
Could opposition leader be next president? - The Korea Times

Could opposition leader be next president? - The Korea Times

Could main opposition party leader be next president?Posted : 2024-12-15 15:56Updated : 2024-12-15 

Jung Min-ho

Rep. Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, speaks during a press conference at the National Assembly in Seoul, Sunday. Newsis

Lee Jae-myung maintains lead in opinion polls, despite lingering legal risks
By Jung Min-ho

After being convicted of violating the election law and being handed a suspended prison term only four weeks ago, Rep. Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), faced a bleak political future. If the ruling stands, he will be stripped of his National Assembly seat as well as the opportunity to run for president in the next election.

But then, an incredible political scenario unfolded for Lee. In what critics call a self-destructive move, President Yoon Suk Yeol suddenly imposed martial law on Dec. 3, which baffled even Yoon’s most ardent defenders and prompted lawmakers to vote to impeach him.

Now, Lee stands as a clear favorite to win the next presidential election, which could be held early next summer. By law, the Constitutional Court is required to decide whether to uphold the impeachment in 180 days — and if it rules against Yoon, a presidential election must be held in the next 60 days.

Lee is a heavy favorite to win. In a survey released on Thursday by pollster Embrain Public, 37 percent of 1,005 respondents picked Lee, with other potential rivals lagging far behind.

Only 7 percent chose Han Dong-hoon, leader of the ruling People Power Party, followed by 6 percent for Cho Kuk, former leader of the minor liberal opposition Rebuilding Korea Party. After the Supreme Court upheld his convictions of academic fraud involving his children and illegal interference with a government inspection last week, Cho is banned from running for public office for seven years. This could mean additional liberal support for the DPK leader.

But it is still premature to conclude that everything will turn out fine for Lee, with many challenges and variables to consider in the coming months, experts say.

“At the height of former President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment crisis, her approval rating was 5 percent and her party’s was 17 percent, a Gallup Korea poll showed. The figures were far lower than Yoon’s current approval rate of 11 percent and 24 percent for his party,” Shin Yul, professor of political science at Myongji University, told The Korea Times. “This suggests that many don’t see the DPK as a reliable alternative and that new challengers could emerge if the election is indeed taking place.”

Shin said he believes Han appears to be the only conservative contender with a serious chance of winning. But fresh challengers could still arise from the liberal bloc, he noted.

Woo Won-shik, speaker of the National Assembly, is one of them. He is gaining popularity currently not because the president was impeached under his watch, but because he led the effort to prevent (what many view as Yoon’s) self-coup attempt,” Shin said.

In a Gallup Korea poll released on Friday, Woo was selected by 56 percent of respondents as a politician they trust the most over Lee at 41 percent and Han at 15 percent.
Han Dong-hoon, leader of the ruling People Power Party, walks toward a meeting room after lawmakers voted to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol at the National Assembly in Seoul, Saturday. Yonhap 

The legal risks Lee faces are another important factor. Under the Supreme Court’s guidelines, the trial for his election law violation is expected to finish in six months. If it is upheld by the appeals and the top court, he will be banned from running for public office for 10 years. This would mean a de facto end to the 61-year-old’s political career. In addition to the trial, he is facing four other lawsuits on charges of instigating perjury and corruption.

At Sunday’s press conference, Lee called on justices at the Constitutional Court to expedite the process for Yoon’s impeachment trial to minimize social and political confusion.

He then proposed a consultative body through which the executive and legislative branches of government can work together for the stability of state affairs. He also said his party would not impeach Han Duck-soo as the nation’s acting president, at least for now.

“The truth and accountability for this outrageous case should be uncovered in order to hold those responsible accountable and prevent it from happening again. I call for a fast, rigorous and thorough investigation to find the truth,” Lee said. “Those who played their roles in the insurrection (martial law) should cooperate with the investigations. Don’t forget that the whole country is watching.”

Later that day, Rep. Kweon Seong-dong, the ruling party's floor leader, said he will not accept the consultative body proposal.



출생1957년 9월 18일(67세)
대한민국 서울특별시 성동구 신당동
성별남성 위키데이터에서 편집하기
학력연세대학교 공학대학원 환경공학 석사
군복무육군 병장 만기 전역
의원 선수5
의원 대수17·19·20·21·22
국회 직책국회의장

우원식(禹元植, 1957년 9월 18일~)은 대한민국의 정치인이다. 제17·19·20·21·22대 국회의원이며, 제22대 국회 전반기 국회의장(2024. 6.~)이다. 5선 국회의원이며, 제20대 국회에서는 더불어민주당 원내대표(2017. 5.~2018. 5.)를 지냈다.

2004년 제17대 국회의원 선거에 노원구 을에 열린우리당 후보로 출마해 국회의원에 처음으로 당선되었고, 2008년 제18대 국회의원 선거에 통합민주당 후보로 같은 지역구 국회의원 선거에 재선에 도전하고, 결과에서 한나라당 권영진 후보에게 패배한 후, 다시 2012년 제19대 국회의원 선거에서 현직 국회의원이던 새누리당 권영진 후보를 다시 설욕하면서 국회의원직에 4년만에 복귀했다.



1957년 실향민 2세로 태어났다. 1997년 연세대학교 토목공학과 학사, 2009년 연세대학교 공학대학원 환경공학 석사 학위를 취득했다. 2014년 7월 30일에 치러진 7.30 재보궐선거의 새정치민주연합 참패에 따라, 우원식 의원은 "지도부가 총사퇴 해야한다"며 최고위원직을 사임하였다. 새정치민주연합의 최고위원은 구 민주당에서 선출된 선출직 최고위원과 새정치연합 창당준비위원회에서 선임한 지명직 최고위원이 함께 있었다. 그러나 새정치민주연합으로 합당되면서, 최고위원은 모두 지명직으로 대체되었고, 당 강령에 따라 지명직 최고위원은 비상대책위원장을 맡을 수 없으므로, 7.30 재보궐선거 이후 김한길안철수 공동대표의 사임과 함께 비상대책위원장은 원내대표인 박영선이 선출되었다.

새정치민주연합 문재인 대표는 김상곤 전 경기도 교육감을 혁신위원장으로 추대하고 전권을 위임하는 방식으로 당에 대한 혁신 작업에 착수, 위원으로 청년 당원 이동학, 대표적 진보 교수이자 논객인 조국 교수, 그리고 현역 의원으로 우원식 의원 등을 선임하여 혁신위원회 활동을 시작하였다.

더불어민주당의 20대 국회 1기 원내대표에 출마를 공식적으로 발표하였다. 이후 같은 운동권 출신의 우상호 의원과 단일화 작업에 착수하였으나 양측의 의견차가 좁혀지지 않아 단일화는 성사되지 않았고, 그대로 투표가 진행되어 1차 투표에 이어 이어진 결선 투표에서 우상호 후보에게 7표차로 낙선하였다. 2017년 5월 11일 원내대표 재도전을 위해 출마를 선언하였고, 5월 16일 신임 원내대표로 당선되었다.





다음의 직을 맡고 있다.


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