The 'History Wars' and the 'Comfort Woman' Issue - YouTube:
The 'History Wars' and the 'Comfort Woman' Issue: Revisionism and the Right-Wing in Contemporary Japan
Speaker: Tomomi Yamaguchi, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Montana State University
An issue of intense controversy in the past few years in Japan is “comfort women”, with many in the right wing relentlessly attacking the accepted historical narrative and denying that there was any government involvement in, or corresponding responsibility for, a system of sexual slavery. Right-wing media and intellectuals have begun to use the term “history wars” to refer to this development. Based on extensive fieldwork with right-wing individuals and organizations, this lecture reviews this ongoing controversy, and discusses how this issue functions as an important rallying point to tie together disparate right-wing elements and the Abe government. This lecture will also address the recent diplomatic agreement between South Korea and Japan, and subsequent reactions.
Tomomi Yamaguchi is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Montana State University – Bozeman (Ph.D., University of Michigan). She is a cultural anthropologist and studies social movements in Japan, especially regarding feminist and right-wing movements.
The “History Wars” and the “Comfort Woman” Issue, Tomomi Yamaguchi
Public Lecture: Boston University: The “History Wars” and the “Comfort Woman” Issue, Tomomi Yamaguchi
2019 “Sushi Lecture”, Boston University
The “History Wars” and the “Comfort Woman” Issue: Revisionism and the Right-wing in Contemporary Japan and the U.S.
Tomomi Yamaguchi (Montana State University)
Date & Time: 5-7pm Thursday October 17th, 2019
Location: Boston University School of Theology building, B23-24 (745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston)
Followed by Sushi reception
A Dinner party for scholars in the area with Dr. Yamaguchi from 8pm at a local restaurant:
RSVP to Hiromi Miyagi-Lusthaus ( by Monday, October 14th
An issue of intense controversy currently in Japan is “comfort women”, with many in the right wing relentlessly attacking the accepted historical narrative and denying that there was any government involvement in, or corresponding responsibility for, a system of sexual slavery. Right-wing media and intellectuals have begun to use the term “history wars” to refer to this development. They have criticized the “comfort woman” monuments, resolutions, museum exhibits, and coverage of “comfort women” in history textbooks and curriculums in the U.S.. In particular, as “comfort woman” monuments and statues have been built in various locations in the world, including the U.S., during the last decade, they have become the target of attacks from the Japanese government and Japanese right-wingers. They consider the United States to be the major “battleground” on the “comfort woman” issue, as well as to the United Nations.
Based on my anthropological fieldwork on the Japanese right-wing activities in the U.S. and Japan, as well as the experiences of people involved in the making of the “comfort women” memorials in the U.S., I will demonstrate how this issue functions as an important rallying point to tie together disparate right-wing elements including the Japanese government. I will also highlight how the acts of remembering and commemorating the survivors’ experiences of wartime violence against women become such a contentious, political issue that mobilize the Japanese right-wing so intensively and emotionally both in Japan and the United States.
Tomomi Yamaguchi is an associate professor of Anthropology and the director of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies program at Montana State University. Yamaguchi earned a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan in 2004, and she currently serves as an editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus.
Her research interests are feminism and the right-wing movements in contemporary Japan. She is a co-author (with Nogawa Motokazu, Tessa Morris-Suzuki and Emi Koyama) of Umi wo Wataru Ianfu Mondai: Uha no Rekishisen wo Tou [The “Comfort Women” Issue Goes Overseas: Questioning the Right-wing “History Wars”], Iwanami Shoten, 2016,
and her latest article is
“Revisionism, Ultranationalism, Sexism: Relations Between the Far Right and the Establishment Over the ‘Comfort Women’ Issue”.
Social Science Japan Journal. Vol. 21, Issue 2, 2018: 219-238.
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조형근 (지은이)
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안현효, 조형근, 황덕순, 이명원, 이강국, 김기원, 구갑우, 안병진, 최현, 서영표, 김성천, 이병민, 이건범 (지은이) | 위즈덤하우스 | 2011년 2월
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[eBook] 좌우파사전 - 대한민국을 이해하는 두 개의 시선

안현효, 조형근, 황덕순, 이명원, 이강국, 김기원, 구갑우, 안병진, 최현, 서영표, 김성천, 이병민, 이건범 (지은이) | 위즈덤하우스 | 2011년 2월


[eBook] 사회를 구하는 경제학 - 경제학 고전에 공동체의 행복을 묻다

조형근, 김종배 (지은이) | 반비 | 2016년 7월
12,600원 (종이책 정가 대비 30% 할인), 마일리지 630원 (5% 적립)

[eBook] 섬을 탈출하는 방법 - 각자도생의 경제에서 협력과 연대의 경제로

조형근, 김종배 (지은이) | 반비 | 2016년 6월
12,600원 (종이책 정가 대비 30% 할인), 마일리지 630원 (5% 적립)

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