Ennin's Diary
![]() Cover and page of The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law. Version unknown. | |
Author | Ennin (AD 793 or 794 – 864) |
Original title | 入唐求法巡禮行記 |
Language | Classical Chinese |
Ennin's Diary | |||
Chinese name | |||
Traditional Chinese | 入唐求法巡禮行記 | ||
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Japanese name | |||
Kanji | 入唐求法巡禮行記 | ||
Kana | にっとうぐほうじゅんれいこうき | ||

The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Dharma (入唐求法巡禮行記, nittō guhō junreikōki) is a four-volume diary written by Ennin, a Japanese Buddhist monk in China during the ninth century. He was one of eight Japanese Buddhists who studied in China at that time. He wrote his diary while he went on a Buddhist pilgrimage to China for nine and a half years (838–847). The books are translated into English as two volumes by Professor Edwin O. Reischauer of Harvard University under the title Ennin's Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law (Ronald Press, New York: 1955) and Ennin's Travels in T'ang China. The first volume is a translation of Ennin's Diary. The second volume, a discussion of Ennin's travels, includes materials from other sources.
Ennin's travel books are precious as historical sources, although they have some errors. His book was the first written document about China and its life by a foreigner. He did not write an evaluation of what he saw, but rather wrote about religious matters and Chinese life under the Tang dynasty. His diary is a good source on the practice of popular Buddhism in China. He described ceremonies as well. He brought back many sutras and mandalas to Japan. He struggled in his travel during the Tang's persecution of Buddhism (842–846).
Another contribution on his books was about Korea, which records details of Korea's active trade with Northeastern China. Korea had a dominant role in trade between East China, Korea, and Japan.
[edit]- Frankel, Hans H. (1956). "Ennin's Travels in T'ang China by Edwin O. Reischauer; Ennin's Diary: The Record of A Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law. Translated from the Chinese by Edwin O. Reischauer". The American Historical Review. 61 (2 (Jan., 1956)). Oxford University Press: 403–404. doi:10.2307/1844214. JSTOR 1844214.
- Dumoulin, Heinrich (1957). "Ennin's Diary. by Edwin O. Reischauer; Ennin's Travels in T'ang China. by Edwin O. Reischauer (review)". Monumenta Nipponica. 13 (3/4 (Oct., 1957 – Jan., 1958)). Sophia University: 364–365. doi:10.2307/2383053. JSTOR 2383053.
- Reischauer, Edwin O. (1955). Ennin's travels in Tʻang China. New York: Ronald Press Company. OCLC 412087. Reprinted, Angelico Press, 2020 (ISBN 978-1-62138-653-7), with a Foreword by Valerie Hansen
- Ennin, 794–864; Reischauer, Edwin O (1955). Ennin's Diary, the record of a pilgrimage to China in search of the Law. Translated from the Chinese by Edwin O. Reischauer. New York: Ronald Press Co. OCLC 459365467.

입당구법순례행기(入唐求法巡禮行記)는 9세기 헤이안 시대에 활동한 연력사(延曆寺, 엔랴쿠지)의 승려 엔닌이 저술한 일기로, 일본 규슈(九州) 하카타를 출발하여 당나라에 9년(838년-847년) 동안 머무르고 일본으로 돌아오기까지 행적을 기록한 책이다. 이 일기는 9세기 당나라와 당나라 내 신라인의 군사, 무역, 종교, 사회, 문화, 관습 등을 상세히 소개하고 있다.
[편집]입당구법순례행기는 총 4권으로 구성되어 있고, 신라와 관련된 기록은 2권과 4권이다. 특히 주목할 것은 2권인데, 적산법화원에 머물다가 오대산을 여행하는 내용을 다루고 있다.
그의 일기에는 당시의 당나라의 군사, 무역, 종교, 사회, 정치, 풍습과 관습, 문화, 외교, 이민족 등 많은 사실적인 기록들이 들어가 있다. 특히 그는 신라방에서 많은 신세를 진 듯 그의 책에서 “신라인 장보고의 통치 아래 있던 중국 내 신라방이 자신에게 베풀어진 배려가 아니었으면, 신라구의 위협으로 돌아가기 힘들었다"고 기록하고 있다.
현재 교토시 인근 연력사에서 장보고 기념비와 기의 흔적을 찾아볼 수 있다. 지금도 해상왕 장보고와 당시의 신라와 당나라 그리고 신라방의 군사적, 외교적 상황을 알아보는 데 귀중한 사료가 되고 있다.
같이 보기
[편집]외부 링크
入唐求法巡禮行記 | ||
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著者 | 円仁 | |

- 巻一 承和5年(838年)6月13日[1] - 開成4年(839年)4月18日
- 巻二 開成4年(839年)4月19日 - 開成5年(840年)5月16日
- 巻三 開成5年(840年)5月28日 - 会昌3年(843年)5月26日
- 巻四 会昌3年(843年)6月3日 - 承和14年(847年)12月14日条
[編集]- 『入唐求法巡礼行記』 足立喜六訳注、塩入良道補注・解説、平凡社〈東洋文庫〉全2巻(訳文は文語体)、オンデマンド版・Kindle版も刊
- 『入唐求法巡礼行記』 深谷憲一訳、中央公論社〈中公文庫〉。原文と現代語訳
- 堀一郎訳 『古典日本文学全集15 仏教文学集』 筑摩書房。数十頁の現代語抜粋訳
- 木内堯央訳 『最澄・円仁 大乗仏典 中国・日本篇 第17巻』 中央公論社。数十頁の現代語抜粋訳
[編集]- 小野勝年 『入唐求法巡礼行記の研究』(法藏館(全4巻)、新版1989年、2014年)- 大部の研究書
- 壬生台舜 『叡山の新風-山家学生式「最澄」、入唐求法巡礼行記「円仁」 日本の仏教3』(筑摩書房、1967年)
- エドウィン・ライシャワー 『円仁 唐代中国への旅 「入唐求法巡礼行記」の研究』
- 阿南ヴァージニア・史代[2] 『円仁慈覚大師の足跡を訪ねて 今よみがえる唐代中国の旅』
- 小池晴子訳、ランダムハウス講談社、2007年
- 松原哲明 『マルコ・ポーロを超えた男 慈覚大師円仁の旅』 写真・福島一嘉、佼成出版社、1993年
- 玉城妙子 『円仁求法の旅』 講談社、2000年
- 佐伯有清 『最後の遣唐使』 講談社現代新書、1978年/講談社学術文庫、2007年
- 斎藤円真(齋藤圓眞)『天台入唐入宋僧の事跡研究』 山喜房仏書林、2006年
- 『渡海天台僧の史的研究』 山喜房仏書林、2010年 - 各・学術研究の大著
- 『円仁とその時代』 鈴木靖民編、高志書院、2009年 - 関連論考は第2章
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