
Gazans who Migrated to Germany Speak Out Against Hamas – – Part 1 – Ch 12 News Israel

FULL REPORT – Gazans who Migrated to Germany Speak Out Against Hamas – Part 1 – Ch 12 News Israel

232K subscribers






84,625 views  Mar 13, 2025
In a must-watch new Channel 12 News Israel report, Ohad Hemo travels to Germany where Gazan immigrants reveal the brutal reality of life under Hamas – some speaking out for the first time.

But not all voices are the same. 

Hemo also uncovers Palestinian migrants whose views are even more extreme than those in the Palestinian Territories, exposing the growing rise of radical Islamism in Europe.

Video: Supplied/Channel 12 News Israel.

Aren't you afraid to talk in front of TV?
Israeli I lived in Gaza for 26 years I am afraid
I hope it's enough
يعني ما طلعت لاوروبا عشان اخاف كمان ووض
راسي بفكر وبحلم
In them
Related 17
No, Hamza is welcome
This is something we have in common, we must get rid of it
على حماس وانت فلسطيني ابن غزه اللي بتول
هذا طبعا بقوله عشان انا بحب وطني مش عشان
I love Israel because I love my country, my country
It is impossible for him to be built and not see a good day as long as
Hamas is present
فيظ ما معي خبر انه اللي كانوا معنا جو
The demonstration was mainly Hamas members, but wearing...
Civilian clothes because it is also another problem in Gaza
You don't know if the person you're talking to is passionate or not.
You may be smart, but you may not have lived
In Gaza, you won't get 100
I was about to go to the demonstration and found someone holding me
The demonstration took me, of course, they dragged me and put me in
هالسياره وبلشوا فينا الضرب ببلش من اول
What takes you by car until you reach the center?
يعني ما بيستنى لتوصل المركز بس عشان
احتجاج عادي بس عشان الوضع الاقتصادي في
غز بس عشان حكيت كلمتين بدنا نعيش هي كانت
جريمه في قانون
حماس اسوا من فكره الطلوع ببالي ق طب ما
خليني انضم انا حماس لحماس باخذ وظيفه
باخذ سياره ضبطو لي كل اموري ليش انا
مصعبها على حالي وانا بالجامعه الاسلاميه
يعني انا كنت عندهم في زي ما بيقولوها
اكبر مقر لهم وانا اساسا بعرف ناس كثير
انضمت لا بعقلهم حماس ولا بعقلهم جهاد ولا
اي بطيخ هو دخل يستفيد اقتصاديا فقط لغ
اصدقاء شخصيين فمره من المرات حاولت اجيب
له اياها بمزح لليوم بتذكر رد ابوي حكى لي
اول يوم بتقعد عندهم فييه بكون اخر يوم
تقعد عندي في البيت انا اي حدا بيجي بيقول
لي بدي اعمل معك مقابله واغطي وجهك واغير
صوتك انا هيك بعتبر حالي مدان ايش اغير
صوتي عشان احكي بدناش حرب انا هيك بدي
اغطي شوطي بدي اغطي وشي من مين اخاف من
حماس المؤيد حماس طيب وليش ما عمل حساب ل
60% من الناس اللي بتقول لي اطلع في
الاعلام الاسرائيلي احنا الاغلبيه مش حماس
مس هو
صباح اكتم خ حماس بين انه 2 مليون
فلسطيني قتلوا 1200 اسرائيلي واختطفوا 200
لازم تعرف شي غمير يوم
كسر فكره التعايش او السلام عند بجوز
الاسرائيليين صحيح صحيح انه اللي صار يوم
7 بالفيديوهات اللي طلعت وحماس لاول مره
بتعمل عمليه وبتخلي المجال الاعلامي مفتوح
حماس عاده لما تعمل اي عمليه ممنوع
الاعلام يطلع لكن حماس كانت معنيه الصوره
هذه تطلع انه كل الشعب مع
حماس جابلها فلسطيني
ي غزه غزه بيحكمها شعبها صير في انتخابات
ليش ليش لما الانتخابات ان شاء الله بتجيب
شياطين الحمر الشعب بينتخب بدنا احنا نرضى
ديمقراطيه ح حماس بغض
النظر اي حرب في الدنيا مايها انتصار
دماء اطفال ابرياء كفي كافي دماء للاثنين
يعني الاسرائيليين ماخسرش خسر انت شاف
الضحيه ال7 انت بكيت قطع طبعا بني ادمين
زي ليش
المكله بدات المشكله
من بدا بدات المشكله من س اسمعني بدات
المشكله من ذبحوا اطفال هذا الحكي مش صحيح
ما اشتغلت عليها 1 هي عباره عن ش لتحرير
الشعب الفلسط وراح نستمر
الها بطلع المستقبل انا المستقبل ل بدون
بدونك المستقبل ل بدون دوله صهيونيه انت
وهذه المره بتيجي على المانيا وبتقعد مع
هذه المره بتاخذ بيتها واقعد عندها هي
بتحي بال الصهيونيين هذا دول د هي دولتي د
هي ارضي اطلع بقول لك اطلع اطلع اطلع
بقوللك تعال هون بس بديش اطلع بدي ا ليش
تطلع بدك
ست بم
بترف احنا لو عننا سلاح زي الدول العربيه
لنحرق اسرائيل واللي جاب اسرائيل والي
اسرائيل ما دخلك انا مع مين احنا شعب
فلسطيني بدنا
نعيش قتلوني
وذبح انت مع هول
اتسبس هقد غزه قد صحن الحمص بس قعدت لك
هون هون بضل قعدلك غزه فيها الله خلق فيها
قوم جبارين الواحد قاتل الف منكم بخلص
عليكم بالشتات هان اغلبيه الغزاز يعني
متشددين ما
حسب الرزقه زي ما
بنحكي الخطاب اللي بيجيب همه بيجيب فلوس
برا ايش حماس حماس حماس حماس حماس مع انه
نفس اللي بيحكي حماس حماس لما اج طلع من
غزه وقدم ملف لجوءه كله ضد حماس وضد
حماس بتفضل مين بده يحكم غزه حماس ولا
سلطه ولا مين لا حماس ان شاء الله بتفضل
حماس ان شاء الله بس تعرف في كثير من
ب اكتبر الشعب
الفلسط هغخ
زس ر
با موسم
يا ابني بدي اياك اليوم تسد حيلك عشان
بكره تقت لي يهودي والابو تعال يا ابني
يلا ارمي الدفاتر وتعال علمك على السلاح
مين بفكر بالطريقه هذه كان عننا حمضيات
وبرتقال ومزارع كبيره ايش صار عننا صارش
عننا شيء بس حماس حماس حماس حماس حماس
حماس في ناس عننا
للاسف شربت الايديولوجيه المتطرفه تبعت
حماس الجهاديه وما بعرفش انه بروباجندا
حماس في غزه في كل مكان راح تلاقيها وين
مكان من روضه الاطفال للجامع للمدرسه
لتلفزيون للاماكن العامه ما راح تقدر
تتخبى منها حتى لو انت ما بدك تشوفها راح
تضل هي
ز م هول هول واحد كان قاعد بخيمه قف من
اول الصبح لاخر النهار عشان يحصل وجبه اكل
وما بيعرف يحصلها بالاخر اجت حماس قالت له
تعال بتاخذ في الشهر هل قد هل قد بنعطيك
مصاري حماس لما كانت تجند عناصر بغزه انت
ما بتقدر تقول اليوم انا بدي اصير عنصر
اليوم اسمك بده يصير عنصر حماس اول شيء رح
تبعتك سنه اللي هو بسموها سنه الدعوه تطلع
بالشوارع وبكذا ازاي تحكي للناس عن الدين
الاسلامي بعدين انت في عندك سنتين ما
بتكون اصلا مجند انت بس بتدرب بعدين لتصير
مج اول عنده كتاب القسام فحماس مش ممكن
تجيب واحد باسبوع هو اساسا امتى لح تتعلمه
يحمل السلاح
هذا في تسليم الاسرى الجموع اللي لموها طب
انا وصلني حكي من غزه انه كل واحد بروح
بياخذ 200 دولار واللي سمعناه انه حتى نص
من الملسمين اصلا مش مش عناص مش حماس حماس
لبستهم عشان تعطي صوره الانتصار صوره انه
اسرائيل ما قدرت تهزم والشاب انا لو كنت
ممكن لو انا كنت بغزه وحكوا لي 200 دولار
وتعال تصور صورتين وبعدين اشلح وكل واحد
من طريق بتروح بتشلح وكل واحد بينصح هاله
يعني نن بننساك وانت بتنسى قد ايه نسبه ال
التاييد لحماس قد ايه شعبيه حماس في غزه
اليوم عند افراد حماس ما فقد افراد حماس
بس فقد افراد حماس لكن حماس عارفه مع اي
انتخابات جايه ممكن تكون في الضفه لها
اصوات ونحن في غزه بنحكي ضفه جربوهم احنا
احنا جربناهم
يعني يعني هو الاسرائيلي اتفاجا من عنف
حماس في 7 اكتوبر طب هم ما شافوا شو حماس
عملت بالفلسطيني يوم
2007 هم عفوا الفلسطيني مسكوهم بعد ما
قتلوهم حطوهم الدراجات الناريه وصاروا
يلفوا فيهم ب شوارع غزه ويحتفلوا فيهم
مجرد ما اتخيل لو حماس عندها قوه اكبر من
هيك لو عندها قوه جيش شو كانت
عملت م ح تخلي حد من عنا ومن عنكم من عننا
ومن عندكم ما عندهم اي ذره رحمه احنا شفنا
بغزه عشان كيس طحين طخ الناس وبكون قاصد
وهو بطخه طخه على ركبته عشان ما يعرف يمشي
بعد هيك عشان بقيت اسرق اكل لاولادي طخ
طخون في رجلي حماس هي اللي نكبو حسبنا
الله عليهم وين بطخه بطخ هان على اللحم
بطخ عشان
يشلك المشاهد تعتي بيسال حاله كيف ما
بنشوف عشرات الاف بجوز مئات الاف من
الغزوه وهم بيطلعوا ضد حماس ويرفعوا صوتهم
ضد حماس وبجوز ينتفضوا ضد حماس مش سهل
تحتاج ضد حماس وفي مسدسه موجه على راسك
والكل في غزه عارف انه اي انتقاد لحماس
بطريقه او باخرى على الاقل راح يكسروك
وتروح على العنايه المركزه بالمشفى راح
يطخو زي ما شفنا بالفيديوهات بركبك فانا
لو بعرف هيك النتيجه بدها تكون على انتقاد
حماس بالعكس رح اعلق علم حماس عندي على
باب البيت دائما لما تفكر بحماس فكر فيها
كداعش بس
عندهم ناس بيعملوا علاقات عامه كويسه
وبطلعو بمظهر احسن من داعش اه يعني شكرا
لقطر مطلعهم منيح يعني مضبط ف انت تخيل
حالك عايش مع داعش وبدك تقوللهم مثلا
تعالوا بدي انكم شو
اسرا اسرا
‏wir gesehen auf die demos hier in
berlin hauptstadt deutschland hauptstadt
ein land wo 6 millionen juden ermordet
hat dass sie tats offen antisemite und
juden verbreitet haben und entschuldige
ich bin ganz ehrlich
‏leute mit hamas gelebt haben die hamas
im kopf haben diese ideologie ist bei
den aufgewachsen
und ja sind menschen aus g menschen a
الضف يحي السنوار ها الناس م لحت اق الناس
اعلى مندرجات كثير لحت نحكي عنن
يا سيدي شكلهم كانوا نص من ما دخلوا جوا
على ايش
بتحكي شفنا اللي طلعوا من سجون الاحتلال
جدا هول شفنا ما بتقدر تقنعني اخي اللي
كانوا عم طلعوا حكوا غير اللي عم تحكي انت
اللي كانوا عم بطلعوا كانوا عم قولوا انه
No, they were happy and waving goodbye.
مبسوطين جوا يعني عايشين في النفق سنه ونص
We are happy in the tunnel, no one slipped, no one cared
No one who came close to them really believed in these things
I also believe in this
God knows that we will return and be liberated
Our land is the Jews
What is important on
Who got used to the weather? It was like this for us.
About us beaches the best weather on the beach of Gaza
Or go to Shatiq Bahr and wrap up, then come here
I see snow in my hands, but I can't get them out of my pocket
Sometimes it's cold and I don't even go out
Hello home
Hello hello
Hello, how are you? May God keep you safe. Thank God, how are you?
How are you? I would love to see you.
جابرا انا اللي حزل مش تجوني انا اول
Peace be upon you
I miss you
It has been two years and a bit since I last saw you, mom.
I saw him when he says we won, he doesn't consider it
It is the destruction of Gaza that affects him in some way.
The ideology that follows Hamas is Hamas before Gaza
When you come, you know that she is his priority.
حماس مش غزه فانت لو مش بس بتدمر غزه لو
Gaza is being wiped out
Everyone will tell you that I won, I still won
There is more to me than enthusiasm after what
1,400 Palestinians were killed in this war.
I considered it a victory. As for me, I said as long as
They did this operation and it will definitely continue because it will be...
100,000 Palestinians die and it will be a victory
لحماس حماس اللي كانت قبل الحرب مش حماس
اللي موجوده هلا الحماس اللي احنا
You see it now, at least for me
My point of view is Hamas from
Cartoon: Today, if the ceasefire ends,
Israel said we want to continue the war and no one will do anything about it.
These are gone
You see him all stripped off and threw away his clothes and left
Hiding in the tent among his family
ويقوللك مش موضوعي زي ما شفنا خلال الاشهر
الاخيره هي مش بس الاشهر الاخيره هي حماس
From the first moment, that's also my opinion.
Personal Hamas did not fight Hamas, it went and did
The massacre of October 7th, they returned to Gaza, each one
He hid from his family and kept quiet
At school during the session you are surprised that
15F Leader
I swear to God, October is more Palestinian.
Many Palestinians were sick.
Cancer and Hamas What cancer patients have reached Hamas
It brought cancer to many people, but with October it is clear
We are ungrateful people. We are people.
اللي قتلنا الناس اللي بتعاطف معنا
And the fifth is not easy for people to get out either
She criticizes at the same time that she is upset with
Israel, which is also Israel's enemy, Hamas
She made us miserable, did and did things, and was the reason for the war
And you hide among people, but on the other side
Israel doesn't care if there is an element of
Hamas is sitting among 100 people, if you step on him they will beat you up
And it happened during
War makes people feel
With a kind of betrayal if she wants to come out and talk against
Hamas is what many people in Israel say
Unfortunately, you are not involved in Gaza. You are the first to...
You start talking with excuses like she is giving you yourself as if
It's like a back door, no matter what happens to these people
It is very dangerous for someone to think like this.
The starting point is if you want to think about such a topic
It means that there is no solution and you are destined to remain in war
With these people until the last day of your life, because there are 7
A million Palestinians are sitting next to you, not leaving.
Somewhere they will move
نا ترامب ابو اللي والله صرمايه اصغر طفل
بغزه لدوس على راس ترامب واللي جاب
Trump i


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FULL REPORT – Gazans who Migrated to Germany Speak Out Against Hamas – Part 1 – Ch 12 News Israel

232K subscribers






84,625 views  Mar 13, 2025
In a must-watch new Channel 12 News Israel report, Ohad Hemo travels to Germany where Gazan immigrants reveal the brutal reality of life under Hamas – some speaking out for the first time.

But not all voices are the same. 

Hemo also uncovers Palestinian migrants whose views are even more extreme than those in the Palestinian Territories, exposing the growing rise of radical Islamism in Europe.

Video: Supplied/Channel 12 News Israel.
Follow along using the transcript.

Show transcript

232K subscribers


Sejin Lifeforce
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1 day ago
I am Kurdish and live in Germany and my full solidarity goes to Israel❤️🇮🇱



1 reply

3 days ago
Germany should rethink allowing trouble into their country.



10 replies

3 days ago
Thanks God that there are brave Gazans who dear to speak out against Hamas!



10 replies

4 days ago
What has Germany imported - its shocking,



5 replies

3 days ago (edited)
Great logic at the end, when Trump said about the idea that people from Gaza could have a great life in other Arab countries. Gazans “no we are not going anywhere” meanwhile  dozens of thousands of them are on European streets shouting hamas hamas. Great logic.



4 days ago
Godbless Israel 🇮🇱 Shabbat Shalom ☮️



4 replies

3 days ago
This is very very concerning. Chilling.



4 days ago
Why do they go to Germany instead of Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Turkye.?



38 replies

2 days ago
God bless Israel from India



3 days ago
I guess they don't show this on Al Jazeera....



1 reply

3 days ago
My daughter's close friend is from Palestine, her grandparents actually. They left when her parents were little to free themselves from Palestine and give their kids a better life. 
They are shocked by the support they see for Palestine absolutely shocked.



6 replies

3 days ago
Watching this from a neighboring country of Germany, 3 questions come to mind: are secret services and police aware AND monitoring some of these individuals taking part in protests and openly praising hxmxas? Is the police absolutely thinking this will just go away and not affect Germany's national security? Is anyone sharing this video to international video and to European leaders? It doesn't look like the people supposed to protect us, want to see this. And most importantly, if all those people protesting, so love gaza and hxmxas, why don't they go back to live in that "paradise"? Why come and stay in Europe? Go where you're happy, guys!



12 replies

4 days ago
What a waste of life to live with the dark and hate. Pray they find Jesus and start living in the light and with love



2 replies

2 days ago
They moved to Germany instead of one of their coreligionist countries that clamor support for their cause. Anyway, I hope they will integrate instead of trying to Islamize Germany



1 reply

3 days ago
May God protect you and your loved ones, for speaking out, is not easy.



3 days ago
So disturbing 



1 reply

3 days ago
Will never go to Berlin or Germany



1 reply

3 days ago
Amazing courage being shown by peaceful Palestinians in exile.



2 days ago
Can anybody imagine what an Islamic university in Gaza would be teaching?



1 reply

3 days ago
The whole point of migrating is to leave your country of origin behind for a fresh start.
I feel for this man. EVERYONE'S coming from the place he left behind.



1 reply

Aren't you afraid to talk in front of TV?
Israeli I lived in Gaza for 26 years I am afraid
I hope it's enough
يعني ما طلعت لاوروبا عشان اخاف كمان ووض
راسي بفكر وبحلم
In them
Related 17
No, Hamza is welcome
This is something we have in common, we must get rid of it
على حماس وانت فلسطيني ابن غزه اللي بتول
هذا طبعا بقوله عشان انا بحب وطني مش عشان
I love Israel because I love my country, my country
It is impossible for him to be built and not see a good day as long as
Hamas is present
فيظ ما معي خبر انه اللي كانوا معنا جو
The demonstration was mainly Hamas members, but wearing...
Civilian clothes because it is also another problem in Gaza
You don't know if the person you're talking to is passionate or not.
You may be smart, but you may not have lived
In Gaza, you won't get 100
I was about to go to the demonstration and found someone holding me
The demonstration took me, of course, they dragged me and put me in
هالسياره وبلشوا فينا الضرب ببلش من اول
What takes you by car until you reach the center?
يعني ما بيستنى لتوصل المركز بس عشان
احتجاج عادي بس عشان الوضع الاقتصادي في
غز بس عشان حكيت كلمتين بدنا نعيش هي كانت
Crime in law
Hamas is worse than the idea of ​​coming up with a Q
Let me join Hamas, I will take a job with Hamas
I will take a car and fix all my things. Why me?
It's hard for me while I'm at the Islamic University
يعني انا كنت عندهم في زي ما بيقولوها
Their biggest headquarters and I basically know a lot of people
They joined neither Hamas nor Jihad in their minds.
Any watermelon is an income that benefits economically only.
Personal friends, once I tried to answer
I told her that as a joke. To this day I remember my father’s response. He told me:
The first day you stay with them will be your last day.
You stay at my house, anyone who comes says
I want to interview you, cover your face and change
Your voice, I consider myself guilty, what can I change?
My voice to speak, we don't want war, this is how I want it
I cover my part, I want to cover my face, who should I be afraid of?
Hamas supporter Hamas is good, why didn't he take this into account?
60% من الناس اللي بتقول لي اطلع في
Israeli media: We are the majority, not Hamas
The majority
Miss Ho
Good morning, I am completing my enthusiasm, and I have 2 million
Palestinians killed 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped 200
You must know something, Ghamir.
كسر فكره التعايش او السلام عند بجوز
Israelis, it is true, it is true that what happened one day
7 بالفيديوهات اللي طلعت وحماس لاول مره
You are doing an operation and leaving the media field open.
Hamas usually does not carry out any prohibited operation.
The media was out, but Hamas was concerned with the picture.
This shows that all the people are with
Hamas was brought by a Palestinian
Oh Gaza, Gaza is ruled by its people. There will be elections.
Why, why, when the elections, God willing, will bring
The Red Devils, the people vote, we have to be satisfied
Hamas democracy regardless
Look, every war in the world has no victory.
The blood of innocent children, enough, enough blood for both of them
That means the Israelis did not lose, they lost, you saw
Victim 7, you cried, of course you are a human being
Like why?
The problem started
Who started the problem? Who started? Listen to me.
The problem is that they slaughtered children. This story is not true.
I did not work on it. It is a form of editing.
The Palestinian people and we will continue
I am the future, I am the future
Without you, the future is without a Zionist state
This time she comes to Germany and stays with
This time, I will take her home and stay with her.
I salute the Zionists, this is my country
This is my land, get out, I'm telling you to get out, get out, get out
I told you to come here, but I don't want to go out. Why?
Look what you want
Set Bam
بترف احنا لو عننا سلاح زي الدول العربيه
Let's burn Israel and the one who brought Israel and the one who
In the back
Israel, what's it to you? Who are you with? We are a people.
Palestinian we want
We live, they killed me
And you are slaughtered with horror
I will leave you alone, Gaza, a plate of hummus, but I will stay with you
Here, here, Gaza will remain for you, God created it there
A mighty people, one of them can kill a thousand of you and you will be done away with.
You have to be diaspora, most of the Gazans are here
Extremists what
According to his livelihood
بنحكي الخطاب اللي بيجيب همه بيجيب فلوس
What is it, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas?
نفس اللي بيحكي حماس حماس لما اج طلع من
Gaza and submitted his entire asylum file against Hamas and against
حماس بتفضل مين بده يحكم غزه حماس ولا
Authority or not, or Hamas, God willing, it will remain
Hamas, God willing, but you know in many
The Gazawah
I write to the people
Palestine is here
With the season
My son, I want you to stop today because
Tomorrow you will kill a Jew and come here my son
Come on, throw away your notebooks and come teach me how to use a weapon.
Who would think this way? We had citrus fruits.
Oranges and large farms, what happened to us?
Something about us, but enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm
Hamas is with us
Unfortunately, I drank the extremist ideology of
حماس الجهاديه وما بعرفش انه بروباجندا
Hamas is everywhere in Gaza, you will find it wherever you go.
A place from kindergarten to mosque to school
For public places TV you will not be able to
Hide from her even if you don't want to see her
She remains
Behind you
Z M Hul Hul, one was sitting in a tent, then he stopped
اول الصبح لاخر النهار عشان يحصل وجبه اكل
And what he doesn't know will eventually achieve what Hamas said
Come on, will you take it in a month? Will we give it to you?
Hamas money when it was recruiting members in Gaza
You can't say today I want to become an element
Today your name will be Hamas element first thing
تبعتك سنه اللي هو بسموها سنه الدعوه تطلع
In the streets, and this is how you tell people about religion
Islamic, then you have two years left
بتكون اصلا مجند انت بس بتدرب بعدين لتصير
مج اول عنده كتاب القسام فحماس مش ممكن
You get one in a week. Basically, when will you learn it?
carrying a weapon
هذا في تسليم الاسرى الجموع اللي لموها طب
I heard from Gaza that everyone should go their own way.
بياخذ 200 دولار واللي سمعناه انه حتى نص
من الملسمين اصلا مش مش عناص مش حماس حماس
I wore them to give the image of victory.
Israel could not be defeated, and if I were the young man
What if I was in Gaza and they told me $200?
وتعال تصور صورتين وبعدين اشلح وكل واحد
من طريق بتروح بتشلح وكل واحد بينصح هاله
I mean, we forget you and you forget how much we mean to you.
التاييد لحماس قد ايه شعبيه حماس في غزه
Today, Hamas members have what Hamas members have lost.
But Hamas lost its members, but Hamas knows who to deal with.
Elections are coming, maybe in the West Bank
Voices while we in Gaza speak the West Bank, try them ourselves
We tried them
I mean, I mean, the Israeli was surprised by the violence.
Hamas on October 7, but they didn't see what Hamas was
I worked in Palestine one day
2007 They, excuse me, the Palestinians, caught them after what
They killed them, put them on motorcycles and left.
يلفوا فيهم ب شوارع غزه ويحتفلوا فيهم
Just imagine if Hamas had more power than
So if she had the power of an army, what would it be?
You did not leave anyone from us or from you alone
And from you, they do not have any mercy. We saw that.
بغزه عشان كيس طحين طخ الناس وبكون قاصد
وهو بطخه طخه على ركبته عشان ما يعرف يمشي
بعد هيك عشان بقيت اسرق اكل لاولادي طخ
Hamas is the one who caused the disaster
God bless them, where did they hit him? They hit him, it's easy on meat
بطخ عشان
The viewer is tired and asks himself how he is
We see tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of
الغزوه وهم بيطلعوا ضد حماس ويرفعوا صوتهم
ضد حماس وبجوز ينتفضوا ضد حماس مش سهل
You need to fight Hamas and he has a gun pointed at your head
Everyone in Gaza knows that any criticism of Hamas
One way or another, at least they will break you.
And you go to the intensive care unit at the hospital
They cook as we saw in the videos, I will ride you
If I knew this result, it would be a criticism.
Hamas, on the contrary, I will hang the Hamas flag on my
باب البيت دائما لما تفكر بحماس فكر فيها
كداعش بس
عندهم ناس بيعملوا علاقات عامه كويسه
They look better than ISIS. Yes, thank you.
Qatar has a good view of them, so imagine
You live with ISIS and you want to tell them something like:
Come on, I want you to know what
Prisoners Prisoners
‏we saw at the demos here in
Berlin capital Germany capital
a country where 6 million Jews were murdered
that she is actually openly anti-Semitic and
Jews have spread and apologize
I am completely honest
‏people lived with Hamas Hamas
have in mind this ideology is
who grew up
and yes are people from g people a
Yahya Sinwar, these people are not satisfied with the people
There are many more categories to talk about.
Sir, it looks like they were halfway through before they got inside.
On what?
You say we saw those who came out of the occupation prisons
We saw that you couldn't convince me, my brother.
They were going out and saying something different from what you are saying
اللي كانوا عم بطلعوا كانوا عم قولوا انه
No, they were happy and waving goodbye.
مبسوطين جوا يعني عايشين في النفق سنه ونص
We are happy in the tunnel, no one slipped, no one cared
No one who came close to them really believed in these things
I also believe in this
God knows that we will return and be liberated
Our land is the Jews
What is important on
Who got used to the weather? It was like this for us.
About us beaches the best weather on the beach of Gaza
Or go to Shatiq Bahr and wrap up, then come here
I see snow in my hands, but I can't get them out of my pocket
Sometimes it's cold and I don't even go out
Hello home
Hello hello
Hello, how are you? May God keep you safe. Thank God, how are you?
How are you? I would love to see you.
جابرا انا اللي حزل مش تجوني انا اول
Peace be upon you
I miss you
It has been two years and a bit since I last saw you, mom.
I saw him when he says we won, he doesn't consider it
It is the destruction of Gaza that affects him in some way.
The ideology that follows Hamas is Hamas before Gaza
When you come, you know that she is his priority.
حماس مش غزه فانت لو مش بس بتدمر غزه لو
Gaza is being wiped out
Everyone will tell you that I won, I still won
There is more to me than enthusiasm after what
1,400 Palestinians were killed in this war.
I considered it a victory. As for me, I said as long as
They did this operation and it will definitely continue because it will be...
100,000 Palestinians die and it will be a victory
لحماس حماس اللي كانت قبل الحرب مش حماس
اللي موجوده هلا الحماس اللي احنا
You see it now, at least for me
My point of view is Hamas from
Cartoon: Today, if the ceasefire ends,
Israel said we want to continue the war and no one will do anything about it.
These are gone
You see him all stripped off and threw away his clothes and left
Hiding in the tent among his family
ويقوللك مش موضوعي زي ما شفنا خلال الاشهر
الاخيره هي مش بس الاشهر الاخيره هي حماس
From the first moment, that's also my opinion.
Personal Hamas did not fight Hamas, it went and did
The massacre of October 7th, they returned to Gaza, each one
He hid from his family and kept quiet
At school during the session you are surprised that
15F Leader
I swear to God, October is more Palestinian.
Many Palestinians were sick.
Cancer and Hamas What cancer patients have reached Hamas
It brought cancer to many people, but with October it is clear
We are ungrateful people. We are people.
اللي قتلنا الناس اللي بتعاطف معنا
And the fifth is not easy for people to get out either
She criticizes at the same time that she is upset with
Israel, which is also Israel's enemy, Hamas
She made us miserable, did and did things, and was the reason for the war
And you hide among people, but on the other side
Israel doesn't care if there is an element of
Hamas is sitting among 100 people, if you step on him they will beat you up
And it happened during
War makes people feel
With a kind of betrayal if she wants to come out and talk against
Hamas is what many people in Israel say
Unfortunately, you are not involved in Gaza. You are the first to...
You start talking with excuses like she is giving you yourself as if
It's like a back door, no matter what happens to these people
It is very dangerous for someone to think like this.
The starting point is if you want to think about such a topic
It means that there is no solution and you are destined to remain in war
With these people until the last day of your life, because there are 7
A million Palestinians are sitting next to you, not leaving.
Somewhere they will move
نا ترامب ابو اللي والله صرمايه اصغر طفل
بغزه لدوس على راس ترامب واللي جاب
Trump i

Sejin Lifeforce
Add a comment...

1 day ago
I am Kurdish and live in Germany and my full solidarity goes to Israel❤️🇮🇱



1 reply

23 hours ago
Your people are being betrayed and sold out in Syria 😢



3 days ago
Germany should rethink allowing trouble into their country.



10 replies

3 days ago
Too late now



3 days ago
Germany created the trouble!!!



3 days ago



3 days ago
Amen to that!



Show more replies

3 days ago
Thanks God that there are brave Gazans who dear to speak out against Hamas!



10 replies

3 days ago
u believe them? They still believe in their Sharia law.



3 days ago
I have 2 ppl



3 days ago
I have hard time to believe them. Maybe few exceptions. Not enough



2 days ago
Blessings to them
 Please listen to them


1 day ago
Dare not dear


1 day ago
This was incredible reporting



4 days ago
What has Germany imported - its shocking,



5 replies

3 days ago (edited)
Great logic at the end, when Trump said about the idea that people from Gaza could have a great life in other Arab countries. Gazans “no we are not going anywhere” meanwhile  dozens of thousands of them are on European streets shouting hamas hamas. Great logic.



4 days ago
Godbless Israel 🇮🇱 Shabbat Shalom ☮️



4 replies

3 days ago
This is very very concerning. Chilling.



4 days ago
Why do they go to Germany instead of Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Turkye.?



38 replies

2 days ago
God bless Israel from India



3 days ago
I guess they don't show this on Al Jazeera....



1 reply

3 days ago
My daughter's close friend is from Palestine, her grandparents actually. They left when her parents were little to free themselves from Palestine and give their kids a better life. 
They are shocked by the support they see for Palestine absolutely shocked.



6 replies

3 days ago
Talking absolute rubbish



1 day ago
Of course they say that...... but how do you know what they say behind closed doors.....



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3 days ago
Watching this from a neighboring country of Germany, 3 questions come to mind: are secret services and police aware AND monitoring some of these individuals taking part in protests and openly praising hxmxas? Is the police absolutely thinking this will just go away and not affect Germany's national security? Is anyone sharing this video to international video and to European leaders? It doesn't look like the people supposed to protect us, want to see this. And most importantly, if all those people protesting, so love gaza and hxmxas, why don't they go back to live in that "paradise"? Why come and stay in Europe? Go where you're happy, guys!



12 replies

3 days ago
You created the whole mess !!!



3 days ago
IDK if you are aware of circumstances in US. They've just arrested a pro- HAMAS (not just Palestinian) man who has a visa here. He organized protests last year at a university. They broke into a building , occupied it, didn't allow any other students in the building, especially Jews. They also held a janitor against his will. Our Secretary of State planned to deport him for actions violating his visa. A federal judge put a halt on the deportation citing free speech. I fear for the freedoms in my country.



3 days ago
I don't know anything about him or if he committed a crime, but he wasn't here on a visa. He had a green card that allowed him permanent residency in the US. Per abc:
"ICE agents arrested Khalil -- a leader in the Manhattan university's encampment movement -- on Saturday night, claiming that his student visa had been revoked, his attorney, Amy Greer, said in a statement to ABC News.
However, Khalil is in the United States on a green card and not on a student visa, Greer said Sunday. Despite informing agents about his legal status, ICE detained him, she said."


2 days ago
Israeli government pays huge amount of money to Hamas. The warlords are the same for all armed corps. There is no write or wrong group. Power and violence have no name.


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4 days ago
What a waste of life to live with the dark and hate. Pray they find Jesus and start living in the light and with love



2 replies

2 days ago
Your the problem also!



1 day ago
I hope you find the light switch, I am not sure you will like what you see.


2 days ago
They moved to Germany instead of one of their coreligionist countries that clamor support for their cause. Anyway, I hope they will integrate instead of trying to Islamize Germany



1 reply

2 days ago
Many will just integrate until they can overrule/overrun. I live in Holland (besides Germany), same story. 
Many do ramadan now here, not even because they want, but due to the pressure of other muslims.
Within Christian church I attend an Iranian refugee returned there as another refugee saw him and reported it to Iran, as his family - still in Iran - got severely threatend there. 
The ones enjoying freedom of the west will refuse hamas, yet I'm very weary! 
JWH bless Israel !!!



3 days ago
May God protect you and your loved ones, for speaking out, is not easy.



3 days ago
So disturbing 😢



1 reply

3 days ago
For you!!!



3 days ago
Will never go to Berlin or Germany



1 reply

3 days ago
Berlin has turned into a big mess.



3 days ago
Amazing courage being shown by peaceful Palestinians in exile.



2 days ago
Can anybody imagine what an Islamic university in Gaza would be teaching?



1 reply

1 day ago
Just visit Cairo University, the well spring of such unsavory notions.



3 days ago
The whole point of migrating is to leave your country of origin behind for a fresh start.
I feel for this man. EVERYONE'S coming from the place he left behind.



1 reply

2 days ago (edited)
Most of them see it as a migration of a tribe, Hijrah.
Hijrah, the Prophet Muhammad’s migration along with the early Muslim community from Mecca to Medina.


3 days ago
It is better to live in peace and democracy



4 replies

2 days ago



3 days ago
A little HARD TO BELIEVE when anyone was offered 5 million to help a hostage and NOT ONE PERSON DID IN gaza



1 reply

2 days ago
The old community of Jews that used to live in Gaza perished in Islamist riots of 1929, concurrent with dozens of other communities, the massacre in Hebron was documented, you can see the photos of that ISIS style massacre in archives of the NYT. Photos like the gut churning photos of the massacre of Oct. 7 only in black and white.
*In 1929 the massacres were committed mostly by mobs.

1929 is 
19 years before the reinstitution of Israel, 
38 years before Israel recovered Gaza strip from Egypt,
37 years before the process of appropriating the title Palestinians by Arabs has even started.



3 days ago
Everyone I trust this helps.
By Shai Giat.
1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.
2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.
3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.
4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.
5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.
6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.
7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.
8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.
9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.
10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.
11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.
12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.
13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.
14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.
15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.
16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.
17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.
18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.
19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.
20. Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE. 
A little more history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'.
In 132 AD the Emperor Hadrian resolved to stamp the Jews and their religion out of existence. He sold all Jewish prisoners into slavery after the revolt of Bar Kikhba, forbade the teaching of the Torah, renamed the province Syria Palaestina, and changed Jerusalem’s name to Aelia Capitolina. He renamed Israel to wipe out the national identity of Israel and the Jews.
So if you are looking to 'restore Palestine to the Palestinians', you need to give it back to the Jews!



3 replies

3 days ago
I asked where is israel in Ww1 and Ww2?


3 days ago
That is brilliant. Thank you for sharing that. So true!



3 days ago
I will always support any Palestinian who stands against Hamas. Even better if they support Israel's right to exist, and also wanting both to co-exist in peace.



3 days ago
He must be careful He isnt safe only because he is in Germany.



1 reply

1 hour ago
He has been in much worse places


3 days ago
The truth is told by brave Gazan immigrants.



3 days ago
Aljazeera media the mouthpiece of hamas and TRT world can never show this to the world



1 day ago
This was incredible reporting



3 days ago
Goes to show, you can take the Palestianian out of Gaza, but you can't make him human



3 replies

3 days ago
Well said 👏



3 days ago
dehumanizing people puts you at risk of becoming what you despise 😞



2 days ago
Shame on you



1 day ago
Peace in Jerusalem!



1 day ago
Palestinians are JORDANIANS



1 day ago
These people are not Gazans. They are refugees who are in Gaza. Gaza belongs to Israel by right of war. A war they never started.



2 days ago
What a primitive, violent, failed religion, just madness.



3 days ago
It is a big question, why the arab nations dont want Palestinian refugee? While the west and european countries accept them



4 replies

3 days ago
More people need to see this!!



1 day ago
I met a gazan who hated her own people. Said her brothers were forced to do horrible things or die. Family made a plan saying there is no future here, we must get out and assume new life - which they eventually did. Now they never admit where they came from and erasing all ties.



4 days ago
We are praying and grieving for all the families that have lost loved ones or have hostages held by Hamas and for the IDF.
 This is the same comment I will make in each video until this is over.:
  I am always praying for you Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem: A Psalm of David 122:6 “May they prosper who love you. 7May there be peace within your walls, and prosperity inside your fortresses.” 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
 There will be peace when the Prince of Peace comes. 
Isaiah 9:6-7 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
  7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.Baruch Hashem Adonai



2 replies

3 days ago
They took hostages!!! ( both sides)!!!



2 days ago


4 days ago



1 reply

3 days ago
Its inconceivable how  Germans, of all ppl, could allow this hatred  into their country and lives again.  Dont turn away your consciences again.



3 days ago
Thank to you make this report .i just put it on aljazeera review ❤😂



2 days ago
The best coverage on this tragedy that I’ve seen!



1 day ago
we need these type of gazans to grow some balls and speak out to the international world and not just on an israeli tv station.



2 days ago
I dreamt to visit German castles someday, but now I’m sure I will never step that land.



13 hours ago
They finally have the freedom to speak their minds. Beautiful.


3 days ago
How funny to see that they're just migrated to Germany and they want the German to stay out claiming Germany as their land... 😂😂😂



1 day ago
Thank God I don't live in Germany



2 days ago
ano no  independent country called Palestine ! It is not an Arabic name it is a Latin word given by the Romans when they attacked JUDEA and destroyed the Temple In JERUSALEM! This was long before Christianity and Islam ! Arabs come from the Arabian Peninsula !!



1 day ago
why did Germany let them? Within a year Germany will become like England lol



15 hours ago
Take care of yourself, fan... You and Zvi Yehezkeli are the two bravest reporters in Israel. Well done.


3 days ago
Then why is it that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, etc. don't want the Palestinians in Gaza in their lands?



2 replies

3 days ago
Thank you for this report....



1 day ago
Ahmed Mansour is amazing, a man of peace and hope.


3 days ago
Palestinian has the right to live but not the way hamas wanted to



2 replies

1 hour ago (edited)
The one who said even if the devil is elected in Gaza we need to accept it, knows Hamas well😂


3 days ago
My youngest daughter has a friend that her family is Palestinians , they live in America, but my daughter friend is an activist for Palestinians.. why does she live in the U.S , why not in Gaza ? …



2 days ago



1 day ago
Wow, there sure is a lot of maniacal hatred in Gaza.



1 day ago (edited)
Love Ahmad Mansour for his wonderful humanism. Sad that he has to live under police protection.



4 hours ago
Now imagine Israel dealing with these on everyday basis..


4 days ago
The Global Imams Council has charged Hamas with corruption and crimes against humanity as issued by the Islamic Fatwa Council on 9 March 2023 which was before the attack on 7 October 2023.



17 replies

3 days ago
They may speak out but they still attack Israeli soccer players and fans!!



2 days ago



3 days ago



3 days ago
Free Free Palestine

From Hamas



4 replies

3 days ago
Germany is now Islamabad.



1 day ago
Hamas supporters and Muslims real quiet




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