결성을 가진 자료가 아니며 한계가 많다는 점을 명확히 알 수 있었다. 자료생산과정 자체가 일본정부의 지시에 따라 해당 기업이 자료를 제출하는 방식을 취했으므로 전수 조사와 차이가 있다. 또한 일본정부는 기존에 생산된 다양한 자료에 대한 종합적 이해를 가지고 있지 않고, 정부가 직접 수합한 자료에 대한 검증도 거치지 않았다.
이러한 자료의 현황은 일본정부가 조선인노무자공탁금에 대해 정부 차원의 체계적인 관리를 하지 않았음을 의미한다. 이후 적극적인 자료 발굴과 분석 작업을 통해 공탁금 자료 전반의 실체가 명확해져야 할 것이다.

It is said that there are now three resources relating to the unpaid wages of Korean workers mobilized during World War II. These were all made by the Japanese government. However, they have different contents and characteristics according to the government office. Two resources have no individual lists, or the so-called Inspection Index or General Index, and the third resource has individual data. The manuscript of the individual data was handed over to the Korean government by Japan. Micro-analysis was needed to understand the differences among these three resources because they contain dissimilarities regarding the same company.
I can conclude after micro-comparison and analysis of the files that the three resources have limitations because the final policy data was not completed. In the procedures for preparing these resources, entrepreneurs relevant to a Korean worker’s wage had not properly investigated the worker and reported incomplete information to the Japanese government because they had no duty to bring forward accurate data. The Japanese government did not pay positive attention to inspecting the circumstances of the Korean repatriates, thus it lacked an accurate understanding of the unpaid wages and of other matters relating to Korean workers. Further, the Japanese government did not review the integrated data from entrepreneurs.
In conclusion, the Japanese government had no systematic management of the official deposit lists of Korean workers. In other words, Japan imposed too many tasks for excavating and analyzing the new resources of official deposits relating to the unpaid wages of Koreans mobilized during World War II.

공탁금, 미불금, 일본정부, 일본기업, 자료
Unpaid wages, official deposit, entrepreneurs, Japanese government, Korean repatriates

HOME > 논문 > 논문상세
아시아태평양전쟁에 동원된 조선인 관련 통계 자료
Koreans Forcibly Mobilized in the Asia-Pacific War, Japan-Related Statistics

2015, vol., no.29, pp. 257-297 (41 pages)

UCI : G704-001592.2015..29.001  

발행기관 : 한일민족문제학회

연구분야 : 복합학 > 학제간연구
정혜경 /HyeKyung Jung 1

아시아태평양전쟁에 동원된 조선인 관련 통계 자료
Koreans Forcibly Mobilized in the Asia-Pacific War, Japan-Related Statistics


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