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Socialist Worker, Socialist Workers Party's weekly newspaper, has plagiarized my latest piece on South Korea for Jacobin magazine
The following paragraphs are nearly verbatim copies of my work, yet this no-byline article references me only once.
Credit should be given where it is due. They must cite my work thoroughly and appropriately. I demand that the Socialist Workers Party issue a formal apology and take down the article immediately.
Update: On the morning of December 17, I received a message from Tomáš Tengely-Evans, an editor at Socialist Worker, who offered an apology and said that the paragraphs are now attributed to me.
I do not feel compelled to accept this apology. Their apology must be public because what happened was not an accident—it was an act of theft. I demand that a formal apology be issued on the SW website and that they contact their sister organizations, which translated the article for their websites and publications, to make the necessary corrections.
Update: On the afternoon of December 17, Charlie Hore brought to my attention the following addition to the article (In other words, they did not notify me when they made this announcement):
"An earlier version of this article used the words of Kap Seol without attribution. We apologise for this and have updated the article to make clear his work and linked to his article."
I cannot confirm whether the SWP's sister organizations have issued similar notices regarding their translations of the article.
Update. On Dec. 18, I just received confirmation from Tomáš Tengely-Evans in the form of a brief, two-word message stating, "all changed." I assume this means the corrections have been made to the translations of the article at the SWP’s sister organizations. I will not individually verify this—it’s too time-consuming and simply not worth it.
I remember visiting Socialist Workers Party's printing shop in London for the first time in 1991. I was deeply impressed by its top-notch operations—they were using the latest version of desktop publishing software, which was a prohibitively expensive rarity in Seoul at the time.
Under Chris Harman’s leadership, Socialist Worker upheld high standards of journalism and earned respect and envy across the political spectrum. Harman and Alex Callinicos helped shape my formative years.
It’s deeply disheartening to witness the implosion of Socialist Worker and to find myself falling victim to the decline of all SWP publications—publications I read avidly until the late 1990s but have since stopped bothering with.
What has saddened me is that few were alarmed by the Socialist Workers Party's plagiarism, and most assumed they would neither acknowledge it nor apologize. Their once-bright reputation now appears to have become irreversibly tainted over the years.
한국 노동자 연대 의 영국 자매조직 SWP의 기관지 Socialist Worker에서 내가 최근 Jacobin 글을 표절했습니다. 공식 사과와 기사 철회를 영국 사회주의노동자당에 요구합니다.
최근 전개상황: Socialist Worker의 편집자 Tomáš Tengely-Evans가 12월17일 메신저를 통해 사과하며, 기사가 인용을 인정하도록 수정했다고 말했습니다. 그 사과를 받아들일 필요는 없습니다. Socialist Worker는 웹사이트를 통해 공개사과를 해야하고, 그 기사를 번역한 SWP의 자매조직들도 필요한 수정을 해야한다고 요구 했습니다.
12월 17일 오후, 페친인 찰리 호오가 다음과 같은 발표가 기사에 포함됐다는 것을 알려왔습니다 (다시 말해, Socialist Worker는 내게 아래 발표를 따로 알리지 않았습니다).
"An earlier version of this article used the words of Kap Seol without attribution. We apologise for this and have updated the article to make clear his work and linked to his article."
SWP 자매조직들이 번역 기사에 수정을 했는지는 확인할 수 없습니다.
Update. 2024년 12월 18일, Tomáš Tengely-Evans로부터 "모두 수정됨(all changed)"이라는 두 낱말로 이뤄진 짧은 메시지를 받았습니다. 이 메시지는 SWP의 자매 조직들에서 해당 기사 번역에 대한 수정이 완료되었음을 의미한다고 추측합니다. 그러나 이를 개별적으로 확인하고 싶지지 않습니다. 너무 시간이 많이 들고, 그럴 가치가 없습니다.
1991년 처음으로 런던에 있는 사회주의노동자당(Socialist Workers Party, SWP)의 인쇄소를 처음 가봤습니다, 운영 방식에 깊은 인상을 받았습니다. 당시 서울에서는 상상하기 힘들었던 고가의 최신 데스크톱 출판 소프트웨어를 사용하고 있었기 때문입니다.
크리스 하먼(Chris Harman)의 지도 아래, 소셜리스트 워커(Socialist Worker)는 높은 저널리즘 기준을 유지하며 정치 스펙트럼 전반에서 존경과 부러움을 받았습니다. 크리스 하먼과 알렉스 칼리니코스(Alex Callinicos)는 제 성장 과정에 큰 영향을 주었습니다.
소셜리스트 워커(Socialist Worker)의 쇠락을 확인하고, 1990년대 후반까지 열정적으로 읽었지만 그 이후로는 더 이상 관심을 두지 않게 된 SWP 간행물의 퇴락 가운데 나 또한그 피해자가 된 것이 괴롭네요.


Charlie Kimber
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