The Palestinian cause

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Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Part of the Arab-Israeli conflict
general information
the date1897 – Now
(127 years)
the sitePalestine
The resultThe conflict is still ongoing
The belligerents
State of Palestine Palestine Israel
State of Palestine Ahmed Al-Shugairi Yasser Arafat Mahmoud Abbas Ahmed Yassin  Abdel Aziz Al-Rantisi  Ismail Haniyeh Fathi Al-Shaqaqi  Khalil Al-Wazir  Wadih Haddad ⚔ Salah Khalaf  Saeed Al-Saba Shafiq Al-Hout Khaled Mishal Ibrahim Al-Maqadma  Salah Shehadeh  Amin Al-Husseini Abdul Qader Al-Husseini  George Habash Nizar Rayan  Abu Ali Mustafa  Ahmed Saadat (A.H.) Zuhair Mohsen  Raed Al-Karmi  Thabet Thabet  Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi 
State of Palestine
State of Palestine
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine
State of Palestine
State of Palestine
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
State of Palestine  
Israel David Ben-Gurion Chaim Weizman Levi Eshkol Golda Meir Yitzhak Shamir Menachem Begin Yitzhak Rabin Yigal Alon Ariel Sharon Moshe Sharett Benjamin Netanyahu Ehud Barak Ehud Olmert Moshe Dayan Shimon Peres Moshe Ya'alon Yitzhak Ben Zvi Avraham Stern
Popular Front
Democratic Front
Islamic Jihad
Holy Jihad Army
Black Palm
Thunderbolt Lions
' Den groups
The Israeli army,
Shin Bet
, Haganah,
, Irgun
dead37000 [1]  Modifying the value of property (P1120) in Wikidata

The Palestinian issue or the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a term used to refer to the political and historical dispute and humanitarian problem in Palestine starting in 1897 ( the First Zionist Congress ) until the present time. It is considered an essential part of the Arab-Israeli conflict , and the resulting crises and wars in the Middle East region .

This conflict is fundamentally linked to the emergence of Zionism , Jewish immigration to Palestine , settlement there, and the role of the great powers in the events of the region. The Palestinian issue also revolves around the issue of Palestinian refugees , the legitimacy of the State of Israel, and its occupation of Palestinian lands in several stages. The resulting massacres against the Palestinians and resistance operations against the Hebrew state, and the issuance of many United Nations resolutions , some of which were historical; Such as Resolution No. 194 and Resolution No. 242 .

This conflict is considered by many analysts and politicians to be the central issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict and the cause of the crisis and tension in this region. Although this conflict occurs within a relatively small geographical area, it receives great political and media attention due to the involvement of many international parties in it, and the major powers of the world are often involved in it due to its concentration in a sensitive region of the world and its connection to problematic issues that constitute the peak of crises in the contemporary world. Such as the conflict between East and West, the relationship between the Jewish , Christian and Islamic religions, Arab relations with the West and the importance of Arab oil to Western countries, the importance and sensitivity of the Jewish issue in Western civilization, especially after World War II and the Jewish Holocaust , issues of anti-Semitism , and the pressure forces of Jewish lobbies in the Western world. On the Arab level, many Arab thinkers, theorists, and even politicians consider the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to be the central issue and crisis in the region. Some thinkers often link it to the issues of the Arab renaissance, the issues of totalitarian regimes, and the weakness of democracy in the Arab world .

The period before the British Mandate

Some believe that the ambitions of Western Jews in the modern era in the Palestinian territories began in 1530 AD, when the Portuguese Jew Joseph Nasi , who was considered the richest man in the world at the time, tried to build a colony for Western Jews in which they would flee the persecution they were subjected to in the West.

The emergence of the Zionist movement and resistance

An Ottoman firman signed by Sultan Abdul Hamid II opposing Jewish immigration to Palestine.
Amin Al-Husseini, the former Mufti of Jerusalem.

In the 1880s , Western Jews began to adopt new theories of colonization of the Palestinian territories based on the idea of ​​replacing attempts at civil or peaceful control with armed control. One of the biggest adopters of this theory was the international Zionist movement, which said: “ The day we build a single Jewish battalion is the day our state will be established .”

In the mid- 1880s , the Zionist movement in Europe formed the “ Lovers of Zion ” group (the first Zionist Congress was in Basel in 1897 ). This movement demanded the establishment of a special state for the Jews, and many Zionists believed that the location of this state should be in the place of the historical Jewish state, the region known as Palestine . Palestine was then part of the Ottoman Empire and had local rule (wilayah), and the region was inhabited mainly by Arab Palestinians (Jews remained less than 8% until 1920 ) . [2]

This Zionist project met with popular anger throughout Palestine, and a categorical rejection from all political figures at the time, including the Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini , Izz al-Din al-Qassam , and later Abd al-Qadir al-Husseini , and other political, religious, and military leaders. These were the beginnings of the emergence of popular resistance in Palestine. While the positions of Arab figures and Arab rulers varied in their dealings with this project, some of them supported the Palestinians in achieving their destiny, some of them remained silent, and some of them extended their hand to the leaders of the Zionist movement in order to gain the satisfaction of the British government, such as Prince Faisal bin Al-Hussein , who met Chaim Weizmann , head of the Zionist Organization. Global, and others. [2]

As for the Western countries, they welcomed the Zionist project in Palestine. The project received financial, military, and logistical support from major countries such as Britain , the United States , and France . Which saw the Hebrew state that the Zionists aspire to create in Palestine as a protection for its interests in the region.

The Great Arab Revolt

Sharif Hussein bin Ali declared the revolution against the Turks in the name of all Arabs. The principles of the Arab Revolution were established by agreement between Hussein and the leaders of the Arab associations in the Levant and Iraq in an Arab national charter whose goal was the independence of the Arabs and the establishment of a strong, united Arab state, and Palestine was among the regions constituting this future state. The British government promised the Arabs, through the Hussein-McMahon correspondence (1915), to recognize the independence of the Arabs in exchange for their participation in the war on the side of the Allies against the Turks . Al-Qibla newspaper published an official statement raising the four-colored Arab flag starting from (Shaban 9, 1335, corresponding to June 10, 1917), which is the day of the first anniversary of the revolution. However, Britain broke its promise to the Arabs, and the Sykes-Picot Agreement and then the Balfour Declaration were ratified to establish the Zionist presence in Palestine and separate the latter from its Arab surroundings.

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Land distribution according to the Sykes-Picot Agreement, with a large part of Palestine - in brown - falling under international administration

In 1916, a secret understanding was concluded between France and Britain and Russia ratified the division of the northern part of the Arab lands ( Iraq and the Levant ) between France and Britain to define areas of influence in the Arab Levant after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire , which controlled this region, as a result of its defeat in World War I.

It was decided that the area that was later carved out of southern Syria and known as Palestine would fall under international administration (except for the Negev Desert ), to be agreed upon in consultation between Britain, France, and Russia. However, the agreement stipulated that Britain would be granted the ports of Haifa and Akko, with France having the freedom to use the port of Haifa in exchange for Britain’s freedom to use the Syrian port of Iskenderun , which is under French custody.

Later, and to alleviate the embarrassment suffered by the French and British after the revelation of this agreement and the Balfour Declaration , Churchill's White Paper was issued in 1922 to explain in a toned-down tone the purposes of British control over Palestine. However, the content of the Sykes-Picot Agreement was reaffirmed at the San Remo Conference in 1920. After that, the Council of the League of Nations approved the mandate documents for the areas concerned on June 24, 1922.

Balfour Declaration

The original copy of the Balfour Declaration with a picture of the British Foreign Secretary.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, England has adopted the policy of creating a Jewish political entity in Palestine. They estimated that it would remain subject to their influence, revolve around them, and need their protection and care. It would, in the future, be a preoccupation for the Arabs, exhausting their strength and leaving them with constant anxiety that would hinder every attempt at unity among them. Britain crowned this policy with the Balfour Declaration, which was launched by its Foreign Minister at the time.

There were common interests with a strategic dimension. Basically, Britain was concerned about the migration of Russian and Eastern European Jews who were being persecuted. It found that it had an interest in employing this process in its expansion program in the Middle East, so it diverted the immigrant convoys to Palestine after the issuance of the promise, and provided them with the necessary protection and assistance. The British Foreign Minister, Arthur James Balfour, only issued a promise in the name of the King of Britain to the leaders of the Zionist movement on November 2, 1917 , to establish a national homeland for the Jews on the land of Palestine .

This declaration was opposed by the Arabs, who were deceived by Britain when it promised them independence if the Arabs stood by it against the Ottomans .

Faisal Weizman Agreement

On January 3, 1919, the Faisal Weizmann Agreement was signed by Prince Faisal bin Sharif Hussein with Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 AD, granting the Jews facilities in establishing a homeland in Palestine and acknowledging the Balfour Declaration .

The British Mandate period

The entry of British forces into Jerusalem in 1917.

In 1917, the British Army took control of Palestine and Transjordan with the help of the Arab Revolt led by Sharif Hussein (which was seeking the independence and unity of the Arab states based on the Hussein-McMahon correspondence), the Sykes-Picot Treaty was implemented , and Jordan and Palestine were subject to the British Mandate. In the same year, Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, sent a letter to Baron Leonip Walter de Rothschild, in which he pledged Britain’s support for the establishment of a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine, noting that this would not lead to harming the civil and religious rights of non-Jews in Palestine, which was what was known in the past. After the Balfour Declaration .

Jewish immigration

According to official statistics, 367,845 people (Jews and non-Jews) have immigrated to Palestine since the end of the nineteenth century, of whom 33,304 immigrated legally between 1920 and 1945. Between 50,000 and 60,000 Jews, and a small number of non-Jews, also immigrated illegally during this period. Immigration caused most of the increase in the Jewish population, while the non-Jewish population increase was largely natural. There is no reliable data regarding immigration to Palestine from Arab countries.

Britain began to deal cautiously with the Arab and Jewish parties, but under the pretext of anti-Semitism in Europe , which grew during the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The result was that Jewish immigration (mostly from Europe) to Palestine began to increase significantly, which created a lot of Arab resentment. Which led to the British government placing restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine, as it issued the White Paper to stop and regulate Jewish immigration to Palestine . These quotas are controversial, particularly in the last years of British rule. Feelings grew in many Arab countries to fight the British and some Jewish organizations that attacked the Arab population in response to attacks on Jewish groups. From a military perspective, the Jews relied on the “ Haganah ” organization, which was a semi-secret militia that cooperated with the British authorities during World War II, and then fought the British and Arabs on the eve of the abolition of the mandate. During that period, more extremist Jewish organizations were also active, such as “ Irgun ” and the “ Stern Group ” (“Lehi”), which carried out terrorist operations and launched a violent campaign against Arab and British targets.

The Great Palestinian Revolution

Revolution of 1936.

It is one of the largest popular revolutions carried out by the Palestinian people against the English colonialists and the Jews who immigrated to Palestine during the time of the British Mandate over Palestine , such as the revolution of 1920 , [[ 1921 ]] , the Buraq Revolution of 1929 , and the unrest of 1933 . It lasted for three continuous years, starting from 1936 - 1939 , following the death of Sheikh Izz al-Din al-Qassam at the hands of the British police in Jenin . He then declared a general strike that included most Palestinian Arab cities.

The decision to partition Palestine

Map of the Palestine partition plan.

It is the name given to a resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly on November 29, 1947 , which ruled to end the British mandate over Palestine and divide its lands into 3 new entities, meaning the establishment of an Arab state and a Jewish state on the soil of Palestine , and that the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem be located in an area Especially under international guardianship. This resolution, officially called General Assembly Resolution No. 181 [3], was one of the first attempts to resolve the Arab/Jewish-Zionist conflict over the land of Palestine.

The idea of ​​dividing Palestine into two Arab and Jewish states, along with defining an international zone around Jerusalem, came up in the Peel Commission report from 1937 and the Woodhead Commission report from 1938. These two reports were issued by two committees appointed by the British government to discuss the issue of Palestine following the Great Palestinian Revolt that took place between the years 1933 and 1939. .

After World War II and the establishment of the United Nations instead of the League of Nations , the United Nations demanded a review of the mandates granted by the League of Nations to the European empires, and considered the status of the British mandate over Palestine to be one of the most complex and important issues.

Political life before 1948

Political awareness in Palestine began early, and this awareness was noticeable during the period of the Ottoman Empire . Palestine had a role in the Ottoman Empire, as the people of Palestine were represented in the Council of Envoys that was elected following the issuance of the constitution, as Rawhi Al-Khalidi , Saeed Al-Husseini , and Hafez Al-Saeed were delegates from the Al-Quds Brigade , Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khammash from the Nablus Brigade , and Asaad Al-Shukairi from the Akka Brigade .

Palestinian intellectuals played an important role in confronting the policy of Turkification and Jewish immigration to their country. They founded about 17 organizations and political parties to express their opinions and defend their national rights, many of which were linked to issues of the region and the Arab nation.

Among the most important of these parties and organizations were: the Christian Islamic Associations , the Arab Independence Party , the Palestinian Free Party , the Palestinian Communist Party ( National Liberation League ), the Muslim Brotherhood , the Palestinian Agriculture Party , the National Coalition Party , the Arab Youth Congress , and the Palestinian Arab Party . [4]

From 1947 to 1967

The Nakba

Palestinian refugees in 1948.

During the period of the British Mandate over Palestine, and even after the establishment of the State of Palestine, the Zionist movement carried out a number of pre-planned matters, the goal of which was the deportation of Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine , such as targeting Palestinian villages and cities with terrorist attacks launched by the Haganah , Irgun, and Stern organizations . These pre-planned methods were discussed. By several historical historians, such as Ilan Pappe, Benny Morris, and Walid Khalidi .

These operations led to the Jews seizing approximately 78% of the area of ​​historical Palestine, and the killing and forced displacement of 750,000 to one million Palestinians to neighboring countries and other parts of Palestine. The Palestinian refugees who left the areas on which Israel was founded formed a new nucleus for the Palestinian cause.

Between 1947 and the 1948 war, about 750,000 Palestinian Arabs were displaced from their towns. [5] After the end of the war, the Mandate region was divided between Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, with Israel granting Israeli citizenship to those who remained within its borders only and refusing the return of displaced Arabs from outside these borders. As for Jordan, it granted its citizenship to residents of the West Bank, including refugees there. As for the residents of the Gaza Strip and the refugees there, they remained without citizenship, as Egypt refused to grant them Egyptian citizenship. Today, refugees constitute nearly half of the Palestinian people, or about 6.4 million people (2020). [6] [7]

Deir Yassin massacre

Deir Yassin is a Palestinian village, located west of Jerusalem, where a horrific massacre occurred on April 9, 1948 at the hands of the two Zionist gangs: the Irgun and the Stern . That is, two weeks after the signing of a peace treaty requested by the heads of the neighboring Jewish settlements and approved by the people of the village of Deir Yassin. This massacre claimed the lives of large numbers of residents of this village, including children, the elderly, women and youth. The number of victims of this massacre is disputed, as Arab and Palestinian sources state that between 250 and 360 victims were killed, while Western sources state that the number did not exceed 107 killed.

The Deir Yassin massacre was an important factor in Palestinian migration to other areas of Palestine and neighboring Arab countries because of the terror the massacre caused among civilians. The massacre added additional hatred to the hatred that already existed between Arabs and Israelis.

The establishment of the State of Israel

After the end of World War II in 1945, the intensity of Zionist gang attacks on British forces in Palestine escalated, which prompted Britain to refer the Palestinian problem to the United Nations . On April 28, a session of the United Nations General Assembly began regarding the issue of Palestine, and the sessions concluded on May 15. 1947 with the decision to establish (UNSCOP) the United Nations Special Committee for Palestine, [8] which is a committee composed of 11 members. This committee published its report on September 8 , in which most of its members supported the partition solution, while the remaining members recommended a federal solution. The Arab Higher Committee rejected the partition proposal. The Jewish Agency announced its acceptance of partition, and both the United States of America and the Soviet Union agreed to partition respectively, and the British government announced on October 29 its intention to leave Palestine within six months if a solution acceptable to the Arabs and Zionists is not reached.

In the period that followed, the pace of military operations escalated on all sides. The Zionists had well-thought-out plans that they implemented and controlled every area from which British forces withdrew, while the Arabs were in a state of military crisis due to the delay in taking effective measures to build a regular Arab force to defend them. About Palestine, the Zionist forces succeeded in occupying more areas than they obtained in the partition decision, and large numbers of Palestinians left their cities and villages because of the battles or because of fear of the massacres they heard about.

On May 13, Chaim Weizmann sent a letter to US President Truman asking him to fulfill his promise to recognize a Jewish state, and announced the establishment of the State of Israel in Tel Aviv on May 14 at four in the afternoon. The British High Commissioner left his official headquarters in Jerusalem heading to Britain, and on the first Minutes from May 15, the British mandate over Palestine ended and the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel became effective. The United States of America recognized the State of Israel ten minutes later, but the fighting continued, but this has now become a war between the State of Israel and the neighboring Arab countries.

By the end of the war, Israel had become a reality, and it controlled areas exceeding what was stipulated in the decision to partition Palestine . It occupied from Palestine (according to the division of the British Mandate) the entire coastal plain with the exception of the Gaza Strip , which was controlled by the Egyptians. It also conquered the entire Negev , Galilee , and northern Palestine, and became The areas of East Jerusalem and the West Bank are part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan . The history of a broader front of conflict with the Arab countries began.

1948 war

Abdul Qader Al-Husseini was martyred in the Battle of Al-Qastal on the outskirts of Jerusalem in 1948.
A group of the Haganah terrorist gang.

The first war was for the Arabs after the birth of the modern Arab state, the war of 1948, which the Arabs considered a “catastrophe,” so they called it the Nakba War, and they also called it the Palestine War, while the Israelis called it the “War of Independence.” In the Western media, it is called (the first Arab-Israeli war).

It broke out after the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel on the land of Palestine on May 15, 1948 , when the forces of six Arab countries ( Egypt Syria, Jordan, Lebanon , Saudi Arabia , and Iraq ) entered Palestine to prevent the establishment of the Hebrew state on the land of Palestine. Military operations continued until January 1949 after it took control of Israel practically has the parts given to it by Partition Resolution 194 and more.

On that date, the refugee issue was born with the departure of more than 400,000 Palestinians from their homes to the West Bank (which was later annexed to Jordan ) and the Gaza Strip (which Egypt also annexed), in addition to neighboring and diaspora countries, so that the Arab-Israeli conflict began. [9]

The Zionist leaders had begun preparing detailed military plans since the beginning of 1945 in anticipation of the upcoming confrontation, and in May 1946 the Haganah drew up a plan that was later called the May 1946 Plan. The general policy of this plan was to call for what were called “countermeasures.”

The Arab armies that entered Palestine after May 15, 1948 achieved significant victories. The Egyptian forces achieved tangible successes in the southern sector, as well as the Jordanian and Iraqi forces on the Jerusalem front and the northern West Bank . These operations caused embarrassment to the Zionist forces , the effects of which were quickly removed by the Security Council’s decision on May 22, 1948 to cease fire for 36 hours. The Arab countries rejected that decision at the time, so the United States and Britain exerted intense pressure accompanied by threats to the Arab governments. The British delegation to the Security Council submitted a new request to stop the fighting for a period of four weeks, and to control the flow of volunteers and weapons to Palestine during that period. On June 2, the Arab countries informed the Security Council of their approval of that resolution, and the fighting actually stopped on June 11, and that period was known as the first truce. [10]

However, the unstable will of the Arab rulers in those days and the lack of coordination between the Arab armies despite their sacrifices, and the support and training that the Zionist gangs had received at the hands of Britain since World War II , in addition to the superiority of the Israelis in numbers, all of this led to the defeat of the Arab armies and the fall of more than 78%. Of the land of Palestine is in the hands of the Hebrew state, that is, more than the area allocated to it in the partition in 1947, when 55% of the land of Palestine was given to the Jews .

All-Palestinian Government

It is a government formed in Gaza on September 23, 1948 [11] during the 1948 war , headed by Ahmed Hilmi Abdel Baqi . Jamal Al-Husseini undertook an Arab tour [12] to present the government’s declaration to all Arab and Islamic countries and the League of Arab States. This government received support from some Arab governments and opposition from other governments, as Jordan , Egypt , and Iraq all opposed the idea of ​​its establishment.

The idea of ​​forming an all-Palestinian government arose when Britain announced its intention to abandon its mandate over Palestine and referred its issue to the United Nations . The Palestinian leadership, then represented by the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, realized the importance of preparing for this event and anticipating it by creating a constitutional framework that would fill the void that would result from the end of the British Mandate, and this framework was the establishment of a Palestinian Arab government. [13]

The Arab League's support for the government began to collapse as the Arab League subsequently refrained from inviting the government to attend League Council meetings; The Egyptian government also refrained from allowing this government to carry out its activities in the Gaza Strip . [12]

Armistice 1949

After the end of the 1948 war , the Rhodes Accords were signed, which imposed a truce between Israel and Egypt Syria, Jordan , and Lebanon . Each country signed the agreement separately, except for Iraq [14]. According to these agreements, the Green Line was drawn, which was officially designated as the ceasefire line, but it actually became a border between the then modern State of Israel and the neighboring Arab countries. A number of Palestinian Arab towns and cities and mixed cities inhabited by Jews and Arabs remained within the Green Line, that is, in Israel. The western part of Jerusalem also remained within the Green Line , as the Green Line passed through the center of the city.

Drawing the Green Line on the ground led to the division of Palestine into three parts: Israel (which is the largest part, constituting 78% of the area of ​​Palestine), the West Bank (which was later annexed to Jordan ), and the Gaza Strip (which Egypt annexed ), with the latter two constituting 22% of the area. % of the area of ​​historical Palestine , Israel later occupied them in 1967.

West Bank and Gaza Strip

The West Bank (larger colored part) and the Gaza Strip .

These two terms began to appear after the 1948 war , when the State of Israel was established on the lands promised to the Jewish state in the Palestine partition plan and on additional lands seized by the Israeli army or received by Israel in accordance with the Rhodes Agreements . As for the rest of the lands, they were divided into two non-continuous parts, the larger of which was included in Jordan - the West Bank. Gharbia - Based on the agreement concluded at the Jericho Conference in 1949, where Palestinian leaders from the West Bank met and demanded unity with Jordan, this was so and parliamentary elections were held, while Egypt imposed military rule on the smaller of the two, that is, on the Gaza Strip. In 1956, the Israeli army occupied the Gaza Strip for 5 months as part of military operations related to the Suez Crisis , then returned it to Egyptian military rule. In the 1967 war, the Israeli army occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Israel imposed military rule on them, except for the eastern part of the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs, which Israel annexed to its territory. Thanks to the secret relations between Israel and Jordan, relations between Jordan and the West Bank continued until Jordanian King Hussein bin Talal announced the disengagement decision in 1988 by relinquishing the West Bank and severing Jordan’s relations with it. In 1982, Israel completed its withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula under the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, but the Gaza Strip remained under Israeli military rule.

Today, since its establishment in 1994, the Palestinian Authority has been negotiating the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (which together constitute 22% of the area of ​​historical Palestine). Large Palestinian cities such as East Jerusalem , Gaza , Ramallah , Nablus , Hebron , and Jenin are located in these two regions . The Authority takes the cities of Ramallah and Gaza as a temporary headquarters for its institutions, until negotiations reach a solution.

Currently, the West Bank and Gaza Strip regions are subject to a mixed method of governance, and while certain parts of them enjoy self-rule, other parts of them are still subject to Israeli occupation. The Gaza Strip's political status is complicated, especially since the Israeli army withdrew from it in 2005 without an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority on the nature of authority there, and also because of the Hamas movement's control over it despite the Palestinian Authority's opposition to that.

Internationally, there is an implicit consensus that these lands will be transferred to the Palestinian state in the future , and that Israel is an occupying party. There is no international recognition of the annexation of the eastern part of Jerusalem to Israel, but most countries in the world (with the exception of Arab countries) consider Jerusalem a place of special importance that would be subject to a special settlement. At the basis of the international position towards these two regions is the UN resolution issued in November 1967 and numbered Resolution 242 , which states: “Endorsing the principles of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The resolution, whereas the Security Council, expressing its continuing concern regarding the dangerous situation in the Middle East, and affirming that there is no Acceptance of the seizure of territory by war. And the need to work for a lasting and just peace in which every state in the region can live in security, and also affirming that all Member States, by accepting the Charter of the United Nations, have committed themselves to work in accordance with Article 2 of the Charter. The Palestinian and Israeli sides agreed to adopt the text of Resolution 242 as the basis for their settlement within the Oslo Accords .

The West Bank geographically includes the Nablus Mountains, the Jerusalem Mountains (including the eastern part of the city of Jerusalem), the Hebron Mountains and the western Jordan Valley. The Jordanian authorities called it the West Bank because it is located to the west of the Jordan River, while most of the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is located to the east of the river. As for the Gaza Strip, it is a narrow strip extending south of the Palestinian coast on the Mediterranean Sea, with the highest population density in the world as a result of large numbers of internal Palestinians taking refuge there after the Nakba , and rapid natural reproduction that amounts to more than 3% annually.

1956 war

It is called in the Arab world (the tripartite aggression), in the Western media (the Suez Crisis), and in the Israeli media (the Sinai War), a war whose events took place in Egypt and the Gaza Strip in 1956, and the countries that attacked it were France , Israel , and Britain following Gamal Abdel Nasser’s nationalization of the Canal. Suez . This war is also known as the 1956 War. Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip lasted several months until 1957.

1967 war

Israeli paratroopers near the Buraq Wall after the fall of East Jerusalem to Israel in June 1967.

It is called the Western and Israeli media (the Six-Day War). It is a war that occurred in 1967 between Israel and Egypt , Syria, and Jordan , with logistical assistance from many Arab countries. It ended with Israel’s victory and its seizure of the rest of Palestine ( the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ), in addition to the Egyptian Sinai and the Syrian Golan Heights . Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser stepped down temporarily. [15] And the displacement of more Palestinian people to neighboring countries. [16]

The war also inflicted a psychological defeat on the Arab armies after they lost much of their confidence in their military capabilities and combat efficiency, while the morale of the Israeli army rose and its saying, “It is the invincible army,” became popular.

Israel announced the annexation of East Jerusalem (which had belonged to Jordan administratively since 1951) unilaterally immediately after the setback. In the Israeli decision issued by the Knesset on June 27, 1967, the Israeli government was authorized to annex the eastern part of Jerusalem, and made the entire city the unified capital of the Hebrew state, which He devoted ongoing Israeli efforts to Judaize it. [17]

Israel immediately began plundering much of the West Bank's wealth , especially its water resources, and systematically carried out Judaization operations in East Jerusalem. By seizing the West Bank lands, it was able to improve its strategic situation and its ability to military maneuver, and remove the danger that could have threatened it from the presence of any organized and armed Arab army in the West Bank, which is the geographical heart of historical Palestine .

The war, which was called “the setback” to escape the description of defeat, has become one of the defining marks in Arab history. Even though forty years have passed, the event still casts a heavy shadow over the Arabs and Palestinians in particular, with its story and results, and with how to view the future after it. [18]

The repercussions of the 1967 war or the setback had a major impact on the Palestine Liberation Organization, which was still young at the time, and resulted in the establishment of new splinter factions with an ideology closer to Marxism than to Arab nationalism , as a result of the deterioration of the Arab nationalist project in the period after the setback, and the spread of the Fedayeen began. The Palestinians are concentrated in the ring countries, especially Jordan , Lebanon , and Syria . Resistance work began to appear from outside Palestine , after the fall of the West Bank and Gaza Strip into the hands of Israel and the completion of its occupation of the land of Palestine .

It is noteworthy that the mass exodus of Palestinians after the setback in 1967 to neighboring countries, especially Jordan , which already contains a large percentage of Palestinians since the Nakba in 1948 , and because of its geographical proximity to Palestine, as it shares the longest land borders with it, led to a major concentration of the PLO in Jordan, which It continued until 1971 .

Palestine's libiration organisation

The Palestine Liberation Organization was established in 1964 as a paramilitary political organization, recognized by the United Nations and the Arab League and as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine. Its establishment came after the first Palestinian Arab Conference was held in Jerusalem as a result of the decision of the 1964 Arab Summit Conference (Cairo) to represent the Palestinians in international forums, and it includes most of the Palestinian factions and parties under its banner. Among them are the Fatah movement , the Popular Front , the Democratic Front, the (Communist) People’s Party ... and others. The Chairman of its Executive Committee is considered the President of Palestine and the Palestinian people in the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in addition to the Palestinians of the diaspora. It should be noted that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization and that the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command has withdrawn its membership.

Palestinian guerrilla fighter in Jordan in 1969.

The main goal of establishing the organization, when it was founded by Ahmed Al-Shugairi, was to liberate Palestine through armed struggle. [19] However, during Yasser Arafat ’s presidency, it adopted the idea of ​​establishing a secular, democratic state within the borders of Mandatory Palestine , as this was in 1974 in the interim program of the Palestinian National Council , which was opposed by some Palestinian factions at the time, as they formed what is known as the Rejection Front . [20] [21]

In 1988, the PLO officially adopted the option of two states in historic Palestine , living side by side with Israel in a comprehensive peace that would guarantee the return of refugees and the independence of Palestinians in the territories occupied in 1967 , and designating East Jerusalem as their capital. [22]

In 1993, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO at the time, Yasser Arafat, officially recognized Israel , in an official letter to the then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin . In return, Israel recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people . This resulted in the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip , which is considered an outcome of the Oslo Accords between the organization and Israel.

The Liberation Organization in Jordan

The relationship between the organization and many Arab countries was characterized by periods of push and pull depending on the harmony or disagreement of the political positions of these countries with the orientations of the organization. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was a prominent example of this. Most of the years of King Hussein’s rule witnessed a crisis in the relationship between them, which in some periods reached the point of explosion, as happened in 1970-1971, events that became known as Black September . [23]

One of the main reasons for the dispute between the Jordanian government and the Palestinian guerrillas present in Jordan was the Jordanian government’s feeling that there was an independent entity for the PLO within the Jordanian state, which it called the term “a state within a state,” as well as the hijackings of Western aircraft that the organization was carrying out and blowing them up. Later in the Jordanian desert. A movement in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was at the head of these operations, which it later condemned, as Wadih Haddad was the mastermind of these kidnappings. His justification for planning these operations was to inform the world of the existence of the issue of the people of Palestine. [24]

Battle of dignity

Israeli army losses after the Battle of Karameh .

A battle that took place on March 21, 1968 between Jordanian army forces and the Palestinian Fedayeen on the one hand and Israeli army forces on the other hand, when the Israeli forces attempted to occupy the eastern bank of the Jordan River for reasons that Israel considered strategic. It actually crossed the river from several axes, with bridging operations and under heavy air cover. The Jordanian army forces and the factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization present there along the battle front responded forcefully [25] in the village of Karama, where they clashed with the Israeli army in fierce fighting. The battle lasted more than 16 hours, forcing the Israelis to completely withdraw from the battlefield, leaving behind for the first time their losses and dead without being able to drag them with them. In this battle, the Jordanian forces and the PLO were able to achieve victory and prevent Israel from achieving its goals. [26]

Black September events

Black September is the name given to September 1970, also known as the “Period of Unfortunate Events.” This month, the Jordanian army moved, based on King Hussein's instructions , to put an end to the presence of Palestinian organizations present in Jordanian cities that wanted to bring about change in Jordan. Relations between King Hussein and Gamal Abdel Nasser were not good, which gave the PLO an impetus inside Jordan because the Arab regimes neighboring Jordan would intervene on behalf of the Palestinian organizations if a conflict broke out with the Jordanian army, but that did not happen, after which the Palestinian leadership was forced to withdraw. From Amman to the Jordanian countryside in the north, especially the Jerash forests, after the Cairo Conference was held between King Hussein and Yasser Arafat under the auspices of Gamal Abdel Nasser just days before his death. However, the clash between the PLO and the Jordanian government was renewed in July 1971 , which led to the withdrawal of the Palestinian revolutionary forces from Jordan permanently, along with all the Fedayeen and their weapons to Lebanon . source needed ]

Liberation Organization in Lebanon

As soon as the Palestine Liberation Organization settled in Lebanon, the civil war broke out in 1975, involving the Palestinian resistance factions. Instead of the bullets of the parties to the conflict being directed at Israel, as a result of this strife, they were directed at the chests of the Lebanese, Palestinians, and Syrians themselves. But this does not mean that Palestinian resistance operations did not calm down against Israel on the Lebanese front. In 1978, the Israeli army invaded southern Lebanon for the purpose of chasing Palestinian fighters as a retaliation for a Palestinian attack on an Israeli passenger bus in Tel Aviv , which led to the killing of 35 Israelis, but the crisis ended with the intervention of the Security Council. And Israel's withdrawal [27]

Lebanese Civil War

A civil war broke out between various Lebanese parties after the exodus of Palestinian guerrillas to Lebanon from Jordan in 1971 , in which the Palestinian party played a pivotal role, as a result of the Maronite rejection of the Palestinian presence in Lebanon, the foundations of which were laid by the Cairo Agreement in 1969 . While the Palestinians implicated their alliance with the Lebanese left in the Lebanese civil war, which some considered a war between the Lebanese and the Palestinians . [28]

PLO fighters leave Beirut in 1982.

The right-wing Lebanese Phalange Party militias attacked Palestinians on a bus east of Beirut on April 13, 1975 . This was the spark to start fighting throughout the country, as the Lebanese National Movement allied with the Palestine Liberation Organization and took control of approximately 70% of Lebanon in April 1976 . In June of the same year, Syrian forces entered Lebanon and quickly became the strongest in the country, controlling many important strategic sites, but on March 14, 1978 , Israeli forces invaded southern Lebanon, with the aim of creating a buffer zone 10 kilometers wide deep into Lebanese territory. Israel found that occupying territory was easy and soon controlled 10% of the south of the country.

Former Palestinian Central Council member Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), was assassinated by a Mossad commando squad in Tunisia in April 1988 .

The Lebanese Civil War practically ended in 1989 after the Taif Treaty . However, the PLO had left the conflict since its departure from Lebanon in 1982 to Tunisia and other Arab countries following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon , with the exception of the camp war that broke out between 1985 and 1988 , in which the remnants of PLO fighters in the Lebanese camps played a role.

Ronald Reagan gave a personal guarantee to the Palestinian fighters that their families would be safe if they left for Tunisia, and Israel was forced to agree to the departure of the fighters under international protection consisting of 800 American Marines , 800 French soldiers , and 400 Italian soldiers . 14,614 Palestinian fighters left Beirut for Syria and several Arab countries under Israeli bombing, despite international protection, while the Palestinian leadership left for Tunisia .

Liberation Organization in Tunisia

On August 10, 1982, Tunisia witnessed an important event as it received the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat , and all of his members who were in Beirut following the Israeli siege imposed on it, after the diplomatic role that Tunisia played in the Arab world (after the Arab League headquarters moved from Cairo to Tunisia following the Camp David Accords ). And internationally.

During the years 1985 , 1988 , and 1991, Israel and its agents launched raids on the offices of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Tunisia, assassinating two of the organization’s top leaders, Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) and Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad).

The Palestine Liberation Organization was based in Tunisia for about ten years, before a peace agreement concluded in 1993 paved the way for its return to the West Bank and Gaza Strip . [29] [30]

The Islamic Movement in Palestine

Hamas demonstration in Bethlehem .

The Islamic trend in the Palestinian factions includes two main factions, namely the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) . The emergence of the Islamic Jihad movement was the result of an intellectual dialogue and political struggle that the Palestinian Islamic movement witnessed in the late seventies and was led by a group of Palestinian youth while they were studying at university in Egypt , led by the founder of the movement, Fathi Al-Shaqaqi . As a result of the state the Islamic movement was experiencing at that time of neglecting the Palestinian issue as a central issue for the Islamic world, and the state the national movement was experiencing of neglecting the Islamic side of the Palestine issue and isolating it from it, the Islamic Jihad Movement advanced as an idea and as a project in the mind of its founder as a solution to this problem.

In the early eighties, after the return of Dr. Shiqaqi and a number of other politicians to Palestine, the organizational base of the Jihad movement was built and the organization began to engage in popular and political mobilization in the Palestinian street alongside armed jihad against Israel , as the only solution to liberate Palestine . [31]

As for the Hamas movement, its founding was announced by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in December 1987, when seven cadres and senior leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood working in the Palestinian arena met . This meeting marked the launch of the Hamas movement and the beginning of the first spark of mass action against the occupation, which took advanced stages.

Hamas issued its first statement in 1987 during the Palestinian Intifada that broke out from 1987 to 1994 , but the presence of the Islamic movement in Palestine has other names dating back to before 1948, as Hamas considers itself an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood , which was founded in Egypt in 1928 . Before the movement announced itself in 1987, it was operating in the Palestinian arena under the names “Al-Murabitun on the Land of the Night Journey” and “The Islamic Struggle Movement.” [32]

Stone uprising

A drawing expressing the uprising of stones by the painter Carlos Latuff .

The Palestine Liberation Organization , along with other resistance factions, contributed to the 1987 uprising , which returned the Palestinian issue to the global agenda again after years of political neglect. One of the most important results of this intifada, in addition to the material losses it inflicted on Israel , was that it removed fear from the hearts of Palestinian youth and returned the option of armed resistance to the forefront of the solutions proposed to solve the Palestinian problem.

The signs of that intifada were many and accumulated, but the spark of its launch was on December 8, 1987 , when an Israeli military vehicle deliberately ran over a group of Palestinian workers in front of the Beit Hanoun (Erez) checkpoint. As a result of this incident, 5 were killed and 7 were injured, all of them from the Jabalia refugee camp ( The most populated camp in Gaza, there was a revolution of anger that quickly spread throughout the Gaza Strip, especially the next day, after the funeral of the martyrs’ bodies. It was only hours before the spark spread to the cities and camps of the West Bank, and angry demonstrations emerged from everywhere. Amidst the astonishment and shock that gripped Israel, its Prime Minister at the time, Yitzhak Shamir, was forced to interrupt a foreign visit he was making, in order to find out the truth about what was happening, and the major development that had not been taken into account.

Although the revolution ignited by the Palestinians was popular, and no weapons were used, the Israeli army dealt with it harshly, and its commanders issued orders to stop it in every possible way. The planes began dropping smoke bombs and tear gas to disperse tens of thousands of demonstrators, while the soldiers unleashed their machine guns, which... It claimed a lot and caused dozens of deaths and injuries in the first days of that uprising, which later bore the name “ Intifada .” source needed ]

Among the pictures that changed the image of the Palestinians in human consciousness and actually made their cause at the top of political and moral issues, are the pictures taken in the first weeks of the intifada. The fundamental reason for the survival and influence of this image is that it reconstructed and reconstructed concepts about Palestinian resistance. Unlike the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, in which Palestinian resistance was linked to kidnapping, bombings, and armed operations, the First Intifada was a resistance movement led by schoolchildren and youth with stones. Without regional or international support or incitement, and without an incentive or motive other than freedom from occupation. The young men appear in the picture as they confront the Israeli forces on an open battlefield, without taking shelter in the side streets and with nothing but street stones and the Palestinian flag . [33]

The Stone Intifada continued for several years, as the beginning of that intifada was not decided by anyone, but its end was a political decision, as September 13, 1993 became its last day, when the Declaration of Principles Agreement was signed in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Hebrew state , or what is called the Oslo Accords . The vanguard of the Palestinian forces then returned to Gaza and the West Bank . A new phase began in the history of the Palestinian people , a phase in which the conflict took a new direction, but the revolutions did not stop. The year 1996 witnessed what was called the “tunnel attack” after the Israeli authorities opened a tunnel under Al-Aqsa Mosque , before another intifada broke out four years later. It was called the Al-Aqsa Intifada .

Declaration of Palestinian independence in Algeria

On November 15, 1988 , the Palestinian National Council declared the independence of the State of Palestine on part of the historic land of Palestine . This was done during the nineteenth session (the Intifada session) held in Algeria .

And in media Declaration of Independence is called Declaration of Independence . At the end of the announcement, the Palestinian national anthem was played . After that, 105 countries recognized this independence, and the PLO deployed 70 Palestinian ambassadors in a number of countries that recognized independence.

It is noteworthy that the poet Mahmoud Darwish was the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and that the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was the one who read it. [34]

Gulf War

The position of the leadership in the PLO was divided among itself in the First and Second Gulf Wars. In the First Gulf War ( 1980-1988 ), some Palestinian leaders initially chose to get closer to Iran because of the slogans of the Islamic Revolution that called for the liberation of Jerusalem and hostility to imperialism and Zionism , while some maintained Other Palestinian factions have good relations with Iraq, especially nationalist ones. [35]

As for the Second Gulf War in 1991 , which broke out as a result of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 , the PLO’s position was unanimously against the war on Iraq, despite the differences between the organization’s leaders in supporting and rejecting the results of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The PLO was one of those who voted with reservations on the war on Iraq. Participation in any war against Iraq in the emergency Arab summit held in Cairo in 1990 alongside Algeria , Sudan and Libya , and the war was considered an aggression against the Arab nation . [36]

It is noteworthy that the support of some senior leaders in the PLO for Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 led to dire consequences for the organization and the Palestinian people residing in Kuwait , whose number before the invasion was estimated at approximately 400,000 residents. [37] The organization lost Gulf logistical and financial support that lasted for decades, and a large fan base that was present in Kuwait, as tens of thousands of working Palestinian families left there and from different regions of the Gulf to Jordan , Iraq , the West Bank, Europe, and the United States .

The PLO and the peace process

Madrid Conference

It is a peace conference held in Madrid , Spain , in November 1991. It was prepared shortly after the Second Gulf War , and included bilateral peace negotiations between Israel and Syria , Lebanon , Jordan , and the Palestine Liberation Organization . Bilateral talks were taking place between the Arab parties to the conflict and Israel, and other multilateral talks were discussing issues whose solution requires the cooperation of all parties. The Palestine Liberation Organization recognized Resolution 242 issued by the Security Council, which carries within it an implicit recognition of the State of Israel, after it had for years opposed it and considered it a neglect of the historical rights of the Palestinian people.

The PLO delegation was headed by Haider Abdel Shafi , but the Palestinians were not represented independently at that time, as the Palestinian delegation was part of the participating Jordanian delegation, as Israel required this to attend the conference.

Oslo agreement

Bill Clinton between Arafat and Rabin during the signing of the agreement.

The Oslo Agreement or Treaty is a peace agreement signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization in the city of Washington, United States of America , on September 13, 1993. The agreement was named after the Norwegian city of Oslo , in which the secret talks that resulted in this agreement took place . The agreement came after negotiations that began in 1991 in what was known as the Madrid Conference .

Ahmed Al-Shugairi, Saeed Al-Sabaa and Shafiq Al-Hout are credited with imposing the three no’s

(No reconciliation, no recognition, no negotiation) was imposed on the Arab leaders at the Khartoum Conference in 1967, which became the slogan for a long period of conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis until Yasser Arafat signed the 1993 Oslo Accords.

The agreement stipulates the establishment of a Palestinian transitional self-government authority (which later became known as the Palestinian National Authority), and an elected legislative council for the Palestinian people, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, for a transitional period not exceeding five years, in exchange for the PLO’s recognition of Israel . According to the agreement, the five transitional years are supposed to witness negotiations between the two sides, with the aim of reaching a permanent settlement on the basis of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. The agreement also stipulated that these negotiations would cover remaining issues, including Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, and relations and cooperation with other neighbors. However, those who follow this agreement believe that it has undermined the Palestinian position, as many of the PLO leadership opposed it, especially since many of its provisions were not implemented on the ground. [38]

Palestinian Authority

Logo of the Palestinian Authority .

It is a Palestinian self-government that was the product of the Oslo Accords between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel , and was established by a decision of the Palestinian Central Council at its session held on October 10, 1993 in Tunisia , and it is relied upon to be the nucleus of the future Palestinian state on part of the historical land of Palestine , which is the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with its capital. Jerusalem , which the Palestinian people have always dreamed of .

The Palestinian National Authority was established on the basis of the Declaration of Principles between Palestinians and Israelis on Interim Self-Government in Washington on September 13, 1993, within which civil powers were granted temporarily until final status negotiations that were supposed to take place after 3 years.

Palestinians in the Palestinian Territories (the West Bank and Gaza Strip) elect the President of the Palestinian National Authority and members of the Legislative Council.

The President appoints the Attorney General and chooses the Prime Minister, who is responsible for the Palestinian security forces and police. The Prime Minister selects the Council of Ministers.

Change the charter

In 1996 , Yasser Arafat was elected president of the autonomous regions. In the same year, the Palestine Liberation Organization officially changed the sentences and phrases in its charter calling for the elimination of the State of Israel and Arafat’s pledge to fight terrorism. Officially, on December 14, 1998 , 12 items out of 30 were deleted and 16 items were partially changed, in a vote of the Palestinian National Council with a two-thirds majority of seats in the session attended by then US President Bill Clinton in Gaza .

Arab Peace Initiative

It is an initiative launched by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, King of Saudi Arabia , for peace in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians. Its goal is the establishment of an internationally recognized Palestinian state on the 1967 borders , the return of refugees, and withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights in exchange for recognition and normalization of relations between Arab countries with Israel. It was in 2002 at the summit. Arabic in Beirut . This initiative received Arab support and is one of the Arab positions that demonstrates their consensus on achieving just and comprehensive peace.


It is the name by which the latest peace plan in the Middle East is known . The plan was prepared by what is known as the international Quartet , which includes the United Nations , the United States , the European Union , and Russia, based on “the vision of US President Bush,” which he explained in a speech he delivered on June 24, 2002 .

The “Road Map” calls for the start of talks to reach a final peace settlement - in three stages - through the establishment of a Palestinian state by 2005 . The road map envisions the establishment of a Palestinian state with temporary borders by the end of 2004, and after committing to a ceasefire agreement, the Palestinians will have to work to suppress the “extremists.” As for Israel , it will have to withdraw from Palestinian cities and freeze settlement construction in the occupied territories. [39]

Al-Aqsa Intifada

The Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out in September 2000 following the visit of Ariel Sharon , who was involved in several massacres against the Palestinian people, the most famous of which was the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre . Various Palestinian resistance factions participated in this intifada, inflicting painful human and material losses on Israel. The Israeli government accused one of the factions of the organization ( Fatah Movement ) and its affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of terrorism, and the American administration described it with the same thing and placed it on the list of terrorist organizations required to be fought and dismantled, which placed the organization itself between the hammer of Israeli strikes and the anvil of American pressure.

Battle of Jenin

It is the name given to the incursion carried out by the Israeli army into the Jenin camp (as part of a comprehensive campaign of invasion of the West Bank) in the period from April 3 to 12 , 2002 , which lasted for about 10 days. Israel said that it was with the aim of eliminating the Palestinian armed groups in the camp. The invasion followed a bombing in a hotel in the city of Netanya . [40] Fierce battles took place during the invasion. The invasion led to 52 Palestinian deaths (including 22 civilians, according to Human Rights Watch [41] ). The Israeli side admitted that 23 of its soldiers were killed.

Gaza massacre

It is an operation launched by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip since December 27, 2008 AD , as it says, in response to the firing of “Qassam” rockets by members of the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations. This operation is the largest massacre committed by the Israeli army against the Palestinians since the 1967 war . This operation began on Saturday , December 27 2008, at rush hour, and the number of Palestinian casualties within 22 days reached 1,305 dead and more than 5,400 wounded, including 46% of Palestinians. Children and women. [42]

Proposed solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

The two-state solution

The State of Palestine is the state that the official Palestinian entity demands to be established on a part of thehistorical land of Palestine, which is the West Bank and the Gaza Strip , with East Jerusalem as its capital , next to the current Israeli state. Although the establishment of the Palestinian state was declared in 1988 in Algeria, the declaration was made unilaterally without any practical repercussions on the ground.

  Countries that recognize the State of Palestine.
  Countries that do not recognize the State of Palestine.

One-state solution

The one-state solution is a proposed solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is the counterpart to attempts centered around a two-state solution that is supported by most countries. Supporters of the one-state solution call for the establishment of a single state in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, so that the Arab and Jewish populations have citizenship and equal rights in the unified, bi-national entity. While some adopt this approach for ideological reasons, others see it as the only possible solution given the existing fait accompli. the earth.

Deal of the century

The term “Deal of the Century” is a proposal put forward by US President Donald Trump to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as this deal aims to settle Palestinians outside the occupied Palestinian territories and end the right to asylum .

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  30. ^ تاريخ تونس نسخة محفوظة 7 مايو 2013 على موقع واي باك مشين.
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  36. ^ Emergency Arab Summit Conference in Cairo 1990 - PLO reserves its reservations about participating in any military action against Iraq on YouTube
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  39. ^ Roadmap / BBC Archived March 7, 2016 on the Wayback Machine website .
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  42. ^ Israel commits the largest massacre in the Palestinian territories since 1967 , Al Arabiya Channel , December 27, 2008, archived copy March 4, 2016 on the Wayback Machine website .

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