
Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in summit: creating Korean history, hand in hand

Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in summit: creating Korean history, hand in hand

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Avatar for Peter
I'm trying to make sense of all of this. Initially, I thought that Trump and Kim just wanted to play with their toys, and of course theirs are bigger and more dangerous than most other people's. But now, maybe it's more about ego - if Trump and Kim could be seen by their contemporaries and successors as the people that saved the world, they may be even happier than being known as those that started a war. Let's hope so, anyway.
Avatar for Kevin
🇦🇺Beware the friendly, smiling Communist. Particularly one who holds your hand!
Avatar for Graeme
Devoid of any acknowledgement that Donald J Trump was instrumental.
His strongman presence swept away the weak force of Western progressive liberalism and replaced it with clear threat.
His relationship with President Xi was also instrumental. Again, the clear threat of tough sanctions. 
"Little Rocket Man" was forced to confront his true size.

This story should be front page. 
Imagine if Obama had achieved this. 
Avatar for Kim
The left media will give Trump zero credit for this achievement. Shame on them.
Avatar for John
The real question to be asked is "Will these important events in world history stop Cameron from sooking about the appointment of Harry Harris as US Ambassador to South Korea?"

Trump understands that you send your best people to where the action is and Cameron's "Bestie" isn't up there.
Avatar for Kerry
Last night I watched the whole days' amazing events on various YouTube clips in stunning high definition right through to the amazing closing ceremony and was totally moved and heartened by the events of the day. I have visited the DMZ and have many Korean friends so it had special significance. South Korea once again has staged a magnificent and historic event giving hope for the future of the Korean peninsular and the rest of the world. Over to you Donald. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!
Avatar for Ian
He is only doing what his China masters have told him to do so they can increase their power base and control all of the Korean Peninsula.
Avatar for C
Kim’s only buying time until he can land a missile on the White House. Thank God that Trump knows this.
Avatar for Ian
Take a bow Donald Trump you have played a big part in this and I hope it gets right up the noses of the Democrats and others!!
Avatar for Robyn
Yes, it is wise to be cautious in dealing with people who have a track record of not being genuine.
However, we should not lose track of the fact that this would not have occurred, if not for the no nonsense rhetoric and actions of President Donald Trump. 
 After having his nation threatened with a nuclear bombardment from the North Korean dictator, he initiated the hard line on North Korea by demanding the sanctions, made sure they were honoured, and when no one else stepped up to the plate, reached out with, what appears to have been an effective diplomatic mission at Easter, with his new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeio.
  A wise man once said that diplomacy does not work without being coupled with strong action.
 But of course, President Trump gets little credit from this journalist for being hugely influential in getting this historical meeting to take place at all, regardless of the outcome.  What we do get is a discourse from  PM Turnbull about remaining sceptical and maintaining sanctions. 
 As if President Trump, who courageously initiated all of this, with scepticism from the likes of Turnbull and ridicule from the Media needs to be told.  He is way ahead of you all. 
 One heartening truth is emerging regardless of reporting by biased Media and limp wristed politicians, and that is a real World Leader has appeared at a dire time.   Sorry Malcolm it is not you. 
Avatar for Ted
No doubt Obama is so proud of the Trump achievements...
After all he loved the world peace so much that never did anything to disturb it.
Avatar for C
Thank you president Trump. Hoefully you can now shift your focus to crushing Jinping’s belt and road ambitions also.
Avatar for Andrew
Belt and road is a good plan that will lift millions put of poverty. The real issue remains the South Cian sea.
Avatar for Craig
We will see what happens! Hopefully good will come and the borders collapse. Go Donald ... well done!!!!!
Avatar for lindsay
We are told it is Obama’s economy that is successful.
Surely this potential for peace and denuclearisation must be Obama’s achievement.
Sorry couldn’t help myself.
Avatar for Robyn
@lindsay Still waiting for the oceans to fall.  Do you think if this is a successful outcome and denuclearization does occur, Obama may present his rather dusty Nobel Peace Prize to someone who actually did something to earn such an award? Or shall we wait for pigs to fly? 
Avatar for John
Two things...

1) The proof of the pudding is in the eating but at least there are positive signs and Australia and the world should be thanking the Trump Administration for helping to achieve what those Political "Legends in their own minds" Obama ...Clinton etc couldn't. It surely pays to garner a reputation for consequences when crossing a Trump red line.

2) Cameron's article has also proven to the world that indeed it is possible to type through gritted teeth.
Avatar for Jim
Believe it! This is the result of Trump`s hardline diplomacy with Xi who needs the West to fulfill his goal of a new Chinese dynasty. Xi has told Kim to cease and desist OR HE will cease to exist! All because Trump used trade with China to get this done. Without Xi and Trump`s pressure this historic change will not take place. Congrats to both. Now the game is to change China.
Avatar for Right! said Fred
Right! said Fred
Call me sceptical and or cynical but the agreement means nothing. Rocket boy is playing the South and the rest of the world for that matter for chumps.
Avatar for Ian
No one expected this.  This is The Donald' doing.  Let's hope for a peace on the peninsular, but make it a good proper and honourable one. 
Avatar for R. Ambrose Raven
R. Ambrose Raven
“complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula” obviously includes a complete removal of American nuclear weapons from South Korea, plus a ban on American forces there possessing any.
Avatar for Arvid
@R. Ambrose Raven a lot easier since the earthquake caused by one two many underground tests destroyed the NK facility. No sign of activity of anything alse. You would suppose the detent of the region, both the Chinese and Russians would have a heap of nuclear hardware on the border. So as long as the biggest bloke in Korea focuses on helping his people instead of blowing things up, shooting rockets and threatening the worlds largest country, things will improve.
Avatar for R. Ambrose Raven
R. Ambrose Raven
Hardly; I mean those carried in visiting ships and aircraft.  Recall New Zealand being frozen out of ANZUS because it refused to accept visits by nuclear-weapons-capable vessels.   Incidentally, it had successfully defied the U.S. on that point, in contrast to our supine cowardice.  But then Kim Beazley's career did nicely from the fawning that he supported - he had the ambassadorship to the U.S. as a noce big extraparliamentary income, now the governorship of W.A.
Avatar for Sanchia
Hopefully Kim will act in the best interests of the poverty stricken people of North Korea. And not a moment too soon I believe.
Avatar for R. Ambrose Raven
R. Ambrose Raven
Touching.  And when will we act in the interests of the poverty-stricken peoples of Libya and Iraq - impoverished by our wars of aggression?   
And when will we act in the interests of the poverty-stricken peoples of Syria, in a war we worked soooo hard to provoke?  
And when will we act in the interests of the poverty-stricken peoples of the Pacific states - ruined by both globalisation and climate change? 
Avatar for John

Touching...And when will you act in the interests of Australia and emigrate to one of the poverty-stricken countries that you mentioned? If the fares are a problem, I am happy to take up a collection...One Way of course.
Avatar for Andrew
Libya is a civil war. Obama could and should have stepped in but did not. You might want to talk to a few Iraqis about that war...

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